42 life hack from bearded travelers
Among our readers a lot of those who can be called "bearded" traveler. They don't need to tell you what is Ryanair or as somewhere to save. Because they know better than us :) we Offer You 43 hack from our readers and at the same time, "the bearded" of travel :)
Recall that we asked our readers to share any advice or life hacking, which can be useful to others. Said more than a hundred people, for which they thank you
Attention! Everyone decides for himself the line, the main purpose of this write — up to open for myself something new. If You do not like something — just walk past, no need to sling mud in the comments :)
Magic words that work in all small hotels, museums and restaurants: hi, I'm the author of Lonely Planet or Hello, I am a journalist for National Geographic Russia, etc. Instantly You will receive an upgrade to a more prestigious room with free Breakfast, a signature dish or something :)
Free Breakfast/lunch/dinner :)
In a small café — a special intimate atmosphere, wherever it was: in Poland, Croatia or Thailand. I was lucky enough to be in these three countries, and I was always accompanied by reliable companions: backpack, English language and a good mood. If you have the same company, you'll appreciate my idea, checked on personal experience 17 times. Go to any small cafe, a bit further from the tourist areas. Ask for an English menu, check if there are any mistakes? I was lucky: every third establishment the menu was such that laughter will burst!
Make a good — will offer to adjust menu (translated into English for the tourists, Russian, any other language you know, throw the stick, write to by hand).
Good menu — more sales at this cafe. And you as thanks for this nice creative work rely Breakfast, lunch and dinner. The house, of course ;)
Free Disneyland
Kate Awarez for Most of the year Disneyland is open until 22 hours, so feel free to go around three or four days, I'm sure all of 6-7 hours is more than enough to visit all interesting places, even considering the queue.
To the left are the exit gates, just walk up to them (and you may well be a reason to hang out there, because the exit is free the toilet) and ask people coming out of a ticket, they most often already in the morning at the Park already and go, but the Park tickets are valid the day and allow you to repeatedly log-out of the Park.
You can use the bike that you were there with friends, messed up time, went for a couple of hours early, and your ticket have friends left inside, and if you are convinced that people really go out of the Park, just ask them for a ticket, in most cases, they have no reason to refuse you.
So you can include Disneyland in the list to visit, even if you are a budget traveler, and 60 euros is a considerable savings! Similarly, the system works in many museums, but about it below.
Cheap and unusual Souvenirs
Andrey mironchuk, Christina Antonik The cheapest and the most interesting Souvenirs are in small antique shops! For example, in the Port for 16 items we gave only 9 euros. And the cheapest Souvenirs in Belgium you can buy in an antique shop in Bruges (at the very end of the street Langestraat). For example, a glass of Hoegarden beer in the souvenir shops in Brussels from 10 to 19 euros, and there's only 0.5 Euro!
Always dry shoes
Ruslan Ustimenko case of long trip, especially in wet weather, there is a danger of getting sick from the fact that feet wet. Here my special tip: buy sanitary pads and secure the insole absorbent surface up.
Tricky travel
Yuri Sergi For those who have docked in Frankfurt: daily pass for five is cheaper than single tickets from the airport for two round-trip.
Free Breakfast in Tallinn
Maxim Egorov Free Breakfast in Tallinn in hotel Radison Park Inn central. Breakfast from 7 to 10 am. At the entrance to the buffet area there is a girl and asks for the name, call any, it most likely will not be in the list, then it will simply ask you the room number and let you. Only one morning :)
Even as an option just walk up to her, called vaguely the name, and while she does seek her out, to see not crossed out name in the list and enter himself on her, saying that I'm here. Also rolls.
How to search for promotions and sales
Galina Dondukov bookmark site vandrouki.by and, better still, subscribe to their news in social networks, and every day learn about new promotions and discounts! I personally do not do! And already 3 times cheaply and comfortably went to Krakow, Prague and a whole bunch of cities in Italy :)
Free drinks at the airport of Budapest
Vlad Dudka In the Budapest airport, there are fast food KFC. There you can take the free water because the machine for the filling of water behind the counter and you can come with your glass dial. If the nerve, of course :)
Trains in Ukraine
Vlad Dudka Sometimes on some trains in Ukraine can not be a ticket to purchase online. There is a life hack. We need a ticket Lvov — Kiev, but it is not available. Previous look from the city station, for example stry — Kiev. Ticket with 99% probability will :)
1 Euro for 2 of the Russian ruble
Andrey mironchuk Quite old and well-known hack, and I found out about it by accident. Its essence is that many machines in Europe accept coins of 50 cents Ukrainian or Russian 2 ruble coin for 1 Euro. Running, for example, at the airport of Brussels (bought Shoe covers and water).
Free from the airport in Milan
Maxim Egorov From the airport Milan-Bergamo-free access to Central Milan by Shuttle bass Orio, supervisors tickets are absolutely not looking at the printout of the online tickets, so you can try to use my.
Bonuses from the hotel
Julia Doronina Verified life hack for traveling couples — before your arrival, write a letter of greetings to the hotel that you're newlyweds and you have a honeymoon (reliability of data no of course not going to check). Various pleasant trifles in the form of spacious rooms, champagne, swans from towels and other things provided to you. Nice indeed :)
Save on housing
Julia Doronina don't be afraid to find a place NOT in the center. Especially in Europe. The vast majority of cases, your home on the map seem to be located in the middle of nowhere, but in fact is a 15-20 minute walk. Walk! In addition, these areas have the opportunity to try some really traditional kitchen and no space tourist prices!
The Museum lifehack
Christina Antonik Before you travel, download audio guides on your gadgets, for example, the Louvre (save 5 euros). All video is free in iTunes and Google Play. And Yes, don't forget to ask the people who come to the Museum, their ticket — so you can get into the Museum for free. Like Disneyland, and about it — above.
Restaurant cheats
Julia Doronina Main lesson obtained in Brussels, in no case do not eat on the restaurant side street, do not get fooled by their signs about the meals for 10-15 euros. In fact, the menu of such positions, the minimum price is 30 euros. And most importantly — no matter how many ordered dishes, the price is multiplied by the number of persons, i.e. even if you order one large (and it really is an impressive size) dishes with assorted seafood, value will be multiplied by the number of persons. So be sure to check this point before ordering.
Free tickets are reissued in lowcost
Pavel Maliavannikau Many times and watched how the control of passengers at the airport. Made the following conclusion: you can safely change the name in the PDF file online the check to any other, and not to pay 70 euros for reissues. Not working for Ryanair, ride some of the routes Wizz Air and Easyjet all.
In the vast majority of cases the test passes:
Just before the frame you give the printout to the airport, it barcode scans illuminate the green light all is well, do not need a passport. Before boarding the plane look at your listing and verify the name on the printout and your passport. My experience shows that especially at the end of the planting at the front Desk staff is always in a hurry and no one verifies the data with the monitor (in Barcelona always). 3. The plane never had to turn the passport and checked it against the printout. Don't know what happens when you go something wrong, but I don't think it will be very bad. Scold and say to pay, I guess. Anything can happen.
Free packing Luggage
Irina Zhuravel Free to pack your Luggage will help... the usual food film. After weighing, find a comfortable place and Repack bags over to the Luggage. Winding at some airports is expensive, so buy in the market in advance. Don't forget to throw the remains of the film, most likely not miss it under control. Therefore, in order not to linger and not to cause unnecessary suspicion, throw to pass to the control.
Souvenirs at a third of prices in Barcelona (and not only)
Sergey Star let's Say you needed something in a wide range from key chains and magnets to almost the original, however, steal different types of clothes and bags by internationally renowned brands. But who wants to pay extra?
On brand the entire waterfront every day you can find dark-skinned "businessmen" with sheets-Samobranka. Wait, wait. Without me it's clear that from street vendors is cheaper in 3-4 times. But they are very often (on average once every 10 — 30 minutes) sludge local police, while not paying attention to customers.
Wait next to such seller until such time as he will begin to notice the approach of Uncle Stepan and you can even bargain down the price to almost freebies as it is. If a thing is initially, for example, cost 40 euros, before extreme "close stall" you will give a five and people flee home. Quickly hide the purchase and voila.
Restaurant lifehack
Sergey Star How to eat in a cool place, not overpaying? Calmly go to the tourist restaurants and cafes from morning to Siesta. For local people the main meal of the day is dinner, so institutions have to attract rare visitors like you 30-50% of discount. And don't forget to add in the fire of your trip even a little bit of Israel by ordering the dish of the day.
How cheap is it to get to the Cote d'azur
Alexander Ivanov Often the case in Monaco, so you have to look for different ways cheap to get there. The cheapest option is to fly to Bergamo airport (lowcost fly a lot), drive for 5 euros on the terravision bus to the station Milano Centrale, take the comfortable train to the Italian town of Ventimiglia (Ventimiglia, cost 9 euros if you book at least 3 weeks before the trip).
In Ventimiglia peremeshivaem the train to Monaco (1.5 euros and 15 minutes) and...voila! Does not necessarily go in Monaco, in front of you the whole Cote d'azur with nice, Cannes and Saint-Tropez! Italy train tickets buy on http://www.trenitalia.com (another pleasant surprise: buying 2 tickets for one direction and time is Saturday, you pay for one ticket), and in France — on the spot. Nice trip and unforgettable Cote d'azur!
No 26? Travel to Belgium for 5 euros!
Maxim Cherniavsky In Belgium you can buy tickets on the train several times cheaper than a standard ticket, its important to watch the action on the website of the Belgian railway. For example, a ticket "anywhere, anytime" (to 26) for 1 ride costs 5 Euro (on any route in Belgium). Regular price from Brussels to Bruges is € 15.
Nine Indian Lithgow
Anna Daryina, Gleb Losev Savings from 30 to 300% by taxi: if you want to use taxi, it is better to order it pre-window, which is always at railway stations and airports. Say the address where you need to go — do they give you a receipt with a fixed price, immediately on the spot pay for it or find any standing next to the taxi driver. When the taxi driver takes you to your destination, you sign the receipt and give to the driver. No receipts — no money :) a White tourist in India always Jack up the price tag 2-3 times larger than the existing one. So make friends with the reception staff at the hotel, for example, and consult for any reason. As a rule, they were very attached to the reputation and good reviews on websites, so they will do everything for your good! The Indians are very friendly people, so we can get acquainted and communicate without fear. They also almost always ready to come to the rescue, while not requiring something in return (we are talking about good friends-Hindus). So we saved quite a lot on the movement in Goa and Delhi. Haggle, don't be afraid to name a price 3 times lower, stand your ground and even go away, they will stop you.
On the street you can eat for 20 rupees (14$), where there is no English names, and eat simple laborers, cheap and authentic lunch. Will be at the residence of the Dalai Lama in exile — Dharamshala, be sure phospate free meditation in Tushita Centre at 9 or so in the morning. Go to cafe Carpe Diem, in addition to delicious food, the evening there the best music jams, sometimes there is a cinema in which you are also happy to bring food, juices.
Will be in Naggar, Roerich residence, keep in mind that the Museum can be accessed for free, after wandering around and not finding the fence. If you climb to the top of the mountain where the trails are different, it will go to a Krishna temple, where the food is free and always glad to see visitors and local Indians. And do not pass by, ayurvedicheskogo massage 4 hands, the only local massage parlor in the hotel, doing the best massage in the region. Will be in Manali — climb to the village of Vashist, using motorickshaws, ask them where to find the waterfall, and step back. About the falls, oddly enough, no word in Lonely Planet, but there is worth to see and even swim.
A bus with a bunch of people and no air conditioning is the cheapest way to travel around India, taxis and shuttles are more expensive and have sweet around to several offices of tourism to select the most affordable and suitable option.
Still large portions of the plane!
Marquis Sade a familiar thing, but all the same: order the in flight kosher food and still you will be happy in the form of a larger, tasty and quality meals. Or at least fresh :)
Free tours
Kate Potter, Anastasia sharko, Sonia Vicina In London, Berlin, Barcelona, Paris and many more European cities can be free to go absolutely non-boring tour of the city from the local (English and Spanish). Here — London http://www.newlondon-tours.com/
Prague: every day at 11 and 14 o'clock near the astronomical clock on old town square start your free (and great!) guided tours in English. Looking for a man with big yellow umbrella or yellow shirt.
On the website https://www.neweuropetours.eu you can find the entry on free tours of the largest capitals in Europe in English, Spanish and some other languages, tour guides usually speak English quite clearly and legibly :)
Free ticket from the airport to Geneva
Gleb Losev At Geneva airport, in the baggage claim area, is automatic with free tickets to the city. A great thing for those who take the tickets with a change and not opposed to a neighborhood :)
Free train in Italy
Gleb Losev Vandrouki.by not recommended, but several readers wrote that did that, so here goes: regional trains in Italy, the prices of which appear in 7 days in advance and never changes, you can travel without tickets. First, you can transfer the experience of our trains, when meeting with the conductor, that is, to cross into another car. But overall, I can safely say that the lost ticket, let prescribes the penalty. You cooperate, nodding his head. The fines are not even sent to France, what to say about Russia. Tested and me and a friend from France.
A free Shuttle bus in the Italian cities
Gleb Losev Vandrouki.by don't recommend: buses in Rome, Florence, Pisa can also be free, if I see a man in uniform at the bus stop, respectively, are also out. Local control was seen 1-2 times in a lifetime, subject to penalty as relevant, no money, what can you do? :)
UPD. Anna Nikolaeva: controllers in Italy have the right to check your tickets even after leaving the transport (as in the case of "if you see the controller on the bus stop, just leave") and in the North very and do. Plus control comes not always at the bus stop (it's about buses), and between them. So get out themselves will have no place and nowhere.
Internet in Italy
Gleb Losev throughout Italy you can get by purchasing a modem for a month for 50 euros, or in any McDonald received the password and login for an Italian phone number. If you have not, do not deny yourself the pleasure to ask the Manager, the seller to do this procedure. With this login and password can access wi-fi from Palermo to Venice.
Flying on a Russian airline
Gleb Losev Russian airlines sit in front of the plane — may not be enough lunch options lunch, juices, etc.
Free entertainment
Gleb Losev Google about the following — Rome for 0 euro / Paris pour 0 euro — and so, there are entire websites and blogs, collecting all information about free events in the cities. Works more for big cities.
Toilet lifehack
Roman Salameh 1st novice traveler rule: if there is the opportunity to go to the toilet, but do not want, you still force yourself to go. Because you never know when you'll come across the following free toilet :)
5 useful apps
Irina Zhuravel Maps with me — without the Internet perfectly shows not only the card but also supermarkets, cafes, banks. Don't forget to loaded the desired country. Easy currency Converter. The app converts more than 180 currencies. Works offline, but first you must update the exchange rate. Free. Recommend. Wi-Fi Finder. The app helps you find available WiFi points around your current location. Search by countries and cities. Gives the name, address and the availability of paid or free connection. The minus – works only offline search for cities, requires an Internet connection to search for nearest point. Free. aMetro. Metro maps of different cities. There is the search for the desired station and directions. The application is in Russian. Works offline, but you must pre-loaded the underground circuit of the city. Free. Redigo. A brief guide to the countries in the Russian language. Based in a large number of countries in alphabetical order. You must download before traveling the country and the city in which collected. Plus-works offline, specifies the addresses of the sites, brief, but informative. There are good routes for 1 day. Free. Recommend! Unlimited Internet in Europe
Dmitry Shrew Who need cheap mobile Internet while traveling in Europe — Google "internet vodafone smart passport". Unlimited Internet access throughout Europe for 3 Euro per day.
5 tips for survival in China
Nick Kurbatov as most of the social.networking in this country is blocked, I advise you to install the app freegate on your PC, Onavo protect on the apple and Viatun for Android. These programs will help to break the great Chinese firewall. If the Internet at the hotel wired, then you need to seek the services of the type makeatweet.com which is also open access to the above social. networks. And Yes, if you have no licensed copy of windows, wired Chinese Internet would not work with him. Make sure you buy the PhraseBook, if you don't speak the language ideally. Since a large part of the population does not speak English (even in the resort area and major cities), in an emergency situation is very useful PhraseBook, which can be used just to show the local resident of a particular phrase, they will figure out how to answer, the main thing to understand that you need help and what exactly. Stations often close at 10-11 PM. So to spend the night there waiting for the train will not work. If you need somewhere to sleep for free, you can go around the place like McDonald's. No one there to kick you will not, but be prepared for the fact that in addition to there you will stay overnight Chinese crowd. And Yes, the toilet is closed at night. In Hong Kong there is a chain of supermarkets 7-eleven that sells including ready meals. An hour before the store closed for the products that should be implemented in days, for sale with discounts from 60% to 90%. Tube
Maria Shishkova If clothes rolling tubes, the first, a third!!! saves space, and secondly, things are less crumple — often enough then just give them a day to otvisetsya, thirdly, in these same tubes from clothes convenient roll, for example, bottles.
Useful bonus cards
Alexeika Samoilov Get a little more loyalty cards from different airlines! They free of charge sent by mail after filling out the questionnaire on the official website. Only because I have had the card for Air France at the time of registration for the flight Sochi-Moscow, me free put it on free place in business class and was served, as it should be there, explaining that they held some kind of action. Any bonuses I was not on the map!
How to tour Italy
Maria Shishkova In Italy (from the North to Rome at least) on the one hand very well developed transport, the number of beauty and interesting places per square km is off the charts, so it makes sense to stay in one strategic place where you can throw a suitcase, and where you can go on a day trip. It's much easier than to travel with a suitcase from city to city. Moreover, it is often cheaper to rent a house for 7-15 days and so on than for a few nights.
Only, I NEVER plan to leave on the last train, especially if you are on the road to transplant: trains are often delayed, sometimes cancelled.
Alice Kalacheva If You are a smoker, you will definitely buy cigarettes in Russia, because in Europe they cost an arm and a leg. Although my advice, quit Smoking, this will reduce Your expenses in any country.
Russian museums
Evgeny Loiko Russia. Museums often tickets are sold at different prices for foreigners and Russians. If the student or aysik not maketh the person behind the window, and she still considers you a foreign spy perfectly mastered the Russian language, fend off the Federal government).In the extreme inadequacy go to the next window.
Christina Antonik If you fly to Paris Beauvais Tille airport (Paris Beauvais), do not use the bus in Paris (costs 16 euros). Walk (~30 min) or use hitchhiking to get to the station of the town of Beauvais. From there trains go to Paris (if you are under 26 years — the ticket costs about 9 Euro).
Happy travels! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vandrouki.by/2014/lifehack/

Recall that we asked our readers to share any advice or life hacking, which can be useful to others. Said more than a hundred people, for which they thank you
Attention! Everyone decides for himself the line, the main purpose of this write — up to open for myself something new. If You do not like something — just walk past, no need to sling mud in the comments :)
Magic words that work in all small hotels, museums and restaurants: hi, I'm the author of Lonely Planet or Hello, I am a journalist for National Geographic Russia, etc. Instantly You will receive an upgrade to a more prestigious room with free Breakfast, a signature dish or something :)
Free Breakfast/lunch/dinner :)
In a small café — a special intimate atmosphere, wherever it was: in Poland, Croatia or Thailand. I was lucky enough to be in these three countries, and I was always accompanied by reliable companions: backpack, English language and a good mood. If you have the same company, you'll appreciate my idea, checked on personal experience 17 times. Go to any small cafe, a bit further from the tourist areas. Ask for an English menu, check if there are any mistakes? I was lucky: every third establishment the menu was such that laughter will burst!
Make a good — will offer to adjust menu (translated into English for the tourists, Russian, any other language you know, throw the stick, write to by hand).
Good menu — more sales at this cafe. And you as thanks for this nice creative work rely Breakfast, lunch and dinner. The house, of course ;)
Free Disneyland
Kate Awarez for Most of the year Disneyland is open until 22 hours, so feel free to go around three or four days, I'm sure all of 6-7 hours is more than enough to visit all interesting places, even considering the queue.
To the left are the exit gates, just walk up to them (and you may well be a reason to hang out there, because the exit is free the toilet) and ask people coming out of a ticket, they most often already in the morning at the Park already and go, but the Park tickets are valid the day and allow you to repeatedly log-out of the Park.
You can use the bike that you were there with friends, messed up time, went for a couple of hours early, and your ticket have friends left inside, and if you are convinced that people really go out of the Park, just ask them for a ticket, in most cases, they have no reason to refuse you.
So you can include Disneyland in the list to visit, even if you are a budget traveler, and 60 euros is a considerable savings! Similarly, the system works in many museums, but about it below.
Cheap and unusual Souvenirs
Andrey mironchuk, Christina Antonik The cheapest and the most interesting Souvenirs are in small antique shops! For example, in the Port for 16 items we gave only 9 euros. And the cheapest Souvenirs in Belgium you can buy in an antique shop in Bruges (at the very end of the street Langestraat). For example, a glass of Hoegarden beer in the souvenir shops in Brussels from 10 to 19 euros, and there's only 0.5 Euro!
Always dry shoes
Ruslan Ustimenko case of long trip, especially in wet weather, there is a danger of getting sick from the fact that feet wet. Here my special tip: buy sanitary pads and secure the insole absorbent surface up.
Tricky travel
Yuri Sergi For those who have docked in Frankfurt: daily pass for five is cheaper than single tickets from the airport for two round-trip.
Free Breakfast in Tallinn
Maxim Egorov Free Breakfast in Tallinn in hotel Radison Park Inn central. Breakfast from 7 to 10 am. At the entrance to the buffet area there is a girl and asks for the name, call any, it most likely will not be in the list, then it will simply ask you the room number and let you. Only one morning :)
Even as an option just walk up to her, called vaguely the name, and while she does seek her out, to see not crossed out name in the list and enter himself on her, saying that I'm here. Also rolls.
How to search for promotions and sales
Galina Dondukov bookmark site vandrouki.by and, better still, subscribe to their news in social networks, and every day learn about new promotions and discounts! I personally do not do! And already 3 times cheaply and comfortably went to Krakow, Prague and a whole bunch of cities in Italy :)
Free drinks at the airport of Budapest
Vlad Dudka In the Budapest airport, there are fast food KFC. There you can take the free water because the machine for the filling of water behind the counter and you can come with your glass dial. If the nerve, of course :)
Trains in Ukraine
Vlad Dudka Sometimes on some trains in Ukraine can not be a ticket to purchase online. There is a life hack. We need a ticket Lvov — Kiev, but it is not available. Previous look from the city station, for example stry — Kiev. Ticket with 99% probability will :)
1 Euro for 2 of the Russian ruble
Andrey mironchuk Quite old and well-known hack, and I found out about it by accident. Its essence is that many machines in Europe accept coins of 50 cents Ukrainian or Russian 2 ruble coin for 1 Euro. Running, for example, at the airport of Brussels (bought Shoe covers and water).
Free from the airport in Milan
Maxim Egorov From the airport Milan-Bergamo-free access to Central Milan by Shuttle bass Orio, supervisors tickets are absolutely not looking at the printout of the online tickets, so you can try to use my.
Bonuses from the hotel
Julia Doronina Verified life hack for traveling couples — before your arrival, write a letter of greetings to the hotel that you're newlyweds and you have a honeymoon (reliability of data no of course not going to check). Various pleasant trifles in the form of spacious rooms, champagne, swans from towels and other things provided to you. Nice indeed :)
Save on housing
Julia Doronina don't be afraid to find a place NOT in the center. Especially in Europe. The vast majority of cases, your home on the map seem to be located in the middle of nowhere, but in fact is a 15-20 minute walk. Walk! In addition, these areas have the opportunity to try some really traditional kitchen and no space tourist prices!
The Museum lifehack
Christina Antonik Before you travel, download audio guides on your gadgets, for example, the Louvre (save 5 euros). All video is free in iTunes and Google Play. And Yes, don't forget to ask the people who come to the Museum, their ticket — so you can get into the Museum for free. Like Disneyland, and about it — above.
Restaurant cheats
Julia Doronina Main lesson obtained in Brussels, in no case do not eat on the restaurant side street, do not get fooled by their signs about the meals for 10-15 euros. In fact, the menu of such positions, the minimum price is 30 euros. And most importantly — no matter how many ordered dishes, the price is multiplied by the number of persons, i.e. even if you order one large (and it really is an impressive size) dishes with assorted seafood, value will be multiplied by the number of persons. So be sure to check this point before ordering.
Free tickets are reissued in lowcost
Pavel Maliavannikau Many times and watched how the control of passengers at the airport. Made the following conclusion: you can safely change the name in the PDF file online the check to any other, and not to pay 70 euros for reissues. Not working for Ryanair, ride some of the routes Wizz Air and Easyjet all.
In the vast majority of cases the test passes:
Just before the frame you give the printout to the airport, it barcode scans illuminate the green light all is well, do not need a passport. Before boarding the plane look at your listing and verify the name on the printout and your passport. My experience shows that especially at the end of the planting at the front Desk staff is always in a hurry and no one verifies the data with the monitor (in Barcelona always). 3. The plane never had to turn the passport and checked it against the printout. Don't know what happens when you go something wrong, but I don't think it will be very bad. Scold and say to pay, I guess. Anything can happen.
Free packing Luggage
Irina Zhuravel Free to pack your Luggage will help... the usual food film. After weighing, find a comfortable place and Repack bags over to the Luggage. Winding at some airports is expensive, so buy in the market in advance. Don't forget to throw the remains of the film, most likely not miss it under control. Therefore, in order not to linger and not to cause unnecessary suspicion, throw to pass to the control.
Souvenirs at a third of prices in Barcelona (and not only)
Sergey Star let's Say you needed something in a wide range from key chains and magnets to almost the original, however, steal different types of clothes and bags by internationally renowned brands. But who wants to pay extra?
On brand the entire waterfront every day you can find dark-skinned "businessmen" with sheets-Samobranka. Wait, wait. Without me it's clear that from street vendors is cheaper in 3-4 times. But they are very often (on average once every 10 — 30 minutes) sludge local police, while not paying attention to customers.
Wait next to such seller until such time as he will begin to notice the approach of Uncle Stepan and you can even bargain down the price to almost freebies as it is. If a thing is initially, for example, cost 40 euros, before extreme "close stall" you will give a five and people flee home. Quickly hide the purchase and voila.
Restaurant lifehack
Sergey Star How to eat in a cool place, not overpaying? Calmly go to the tourist restaurants and cafes from morning to Siesta. For local people the main meal of the day is dinner, so institutions have to attract rare visitors like you 30-50% of discount. And don't forget to add in the fire of your trip even a little bit of Israel by ordering the dish of the day.
How cheap is it to get to the Cote d'azur
Alexander Ivanov Often the case in Monaco, so you have to look for different ways cheap to get there. The cheapest option is to fly to Bergamo airport (lowcost fly a lot), drive for 5 euros on the terravision bus to the station Milano Centrale, take the comfortable train to the Italian town of Ventimiglia (Ventimiglia, cost 9 euros if you book at least 3 weeks before the trip).
In Ventimiglia peremeshivaem the train to Monaco (1.5 euros and 15 minutes) and...voila! Does not necessarily go in Monaco, in front of you the whole Cote d'azur with nice, Cannes and Saint-Tropez! Italy train tickets buy on http://www.trenitalia.com (another pleasant surprise: buying 2 tickets for one direction and time is Saturday, you pay for one ticket), and in France — on the spot. Nice trip and unforgettable Cote d'azur!
No 26? Travel to Belgium for 5 euros!
Maxim Cherniavsky In Belgium you can buy tickets on the train several times cheaper than a standard ticket, its important to watch the action on the website of the Belgian railway. For example, a ticket "anywhere, anytime" (to 26) for 1 ride costs 5 Euro (on any route in Belgium). Regular price from Brussels to Bruges is € 15.
Nine Indian Lithgow
Anna Daryina, Gleb Losev Savings from 30 to 300% by taxi: if you want to use taxi, it is better to order it pre-window, which is always at railway stations and airports. Say the address where you need to go — do they give you a receipt with a fixed price, immediately on the spot pay for it or find any standing next to the taxi driver. When the taxi driver takes you to your destination, you sign the receipt and give to the driver. No receipts — no money :) a White tourist in India always Jack up the price tag 2-3 times larger than the existing one. So make friends with the reception staff at the hotel, for example, and consult for any reason. As a rule, they were very attached to the reputation and good reviews on websites, so they will do everything for your good! The Indians are very friendly people, so we can get acquainted and communicate without fear. They also almost always ready to come to the rescue, while not requiring something in return (we are talking about good friends-Hindus). So we saved quite a lot on the movement in Goa and Delhi. Haggle, don't be afraid to name a price 3 times lower, stand your ground and even go away, they will stop you.
On the street you can eat for 20 rupees (14$), where there is no English names, and eat simple laborers, cheap and authentic lunch. Will be at the residence of the Dalai Lama in exile — Dharamshala, be sure phospate free meditation in Tushita Centre at 9 or so in the morning. Go to cafe Carpe Diem, in addition to delicious food, the evening there the best music jams, sometimes there is a cinema in which you are also happy to bring food, juices.
Will be in Naggar, Roerich residence, keep in mind that the Museum can be accessed for free, after wandering around and not finding the fence. If you climb to the top of the mountain where the trails are different, it will go to a Krishna temple, where the food is free and always glad to see visitors and local Indians. And do not pass by, ayurvedicheskogo massage 4 hands, the only local massage parlor in the hotel, doing the best massage in the region. Will be in Manali — climb to the village of Vashist, using motorickshaws, ask them where to find the waterfall, and step back. About the falls, oddly enough, no word in Lonely Planet, but there is worth to see and even swim.
A bus with a bunch of people and no air conditioning is the cheapest way to travel around India, taxis and shuttles are more expensive and have sweet around to several offices of tourism to select the most affordable and suitable option.
Still large portions of the plane!
Marquis Sade a familiar thing, but all the same: order the in flight kosher food and still you will be happy in the form of a larger, tasty and quality meals. Or at least fresh :)
Free tours
Kate Potter, Anastasia sharko, Sonia Vicina In London, Berlin, Barcelona, Paris and many more European cities can be free to go absolutely non-boring tour of the city from the local (English and Spanish). Here — London http://www.newlondon-tours.com/
Prague: every day at 11 and 14 o'clock near the astronomical clock on old town square start your free (and great!) guided tours in English. Looking for a man with big yellow umbrella or yellow shirt.
On the website https://www.neweuropetours.eu you can find the entry on free tours of the largest capitals in Europe in English, Spanish and some other languages, tour guides usually speak English quite clearly and legibly :)
Free ticket from the airport to Geneva
Gleb Losev At Geneva airport, in the baggage claim area, is automatic with free tickets to the city. A great thing for those who take the tickets with a change and not opposed to a neighborhood :)
Free train in Italy
Gleb Losev Vandrouki.by not recommended, but several readers wrote that did that, so here goes: regional trains in Italy, the prices of which appear in 7 days in advance and never changes, you can travel without tickets. First, you can transfer the experience of our trains, when meeting with the conductor, that is, to cross into another car. But overall, I can safely say that the lost ticket, let prescribes the penalty. You cooperate, nodding his head. The fines are not even sent to France, what to say about Russia. Tested and me and a friend from France.
A free Shuttle bus in the Italian cities
Gleb Losev Vandrouki.by don't recommend: buses in Rome, Florence, Pisa can also be free, if I see a man in uniform at the bus stop, respectively, are also out. Local control was seen 1-2 times in a lifetime, subject to penalty as relevant, no money, what can you do? :)
UPD. Anna Nikolaeva: controllers in Italy have the right to check your tickets even after leaving the transport (as in the case of "if you see the controller on the bus stop, just leave") and in the North very and do. Plus control comes not always at the bus stop (it's about buses), and between them. So get out themselves will have no place and nowhere.
Internet in Italy
Gleb Losev throughout Italy you can get by purchasing a modem for a month for 50 euros, or in any McDonald received the password and login for an Italian phone number. If you have not, do not deny yourself the pleasure to ask the Manager, the seller to do this procedure. With this login and password can access wi-fi from Palermo to Venice.
Flying on a Russian airline
Gleb Losev Russian airlines sit in front of the plane — may not be enough lunch options lunch, juices, etc.
Free entertainment
Gleb Losev Google about the following — Rome for 0 euro / Paris pour 0 euro — and so, there are entire websites and blogs, collecting all information about free events in the cities. Works more for big cities.
Toilet lifehack
Roman Salameh 1st novice traveler rule: if there is the opportunity to go to the toilet, but do not want, you still force yourself to go. Because you never know when you'll come across the following free toilet :)
5 useful apps
Irina Zhuravel Maps with me — without the Internet perfectly shows not only the card but also supermarkets, cafes, banks. Don't forget to loaded the desired country. Easy currency Converter. The app converts more than 180 currencies. Works offline, but first you must update the exchange rate. Free. Recommend. Wi-Fi Finder. The app helps you find available WiFi points around your current location. Search by countries and cities. Gives the name, address and the availability of paid or free connection. The minus – works only offline search for cities, requires an Internet connection to search for nearest point. Free. aMetro. Metro maps of different cities. There is the search for the desired station and directions. The application is in Russian. Works offline, but you must pre-loaded the underground circuit of the city. Free. Redigo. A brief guide to the countries in the Russian language. Based in a large number of countries in alphabetical order. You must download before traveling the country and the city in which collected. Plus-works offline, specifies the addresses of the sites, brief, but informative. There are good routes for 1 day. Free. Recommend! Unlimited Internet in Europe
Dmitry Shrew Who need cheap mobile Internet while traveling in Europe — Google "internet vodafone smart passport". Unlimited Internet access throughout Europe for 3 Euro per day.
5 tips for survival in China
Nick Kurbatov as most of the social.networking in this country is blocked, I advise you to install the app freegate on your PC, Onavo protect on the apple and Viatun for Android. These programs will help to break the great Chinese firewall. If the Internet at the hotel wired, then you need to seek the services of the type makeatweet.com which is also open access to the above social. networks. And Yes, if you have no licensed copy of windows, wired Chinese Internet would not work with him. Make sure you buy the PhraseBook, if you don't speak the language ideally. Since a large part of the population does not speak English (even in the resort area and major cities), in an emergency situation is very useful PhraseBook, which can be used just to show the local resident of a particular phrase, they will figure out how to answer, the main thing to understand that you need help and what exactly. Stations often close at 10-11 PM. So to spend the night there waiting for the train will not work. If you need somewhere to sleep for free, you can go around the place like McDonald's. No one there to kick you will not, but be prepared for the fact that in addition to there you will stay overnight Chinese crowd. And Yes, the toilet is closed at night. In Hong Kong there is a chain of supermarkets 7-eleven that sells including ready meals. An hour before the store closed for the products that should be implemented in days, for sale with discounts from 60% to 90%. Tube
Maria Shishkova If clothes rolling tubes, the first, a third!!! saves space, and secondly, things are less crumple — often enough then just give them a day to otvisetsya, thirdly, in these same tubes from clothes convenient roll, for example, bottles.
Useful bonus cards
Alexeika Samoilov Get a little more loyalty cards from different airlines! They free of charge sent by mail after filling out the questionnaire on the official website. Only because I have had the card for Air France at the time of registration for the flight Sochi-Moscow, me free put it on free place in business class and was served, as it should be there, explaining that they held some kind of action. Any bonuses I was not on the map!
How to tour Italy
Maria Shishkova In Italy (from the North to Rome at least) on the one hand very well developed transport, the number of beauty and interesting places per square km is off the charts, so it makes sense to stay in one strategic place where you can throw a suitcase, and where you can go on a day trip. It's much easier than to travel with a suitcase from city to city. Moreover, it is often cheaper to rent a house for 7-15 days and so on than for a few nights.
Only, I NEVER plan to leave on the last train, especially if you are on the road to transplant: trains are often delayed, sometimes cancelled.
Alice Kalacheva If You are a smoker, you will definitely buy cigarettes in Russia, because in Europe they cost an arm and a leg. Although my advice, quit Smoking, this will reduce Your expenses in any country.
Russian museums
Evgeny Loiko Russia. Museums often tickets are sold at different prices for foreigners and Russians. If the student or aysik not maketh the person behind the window, and she still considers you a foreign spy perfectly mastered the Russian language, fend off the Federal government).In the extreme inadequacy go to the next window.
Christina Antonik If you fly to Paris Beauvais Tille airport (Paris Beauvais), do not use the bus in Paris (costs 16 euros). Walk (~30 min) or use hitchhiking to get to the station of the town of Beauvais. From there trains go to Paris (if you are under 26 years — the ticket costs about 9 Euro).
Happy travels! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vandrouki.by/2014/lifehack/