Moscow does not believe in tears: 4 tips for those who want to conquer the metropolis

To Moscow, to Moscow, to Moscow, to Moscow! By plane and train, hitchhiking and even on foot. In any container, by any means. She is like a bright light for a night moth, Moscow. She's like a red rag for a bull, Moscow.
Thousands of people daily, clenching their fists, gritting their teeth, excitedly stomping hooves of ambition, hordes of provincial Napoleons are preparing to fight Moscow in the station square. To conquer the capital. To conquer Moscow. To crush Moscow under himself, to force her to respect herself. I came with a capital letter, you understand, CMO, people of the Moscow region?
Moscow, Moscow, Moscow, Moscow. How many souls she crippled, how many plans she broke, how many ambitions broke against the walls of Moscow, only God knows. But I'm not interested in the question: how much? I wonder why, why is this happening?
Is it all Moscow's fault? Or maybe it's all about people who come to the capital to conquer it?
The myth of an aggressive metropolis
Moving from one time zone to another, you get a tangible blow to your body. There was a sharp change of time zones, and now you need to quickly adapt to the new rhythm of life. How to transfer the “internal clock” of the body to a new time. And the sooner that happens, the better.
We can say the same about the change of the climate belt, or about abrupt changes in the state of the atmosphere (stories of how urban residents faint from “too clean” air in the village are not fictions, but reality). Any sudden change is always painful. Psychological changes, especially.
The body adapts much faster than the psyche. You can get used to a new physiological rhythm in a couple of days. But for a new psychological rhythm, you will need weeks, months or even years of addiction to a full adaptation. For some it is easy and simple, for others it does not work at all. It all depends on your willingness to change. The city will not bend under you, no matter how the Time Machine sings there. In Moscow, you will not be able to live by the clock of Vladivostok, in Moscow you will not be able to think in terms of Uryupinsk.
In Moscow you need to live according to the laws of Moscow. And the sooner you understand this, the more chances you have to gain a foothold in the capital.
In my opinion, the biggest mistake of all those who try to conquer Moscow is that they try to live in the capital according to their own rules.
We have three rubles in the village of Koltupkino, which is a lot of money, and in Moscow you cannot buy a loaf of bread. In Koltupkino, if you have a problem, then everyone will immediately run to help your grief, and then only turn away and do not talk to you at all. A callous, evil and hostile city.
With such thoughts, you should take the ticket back, and return to live in Koltupkino. It's good. Three rubles is a lot of money. Moscow is like a time zone: if you changed it, then you need to forget about the previous one. Immediately.
The second trouble of the provincial is to imagine himself either Napoleon Bonaparte or Sasha of Macedon. He went to conquer the capital, conquer the capital.
And as a result? Instead of adapting to the metropolis, the visitor declares war on it. Still on the train. As a result, he gets a fight (you know, whoever comes to us with a sword, he will get a plow), and, as a rule, ingloriously loses it. That is how the myths of an aggressive metropolis are born, which cripples bright thoughts and pure provincial souls.
The city will welcome you if you become part of it. You have to live like her. Think like Moscow. Moving - in the rhythm of Moscow. Speak in the language of Moscow. Breathe according to her rules.
Forget about what you have seen and heard before. You should focus only on the values of Moscow. You need to merge with Moscow into a single whole. Only then will it be easy and comfortable for you. In Moscow. The capital of the country you have become a part of.
Moscow is not your enemy, Moscow is your home and your religion. Just as a Muslim does not go to pray in a Christian church, one cannot remain a resident of Koltupkino in Moscow. Love your city with all your heart. Confess her religion and worship her gods. And then you'll succeed.

Four tips for those who want to conquer the metropolis
1. Don’t compare the price of everything you’ve seen and heard before. If a taxi costs $ 100, then you should not feverishly count this amount on the cost of pasta in Koltupkino. Okay, period. There is no more such place on the world map. It's a mirage, a matrix. Reality is only here and now, in Moscow. Take this as a starting point for your thoughts.
2. If a wife enters her husband’s house with the intention of conquering and conquering, don’t expect anything good, right? She faces a fierce war with her mother-in-law. Would you like your new neighbors to “conquer” your home and set their own rules? Will the team accept the new one if the latter challenges him? No, no, no. Don't fight. You have to go to Moscow to love her and be loved.
3. The faster you accept the “game conditions” under which the capital lives, the easier it will be in the future. Transfer the psychological clock to Moscow time. Try to love Moscow. Even if it's a marriage of convenience. You simply have no other options. Living in Moscow and hating it is exhausting and unpromising.
4. In the province, people will sympathize with you in a difficult time, but they will hate you if you succeed. At least out of envy. In a metropolis, it is the opposite: you are respected if you succeed, and you are hated if disaster strikes. No one needs your problems in Moscow, your difficulties only annoy others. Therefore, the more problems you have, the more you will have to rely only on yourself. "Moscow doesn't believe in tears," published
Author: Wit Zeneve
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: psyberia.ru/remarks/moscow