True story
First of all, I will say that I put this story in contrast to the post of "Perseverance and resilience Lipetsk communists" on the main page.
For a very simple reason - it's not all fun, as it was not motivated.
This story was recorded from the words of my father a journalist Eugene Sokolsky.
On my own I want to add that since half a year working on the story "Quarantine" the memories of my father.
It is unlikely that he will read it, because I left him a few days before ...
But Sokolski briefly passed the main episodes of this terrible history. And doubly terrible because it's true.
My dad was not a communist, but sometimes he would bring flowers to the monument of Lenin.
Maybe for fun?
True story
This is not a fictional story. It shows the other "school" that many children were held during the Great Patriotic War. To continue, when read, permanent "inhabitants" of our website is not lost in conjectures, I should say that the story is not a hero below the namesake of one of the bloggers. He is his own father.
Vladimir Ilyich Bespyatkinym I met on April 11, the International Day of Nazi concentration camps established by the United Nations in honor of the liberation of Buchenwald in 1945. This day Vladimir Ilyich and have something to remember himself. 64 years ago, in April 1943, he, twelve-year boy was able to escape from the children's camp in the Ukrainian town of Yenakiyevo.
For ryumashki tea, Vladimir Ilyich Bespyatkin talked about that terrible time. [next]
Vladimir Bespyatkin born in Kursk region in 1931. Then, in the early thirties, his parents went to recruit to Ukraine to build a Yenakiyevo Steel Plant.
In the thirty-seventh death of his mother, and his father raised him and three children, a daughter and two brothers, one of Vladimir. In 1941, his father and older brothers Ilya - Nicholas and Victor called to the front, and a ten-year Bespyatkin Vladimir and his younger sister, five-year Lida left alone.
By the autumn of 1941 the Germans occupied the Donbas. Lived brother and little sister in the factory barracks, and in order not to starve to death, left without means of livelihood, Vladimir went to beg bread for the occupants.
The Germans come across different, others were always ready to help starving children, but there were some that throws kicks beggar. More to ask there was nobody - men at the front, the remaining women and children will live from hand to mouth.
Sometimes, during a bombing killed animals - horses, cows, while Volodya cut pieces of meat from the dead and they have enough food with her sister for a few days.
Once, during the regular production of food from the Germans Volodya stopped policemen. - It was his, Russian or Ukrainian, - says Vladimir Ilyich.
Two policemen arrested me and said that now, you, boy, you will live well and in no need, do not beg from the Germans, but to live in the German manner.
They escorted me into the building of the former orphanage Yenakiyevo, which has already been fenced with barbed wire. Orphanage continued to perform its functions.
These Germans were brought all the children found in the area. And there were many - children in a hurry to pick up on the front deported to work in Germany, stragglers from the train and lost.
When Vladimir policemen arrested, he begging them to let go, and wanting to evoke pity, let slip that his house, waiting for a little sister. So soon the five-year Lida policemen were taken to the shelter.
At the orphanage, the children also lived from hand to mouth. They were fed mainly brew their burnt grain burned by retreating Red Army fields. The main shelter staff were Germans - SS.
As later learned, Vladimir, among them were many doctors. Head of the orphanage they appointed German from the Volga colonists, whom everyone called Frau Batt. About this woman, Vladimir Ilyich, in spite of everything, keeps warm memories. - Frau Batt treat children with warmth and regret, says Lenin.
- It was obvious that the SS trust her only child care, no more than that.
When I was only brought to an orphanage, I have noticed there is a large group of very young children - toddlers. After a while, the whole group had disappeared, and I asked Frau Betty: - Where are the small? She quickly covered my mouth with his hand and said that I would never ask anyone about it, and do not stutter about the kids, but at the very tears in his eyes. This woman later in his life played no small role.
The duties performed by caregivers at the orphanage armed SS. For the first time here, Vladimir saw German order - the atrocities of German soldiers. For the slightest fault Germans children punished kicks, boxing ears, and even beaten with rifle butts.
But the main fear of the children instilled a word - "insulator". Children lived on the second and third floors of the building, located on the first detention center. He was always full, it fell as the inmates of the orphanage and the children who were brought here from the streets of Ukrainian cities, all the Donbass.
As it turned out, in the detention center for children bled for wounded German soldiers, and carried them over some medical experiments. The children fell into the insulator, Vladimir never seen.
In addition, Vladimir once remarked that their shelter is another kind of filtration camps for Jewish children. To the Jews in the orphanage had a special attitude.
Of new arrivals children immediately calculated and communicated in an insulator Jews. At times, the shelter has brought the whole "filter out" the party of Jewish children who were immediately sent to the detention center. From Quarantine daily carried wooden crates stacked in the hallway and on the street. Then taken away on carts in the quarry not far from the metallurgical plant there stacks of boxes set on fire the flamethrower, so that from them and from what was left alone in the ash, which immediately buried in the dump pit.
Vladimir guessed what was in those boxes, but I was afraid to admit it even to himself.
Somehow Vladimir witnessed terrible scenes. The SS man noticed a group of children a boy - Jewish. The German immediately grabbed his curly hair, snatching from the crowd, but the boy was bitten by Fritz wrist. Angered by the SS picked up the boy by the scruff of the neck like a kitten, and with all his might threw out the window. The boy, knocking the frame, flew from the third floor and fell to the ground, where German shepherds ran and went to the soldiers. Under the German general laughter, the boy was still alive at the bottom of the dogs broke.
On another occasion the same witness a terrible scene was the sister of Vladimir - Lida. In the construction, the German saw behind her little black girl. Around it was obvious that the Germans somehow had not noticed a Jewish child. Hitlerite wordlessly he pulled from his belt bayonet and cut the girl's throat, hurting his sister by Vladimir. Lydia remained a lifelong scar on his cheek.
Hunger in a shelter made of children to beg for their food at the few passers-by, holding hands through the board fence and barbed wire. But so rarely that they perepadalo.
Vladimir Bespyatkin found a way to food in a German barn, which was located not far from the body of the orphanage. He waited hour distracted and penetrated to the stables through the hole. They poured out of the trough Volodya bran and carried them to the shelter.
One day in the spring of 1943 on his way back from a manhole, he came face to muzzle "Schmeiser" Time and Punishment was placed in the same cell.
Frau Batt only regretted the boy whispered to him that, though he would try something to help but is unlikely to.
The insulator was beaten children, mainly Jews, "to the eyeballs" and Volodya with another boy was placed in a room nurse. On the same day, the boy took the blood, and he strongly grown weak, fell asleep. Volodya stripped and brush with metal fibers, scratching, spent some time on the naked body. A few hours later his body was covered with blisters, immediately turn into scabs.
- I realized that this is the end - says Vladimir Ilyich. - I knew that soon I will make of an insulator in a wooden box and burn in a career.
At that moment, I had a burning desire to escape. How? - did not know.
Now Vladimir Ilyich sure - he helped Frau Batt.
At night, a nurse guarding the boys once picturesque asleep, snoring loudly, as if on purpose.
And most importantly - the window of her office has been opened!
Volodya stood up and began to wake the boy, who drained the blood, but ... he was dead.
Then Vladimir alone tsipochkah on his way to the window and the sill peremahnuv - was gone.
He was lucky not to run on time, the dogs when he crawled to the fence, where there was a small gap, covered board. It prolazit only a child's hand, when the children asked for food from passers-by.
Volodya now wondering - how he managed to squeeze into the slot. Although he said he was as thin as a skeleton.
For several hours, hiding where crawling where dashes, Vladimir moved towards the railway station of gravel where knocked on the first comer house.
The door was opened by a woman with whom he has asked to eat. The boy was covered with scabs from head to toe, this woman took to her house, and so nowhere and did not let go.
Her name was Irina Mitrofanovna Omelchenko. Until his death in the early 1950s, Irina Omelchenko Mitrofanovna was for Vladimir mother.
After escaping, she went to Vladimir priyutu- concentration camps and brought food the sister - Lydia and once had the courage to approach Frau Betty, and at your own risk metric ask her Volodya Bespyatkina.
It is understood as a risk, but Volodya told her about this woman and she decided. Although some - some documents were needed for Volodya.
And Frau Batt learn that Volodya was alive, very happy, went into his office and carried out by Vladimir metric.
It also proved to be a mystery to Lenin on the rest of your life, because all the documents for the children slaughtered by the Nazis immediately destroyed.
It turned out to be an amazing woman and Mitrofanovna Irina Omelchenko.
During the occupation of Yenakiyevo, until the fall of 1943, she hid and helped send to the remote hamlet of Donetsk region, many children.
After the liberation of the Soviet army Enakieva, Omelchenko took into their family and sister of Vladimir - Lydia.
Vladimir lived in her house until 1951, until he was drafted into the army.
After serving in the aviation Vladimir Bespyatkin settled in Lipetsk and has worked at the plant "Svobodny Sokol" forty years. His father was killed in the Orel region, while protecting the heights near the town of Mtsensk.
Both brothers returned victorious. Traces of the fascist experiment in isolation that has been found after the release of the children's health Enakieva an experimental concentration camp, and stayed with him for life. All these
years, occasionally on the body of Vladimir Ilyich appear scabs, and the diagnosis and doctors could not determine. In 1998, Vladimir Ilyich was in Yenakiyevo, and saw that on the site of mass graves of hundreds of Jewish children is not even a small monument and build a garage. Now he bitterly regrets that in his 75 years, he has not had the opportunity to go to an independent Ukraine and justice.
Sokolsky ©
Here's a little video interview with my father.
For a very simple reason - it's not all fun, as it was not motivated.
This story was recorded from the words of my father a journalist Eugene Sokolsky.
On my own I want to add that since half a year working on the story "Quarantine" the memories of my father.
It is unlikely that he will read it, because I left him a few days before ...
But Sokolski briefly passed the main episodes of this terrible history. And doubly terrible because it's true.
My dad was not a communist, but sometimes he would bring flowers to the monument of Lenin.
Maybe for fun?
True story
This is not a fictional story. It shows the other "school" that many children were held during the Great Patriotic War. To continue, when read, permanent "inhabitants" of our website is not lost in conjectures, I should say that the story is not a hero below the namesake of one of the bloggers. He is his own father.
Vladimir Ilyich Bespyatkinym I met on April 11, the International Day of Nazi concentration camps established by the United Nations in honor of the liberation of Buchenwald in 1945. This day Vladimir Ilyich and have something to remember himself. 64 years ago, in April 1943, he, twelve-year boy was able to escape from the children's camp in the Ukrainian town of Yenakiyevo.
For ryumashki tea, Vladimir Ilyich Bespyatkin talked about that terrible time. [next]
Vladimir Bespyatkin born in Kursk region in 1931. Then, in the early thirties, his parents went to recruit to Ukraine to build a Yenakiyevo Steel Plant.
In the thirty-seventh death of his mother, and his father raised him and three children, a daughter and two brothers, one of Vladimir. In 1941, his father and older brothers Ilya - Nicholas and Victor called to the front, and a ten-year Bespyatkin Vladimir and his younger sister, five-year Lida left alone.
By the autumn of 1941 the Germans occupied the Donbas. Lived brother and little sister in the factory barracks, and in order not to starve to death, left without means of livelihood, Vladimir went to beg bread for the occupants.
The Germans come across different, others were always ready to help starving children, but there were some that throws kicks beggar. More to ask there was nobody - men at the front, the remaining women and children will live from hand to mouth.
Sometimes, during a bombing killed animals - horses, cows, while Volodya cut pieces of meat from the dead and they have enough food with her sister for a few days.
Once, during the regular production of food from the Germans Volodya stopped policemen. - It was his, Russian or Ukrainian, - says Vladimir Ilyich.
Two policemen arrested me and said that now, you, boy, you will live well and in no need, do not beg from the Germans, but to live in the German manner.
They escorted me into the building of the former orphanage Yenakiyevo, which has already been fenced with barbed wire. Orphanage continued to perform its functions.
These Germans were brought all the children found in the area. And there were many - children in a hurry to pick up on the front deported to work in Germany, stragglers from the train and lost.
When Vladimir policemen arrested, he begging them to let go, and wanting to evoke pity, let slip that his house, waiting for a little sister. So soon the five-year Lida policemen were taken to the shelter.
At the orphanage, the children also lived from hand to mouth. They were fed mainly brew their burnt grain burned by retreating Red Army fields. The main shelter staff were Germans - SS.
As later learned, Vladimir, among them were many doctors. Head of the orphanage they appointed German from the Volga colonists, whom everyone called Frau Batt. About this woman, Vladimir Ilyich, in spite of everything, keeps warm memories. - Frau Batt treat children with warmth and regret, says Lenin.
- It was obvious that the SS trust her only child care, no more than that.
When I was only brought to an orphanage, I have noticed there is a large group of very young children - toddlers. After a while, the whole group had disappeared, and I asked Frau Betty: - Where are the small? She quickly covered my mouth with his hand and said that I would never ask anyone about it, and do not stutter about the kids, but at the very tears in his eyes. This woman later in his life played no small role.
The duties performed by caregivers at the orphanage armed SS. For the first time here, Vladimir saw German order - the atrocities of German soldiers. For the slightest fault Germans children punished kicks, boxing ears, and even beaten with rifle butts.
But the main fear of the children instilled a word - "insulator". Children lived on the second and third floors of the building, located on the first detention center. He was always full, it fell as the inmates of the orphanage and the children who were brought here from the streets of Ukrainian cities, all the Donbass.
As it turned out, in the detention center for children bled for wounded German soldiers, and carried them over some medical experiments. The children fell into the insulator, Vladimir never seen.
In addition, Vladimir once remarked that their shelter is another kind of filtration camps for Jewish children. To the Jews in the orphanage had a special attitude.
Of new arrivals children immediately calculated and communicated in an insulator Jews. At times, the shelter has brought the whole "filter out" the party of Jewish children who were immediately sent to the detention center. From Quarantine daily carried wooden crates stacked in the hallway and on the street. Then taken away on carts in the quarry not far from the metallurgical plant there stacks of boxes set on fire the flamethrower, so that from them and from what was left alone in the ash, which immediately buried in the dump pit.
Vladimir guessed what was in those boxes, but I was afraid to admit it even to himself.
Somehow Vladimir witnessed terrible scenes. The SS man noticed a group of children a boy - Jewish. The German immediately grabbed his curly hair, snatching from the crowd, but the boy was bitten by Fritz wrist. Angered by the SS picked up the boy by the scruff of the neck like a kitten, and with all his might threw out the window. The boy, knocking the frame, flew from the third floor and fell to the ground, where German shepherds ran and went to the soldiers. Under the German general laughter, the boy was still alive at the bottom of the dogs broke.
On another occasion the same witness a terrible scene was the sister of Vladimir - Lida. In the construction, the German saw behind her little black girl. Around it was obvious that the Germans somehow had not noticed a Jewish child. Hitlerite wordlessly he pulled from his belt bayonet and cut the girl's throat, hurting his sister by Vladimir. Lydia remained a lifelong scar on his cheek.
Hunger in a shelter made of children to beg for their food at the few passers-by, holding hands through the board fence and barbed wire. But so rarely that they perepadalo.
Vladimir Bespyatkin found a way to food in a German barn, which was located not far from the body of the orphanage. He waited hour distracted and penetrated to the stables through the hole. They poured out of the trough Volodya bran and carried them to the shelter.
One day in the spring of 1943 on his way back from a manhole, he came face to muzzle "Schmeiser" Time and Punishment was placed in the same cell.
Frau Batt only regretted the boy whispered to him that, though he would try something to help but is unlikely to.
The insulator was beaten children, mainly Jews, "to the eyeballs" and Volodya with another boy was placed in a room nurse. On the same day, the boy took the blood, and he strongly grown weak, fell asleep. Volodya stripped and brush with metal fibers, scratching, spent some time on the naked body. A few hours later his body was covered with blisters, immediately turn into scabs.
- I realized that this is the end - says Vladimir Ilyich. - I knew that soon I will make of an insulator in a wooden box and burn in a career.
At that moment, I had a burning desire to escape. How? - did not know.
Now Vladimir Ilyich sure - he helped Frau Batt.
At night, a nurse guarding the boys once picturesque asleep, snoring loudly, as if on purpose.
And most importantly - the window of her office has been opened!
Volodya stood up and began to wake the boy, who drained the blood, but ... he was dead.
Then Vladimir alone tsipochkah on his way to the window and the sill peremahnuv - was gone.
He was lucky not to run on time, the dogs when he crawled to the fence, where there was a small gap, covered board. It prolazit only a child's hand, when the children asked for food from passers-by.
Volodya now wondering - how he managed to squeeze into the slot. Although he said he was as thin as a skeleton.
For several hours, hiding where crawling where dashes, Vladimir moved towards the railway station of gravel where knocked on the first comer house.
The door was opened by a woman with whom he has asked to eat. The boy was covered with scabs from head to toe, this woman took to her house, and so nowhere and did not let go.
Her name was Irina Mitrofanovna Omelchenko. Until his death in the early 1950s, Irina Omelchenko Mitrofanovna was for Vladimir mother.
After escaping, she went to Vladimir priyutu- concentration camps and brought food the sister - Lydia and once had the courage to approach Frau Betty, and at your own risk metric ask her Volodya Bespyatkina.
It is understood as a risk, but Volodya told her about this woman and she decided. Although some - some documents were needed for Volodya.
And Frau Batt learn that Volodya was alive, very happy, went into his office and carried out by Vladimir metric.
It also proved to be a mystery to Lenin on the rest of your life, because all the documents for the children slaughtered by the Nazis immediately destroyed.
It turned out to be an amazing woman and Mitrofanovna Irina Omelchenko.
During the occupation of Yenakiyevo, until the fall of 1943, she hid and helped send to the remote hamlet of Donetsk region, many children.
After the liberation of the Soviet army Enakieva, Omelchenko took into their family and sister of Vladimir - Lydia.
Vladimir lived in her house until 1951, until he was drafted into the army.
After serving in the aviation Vladimir Bespyatkin settled in Lipetsk and has worked at the plant "Svobodny Sokol" forty years. His father was killed in the Orel region, while protecting the heights near the town of Mtsensk.
Both brothers returned victorious. Traces of the fascist experiment in isolation that has been found after the release of the children's health Enakieva an experimental concentration camp, and stayed with him for life. All these
years, occasionally on the body of Vladimir Ilyich appear scabs, and the diagnosis and doctors could not determine. In 1998, Vladimir Ilyich was in Yenakiyevo, and saw that on the site of mass graves of hundreds of Jewish children is not even a small monument and build a garage. Now he bitterly regrets that in his 75 years, he has not had the opportunity to go to an independent Ukraine and justice.
Sokolsky ©
Here's a little video interview with my father.
