30 short of striking facts about the lie that we did not know

remember the unforgettable Dr. House and his constant "Everybody lies"? Sadly, it seems that the way it is. An adult man lying several times a day, with even the most honest, no, no, yes and privrut nevolno.My are lying often unaware of how to "adjust" the truth. < Website published a fascinating compilation, which is quite clearly seen the nature of the lie.
Let's start with a definition. False - this statement is certainly not true. Lies featured in the legends, myths and fairy tales. In the Western tradition lie is a vice that punish or correct. In the eastern tales more often lies and trickery salvation. Mythomania, or a complex of Munchausen - a disease, because of which person feels a constant craving to distort the truth With a lie it creates an alternate reality, and often sincerely believe in their words.. The lie detector or polygraph makes full guarantee lie detection. Instrument readings are based on the measurement of the pressure and the human heart, but among the liars found a lot of people who are able to fool the detector. However, a study by the Federal National Security Systems showed that the modern polygraph true at 96%. When a person is lying, cortisol and testosterone levels increased in his blood. < Best "false" country - China In an experiment conducted by the University of East Anglia, it revealed that 70% of respondents have lied to get a cash reward.. Lies can be divided into spontaneous and planned. Spontaneous liar can impersonate posture, gesture or a look, but not so on the professional liar. < Spontaneous false - a defensive lie, it usually occurs under the influence of circumstances and poorly stored. It is characterized by spontaneous liar plenty of pauses, reservations and speech errors. The abundance of pauses in the conversation, not a sign of lying. Perhaps the person simply tries to match the expression. Lies planned different forethought. This person becomes confident, collected, calm. Scientists from the University of Hertfordshire found that men lie more than women. According to evolutionary psychology professor Karen Payne, the average man lying 1092 times a year, a woman - 728 times. Women often lie about their own condition. Perhaps because they can not always understand their feelings. According to HeadHunter site, the biggest liars are working in the field of trade - more than 67%. Studies conducted by the University of Amsterdam, showed that most of the lie arises from the lack of time. People think and make a decision, lie less. In compulsive liars brain works better and faster than people who lie spontaneously. Yaling Yang, director of psychological studies at the University of Southern California, says that their brain is contained at 22-26% more white matter and more developed prefrontal cortex. Truth serum, or sodium pentathol, not really able to make a person tell the truth. It only removes the psychological human filters. One of the most famous liars XX century - Victor Lustig. In the story he came as a man who twice sold the Eiffel Tower. Identify the liar in the eyes is almost impossible, if he deliberately goes for a lie. Most religions believe a lie a great sin. For example, in the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism states that a person must go through the self-discipline to avoid including the lie - errant speech. The Christian faith teaches that a lie - a great sin, for it is written, "There will not be living in my house out; speaks lies shall not tarry in my sight "(Psalm 100: 7). Islam - one of the few religions that in some cases, approve of lies. Thus, the prominent Muslim scholar and historian al-Tabari said: "Lie - it is a sin, but not when it is used for the benefit of a Muslim." Lies in the name of Islam is called taqiyya and concealment of the truth - kitman. < Children begin to lie at about the same time as learning to speak. In most cases this is a conscious lie not. Children often use the same template for answering all the same questions, and fantasy makes them believe in what was said. < To lie even animals are capable, claims Stephen Nowicki, a biologist at Duke University. The results showed that lie to each other are almost all representatives of the fauna. For example, shrikes, birds can warn about the dangers of voice, relatives, and may deliberately use a signal to scare them away from food. Psychologist Robert Wright in his book "The Moral Animal" claims that a lie is the engine of human evolution. According to the author, the more developed the communication system, the higher the level of falsehood in society. Women regretted having said a lie in 82% of cases, men - only 70%. American scientists Mariam Kuchak and Isaac H. Smith proved that people honestly just before noon. After 12 pm, the percentage lies in the speech of the subjects began to grow, reaching a maximum in the evening. There are six types of lies - quality manipulation, manipulation of information, transfer of ambiguous information, inappropriate information, silence and distortion. When a person lies, he is experiencing a whole range of emotions, the most striking of which are the fear, excitement, a sense of guilt and shame. The concept of "white lie" appeared in ancient times. For policy noble lies played Plato in the "State".
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