All the facts about Barcelona eyes Faktruma

Hello friends! In late September, the team Faktruma with support Aviasales went to Barcelona to spend a week there, see the city, visit the sights and get acquainted with the way of life of the Spaniards (or rather, the Catalans) and tell our readers about this wonderful city in the format of "Facts eyes of Russians." We present our series of posts "Barcelona Faktruma eyes»!
This trip was the first in which we have gone completely independently, without the help of travel agencies, tour guides and escorts. It was a bit scary to be in another country, where no one knows not what the Russian and even English is not very common. But everything went just great, and now we urge all experienced travelers do not waste money on the agency, and to go anywhere alone, especially since it is much more economical and allows you to plan a trip exactly the way you want.
To go anywhere, you need:
Passport, visa itself (if to visit the country require a visa) Plane tickets booking at the desired number of days

With the first and second point, everything is clear, but with regard to the 3rd and 4th, we honestly did not even know that everything can be so simple :) buy plane tickets: go to www.aviasales.ru, choose the city of origin and destination, dates, number of travelers, set daw" back and forth "(by default, and so it is). Click on the button "Find". And then the magic happens: the service itself is looking for 728 airlines, 40 sales offices and 5 reservation systems of the cheapest tickets, with all fees included. Ticket prices depend on how urgent your trip, that is, the further the departure date, the cheaper the cost tickets. For us it was a great discovery to learn that fly to Spain is cheaper than in Moscow from Samara (!) For example, tickets for 2 people to Barcelona in late January, is now worth 17,000 rubles back and forth, and in Moscow from Samara - 19 000 rubles. For booking and ticketing Aviasales not take the money.
Then book the hotel. The principle is the same: in the search box on the main page, open the tab "Hotels", exhibited the date and number of persons, click "Find." The system gives all proposals, starting with the cheapest. You can book accommodation in a hostel (for very very funny money) or in a hotel, with very good suggestions to find, you can use the rating that is listed next to the name of the hotel.
We have checked the operation of both services for yourself and authoritatively confirm - everything runs like clockwork, sought tickets, hotel booked, pay no problems have arisen, at the airport and hotel - too. The site can be found Aviasales lot of useful information for novice travelers and search engines are equipped with all sorts of filters allows you to choose the best options for travel. In general, the most favorable impression.
At the end of a trip to Barcelona, we have written a series of posts about where visited and seeing:
Links to all positions:
- 10 facts about food
- 7 facts about the Sagrada Familia (Gaudi A.)
- 7 facts about Mila House (A. Gaudi)
- 7 facts about Barcelona Cathedral
- 7 facts about Picasso Museum
- 10 facts about truck
- 10 facts about Barcelona Zoo li >
- 15 facts about barselontsev
- 20 facts about the first impression Aviasales in social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Vk, Youtube, Pinterest
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