Vladimir Menshov: they do not accept Russia
- What are the factors of modern society able to bring you out of balance?
- The most annoying moments associated with the way the story is presented in our country of the twentieth century. This could already get used to, but I can not. I can not take officially triumphant glance at the history of the USSR, which is aggressively trying to introduce into the minds of the younger generation. Communication with those who shaped modern textbooks and television, often simply dumbfounded. The new generation is based in their judgments on the anti-Soviet officialdom, unfamiliar with alternative look at the past, and therefore unable to develop its own position.
If a movie or TV show anything about the Soviet Union, almost one hundred percent probability it is a falsification of history. We are told that life in the Soviet Union was hopeless, try to get this idea has penetrated every cell of social consciousness.
The West has long been a stereotype of thinking in relation to Russia, he skillfully formed deliberately. Their highbrow intellectuals can still operate with opposing concepts, but Western man in the street is located in the absolute power of the anti-Soviet myth.
Here, for example, I saw the movie BBC «Who Killed Stalin?". Level experts sovietologists, peremptory assessments primitive language first produced a comic effect. But the course of action when the Russian actors depicting the "inner circle" - high-ranking Soviet politicians - started uncontrollably drunk, fall muzzles salad, turn into beasts, and drunken Stalin looked with a sarcastic smile on the orgy, the film was just an insult to our country ... But it is almost the same, in some adapted form, I see in the Russian films!
More recently, with some pride, we presented the French film "The Concert." On our side, good actors involved, and the premiere, they were told that he had received such a warm comic strip ... What do you mean, you guys look at it through the eyes of an ordinary Frenchman, who came to the cinema! What are the conclusions he comes out? .. It turns out that in the Brezhnev era, in the early '80s, the conductor of the Bolshoi Theatre suffered for refusing to dismiss the orchestra all the Jews. He himself was fired, and the Jews were killed in Siberian camps. Just a little girl noble Frenchmen were taken to the West in case of Bass ... And my colleagues agree to play in the film and do not feel any sense of shame!
Even if all this nonsense was true, really should be involved? Maybe it's time to learn from the Europeans, which we always offer as a model of dignity and honor? Germans, for example, you are talking about the war not pull out there almost every skeleton in the closet to hide his grandfather, who fought on the Eastern Front. And try to affect the shameful behavior of the French during World War II. As far as I know, there were directors who were trying to make a movie about collaborating, for which suffered brutal ostracism. In France, they say only of the resistance that even de Gaulle recognized only good propaganda myth. The Germans, in any case, were amazed to see on the signing of the surrender of the French as winners ... Try to talk to the British on how basely they pulled with the opening of a second front, waited for us with the Germans harassed each other. Try to talk to Romania and Hungary, who fought alongside the Nazis, with the Czechs, who have made at its plants, two of the three tanks of the German army ... They cleverly ignore the shameful pages of its history, and will not allow anyone to raise these issues.
Self-flagellation always been inherent in the Russian mentality, and especially it has blossomed with the beginning of perestroika. Any attempt to discredit the heroic pages of our history has been regarded as a contribution to the fight against the hated communist regime. It penetrated into the pores of our society, it has become commonplace. Then it will be very difficult to root out all-out anti-Soviet, who for twenty-five years gained a strong root system, but doing it is definitely necessary. We can not exist in a situation of utter historical injustice.
In this respect very revealing was the program "The Court of time." Finally, in the public space we managed to hear the position opposite to the anti-Soviet. Concepts that after the 17th of the year in Russian history, nothing good happened, were countered by strong, balanced counter. And of course, just hit the audience voting.
- Despite the flow of anti-Soviet media, it is the ratio of - ninety-ten. With what do you communicate?
- I can not explain it. I know that the results produced a deafening impression on the liberal intelligentsia ... It would seem that the final figures to juggle, offer something neutral - 48 to 52 (as it did in the studio, where there were debates). But when switched on counting of votes in the country, the result is absolutely not the same as a studio. Whether the time is not realized, whether the organizers of the project have shown integrity.
The result was surprising also because it does not correspond to the results of any elections in our country. I do not believe that the election is a mass rigging - it means that there are reasons for which the televoting brings explicit support for socialist ideas, but on the real choice that does not happen.
In general, it seems to me, is very important to the deep sociological studies, spend a lot of money and determine what state our society. It is necessary to understand what the people want, what are his preferences and discontent. After all, since Gorbachev, we learned a lot and a lot of variables their views.
- Your film is called "popular", and you - "national director". Did you know about the people something that the others do not know? ..
- For me it is a very important topic. I remember his youth on I was impressed by the idea, and I even wrote it: "The crowd - it's not the people, Pushkin - the people." Yes, it sounds impressive. And now I think: why is it that the crowd, the masses refuse to manifestation of the national mentality? And because Pushkin and the genius that he was able most clearly and powerfully express the spirit of the people. While unjustly wrote about Russian rebellion as a senseless and merciless. Ruthless - of course, but - is meaningless ... I'm much more impressed by the position of the Bloc, which revolts, riots, revolutions seen mixing historical schёtov sudden straightening of the spring is compressed for decades or even centuries.
Arguing about the people, inevitably comes to fuzzy concepts, laws that can not be formulated. Yet implicitly understand that somehow everything that happens around the masses filtered and crystallized beliefs, mythological ideas. Gradually, views, take a stable form - with respect to some of the ruler, the entire historical period or a specific event. On the surface, the process of public debate may boil, boil passions, but in parallel somewhere in the depths of the crystal forms - unshakable point of view, which is not affected.
This process applies to all - including art. What I have seen in my life ephemeral, which hardly appeared, received the status of netlenki. Sometimes classics appointed from above, but more often bottom sprang whisper: it must be seen, it is necessary to hear, it is necessary to read! Time passed, and became a genius capable guys, new bosses ... methodically, quietly Time and people have done their job.
- Crystallization always seem fair to you?
- It already is the moral and subjective evaluations, it's like the laws of nature ... At the time I read in the memoirs of the wife of Robert Rozhdestvensky, like all life butting each other Yevtushenko and Voznesensky, not humorous, but quite seriously, proving his own right to be considered the best Russian poet the second half of the twentieth century. And just burned her resume on this subject: "But it turned out - Vysotsky ...»
Exactly like Mayakovsky in "Conversation with fininspektorom poetry": "... today, these poems and odes, in the roar of applause revmya, go down in history as the overhead costs made by us - two or three ...»
- With regard to your pictures crystallization occurred. Agree?
- "Love and Pigeons" undoubtedly became a folk painting, it is accepted by all social groups, even the communists united with the liberals. Interesting story with the "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", which would seem to belong to his time. In it are included the realities of a bygone era, it is not understandable today's young people, but in a strange way the film turns into a matrix, not only Soviet, but also a Russian national life.
But the picture was born, so to speak, of the breeze, was not the result of some serious training. At this time I was more interested in the movie social, political. More VGIK I wrote the screenplay of the film "is required to prove" with the subtitle: "Based on Lenin's book" Children's Disease of Communism Communism. " When he read my teacher, Mikhail Romm, he invited me to his home, closed the office door and said: "Vladimir, if you want to prove you're a person capable and even a talented, then you do it. But in order to avoid serious trouble script do not show anyone else. " It is this upset me, because no anti-Soviet intentions I did not have. The script came polemic, but then "Children's Disease of Communism" extremely polemical. It was written in connection with the Brest peace, it collected the arguments "for" and "against", which are then discussed in the party environment. In essence, after all, the whole Party and the Central Committee did not accept the idea of the Brest Peace, but Lenin was a rock ... I was interested in this collision, but then realized it was impossible to such material. Maximum polemic, which allows - it plays Shatrova. It seemed then unusually bold, today they seem naive, but in the late 60's it "Bolsheviks" in the "Contemporary" became my strongest impression of theater - outstanding directing of Ephraim, fine acting work ...
The script for "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" in comparison with the global conception seemed too small, uninteresting, toothless. But it made me remember the biographies of friends, relatives, workers episodes of his life (after school between going to college, I worked in a factory, mine). Incidentally fell notebooks that I started a while back, I wrote down some phrases, expressions, successful acuity. Fortunately, for me, the working class was not hostile zhlobskie of the community that are trying to portray some intelligenstvuyuschie directors. According to the modern cinema, the working class - it is something deeply marginal wildly drinking, not burdened with intelligence. So are those who stand at the machine, cooking steel, collects bread ... And I fell in love with these people, I began to understand them, appreciate their humor ... Now reign kaveenovskie jokes, and we have forgotten the real Russian humor, and it's an amazing phenomenon. Its important feature is the self-irony. Russian humor is largely directed at himself, and not on others ...
When I was making this film, no Napoleonic plans are not nurtured, and most importantly, what worried - would not be dishonored. After all, "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was my first "adult" painting after the "Rally».
Audience success was stunning and totally unexpected for me.
- Standing in line bólshey than "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was not necessary.
- Even gaydaevskie movies were blocked and a half to two times. And above all due to the multiple display. Some viewers have written to me that the film looked at 10-20 ...
It is now clear that the already worked and the time factor, and the factor of crystallization. I see a picture of the people selected. Despite the fact that nobody has promoted, not lobbyists were intellectuals, on the other hand, critics urged the audience: those who like painting - immature people who have no taste ...
Suppose it does not sound very modest, but it is these films - "Love and Pigeons", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" - I will stay in the memory of "a long time will be the kind I have people" ... But it is clear both "Shirley Myrli" and especially "Envy of the Gods" made much more professional hand, are not included in the fund of the national cinema, not crystallized. It is disappointing, it has to be stated.
- Regarding "Shirley Myrli" you can bet ...
- Yes, I hope that maybe this picture is taken with certain ahead of time and will work on it. There is a lively sense of humor, transferred to the atmosphere of timelessness, crazy farcical 90s, but still, this film is not entered in the national consciousness as something inalienable required. And "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was included. Her characters have become almost family, link to them, quote them, they are present in people's lives, and even serve as an example. Vera Alentova offended that she had not the winning role in the first series reprises her character overshadows the heroine Irina ants and the second - there Ghosh and pulls the blanket over himself. And I seem to have found the right formula: in your role, destiny, life will be with you to do ...
Then I was incomprehensible earnest hatred of "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" by the elite intelligentsia. People just could not find the words to express the extent of his contempt for painting and cattle, which it looks. For me the nature of this hatred was opened much later. She was completely social. Sitting in the kitchen, intellectuals agreed among themselves that here "in this country", can not live. I also took an active part in such conversations, but I thought as to alter life for the better!
Read Now memoirs apologists restructuring, those who can be considered the current winners and wonder: they simply shook with hatred for the country. They claim that the system did not accept, but through the line clearly discerned: they did not accept Russia do not take a nation that put up with ugly social systems and the monster Stalin. Of course, they could not accept the picture that proves that you can live, you can make a career, you can just be happy.
- If you dissect a work of art belonging to the category of folk, look inside, what is the mechanism of how it works?
- It's a mysterious process that can be explained only in hindsight.
- But the general criteria, generic signs of "nationality" should be. You can offer, such as a version - folk art comforts and inspires ...
- However, the "Quiet Flows the Don" these components is almost not present. And even in "War and Peace." Now it seems strange, but the first in this novel is not so much to see his nation as historical discrepancies. It seems that even Denis Davydov had noted shortcomings: some regiment actually not stationed there. But then on the "War and Peace" began to work during ...
On the Great Patriotic War, not so many pieces that could be called a true folk. Few managed to penetrate into the heart of the phenomenon, to show what a people-winner. Tvardovsky failed. Of course, "Vasily Terkin" - is the pinnacle ... But you know, I'm reading in concerts Simon, he did not seem therefore considered the largest, but its military so poignant lyrics! And not just textbook, "Wait for me." The war went through his destiny intertwined with a love relationship with Valentin Serov ...
These have hit many, maybe in the life of the poet's case is unique coincidence with the pulse of life. In Gudzenko, for example, two poems just great: "We do not need to feel sorry for ..." and "When are going to die - sing ...". Two or three masterpieces have every poet belonging to the war generation ... But with the military prose harder ...
- But the popular movies about the Great Patriotic War a lot.
- Apparently, this genius of folk art is always in motion - today it is in literature, in music tomorrow, then in film. The first thing to remember, "Ballad of a Soldier" and "The Cranes Are Flying." However, the picture Kalatozova for my taste, somewhat mannered, although a breakthrough in terms of visual culture. There were more films of the second tier, for example, "The Living and the Dead," a wonderful picture Orda "Do your threshold" ... the director, who returned from the front, I remember the smell of sweat, blood and gunpowder could not lie, they do very present and powerful cinema .
The Great Patriotic War was the incredible feat of the Soviet people.
- The most annoying moments associated with the way the story is presented in our country of the twentieth century. This could already get used to, but I can not. I can not take officially triumphant glance at the history of the USSR, which is aggressively trying to introduce into the minds of the younger generation. Communication with those who shaped modern textbooks and television, often simply dumbfounded. The new generation is based in their judgments on the anti-Soviet officialdom, unfamiliar with alternative look at the past, and therefore unable to develop its own position.
If a movie or TV show anything about the Soviet Union, almost one hundred percent probability it is a falsification of history. We are told that life in the Soviet Union was hopeless, try to get this idea has penetrated every cell of social consciousness.

The West has long been a stereotype of thinking in relation to Russia, he skillfully formed deliberately. Their highbrow intellectuals can still operate with opposing concepts, but Western man in the street is located in the absolute power of the anti-Soviet myth.
Here, for example, I saw the movie BBC «Who Killed Stalin?". Level experts sovietologists, peremptory assessments primitive language first produced a comic effect. But the course of action when the Russian actors depicting the "inner circle" - high-ranking Soviet politicians - started uncontrollably drunk, fall muzzles salad, turn into beasts, and drunken Stalin looked with a sarcastic smile on the orgy, the film was just an insult to our country ... But it is almost the same, in some adapted form, I see in the Russian films!
More recently, with some pride, we presented the French film "The Concert." On our side, good actors involved, and the premiere, they were told that he had received such a warm comic strip ... What do you mean, you guys look at it through the eyes of an ordinary Frenchman, who came to the cinema! What are the conclusions he comes out? .. It turns out that in the Brezhnev era, in the early '80s, the conductor of the Bolshoi Theatre suffered for refusing to dismiss the orchestra all the Jews. He himself was fired, and the Jews were killed in Siberian camps. Just a little girl noble Frenchmen were taken to the West in case of Bass ... And my colleagues agree to play in the film and do not feel any sense of shame!
Even if all this nonsense was true, really should be involved? Maybe it's time to learn from the Europeans, which we always offer as a model of dignity and honor? Germans, for example, you are talking about the war not pull out there almost every skeleton in the closet to hide his grandfather, who fought on the Eastern Front. And try to affect the shameful behavior of the French during World War II. As far as I know, there were directors who were trying to make a movie about collaborating, for which suffered brutal ostracism. In France, they say only of the resistance that even de Gaulle recognized only good propaganda myth. The Germans, in any case, were amazed to see on the signing of the surrender of the French as winners ... Try to talk to the British on how basely they pulled with the opening of a second front, waited for us with the Germans harassed each other. Try to talk to Romania and Hungary, who fought alongside the Nazis, with the Czechs, who have made at its plants, two of the three tanks of the German army ... They cleverly ignore the shameful pages of its history, and will not allow anyone to raise these issues.
Self-flagellation always been inherent in the Russian mentality, and especially it has blossomed with the beginning of perestroika. Any attempt to discredit the heroic pages of our history has been regarded as a contribution to the fight against the hated communist regime. It penetrated into the pores of our society, it has become commonplace. Then it will be very difficult to root out all-out anti-Soviet, who for twenty-five years gained a strong root system, but doing it is definitely necessary. We can not exist in a situation of utter historical injustice.
In this respect very revealing was the program "The Court of time." Finally, in the public space we managed to hear the position opposite to the anti-Soviet. Concepts that after the 17th of the year in Russian history, nothing good happened, were countered by strong, balanced counter. And of course, just hit the audience voting.
- Despite the flow of anti-Soviet media, it is the ratio of - ninety-ten. With what do you communicate?
- I can not explain it. I know that the results produced a deafening impression on the liberal intelligentsia ... It would seem that the final figures to juggle, offer something neutral - 48 to 52 (as it did in the studio, where there were debates). But when switched on counting of votes in the country, the result is absolutely not the same as a studio. Whether the time is not realized, whether the organizers of the project have shown integrity.
The result was surprising also because it does not correspond to the results of any elections in our country. I do not believe that the election is a mass rigging - it means that there are reasons for which the televoting brings explicit support for socialist ideas, but on the real choice that does not happen.
In general, it seems to me, is very important to the deep sociological studies, spend a lot of money and determine what state our society. It is necessary to understand what the people want, what are his preferences and discontent. After all, since Gorbachev, we learned a lot and a lot of variables their views.
- Your film is called "popular", and you - "national director". Did you know about the people something that the others do not know? ..
- For me it is a very important topic. I remember his youth on I was impressed by the idea, and I even wrote it: "The crowd - it's not the people, Pushkin - the people." Yes, it sounds impressive. And now I think: why is it that the crowd, the masses refuse to manifestation of the national mentality? And because Pushkin and the genius that he was able most clearly and powerfully express the spirit of the people. While unjustly wrote about Russian rebellion as a senseless and merciless. Ruthless - of course, but - is meaningless ... I'm much more impressed by the position of the Bloc, which revolts, riots, revolutions seen mixing historical schёtov sudden straightening of the spring is compressed for decades or even centuries.
Arguing about the people, inevitably comes to fuzzy concepts, laws that can not be formulated. Yet implicitly understand that somehow everything that happens around the masses filtered and crystallized beliefs, mythological ideas. Gradually, views, take a stable form - with respect to some of the ruler, the entire historical period or a specific event. On the surface, the process of public debate may boil, boil passions, but in parallel somewhere in the depths of the crystal forms - unshakable point of view, which is not affected.
This process applies to all - including art. What I have seen in my life ephemeral, which hardly appeared, received the status of netlenki. Sometimes classics appointed from above, but more often bottom sprang whisper: it must be seen, it is necessary to hear, it is necessary to read! Time passed, and became a genius capable guys, new bosses ... methodically, quietly Time and people have done their job.
- Crystallization always seem fair to you?
- It already is the moral and subjective evaluations, it's like the laws of nature ... At the time I read in the memoirs of the wife of Robert Rozhdestvensky, like all life butting each other Yevtushenko and Voznesensky, not humorous, but quite seriously, proving his own right to be considered the best Russian poet the second half of the twentieth century. And just burned her resume on this subject: "But it turned out - Vysotsky ...»
Exactly like Mayakovsky in "Conversation with fininspektorom poetry": "... today, these poems and odes, in the roar of applause revmya, go down in history as the overhead costs made by us - two or three ...»
- With regard to your pictures crystallization occurred. Agree?
- "Love and Pigeons" undoubtedly became a folk painting, it is accepted by all social groups, even the communists united with the liberals. Interesting story with the "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", which would seem to belong to his time. In it are included the realities of a bygone era, it is not understandable today's young people, but in a strange way the film turns into a matrix, not only Soviet, but also a Russian national life.
But the picture was born, so to speak, of the breeze, was not the result of some serious training. At this time I was more interested in the movie social, political. More VGIK I wrote the screenplay of the film "is required to prove" with the subtitle: "Based on Lenin's book" Children's Disease of Communism Communism. " When he read my teacher, Mikhail Romm, he invited me to his home, closed the office door and said: "Vladimir, if you want to prove you're a person capable and even a talented, then you do it. But in order to avoid serious trouble script do not show anyone else. " It is this upset me, because no anti-Soviet intentions I did not have. The script came polemic, but then "Children's Disease of Communism" extremely polemical. It was written in connection with the Brest peace, it collected the arguments "for" and "against", which are then discussed in the party environment. In essence, after all, the whole Party and the Central Committee did not accept the idea of the Brest Peace, but Lenin was a rock ... I was interested in this collision, but then realized it was impossible to such material. Maximum polemic, which allows - it plays Shatrova. It seemed then unusually bold, today they seem naive, but in the late 60's it "Bolsheviks" in the "Contemporary" became my strongest impression of theater - outstanding directing of Ephraim, fine acting work ...
The script for "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" in comparison with the global conception seemed too small, uninteresting, toothless. But it made me remember the biographies of friends, relatives, workers episodes of his life (after school between going to college, I worked in a factory, mine). Incidentally fell notebooks that I started a while back, I wrote down some phrases, expressions, successful acuity. Fortunately, for me, the working class was not hostile zhlobskie of the community that are trying to portray some intelligenstvuyuschie directors. According to the modern cinema, the working class - it is something deeply marginal wildly drinking, not burdened with intelligence. So are those who stand at the machine, cooking steel, collects bread ... And I fell in love with these people, I began to understand them, appreciate their humor ... Now reign kaveenovskie jokes, and we have forgotten the real Russian humor, and it's an amazing phenomenon. Its important feature is the self-irony. Russian humor is largely directed at himself, and not on others ...
When I was making this film, no Napoleonic plans are not nurtured, and most importantly, what worried - would not be dishonored. After all, "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was my first "adult" painting after the "Rally».
Audience success was stunning and totally unexpected for me.
- Standing in line bólshey than "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was not necessary.
- Even gaydaevskie movies were blocked and a half to two times. And above all due to the multiple display. Some viewers have written to me that the film looked at 10-20 ...
It is now clear that the already worked and the time factor, and the factor of crystallization. I see a picture of the people selected. Despite the fact that nobody has promoted, not lobbyists were intellectuals, on the other hand, critics urged the audience: those who like painting - immature people who have no taste ...
Suppose it does not sound very modest, but it is these films - "Love and Pigeons", "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" - I will stay in the memory of "a long time will be the kind I have people" ... But it is clear both "Shirley Myrli" and especially "Envy of the Gods" made much more professional hand, are not included in the fund of the national cinema, not crystallized. It is disappointing, it has to be stated.
- Regarding "Shirley Myrli" you can bet ...
- Yes, I hope that maybe this picture is taken with certain ahead of time and will work on it. There is a lively sense of humor, transferred to the atmosphere of timelessness, crazy farcical 90s, but still, this film is not entered in the national consciousness as something inalienable required. And "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was included. Her characters have become almost family, link to them, quote them, they are present in people's lives, and even serve as an example. Vera Alentova offended that she had not the winning role in the first series reprises her character overshadows the heroine Irina ants and the second - there Ghosh and pulls the blanket over himself. And I seem to have found the right formula: in your role, destiny, life will be with you to do ...
Then I was incomprehensible earnest hatred of "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" by the elite intelligentsia. People just could not find the words to express the extent of his contempt for painting and cattle, which it looks. For me the nature of this hatred was opened much later. She was completely social. Sitting in the kitchen, intellectuals agreed among themselves that here "in this country", can not live. I also took an active part in such conversations, but I thought as to alter life for the better!
Read Now memoirs apologists restructuring, those who can be considered the current winners and wonder: they simply shook with hatred for the country. They claim that the system did not accept, but through the line clearly discerned: they did not accept Russia do not take a nation that put up with ugly social systems and the monster Stalin. Of course, they could not accept the picture that proves that you can live, you can make a career, you can just be happy.
- If you dissect a work of art belonging to the category of folk, look inside, what is the mechanism of how it works?
- It's a mysterious process that can be explained only in hindsight.
- But the general criteria, generic signs of "nationality" should be. You can offer, such as a version - folk art comforts and inspires ...
- However, the "Quiet Flows the Don" these components is almost not present. And even in "War and Peace." Now it seems strange, but the first in this novel is not so much to see his nation as historical discrepancies. It seems that even Denis Davydov had noted shortcomings: some regiment actually not stationed there. But then on the "War and Peace" began to work during ...
On the Great Patriotic War, not so many pieces that could be called a true folk. Few managed to penetrate into the heart of the phenomenon, to show what a people-winner. Tvardovsky failed. Of course, "Vasily Terkin" - is the pinnacle ... But you know, I'm reading in concerts Simon, he did not seem therefore considered the largest, but its military so poignant lyrics! And not just textbook, "Wait for me." The war went through his destiny intertwined with a love relationship with Valentin Serov ...
These have hit many, maybe in the life of the poet's case is unique coincidence with the pulse of life. In Gudzenko, for example, two poems just great: "We do not need to feel sorry for ..." and "When are going to die - sing ...". Two or three masterpieces have every poet belonging to the war generation ... But with the military prose harder ...
- But the popular movies about the Great Patriotic War a lot.
- Apparently, this genius of folk art is always in motion - today it is in literature, in music tomorrow, then in film. The first thing to remember, "Ballad of a Soldier" and "The Cranes Are Flying." However, the picture Kalatozova for my taste, somewhat mannered, although a breakthrough in terms of visual culture. There were more films of the second tier, for example, "The Living and the Dead," a wonderful picture Orda "Do your threshold" ... the director, who returned from the front, I remember the smell of sweat, blood and gunpowder could not lie, they do very present and powerful cinema .
The Great Patriotic War was the incredible feat of the Soviet people.