Svetlana Maybrodskaya: "All the bad and superficial, because they work dilettantes"
Svetlana Maybrodskaya, worked as a senior copywriter at BBDO Moscow, apparently, always kept the seeds of pedagogy and education, because one day she wanted to teach youngsters a difficult profession reklamista.Tak appeared now known Wordshop BBDO, which for several years has been providing advertising agencies with quality young staff. In a prize, you know, everything. For young people a chance to be seen by creative directors of large network agencies, and for creative directors - a bold opportunity to get fresh blood, brought up in the walls of BBDO, rather than a pig in a poke.
Svetlana Maybrodskaya early summer release six Wordshop and immediately surprised by the public news: Wordshop expanded and moved from BBDO. It is now called the "Academy Communications Wordshop», and will live and work in the territory of the British Higher School of Design, teaching both art directors, copywriters and producers.
Site spoke with Svetlana on the upcoming changes.
- Light, why suddenly it became Vordshop Academy Communications? B>
- Banal because increased. It increased so that it is time to think seriously about the big room, and how to learn from morning to evening. The BBDO very well, and we, of course, accustomed to three years, but still here Agency, and we have the opportunity to learn a night or a weekend to learn. And if you do a full-fledged university, it is clear that the need to give students an opportunity to hang out in the walls of the university 24 hours a day, it is necessary to arrange the lab. And it is clear that it needs space and freedom of movement within these premises. This is the first.
And the second - because the demands on people that we produce more and more increasing. And so they continue to remain competitive, it is necessary to give more and more knowledge, and five months longer enough to teach. For five months, you can learn some basics and a little bit deeper in some isolated jungle.
And today there is a tendency that a graduate must be trained craft. That is, if he is a copywriter, he must not only understand the genres of copywriting, or that there is a modern advertising. He should be able to write the text. It must understand the great mystery of the Word, that is, to be able to write any Tektite freely move from genre band content for the Internet. He should be able to create the text. Besides, he must choose the style itself, to invent himself, manipulate words and so on.
- That is now, according to the dictates of the time, we need universal soldiers?
- Well, not the soldiers. It seems to me that this approximation to what really is in the West. There's also a man in addition to being creative and he understands the profession and trends, he also trained craft. He owns the technology, it has the tools, well versed in the details of their professional. For me this is a profession, it is composed of some components of creative and craft.
Same thing with the art director. The times when the art director came from technical colleges and just were smart and active people, quietly passed away, and now the art director has to be a very good designer to understand the video production, Internet technology know ...
- mnogostanochnik such.
- Yes, absolutely. And another plus animation and illustration plus, and plus picture. Maybe he should not have it all himself thoroughly to be able to do, but he must understand this in order to correctly pick out the people who will help him, and properly co-ordinate their work. We now have advertising, unfortunately, very superficial. At best, they say that there are good ideas, but if you look at the level of implementation of the ideas on their visualization, verbal vestments, the choice of media and how it is the features of this media are used, we have this very bad, very superficial, because they work by amateurs.
A trend today is that people have become professionals and, therefore, the artisans in the best sense of the word. That is the quality control of their instruments. If it is a copywriter, he should own styles, words, own sound. If he is an art director, he must possess all the visual arts who have.
Why am I on this trend * laughs * i> «Trend» now? Because change requests for graduates. When we meet with the creative directors, they say, it is now completely drugoi things about people that they need to position a copywriter / art director. They say: "Give us, please, copywriter, lyricist, wrote the lyrics to a free press and to freely write great texts of the Internet».
Another creative director who works in our Integrated, Kohl Pintea says: "Give us, please, lyricist". - "What?" - "Well, here's a simple example, if I'll put your copywriter to write text to the Internet, he did not write, but it is necessary that, and so, and so could not." There was a time of great content texts. And so a person must freely and easily to write them, it is clear that we must somehow in another way to cook them. Do not just learn to think creatively, and word fluency.
Art Director ... Ask the art director does not necessarily own shot, but always had their own stylistic vision of the world. And it is now welcoming our alumni who are engaged in illustration, photography, and it's still not exactly a design path. But this is welcome because a person who has his own style in the illustration, it is unusual sees the world, and teach him to shoot videos is easy. Therefore, they are now better arranged than the people who just think creatively.
- In connection with the trend voiced by you, does not it mean that the latest release Vordshopa prepared deep enough?
- * laughs * i> And this issue has been another trend. If the answer specifically to your question is yes. Because, first, for five months of training once a week did not prepare for this "craft a trend." And secondly, because we are really more involved in the overall development of students. A little involved in other things, learn to create characters. We in Russia in advertising people who know how to create such pesonazhey who remembered who want to emulate that wants to make a commercially successful projects, we do not have such specialists. And in this respect, of course, jealous of America, which each year provides a great number of successful characters, in which customers make money. We do not know how this, a trend that we have, but we want to create. We believe that a person who is able to come up with not only the idea, but the hero, the bearer of this idea will be successful in the market.
- I know that vordshopovtsev beginning to buy up to work even in the learning process. How many people get a job with the last vordshopa, failing to finish my studies? B>
- Thirteen. And this despite the fact that we have a crisis. And it seems like the agency did not take the young in general, they have used their resources and take specialists with experience. And we have at the time of the release of the sixth vordshopa 10 people were trained in BBDO, and three have already taken a job in the state. One at BBDO, one at Leo Burnett and one in Instinct.
- And how the agency will know whom they have to take on the work of your students? They come and look at what students are doing and how they work, or call you and say, "The light is there any light head?» B>
- Yes differently. It happens that there is a vacancy. I call, and I myself know that such a vacancy there, and I directly negotiate about how you can arrange an interview or to show portfolio. Guys go and socialize. And it happens that they send out resumes to HR departments or directly to creative director. It often happens that within the BBDO there any interesting project and we are asked to help. We help and from implementation of any work so striking that the person taking the training.
- And when you're on the basis of British women, BBDO will continue to look to you for help? Or the channel address the issue of employment of students will not be so open? B>
- I think that we will develop this business. It will certainly be more difficult to organize, but the idea is that the three monsters are going to do this project, not only in terms of moral support and the pooling of resources, but also in terms of organization practices. Because Wordshop it has always been practice, practice and more practice. Student and agency, because people come to give a lecture and talk about projects that actually took place or are underway. Therefore, I will make every effort to practice the most preserved.
- were mentioned three monster. Who? B>
- It BBDO, British Higher School of Design and Direct Design. They teamed up to create a new institution, which have grown frames. Apparently, this is one of the most intelligent monsters in the market, who understand that without the young feeding from industry simply has no future. And this needs to be addressed.
- And so it was. Between network agencies plied the same people. Although, of course, it's fair to say that now is not so. B>
- Yes, no longer so. I can tell you that the situation has improved even a little bit in our direction. The agencies cleaned up a little creative by the fact that, cut the weak, but it took a lot of my boys graduate. And I see what all previous editions quietly settled and in such beautiful places work.
- What about the percentage of graduates vordshopovskih finds himself in a large advertising business?
- About ... If you take the first two issues, there is generally almost all the work. Well, 9 out of 10. Are arranged perfectly simple. The third was regional, and therefore they were held in the regions. We arrived and left. Fourth, according to my information to agents, too, it feels great. I do not know about some, and recently I was told that someone in Leo, someone in the heat of passion. Fifth, neymersky release has not yet been tracked.
- What you leave the motorway at the base of British women do not indicate whether that bias goes in the direction of the design? Or you're out there on their own will be boys, their own? B>
- If there is a bias towards the design, it is ideal for our advertising industry because of our advertisers is now almost no one owns a design. It can be directly counted on the fingers of the art directors who have a design education. If suddenly we emerge from the design art director or art director will learn to design, it is an order to raise our advertising in the visual part of it. I think that the proximity of British women and its teaching resources should have a positive impact on us. And it affects. Take, for the fact that the sixth year Vordshopa did with me Leonid Feigin, one of the strongest professionals in the field of graphic design, and I can say that in the final work is very much felt. It is felt that the second head of Vordshope owns design.
- And you can read more about the division of the faculties of the Academy?
- We have three departments: art direkshen Writing and producing. There will be two more items that are common to the three departments. It is "the foundation of communication" and "History and Theory of Visual Arts." The first - such a general brainstorming on the people to understand all the communication systems existing in the world, so they understand what is different from the TV movie, the benefits of the Internet over other types of what painting, as painting became a photographer. To able to understand the psychology of the different target groups to deal with media features of each area and so on.
A "visual art" - is the basis of contemporary visual art, this movie TV advertising is media art. For the outlook, the overall development and the formation of new tools.
- for the formation of cultural backgrounds.
- Yes Yes Yes. And it will be two general subject, which will go together, streaming lectures. In addition, each department will study separately in its program: the main course and handicraft laboratory, where exactly will hone the skills of which I spoke in the beginning. In copywriters, for example, will be "Basics of literary editing", "Styles and styling", and the art directors are typography, photography, video. The producers budgeting, time management, business communication. It is clear that you can visit them all if desired, but nevertheless will be mandatory and modular laboratories.
- It sounds very solid, of course. Objects ogogo what, where teachers will take? B>
- On the main courses, we have already proven people. Art direkshen Leonid Feigin will teach for copywriting I will recruit teachers and some things she will lead. And Anya will producing balls (PNDH), which has made school Producers with Timur Bekmambetov. For laboratories only invited practitioners, who works in advertising, and making vibrant work. For example, we want to call the photo Yegor Zaika, who has done a lot of advertising photography, a former art director. On the subject of the basics of communication and the history of visual arts do not take people out of the industry. We will take specialists from Moscow State University and at the Center for Contemporary Art. That is also tested people who were already in our laboratories, all liked and loved. It is important is not the practice, and the level and depth of knowledge. They provide an outlook and the need to go beyond our advertising profession. That's all you need to here, we have released an art director, and it could work even on television, even in advertising, though the art director of the club, so he's strong and comprehensive development of the art director. He decides where he was interested in working. Such is our dream.
Xenia Lukicheva
Also read other interviews on site
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Svetlana Maybrodskaya early summer release six Wordshop and immediately surprised by the public news: Wordshop expanded and moved from BBDO. It is now called the "Academy Communications Wordshop», and will live and work in the territory of the British Higher School of Design, teaching both art directors, copywriters and producers.
Site spoke with Svetlana on the upcoming changes.

- Light, why suddenly it became Vordshop Academy Communications? B>
- Banal because increased. It increased so that it is time to think seriously about the big room, and how to learn from morning to evening. The BBDO very well, and we, of course, accustomed to three years, but still here Agency, and we have the opportunity to learn a night or a weekend to learn. And if you do a full-fledged university, it is clear that the need to give students an opportunity to hang out in the walls of the university 24 hours a day, it is necessary to arrange the lab. And it is clear that it needs space and freedom of movement within these premises. This is the first.
And the second - because the demands on people that we produce more and more increasing. And so they continue to remain competitive, it is necessary to give more and more knowledge, and five months longer enough to teach. For five months, you can learn some basics and a little bit deeper in some isolated jungle.
And today there is a tendency that a graduate must be trained craft. That is, if he is a copywriter, he must not only understand the genres of copywriting, or that there is a modern advertising. He should be able to write the text. It must understand the great mystery of the Word, that is, to be able to write any Tektite freely move from genre band content for the Internet. He should be able to create the text. Besides, he must choose the style itself, to invent himself, manipulate words and so on.
- That is now, according to the dictates of the time, we need universal soldiers?
- Well, not the soldiers. It seems to me that this approximation to what really is in the West. There's also a man in addition to being creative and he understands the profession and trends, he also trained craft. He owns the technology, it has the tools, well versed in the details of their professional. For me this is a profession, it is composed of some components of creative and craft.
Same thing with the art director. The times when the art director came from technical colleges and just were smart and active people, quietly passed away, and now the art director has to be a very good designer to understand the video production, Internet technology know ...
- mnogostanochnik such.
- Yes, absolutely. And another plus animation and illustration plus, and plus picture. Maybe he should not have it all himself thoroughly to be able to do, but he must understand this in order to correctly pick out the people who will help him, and properly co-ordinate their work. We now have advertising, unfortunately, very superficial. At best, they say that there are good ideas, but if you look at the level of implementation of the ideas on their visualization, verbal vestments, the choice of media and how it is the features of this media are used, we have this very bad, very superficial, because they work by amateurs.
A trend today is that people have become professionals and, therefore, the artisans in the best sense of the word. That is the quality control of their instruments. If it is a copywriter, he should own styles, words, own sound. If he is an art director, he must possess all the visual arts who have.
Why am I on this trend * laughs * i> «Trend» now? Because change requests for graduates. When we meet with the creative directors, they say, it is now completely drugoi things about people that they need to position a copywriter / art director. They say: "Give us, please, copywriter, lyricist, wrote the lyrics to a free press and to freely write great texts of the Internet».
Another creative director who works in our Integrated, Kohl Pintea says: "Give us, please, lyricist". - "What?" - "Well, here's a simple example, if I'll put your copywriter to write text to the Internet, he did not write, but it is necessary that, and so, and so could not." There was a time of great content texts. And so a person must freely and easily to write them, it is clear that we must somehow in another way to cook them. Do not just learn to think creatively, and word fluency.
Art Director ... Ask the art director does not necessarily own shot, but always had their own stylistic vision of the world. And it is now welcoming our alumni who are engaged in illustration, photography, and it's still not exactly a design path. But this is welcome because a person who has his own style in the illustration, it is unusual sees the world, and teach him to shoot videos is easy. Therefore, they are now better arranged than the people who just think creatively.
- In connection with the trend voiced by you, does not it mean that the latest release Vordshopa prepared deep enough?
- * laughs * i> And this issue has been another trend. If the answer specifically to your question is yes. Because, first, for five months of training once a week did not prepare for this "craft a trend." And secondly, because we are really more involved in the overall development of students. A little involved in other things, learn to create characters. We in Russia in advertising people who know how to create such pesonazhey who remembered who want to emulate that wants to make a commercially successful projects, we do not have such specialists. And in this respect, of course, jealous of America, which each year provides a great number of successful characters, in which customers make money. We do not know how this, a trend that we have, but we want to create. We believe that a person who is able to come up with not only the idea, but the hero, the bearer of this idea will be successful in the market.
- I know that vordshopovtsev beginning to buy up to work even in the learning process. How many people get a job with the last vordshopa, failing to finish my studies? B>
- Thirteen. And this despite the fact that we have a crisis. And it seems like the agency did not take the young in general, they have used their resources and take specialists with experience. And we have at the time of the release of the sixth vordshopa 10 people were trained in BBDO, and three have already taken a job in the state. One at BBDO, one at Leo Burnett and one in Instinct.
- And how the agency will know whom they have to take on the work of your students? They come and look at what students are doing and how they work, or call you and say, "The light is there any light head?» B>
- Yes differently. It happens that there is a vacancy. I call, and I myself know that such a vacancy there, and I directly negotiate about how you can arrange an interview or to show portfolio. Guys go and socialize. And it happens that they send out resumes to HR departments or directly to creative director. It often happens that within the BBDO there any interesting project and we are asked to help. We help and from implementation of any work so striking that the person taking the training.
- And when you're on the basis of British women, BBDO will continue to look to you for help? Or the channel address the issue of employment of students will not be so open? B>
- I think that we will develop this business. It will certainly be more difficult to organize, but the idea is that the three monsters are going to do this project, not only in terms of moral support and the pooling of resources, but also in terms of organization practices. Because Wordshop it has always been practice, practice and more practice. Student and agency, because people come to give a lecture and talk about projects that actually took place or are underway. Therefore, I will make every effort to practice the most preserved.
- were mentioned three monster. Who? B>
- It BBDO, British Higher School of Design and Direct Design. They teamed up to create a new institution, which have grown frames. Apparently, this is one of the most intelligent monsters in the market, who understand that without the young feeding from industry simply has no future. And this needs to be addressed.
- And so it was. Between network agencies plied the same people. Although, of course, it's fair to say that now is not so. B>
- Yes, no longer so. I can tell you that the situation has improved even a little bit in our direction. The agencies cleaned up a little creative by the fact that, cut the weak, but it took a lot of my boys graduate. And I see what all previous editions quietly settled and in such beautiful places work.
- What about the percentage of graduates vordshopovskih finds himself in a large advertising business?
- About ... If you take the first two issues, there is generally almost all the work. Well, 9 out of 10. Are arranged perfectly simple. The third was regional, and therefore they were held in the regions. We arrived and left. Fourth, according to my information to agents, too, it feels great. I do not know about some, and recently I was told that someone in Leo, someone in the heat of passion. Fifth, neymersky release has not yet been tracked.
- What you leave the motorway at the base of British women do not indicate whether that bias goes in the direction of the design? Or you're out there on their own will be boys, their own? B>
- If there is a bias towards the design, it is ideal for our advertising industry because of our advertisers is now almost no one owns a design. It can be directly counted on the fingers of the art directors who have a design education. If suddenly we emerge from the design art director or art director will learn to design, it is an order to raise our advertising in the visual part of it. I think that the proximity of British women and its teaching resources should have a positive impact on us. And it affects. Take, for the fact that the sixth year Vordshopa did with me Leonid Feigin, one of the strongest professionals in the field of graphic design, and I can say that in the final work is very much felt. It is felt that the second head of Vordshope owns design.
- And you can read more about the division of the faculties of the Academy?
- We have three departments: art direkshen Writing and producing. There will be two more items that are common to the three departments. It is "the foundation of communication" and "History and Theory of Visual Arts." The first - such a general brainstorming on the people to understand all the communication systems existing in the world, so they understand what is different from the TV movie, the benefits of the Internet over other types of what painting, as painting became a photographer. To able to understand the psychology of the different target groups to deal with media features of each area and so on.
A "visual art" - is the basis of contemporary visual art, this movie TV advertising is media art. For the outlook, the overall development and the formation of new tools.
- for the formation of cultural backgrounds.
- Yes Yes Yes. And it will be two general subject, which will go together, streaming lectures. In addition, each department will study separately in its program: the main course and handicraft laboratory, where exactly will hone the skills of which I spoke in the beginning. In copywriters, for example, will be "Basics of literary editing", "Styles and styling", and the art directors are typography, photography, video. The producers budgeting, time management, business communication. It is clear that you can visit them all if desired, but nevertheless will be mandatory and modular laboratories.
- It sounds very solid, of course. Objects ogogo what, where teachers will take? B>
- On the main courses, we have already proven people. Art direkshen Leonid Feigin will teach for copywriting I will recruit teachers and some things she will lead. And Anya will producing balls (PNDH), which has made school Producers with Timur Bekmambetov. For laboratories only invited practitioners, who works in advertising, and making vibrant work. For example, we want to call the photo Yegor Zaika, who has done a lot of advertising photography, a former art director. On the subject of the basics of communication and the history of visual arts do not take people out of the industry. We will take specialists from Moscow State University and at the Center for Contemporary Art. That is also tested people who were already in our laboratories, all liked and loved. It is important is not the practice, and the level and depth of knowledge. They provide an outlook and the need to go beyond our advertising profession. That's all you need to here, we have released an art director, and it could work even on television, even in advertising, though the art director of the club, so he's strong and comprehensive development of the art director. He decides where he was interested in working. Such is our dream.
Xenia Lukicheva
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