Take a look photo report, in my opinion the most adventurous and interesting that I have seen.
(Total 50 photos in the first part) report consists of 4 parts. All parts are laid out later in the topic.
Author: Vladislav Sherengovskie
Last year I did something that excites me so far. The fact that to some extent changed me forever infected such thing as autotravel. I once tried to describe it themselves on arrival to avoid forgotten something had something now decided to add the photos. And so began this description:
"A couple of weeks ago it was discovered that I have a grandfather alive! It just so happens in life, that my grandmother (God rest her soul) is not very supportive relationship with him, and the family has always been that it is long gone ... And then, through Classmates, through the 25th person accidentally found out that there is - is alive and well! Lives in Samarkand! Old already.
I never in my life have not seen him, nor live on in the photo, but my grandmother always said that like him. Decided to spit on everything, all their relations and to go to his grandfather! It's a very strange feeling))
Now fly in the ointment - I'm terribly afraid of flying. And fly only in cases when it is abnormally go to another mode of transport. Since European Trophy, scheduled for the autumn of last year was postponed until the summer, but in the hands itch itself is not passed, it was decided to go to Samarkand by car. To Samarkand - 2 border (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) and 3500km in one direction. Well, I think - garbage issue. Before that, I gulp alone overcame 1200 km in one sitting (this is the farthest outing was on auto). Well, it will pass. And then, three days ago I started training.
Someday, when I have a son, we will sit next to him, could be on the pier in silence on a fishing trip or just when I drop by to him before bed, he asked me about my family. Sooner or later all the question arises. And then I tell him - "It was in 2009 when I was 30. In a world ravaged a crisis of unprecedented in history. I sold the business and went traveling. The first time I saw my grandfather. "
Looking ahead, I will say this - to say that this was not a trip, a journey - to say nothing! 9,685 km in 15 days. Burned over 2tonn gasoline.
On the way back, in the last two thousand seriously cold, from the constant temperature prepadov (22 in the car, on the street -15, and every 4-5 hours to refuel vybagaya tank to full)
Such beauty look! Many cities have seen. National delicacies eaten. What did not befall! Sat down on his belly in the steppes of Kazakhstan and the car dug 7:00 at night, where he met on February 23 remained almost 3 years Kazakhs, putting on the ears of all the FSB and the police department of Kazakhstan, Kazakh saved lads, looking for the battery in Ufa and lights up on the Oka track, helped cover the group of Romanian Roma hunted gold in Russia, nearly carbon monoxide poisoning in the parking lot with truckers on our car rolled six Customs chiefs of the eight that we passed! Everywhere we felt at least - as a UFO or Elvis at the peak of his career! Temperature drop in a couple of days - from +15 to -25 in the street. The difference per liter of gasoline from 16 to 120 rubles per liter 92go.
Well, now try to order ...
Tuesday was a "council in Fili," gathered at my house together with Sergey and Denis (friends with whom we decided to go to Samarkand).
Discussed in detail the route, departure date, location and so forth.
Москва–Рязань–Пенза–Оренбург–Актобе–Ташкент–Самарканд - The key point of travel.
Route planning with a very useful resource, paving the optimal path between two cities around the world incidentally is the distance between points, the average speed on sections, fuel consumption and so on.
It was decided that we leave the 20th February at 00:00. Why in the night? fresh strength to go on dark and already tired in the daylight.
The first night we plan Orenburg (on Saturday), the second before the border with Uzbekistan.
Look forward to the night 22 (Sunday) to be in place (this is in the absence of delays at customs).
Next came fees that you need to take with you. There is another wonderful site, with which I'm always going on the road - whether vacation or just a long trip. It is simply impossible to forget anything. Here's what happened:
Take: Passports, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, Thermos, radios, drinking water 10L, 220W Power Inverter on, Laptop, USB-modem, camera, camcorder, Cigarettes, Food, Energy, Sticker RUS, Tablets: the head, stomach, Creon, Sign emergency, Scotch, Russia Map, DVD, Flashlight + batteries, towels, toilet paper / zubn.schetka, Sleeping goodies.
For machines in reserve: Brake pads, Timing Belt, Candles set of spare, oil filter, oil for topping up, fuel funnel, GPS spare, jack / balonnik, Tilt Wheel + gate, Cable, 2 cans of gasoline, portable radio in the car
Make up
Change oil
Proshpritsevat suspension
Register GPS tracker
Configure GPS in the car
Money for a variety of pockets and car
Consultation sputn.signalizatsii
I have to say, serious charges to call it was impossible, because if you look at the list, it's more of a "list of comfort" and not "deal with unforeseen circumstances".
Starting at 00:00, 20 February 2009. This day was the anniversary of our friend and we decided to quick Start from the center of the "Petrovich". Straight from the "points to the ship»!
All things have been collected on the eve of yet. The car went further before the trip, with a spare wheel has been taken further, all the liquid on top-up, oil and filter change in Samarkand before the reverse path, spare candles and a lot of small things from any lights to sleeping. As shown, all had to use. And from (except the spare wheel). Also on the road were used well, just all of the options that are in the car, which never happens in normal use, well, more on that later.
2. The latter, on the site was installed and connected equipment GLONASS, which asked us to test driving the expanses of CIS countries still our friend since university. He had his own purpose, I rejoice that with the help of my numerous friends and relatives will be able to on-line follow our adventures on a special website on the Internet, where our car will move straight on maps and photos of these areas with satellite.
3. Thus, the recent sit on the road and I with my drunken birthday with friends hit the road! Enthusiasm and with renewed strength in the first 24 hours we have overcome by Ryazanke through Penza, Ryazan and Togliatti, swoop 1400 km directly to Orenburg.
4. Conducted myself, yet without smenok (at the end of the trip, thought - of almost 9700km I overcame 9000 alone). Stayed only for a smoke and every 5 hours to refuel. Even at night, not really having left from Moscow, but already 2 times 100 liters Bay, I realized the trip was generously. The road was beautiful, cars and trucks in the minimum until the Orenburg. Of gas stations, are most prevalent Lukoil, but for the whole trip, this is the gasoline was even worse than what we poured from rusty columns in Uzbekistan.
5. My friends, taking with him a bottle from the table hotter smoothly transferred subject to toast to celebrate the anniversary of the start of our journey. After a violent and fun hours, and the power is in the morning, they left me with a strong sense of the pilot nizkoletayuschego ship, leading to 150 km / h high mezhmegapolisny liner. Inside, the music played softly, the machine smoothly springs rehearsed smooth curves of the road and almost silently overcome hundreds of hundreds of kilometers. In the photo you can see that they went there ornate and even ties, and of the fees they have only a few pairs of shorts and socks in his pockets. (Three days later Denis will put all 4 pairs of panties for herself to keep warm in the steppes))
6. So I met my first sunrise on the road. 6:15.
7. The second day. That night I did not sleep at all, and in the afternoon we arrived in Togliatti. There it was decided to meet up with friends Dennis and lunch. Togliatti was remembered as a very dusty town. Dust was everywhere. Streets, houses, cars. Wipers on the glass worked without stopping.
8. Impressed Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric dam,. I've always had a weakness for such a grand structure. The photo essno not. There, where it can be photographed - to stop smoking, and move off away for the sake of a beautiful angle was not, alas, time.
9. ride through the city, we went on. The farther away from Moscow, the picturesque and unusual landscapes were around - beautiful birch forests of central Russia. Imagine how beautiful here in the summer.
10. The next day, the trip began to form a list of things that need to be sure to take with you and which we did not have. One of the first is a steel eye drops. No matter how wonderful vision was not, eyes are very tired of the monotonous peering into the road in front of him.
On the night of the same day we arrived in Orenburg, where it was decided to throw the first anchor. Twist a bit puzzled city Search hotel local taxi driver and began to cut him circles. After passing two hotels, which were filled with 100%! And in search of a third, we do not even understand being local, we ride through the city cutting circles stuffing his worth. Turning into the first turn, ran into a hotel where, lo and behold! There were places. But the time left before checkout 6:00 and take a couple of rooms for a few days just to sleep again was stupid. Agreed with the concierge and it is under their responsibility placed us in a double room until the end of the shift. How do we beat glad horizontal surface! But had not long to enjoy. Instead of 6 hours we had hoped, we raised through 4. It turned out that we forgot about the 2 time zones that we had covered since departure from Moscow.
11. Mashed sleepy and we ate colorful local eggs and went to the city - look for a road map of Kazakhstan. Up to the borders of Russia were comfortable ride yet because that went on the navigator. Without being distracted for a second, we have kept the way through such a jungle, where would lose a lot of time flipping through the atlas to turn on the turn. But Kazakh card in the navigator was not exactly like the time before going to seriously puzzled by this.
12. Orenburg beautiful city. I've already been here once a few years ago. The city is dominated by Soviet architecture with a bright history that remain. Remains fully impression that the city cherish in return expectations of the Soviet empire. Despite this, there were also knocked out of the general structure of the ensemble.
13. Sitting on the central square and biting sandwiches, met with valet military muzhik in years, who in his youth worked in Moscow and met as part spetsdelegatsii Gagarin after his first flight into space. He told us all he thinks about the country and she had become and for guidance on which works and which here receive salaries. It turned out that we vse_i_srazu zeal, what type of place we choose pozhivopisnee, sit somewhere in the middle, parked in front of City Hall. )) Orenburg was our last stop in Russia.
Realizing already at this step of the way that our plans in time will be seriously at odds with the actual schedule, it was decided to donate the Orsk and Novotroitsk, in which it was initially planned to call. Small towns, but fate was that by the time I managed to visit them three times, and the rest of the team on time. The fact that this company towns with the main enterprise Ural Steel, who as an asset holding company Metalloinvest was my client for many years. At the time we made out for several years, these cities and to the day of the metallurgist and the new year.
In the afternoon of the same day we started to approach our first border. Even at the entrance to her we were stopped at the post and started asking questions about tinting. There I met the first of our trip ... Kazakh fined, we rudely told that it is better (shading) in place to remove, because immediately after the border we take away the car on the car pound, as in Kazakhstan for toning, not wearing seat belts Security and dipped around the clock - the main causes of fines for which prescribe a temporary barracks for 30 days and take the car. I generally do not mind, but the way the inspector told me about this, I did not like, and, being a man of principle, he promised that will pass all of Kazakhstan as is. By accessing before, I will say, I kept my word, and took the film only in Samarkand, but it is a very expensive sport proved.
14. Required attribute of any car crossing the border native state - sticker with the abbreviation of the country of registration, to the local traffic cops in any country could quickly identify the number of foreign affiliation.
Arriving at the border first, I wrapped up warm in all that I went with them was kept. Immediately there were difficulties at customs, as freight car category but a passenger. That we all understand the traffic police have come up with that yourself, and then the guys is simple - two lines and two orders of passing control. In this arch for trucks queued for truckers, and in this - to Zhiguli. Hummers here is not passed and precedents such was not. At your own risk, they have issued it as a passenger. Lazily examined us, gave good customs. It was probably the easiest of our border crossing. Of nuances was just an old BMW, whose driver, an old Kazakh, asked us to tow it through both border and once there at the entrance of Kazakhstan to leave him. He fails to start in the cold engine. What to do, decided to help. I did not think the first time in his life crossing the border by car will do it with a "trailer".
15. Here is the border of our country. No posts with border guard and dog every 100 meters, as imagined since childhood. Even the pit, and the minefield between the boundaries I have not seen. Arable land borders between the two states was only on the Kazakh-Uzbek border. It was one of the most peaceful of our border crossings.
16. After passing 300 meters neutral territory, we drove up to the border of Kazakhstan Respublikasy.
Around the machine immediately gathered the swarm. Then I met with Kazakh habit not to stand on ceremony in anything. Approached the car, pulled the door handle looked like something. If you wanted - sat. By the way, so do all the Kazakhs on all our way to the southern border, not even officials and onlookers just outside the cafe. This is a very warps. But God forbid traffic cop has run to a meeting prostrate! The first policeman stopped us after going to the car said just foaming at the mouth - "What are you, a disabled person ?!" (this is the fact that I habitually just opened the window and unfastening prepared documents).
17. But that was then, and now, open the trunk for inspection, and saw the mountain of things and boxes customs officer looked, and said that we need to "make the car empty." That is to pull all of it up mats and carry on the inspection.
Since we went to Samarkand through Tashkent, one of narkostolits, our trip for them had a different meaning. And I, not knowing the true order, considering it quite reasonable, he said - "you need so it is necessary, we will unload." The answer he did not like, he clearly hoped for some flattery and began to tie a conversation with us. Looked first at menacingly earrings (one with a beard, wearing a black hat and with round beads).
- "In the church you go?" - Suddenly he began.
- "No, designer».
- "Do you smoke?", Clearly showing his hands.
- "No».
- "Nakurivaetes ?!" more sly squint he said, issuing a junkie with experience.
Took me by the hand and led her into the room. Going literally the first corridor, he pulled his hand out of his pocket and said, fingers spread - let five and drive. Find out what it is about 500 rubles, I found it a humane alternative to the two-hour sports in the cold and in 30 minutes we arrived in Kazakhstan.
19. Remembering tips on the forum I immediately stopped to buy auto insurance absence of which is also the reason for the evacuation of the car impound yard. To do this, right there in the fields stood a lone stall. The insurance cost for a month in our 750rubley.
20. Almost immediately, both crossed the border, became visible difference throughout. Nature, climate, temperature. Somewhere beyond the day we got from -5 to -20. Snowstorms and blizzards - a common phenomenon for the steppe of Kazakhstan.
21. Do not forget, -20 and -20 in a snowstorm - quite a different feeling. So I pulled over once all that I had with him, becoming like a ridiculous snowman.
22. The children are less fortunate. They have something going south!
23. Almost immediately it became clear - that the thermos - one of the most important gadgets of our expedition through the deserted lands.
What did you expect?
(Total 50 photos in the first part) report consists of 4 parts. All parts are laid out later in the topic.
Author: Vladislav Sherengovskie

Last year I did something that excites me so far. The fact that to some extent changed me forever infected such thing as autotravel. I once tried to describe it themselves on arrival to avoid forgotten something had something now decided to add the photos. And so began this description:
"A couple of weeks ago it was discovered that I have a grandfather alive! It just so happens in life, that my grandmother (God rest her soul) is not very supportive relationship with him, and the family has always been that it is long gone ... And then, through Classmates, through the 25th person accidentally found out that there is - is alive and well! Lives in Samarkand! Old already.
I never in my life have not seen him, nor live on in the photo, but my grandmother always said that like him. Decided to spit on everything, all their relations and to go to his grandfather! It's a very strange feeling))
Now fly in the ointment - I'm terribly afraid of flying. And fly only in cases when it is abnormally go to another mode of transport. Since European Trophy, scheduled for the autumn of last year was postponed until the summer, but in the hands itch itself is not passed, it was decided to go to Samarkand by car. To Samarkand - 2 border (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) and 3500km in one direction. Well, I think - garbage issue. Before that, I gulp alone overcame 1200 km in one sitting (this is the farthest outing was on auto). Well, it will pass. And then, three days ago I started training.
Someday, when I have a son, we will sit next to him, could be on the pier in silence on a fishing trip or just when I drop by to him before bed, he asked me about my family. Sooner or later all the question arises. And then I tell him - "It was in 2009 when I was 30. In a world ravaged a crisis of unprecedented in history. I sold the business and went traveling. The first time I saw my grandfather. "
Looking ahead, I will say this - to say that this was not a trip, a journey - to say nothing! 9,685 km in 15 days. Burned over 2tonn gasoline.
On the way back, in the last two thousand seriously cold, from the constant temperature prepadov (22 in the car, on the street -15, and every 4-5 hours to refuel vybagaya tank to full)
Such beauty look! Many cities have seen. National delicacies eaten. What did not befall! Sat down on his belly in the steppes of Kazakhstan and the car dug 7:00 at night, where he met on February 23 remained almost 3 years Kazakhs, putting on the ears of all the FSB and the police department of Kazakhstan, Kazakh saved lads, looking for the battery in Ufa and lights up on the Oka track, helped cover the group of Romanian Roma hunted gold in Russia, nearly carbon monoxide poisoning in the parking lot with truckers on our car rolled six Customs chiefs of the eight that we passed! Everywhere we felt at least - as a UFO or Elvis at the peak of his career! Temperature drop in a couple of days - from +15 to -25 in the street. The difference per liter of gasoline from 16 to 120 rubles per liter 92go.
Well, now try to order ...
Tuesday was a "council in Fili," gathered at my house together with Sergey and Denis (friends with whom we decided to go to Samarkand).
Discussed in detail the route, departure date, location and so forth.
Москва–Рязань–Пенза–Оренбург–Актобе–Ташкент–Самарканд - The key point of travel.
Route planning with a very useful resource, paving the optimal path between two cities around the world incidentally is the distance between points, the average speed on sections, fuel consumption and so on.
It was decided that we leave the 20th February at 00:00. Why in the night? fresh strength to go on dark and already tired in the daylight.
The first night we plan Orenburg (on Saturday), the second before the border with Uzbekistan.
Look forward to the night 22 (Sunday) to be in place (this is in the absence of delays at customs).
Next came fees that you need to take with you. There is another wonderful site, with which I'm always going on the road - whether vacation or just a long trip. It is simply impossible to forget anything. Here's what happened:
Take: Passports, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, Thermos, radios, drinking water 10L, 220W Power Inverter on, Laptop, USB-modem, camera, camcorder, Cigarettes, Food, Energy, Sticker RUS, Tablets: the head, stomach, Creon, Sign emergency, Scotch, Russia Map, DVD, Flashlight + batteries, towels, toilet paper / zubn.schetka, Sleeping goodies.
For machines in reserve: Brake pads, Timing Belt, Candles set of spare, oil filter, oil for topping up, fuel funnel, GPS spare, jack / balonnik, Tilt Wheel + gate, Cable, 2 cans of gasoline, portable radio in the car
Make up
Change oil
Proshpritsevat suspension
Register GPS tracker
Configure GPS in the car
Money for a variety of pockets and car
Consultation sputn.signalizatsii
I have to say, serious charges to call it was impossible, because if you look at the list, it's more of a "list of comfort" and not "deal with unforeseen circumstances".
Starting at 00:00, 20 February 2009. This day was the anniversary of our friend and we decided to quick Start from the center of the "Petrovich". Straight from the "points to the ship»!
All things have been collected on the eve of yet. The car went further before the trip, with a spare wheel has been taken further, all the liquid on top-up, oil and filter change in Samarkand before the reverse path, spare candles and a lot of small things from any lights to sleeping. As shown, all had to use. And from (except the spare wheel). Also on the road were used well, just all of the options that are in the car, which never happens in normal use, well, more on that later.

2. The latter, on the site was installed and connected equipment GLONASS, which asked us to test driving the expanses of CIS countries still our friend since university. He had his own purpose, I rejoice that with the help of my numerous friends and relatives will be able to on-line follow our adventures on a special website on the Internet, where our car will move straight on maps and photos of these areas with satellite.

3. Thus, the recent sit on the road and I with my drunken birthday with friends hit the road! Enthusiasm and with renewed strength in the first 24 hours we have overcome by Ryazanke through Penza, Ryazan and Togliatti, swoop 1400 km directly to Orenburg.

4. Conducted myself, yet without smenok (at the end of the trip, thought - of almost 9700km I overcame 9000 alone). Stayed only for a smoke and every 5 hours to refuel. Even at night, not really having left from Moscow, but already 2 times 100 liters Bay, I realized the trip was generously. The road was beautiful, cars and trucks in the minimum until the Orenburg. Of gas stations, are most prevalent Lukoil, but for the whole trip, this is the gasoline was even worse than what we poured from rusty columns in Uzbekistan.

5. My friends, taking with him a bottle from the table hotter smoothly transferred subject to toast to celebrate the anniversary of the start of our journey. After a violent and fun hours, and the power is in the morning, they left me with a strong sense of the pilot nizkoletayuschego ship, leading to 150 km / h high mezhmegapolisny liner. Inside, the music played softly, the machine smoothly springs rehearsed smooth curves of the road and almost silently overcome hundreds of hundreds of kilometers. In the photo you can see that they went there ornate and even ties, and of the fees they have only a few pairs of shorts and socks in his pockets. (Three days later Denis will put all 4 pairs of panties for herself to keep warm in the steppes))

6. So I met my first sunrise on the road. 6:15.

7. The second day. That night I did not sleep at all, and in the afternoon we arrived in Togliatti. There it was decided to meet up with friends Dennis and lunch. Togliatti was remembered as a very dusty town. Dust was everywhere. Streets, houses, cars. Wipers on the glass worked without stopping.

8. Impressed Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric dam,. I've always had a weakness for such a grand structure. The photo essno not. There, where it can be photographed - to stop smoking, and move off away for the sake of a beautiful angle was not, alas, time.

9. ride through the city, we went on. The farther away from Moscow, the picturesque and unusual landscapes were around - beautiful birch forests of central Russia. Imagine how beautiful here in the summer.

10. The next day, the trip began to form a list of things that need to be sure to take with you and which we did not have. One of the first is a steel eye drops. No matter how wonderful vision was not, eyes are very tired of the monotonous peering into the road in front of him.
On the night of the same day we arrived in Orenburg, where it was decided to throw the first anchor. Twist a bit puzzled city Search hotel local taxi driver and began to cut him circles. After passing two hotels, which were filled with 100%! And in search of a third, we do not even understand being local, we ride through the city cutting circles stuffing his worth. Turning into the first turn, ran into a hotel where, lo and behold! There were places. But the time left before checkout 6:00 and take a couple of rooms for a few days just to sleep again was stupid. Agreed with the concierge and it is under their responsibility placed us in a double room until the end of the shift. How do we beat glad horizontal surface! But had not long to enjoy. Instead of 6 hours we had hoped, we raised through 4. It turned out that we forgot about the 2 time zones that we had covered since departure from Moscow.

11. Mashed sleepy and we ate colorful local eggs and went to the city - look for a road map of Kazakhstan. Up to the borders of Russia were comfortable ride yet because that went on the navigator. Without being distracted for a second, we have kept the way through such a jungle, where would lose a lot of time flipping through the atlas to turn on the turn. But Kazakh card in the navigator was not exactly like the time before going to seriously puzzled by this.

12. Orenburg beautiful city. I've already been here once a few years ago. The city is dominated by Soviet architecture with a bright history that remain. Remains fully impression that the city cherish in return expectations of the Soviet empire. Despite this, there were also knocked out of the general structure of the ensemble.

13. Sitting on the central square and biting sandwiches, met with valet military muzhik in years, who in his youth worked in Moscow and met as part spetsdelegatsii Gagarin after his first flight into space. He told us all he thinks about the country and she had become and for guidance on which works and which here receive salaries. It turned out that we vse_i_srazu zeal, what type of place we choose pozhivopisnee, sit somewhere in the middle, parked in front of City Hall. )) Orenburg was our last stop in Russia.
Realizing already at this step of the way that our plans in time will be seriously at odds with the actual schedule, it was decided to donate the Orsk and Novotroitsk, in which it was initially planned to call. Small towns, but fate was that by the time I managed to visit them three times, and the rest of the team on time. The fact that this company towns with the main enterprise Ural Steel, who as an asset holding company Metalloinvest was my client for many years. At the time we made out for several years, these cities and to the day of the metallurgist and the new year.
In the afternoon of the same day we started to approach our first border. Even at the entrance to her we were stopped at the post and started asking questions about tinting. There I met the first of our trip ... Kazakh fined, we rudely told that it is better (shading) in place to remove, because immediately after the border we take away the car on the car pound, as in Kazakhstan for toning, not wearing seat belts Security and dipped around the clock - the main causes of fines for which prescribe a temporary barracks for 30 days and take the car. I generally do not mind, but the way the inspector told me about this, I did not like, and, being a man of principle, he promised that will pass all of Kazakhstan as is. By accessing before, I will say, I kept my word, and took the film only in Samarkand, but it is a very expensive sport proved.

14. Required attribute of any car crossing the border native state - sticker with the abbreviation of the country of registration, to the local traffic cops in any country could quickly identify the number of foreign affiliation.
Arriving at the border first, I wrapped up warm in all that I went with them was kept. Immediately there were difficulties at customs, as freight car category but a passenger. That we all understand the traffic police have come up with that yourself, and then the guys is simple - two lines and two orders of passing control. In this arch for trucks queued for truckers, and in this - to Zhiguli. Hummers here is not passed and precedents such was not. At your own risk, they have issued it as a passenger. Lazily examined us, gave good customs. It was probably the easiest of our border crossing. Of nuances was just an old BMW, whose driver, an old Kazakh, asked us to tow it through both border and once there at the entrance of Kazakhstan to leave him. He fails to start in the cold engine. What to do, decided to help. I did not think the first time in his life crossing the border by car will do it with a "trailer".

15. Here is the border of our country. No posts with border guard and dog every 100 meters, as imagined since childhood. Even the pit, and the minefield between the boundaries I have not seen. Arable land borders between the two states was only on the Kazakh-Uzbek border. It was one of the most peaceful of our border crossings.

16. After passing 300 meters neutral territory, we drove up to the border of Kazakhstan Respublikasy.
Around the machine immediately gathered the swarm. Then I met with Kazakh habit not to stand on ceremony in anything. Approached the car, pulled the door handle looked like something. If you wanted - sat. By the way, so do all the Kazakhs on all our way to the southern border, not even officials and onlookers just outside the cafe. This is a very warps. But God forbid traffic cop has run to a meeting prostrate! The first policeman stopped us after going to the car said just foaming at the mouth - "What are you, a disabled person ?!" (this is the fact that I habitually just opened the window and unfastening prepared documents).

17. But that was then, and now, open the trunk for inspection, and saw the mountain of things and boxes customs officer looked, and said that we need to "make the car empty." That is to pull all of it up mats and carry on the inspection.
Since we went to Samarkand through Tashkent, one of narkostolits, our trip for them had a different meaning. And I, not knowing the true order, considering it quite reasonable, he said - "you need so it is necessary, we will unload." The answer he did not like, he clearly hoped for some flattery and began to tie a conversation with us. Looked first at menacingly earrings (one with a beard, wearing a black hat and with round beads).
- "In the church you go?" - Suddenly he began.
- "No, designer».
- "Do you smoke?", Clearly showing his hands.
- "No».
- "Nakurivaetes ?!" more sly squint he said, issuing a junkie with experience.
Took me by the hand and led her into the room. Going literally the first corridor, he pulled his hand out of his pocket and said, fingers spread - let five and drive. Find out what it is about 500 rubles, I found it a humane alternative to the two-hour sports in the cold and in 30 minutes we arrived in Kazakhstan.

19. Remembering tips on the forum I immediately stopped to buy auto insurance absence of which is also the reason for the evacuation of the car impound yard. To do this, right there in the fields stood a lone stall. The insurance cost for a month in our 750rubley.

20. Almost immediately, both crossed the border, became visible difference throughout. Nature, climate, temperature. Somewhere beyond the day we got from -5 to -20. Snowstorms and blizzards - a common phenomenon for the steppe of Kazakhstan.

21. Do not forget, -20 and -20 in a snowstorm - quite a different feeling. So I pulled over once all that I had with him, becoming like a ridiculous snowman.

22. The children are less fortunate. They have something going south!

23. Almost immediately it became clear - that the thermos - one of the most important gadgets of our expedition through the deserted lands.
What did you expect?