10 great books— just about the complex
Eighty million six hundred eighty thousand eight hundred nineteen
Even in the most difficult things can be quite easy to understand if you read the right book. As on Earth there are a huge number of scientific and popular literature, in which are described what seems to be a Chinese puzzle. We have collected the top 10 books that will explain to you the complicated things in simple words.
A brief history of time. Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking is a rock star in the world of science. British scientist, occupying the same pulpit, which at the time was led by Isaac Newton, is the subject of gossip, television and movies. And despite the fact that the Hawking is not the first decade in a wheelchair, being almost completely paralyzed.
With the world he communicates with a computer, which controls eye movement. Nevertheless, Stephen Hawking is one of the largest in the world of theoretical physicists and science communicators in General. The most famous popular scientific work of this author is the book "a brief history of time" (the new edition is "the Shortest history of time").
In this work, Hawking simply and clearly describes the secrets of the origin of the Universe and the nature of its existence. He talks about Black holes, string theories, complex mathematical concepts and many other topics. At the same time in the material can handle even a schoolboy – "Multiple history of time" reads like a gripping adventure novel, not as a book about science.
Interestingly, in all of "a Brief history of time" is found only one formula – E=mc2.
What is mathematics? Richard Courant, Herbert RobbinsIt turns out that the mathematics that is taught in school, has a very distant relationship to the fundamental science of the same name. But because a famous German scientist Richard Courant along with coauthor Herbert Robbins decided to write a book that can explain a wide range of readers, what is contemporary mathematics?
The authors begin their narrative with the elementary concepts, and then gradually complicate them, translating the reader with the understanding of the most important and complex problems of modern mathematics.
The book is written in simple and understandable language. And described in her facts seem to be interesting and entertaining even to those who are in the school passed the math three.
How does the economy. Ha-Joong ChangEconomics in the modern world surrounds us on all sides. Absolutely different people are willing to give each other tips on how best to earn and increase money. But only a relatively small number of people really knows and understands how to construct the global economy.
But it is not a mystery. And the famous economist from Cambridge Ha-Joon Chang wrote a book called "How the economy" in which everyone can learn the essence and history of this concept.
Ha-Joon Chang gives readers insight into the history of Economics ("from pin to PIN"), about the main economic theories and practice of their implementation, as well as unhackneyed detail and explains how the economy works in the real world.
Chang described the facts it is impossible to find in textbooks. He shares in the pages of his book of revelation that the only correct view of Economics does not exist. But there is a set of tools that will help oneself to try to understand how the world of production and money in the conditions of globalization.
history of Europe. Norman DaviesHistory is a science, which may be objective. This idea proves the British scholar Norman Davies, who released a landmark popular science work titled "History of Europe".
In his book, Davis examines the history of the life and coexistence of the peoples living on the vast territory from Iceland to the Volga. The author strongly delves into the facts, trying not to miss any truly significant event from the Paleolithic to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The author accompanies his text with unexpected opinions, a story about a funny, but important episodes of European history, as well as relief, not the glossy portraits of great personalities.
None of those mentioned in this work of the peoples can not blame the author of the "History of Europe" of bias. The book is based on filigree work with the facts and their interpretation in accordance with the objective laws of logic.
Mandership. Artemy LebedevThe project "Mandership" famous Russian designer Artemy Lebedev began in 1997, when he began to spread the blogging record, reveals the secrets of design excellence. The material was subjective, debatable, however, people began to apply this information in practice.
Over time, the blog entries "Mandership" became so much that we decided to release as a single book. The result is a veritable textbook of contemporary design.
The book is full colour illustrations with examples and antiprimery, on its pages you can find a huge number of unique practical information that you can't see in other sources.
Hunters for the microbes. Paul de KruiIt turns out that Microbiology can be no less entertaining, interesting science than, for example, history. In any case, the impression may arise from the reading of the book "hunter microbes" American scientist Paul de, CRUI.
"Hunters for the microbes" is part artwork. The history of the science of Microbiology it is closely intertwined with the stories of scientists-microbiologists – a brave people, who are waging war with infectious diseases, thus preserving Humanity many millions of lives.
De CRUI, it tells the story of scientific discoveries in the field of Microbiology, the scene is deep and dramatic, but often very entertaining, with comedic elements. The book appeared in 1926, but still fun to read – better on the subject since then and have not written.
The anarchist pastry book. William PowellThe book, forbidden for publication and distribution in dozens of countries, including and Russia. "The anarchist pastry book" from the American William Powell was written in the sixties of the twentieth century in the Wake of the heyday of the protest movement against the War in Vietnam.
"The anarchist pastry book" is a collection of recipes in different types of illegal activities. In its pages the author shares with readers the secrets of manufacturing explosives and drugs, teaches them to make fuses, to conduct surveillance and eliminate the enemy by physical methods, including hand-to-hand combat. In implementing most of the recipes the reader can do well available and legal materials.
Of course, some recipes from this "Cookbook" is not accurate or not working at all. However, for several decades, the book by William Powell is the main set of instructions for radical youth around the world. And it is not surprising that the authorities in different countries tend to ban it.
The oil is blessed and cursed. Samuel Van VactorMany believe oil is the Foundation of modern Civilization. This resource has made our world what it is. Nevertheless, society never ceases to mix with the dirt oil business and its leaders, considering them the epitome of world evil.
The book "Oil of the blessed and the damned: the international oil and gas business from the wellhead to the gas station" provides a wide range of readers a thorough overview of the principles of functioning of this sector of the economy and its impact on global energy and politics.
But do not assume Samuel van Vactor a lobbyist for the oil business. The final part of the book, he tells in detail about all the main alternatives to oil as the world's main source of energy: synthetic fuels, liquefied natural gas, solar panels, hydrogen engines, etc.
The Story Of God. Karen Armstrong
"A history of God: the 4000 years quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam" is one of the best books in the world on religion. The author has done an extraordinary job to tell readers where the idea of one God, as varied with time on it, what common and different features have endowed their God-Christians, Jews and Muslims, and how these three religions influenced each other.
Karen Armstrong reviews the history of monotheism in the context of four thousand years: from Abraham to the present day, affecting ancient philosophy, medieval mysticism, spiritual Renaissance, Reformation, and modern scientific skepticism.
The author gives the reader the answer to the question whether God exists. She only tells people the history of human ideas about it. But because this work will be equally interesting as atheists and representatives of different religions and faiths.
Statecraft. Margaret ThatcherAs you know, every taxi driver knows how to govern. But listen to this plan should not to the representatives of the profession, but to the people who really stood at the head of the world politics, which could be held in his country and in the world, a significant shift for the better. Such a person, for example, is Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1979-1990.
In 2002, Thatcher has released the book "the Art of government. Strategies for a changing world", which spoke in detail about his political career, beliefs and rules, and conducted a detailed analysis of major contemporary events, projecting it into the future processes.
Margaret Thatcher in his book analyzed the role of the United States, Russia, China and India in the international political process, examine the issue of European integration and the emergence of against this background of rogue States. The famous female politician presented to the public their own world view with which to agree or disagree, but which is impossible not to respect.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Even in the most difficult things can be quite easy to understand if you read the right book. As on Earth there are a huge number of scientific and popular literature, in which are described what seems to be a Chinese puzzle. We have collected the top 10 books that will explain to you the complicated things in simple words.
A brief history of time. Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking is a rock star in the world of science. British scientist, occupying the same pulpit, which at the time was led by Isaac Newton, is the subject of gossip, television and movies. And despite the fact that the Hawking is not the first decade in a wheelchair, being almost completely paralyzed.
With the world he communicates with a computer, which controls eye movement. Nevertheless, Stephen Hawking is one of the largest in the world of theoretical physicists and science communicators in General. The most famous popular scientific work of this author is the book "a brief history of time" (the new edition is "the Shortest history of time").
In this work, Hawking simply and clearly describes the secrets of the origin of the Universe and the nature of its existence. He talks about Black holes, string theories, complex mathematical concepts and many other topics. At the same time in the material can handle even a schoolboy – "Multiple history of time" reads like a gripping adventure novel, not as a book about science.
Interestingly, in all of "a Brief history of time" is found only one formula – E=mc2.
What is mathematics? Richard Courant, Herbert RobbinsIt turns out that the mathematics that is taught in school, has a very distant relationship to the fundamental science of the same name. But because a famous German scientist Richard Courant along with coauthor Herbert Robbins decided to write a book that can explain a wide range of readers, what is contemporary mathematics?
The authors begin their narrative with the elementary concepts, and then gradually complicate them, translating the reader with the understanding of the most important and complex problems of modern mathematics.
The book is written in simple and understandable language. And described in her facts seem to be interesting and entertaining even to those who are in the school passed the math three.
How does the economy. Ha-Joong ChangEconomics in the modern world surrounds us on all sides. Absolutely different people are willing to give each other tips on how best to earn and increase money. But only a relatively small number of people really knows and understands how to construct the global economy.
But it is not a mystery. And the famous economist from Cambridge Ha-Joon Chang wrote a book called "How the economy" in which everyone can learn the essence and history of this concept.
Ha-Joon Chang gives readers insight into the history of Economics ("from pin to PIN"), about the main economic theories and practice of their implementation, as well as unhackneyed detail and explains how the economy works in the real world.
Chang described the facts it is impossible to find in textbooks. He shares in the pages of his book of revelation that the only correct view of Economics does not exist. But there is a set of tools that will help oneself to try to understand how the world of production and money in the conditions of globalization.
history of Europe. Norman DaviesHistory is a science, which may be objective. This idea proves the British scholar Norman Davies, who released a landmark popular science work titled "History of Europe".
In his book, Davis examines the history of the life and coexistence of the peoples living on the vast territory from Iceland to the Volga. The author strongly delves into the facts, trying not to miss any truly significant event from the Paleolithic to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
The author accompanies his text with unexpected opinions, a story about a funny, but important episodes of European history, as well as relief, not the glossy portraits of great personalities.
None of those mentioned in this work of the peoples can not blame the author of the "History of Europe" of bias. The book is based on filigree work with the facts and their interpretation in accordance with the objective laws of logic.
Mandership. Artemy LebedevThe project "Mandership" famous Russian designer Artemy Lebedev began in 1997, when he began to spread the blogging record, reveals the secrets of design excellence. The material was subjective, debatable, however, people began to apply this information in practice.
Over time, the blog entries "Mandership" became so much that we decided to release as a single book. The result is a veritable textbook of contemporary design.
The book is full colour illustrations with examples and antiprimery, on its pages you can find a huge number of unique practical information that you can't see in other sources.
Hunters for the microbes. Paul de KruiIt turns out that Microbiology can be no less entertaining, interesting science than, for example, history. In any case, the impression may arise from the reading of the book "hunter microbes" American scientist Paul de, CRUI.
"Hunters for the microbes" is part artwork. The history of the science of Microbiology it is closely intertwined with the stories of scientists-microbiologists – a brave people, who are waging war with infectious diseases, thus preserving Humanity many millions of lives.
De CRUI, it tells the story of scientific discoveries in the field of Microbiology, the scene is deep and dramatic, but often very entertaining, with comedic elements. The book appeared in 1926, but still fun to read – better on the subject since then and have not written.
The anarchist pastry book. William PowellThe book, forbidden for publication and distribution in dozens of countries, including and Russia. "The anarchist pastry book" from the American William Powell was written in the sixties of the twentieth century in the Wake of the heyday of the protest movement against the War in Vietnam.
"The anarchist pastry book" is a collection of recipes in different types of illegal activities. In its pages the author shares with readers the secrets of manufacturing explosives and drugs, teaches them to make fuses, to conduct surveillance and eliminate the enemy by physical methods, including hand-to-hand combat. In implementing most of the recipes the reader can do well available and legal materials.
Of course, some recipes from this "Cookbook" is not accurate or not working at all. However, for several decades, the book by William Powell is the main set of instructions for radical youth around the world. And it is not surprising that the authorities in different countries tend to ban it.
The oil is blessed and cursed. Samuel Van VactorMany believe oil is the Foundation of modern Civilization. This resource has made our world what it is. Nevertheless, society never ceases to mix with the dirt oil business and its leaders, considering them the epitome of world evil.
The book "Oil of the blessed and the damned: the international oil and gas business from the wellhead to the gas station" provides a wide range of readers a thorough overview of the principles of functioning of this sector of the economy and its impact on global energy and politics.
But do not assume Samuel van Vactor a lobbyist for the oil business. The final part of the book, he tells in detail about all the main alternatives to oil as the world's main source of energy: synthetic fuels, liquefied natural gas, solar panels, hydrogen engines, etc.
The Story Of God. Karen Armstrong
"A history of God: the 4000 years quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam" is one of the best books in the world on religion. The author has done an extraordinary job to tell readers where the idea of one God, as varied with time on it, what common and different features have endowed their God-Christians, Jews and Muslims, and how these three religions influenced each other.
Karen Armstrong reviews the history of monotheism in the context of four thousand years: from Abraham to the present day, affecting ancient philosophy, medieval mysticism, spiritual Renaissance, Reformation, and modern scientific skepticism.
The author gives the reader the answer to the question whether God exists. She only tells people the history of human ideas about it. But because this work will be equally interesting as atheists and representatives of different religions and faiths.
Statecraft. Margaret ThatcherAs you know, every taxi driver knows how to govern. But listen to this plan should not to the representatives of the profession, but to the people who really stood at the head of the world politics, which could be held in his country and in the world, a significant shift for the better. Such a person, for example, is Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 1979-1990.
In 2002, Thatcher has released the book "the Art of government. Strategies for a changing world", which spoke in detail about his political career, beliefs and rules, and conducted a detailed analysis of major contemporary events, projecting it into the future processes.
Margaret Thatcher in his book analyzed the role of the United States, Russia, China and India in the international political process, examine the issue of European integration and the emergence of against this background of rogue States. The famous female politician presented to the public their own world view with which to agree or disagree, but which is impossible not to respect.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©