The history of salvation Ukhta cat Max
New, sad and full of suffering, the page in the life of Max the cat began two months ago. That's when it wrapped in plastic bags, with injuries to the spine and hind legs immobilized, planted Svetlana teal Ukhta community organizer "Good City", which helps homeless animals.
This was the beginning of the struggle for life and health of the cat, which was attended by dozens of volunteers. Max now lives Artem Hakimzyanova and learning to walk again. Uhtinets fashioned himself a carriage which supports the hind legs of the animal and allowing it to move - until a few minutes a day
8 photos via goodnewsanimal
Svetlana Chirko cat found on the steps of their work. "Good" people obviously knew where to leave the cat, so he finally got into the right hands. The animal was in a very bad condition.
- When I started to pick it up from the cold concrete slabs, then I saw that the rear foot hanging helplessly, the cat was smeared with his own feces to the waist and rotting alive. The skin on the abdomen and legs were corroded, he felt terrible pains. In spite of the terrible state, he was very responsive: Do not scratch, does not bite, with the hope of reaching out to me and watched so that it was impossible not to cry, - told of his first meeting with the cat Svetlana Circo.
She is no stranger to helping animals. Over four years, Svetlana is the organizer of the initiative group of homeless animals Ukhta "Good City". This is a voluntary community of caring people to help cats and dogs in distress. People are fed, treated, sterilized pets, find them a new home. And all this - to put into fund of funds group.
- Each member of the group has all possible assistance in their spare time, their worries. Animals are transported on the transport, assist in care and treatment, provide food and money. But the most necessary, the pressing task - to find a foundling home - a temporary, permanent or even better. And without the help of volunteers this task - simply unsolvable - told Svetlana Circo.
His room at the "Good City" is not, and coordination takes place through a group on the social network "VKontakte". That is the first thing to Svetlana posted photos of Max the cat and described his condition. On appeal to help people immediately responded. As a result, the temporary overexposure cat took to her volunteer Natalia Meshcheryakov, and people began to collect the money. After some time in a group with new pictures mustachioed bedolagi and encouraging information.
- Today, part of prescription drugs bought and already made a course of injections. At the moment, it spent 1056 rubles. Bought diapers, diapers, cerebrolysin, lincomycin, syringes, levomikol, paid for inspection by a veterinarian - shared joy with the band Svetlana. - Kitten surprisingly patient. Trembling with pain, but does not resist in the treatment of wounds. Natalia perceives as a mother hugging her neck, pressed against her. Calms just sitting like this on her hands, he even stopped shaking. It seems that the pain recedes. He really wants to live, so trusts people, gentle, wonderful, kind cat.
Treatment had a long and costly. Cat needed medications and a special diet. On the same day, when there was a report on the health of the animal, the people again began to transfer money for drugs. By evening, the card company "Good City" received three thousand rubles to a special phone - three thousand.
At this time, the cat appeared a name that chose Natalia Meshcheryakov.
- She decided to call him to be Max, as he was all to the maximum. And serious injuries, and the response to it uhtintsev. Former owners were very inhumane: the assumption of doctors before he was thrown out, he was lying and rotting alive for two weeks. A uhtintsy, on the contrary, tried very hard to help him get out. He kindness, love and care is also posted to the maximum. Despite all that had happened to him, he was drawn to the people hugged all visitors. Therefore, steel Max - said Svetlana Circo.
September 12, Max became worse, he almost did not eat bad move. It needed an X-ray. As explained to the volunteers' Good City ", Ukhta no X-rays for the animals, they have to export outside the city and secretly doing the procedure in the" human "clinic. Under the newly thrown cry for help. People reacted quickly, offering his car for transportation. Kota was taken to a doctor who helped an animal.
In late September, it ended with intensive treatment Max and began rehabilitation. However, Natalia Meshcheriakova due to busy at work could no longer fully care for the cat. She picked up the baton Anna Derevyanko and three weeks was close to Max. Côte gradually restored, but for further convalescence he needed massages, swimming lessons, medicines. He agreed to take to himself Artem Khakimzyanov who took the "patient" two days ago. Max is the third cat in his house.
- I have a Maine coon and squirrel Sphinx Plym. While they hiss at each other, resent the new neighbor. But I think that within a week they will make friends, this is not the first cat, which we take to themselves - shared Artem Khakimzyanov.
To Max somehow unable to move, he needed a wheelchair that would support his hind legs when walking. In Russia, it is produced only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities. Realizing that such a tool to wait a very long time, Artem decided to make their own carriage. He found the scheme on the Internet and went to work.
- I made the aluminum profile, drilled holes. Bought harness, rewrote it under the wheelchair, attached the wheels. At the first fitting Max did not know how to behave, but then adapted. Moreover, we have expanded a little profile, drilled new holes, attached a fence behind the carriage, so that it is not pulled away when he stands - said Artyom.
Artem was able to create a model is much cheaper than the factory counterparts. In this group, he offered to help in the preparation of the Chair to other animals.
Now, Max continues to develop itself unusual for the appliance. While it is only enough for half an hour with a sidecar, then he gets tired and asks her to take off. But thanks to her cat is recovering. Artem soon begin swimming lessons with a cat and thinking about acupuncture.
- On the Internet, a lot of schemes acupuncture. It it is necessary to recover faster. We have a chiropractor friend, which I hope will not refuse to help Max, - said Artyom.
In addition, volunteers are now deducted from the clinic where the cat could do the surgery to fully recover his paws.
- This is a victory, and volunteers, and ordinary uhtintsev and personal victory Max. After all, the situation was a stalemate. If it were not sympathetic people, he could not wait for the necessary assistance. And I want to say a special thanks to Natalia and Anna Derevyanko Meshcheriakova who became mothers for the second Max - said Svetlana Chirko.
According to the materials bnkomi.ru
This was the beginning of the struggle for life and health of the cat, which was attended by dozens of volunteers. Max now lives Artem Hakimzyanova and learning to walk again. Uhtinets fashioned himself a carriage which supports the hind legs of the animal and allowing it to move - until a few minutes a day
8 photos via goodnewsanimal

Svetlana Chirko cat found on the steps of their work. "Good" people obviously knew where to leave the cat, so he finally got into the right hands. The animal was in a very bad condition.
- When I started to pick it up from the cold concrete slabs, then I saw that the rear foot hanging helplessly, the cat was smeared with his own feces to the waist and rotting alive. The skin on the abdomen and legs were corroded, he felt terrible pains. In spite of the terrible state, he was very responsive: Do not scratch, does not bite, with the hope of reaching out to me and watched so that it was impossible not to cry, - told of his first meeting with the cat Svetlana Circo.

She is no stranger to helping animals. Over four years, Svetlana is the organizer of the initiative group of homeless animals Ukhta "Good City". This is a voluntary community of caring people to help cats and dogs in distress. People are fed, treated, sterilized pets, find them a new home. And all this - to put into fund of funds group.

- Each member of the group has all possible assistance in their spare time, their worries. Animals are transported on the transport, assist in care and treatment, provide food and money. But the most necessary, the pressing task - to find a foundling home - a temporary, permanent or even better. And without the help of volunteers this task - simply unsolvable - told Svetlana Circo.

His room at the "Good City" is not, and coordination takes place through a group on the social network "VKontakte". That is the first thing to Svetlana posted photos of Max the cat and described his condition. On appeal to help people immediately responded. As a result, the temporary overexposure cat took to her volunteer Natalia Meshcheryakov, and people began to collect the money. After some time in a group with new pictures mustachioed bedolagi and encouraging information.

- Today, part of prescription drugs bought and already made a course of injections. At the moment, it spent 1056 rubles. Bought diapers, diapers, cerebrolysin, lincomycin, syringes, levomikol, paid for inspection by a veterinarian - shared joy with the band Svetlana. - Kitten surprisingly patient. Trembling with pain, but does not resist in the treatment of wounds. Natalia perceives as a mother hugging her neck, pressed against her. Calms just sitting like this on her hands, he even stopped shaking. It seems that the pain recedes. He really wants to live, so trusts people, gentle, wonderful, kind cat.

Treatment had a long and costly. Cat needed medications and a special diet. On the same day, when there was a report on the health of the animal, the people again began to transfer money for drugs. By evening, the card company "Good City" received three thousand rubles to a special phone - three thousand.
At this time, the cat appeared a name that chose Natalia Meshcheryakov.
- She decided to call him to be Max, as he was all to the maximum. And serious injuries, and the response to it uhtintsev. Former owners were very inhumane: the assumption of doctors before he was thrown out, he was lying and rotting alive for two weeks. A uhtintsy, on the contrary, tried very hard to help him get out. He kindness, love and care is also posted to the maximum. Despite all that had happened to him, he was drawn to the people hugged all visitors. Therefore, steel Max - said Svetlana Circo.

September 12, Max became worse, he almost did not eat bad move. It needed an X-ray. As explained to the volunteers' Good City ", Ukhta no X-rays for the animals, they have to export outside the city and secretly doing the procedure in the" human "clinic. Under the newly thrown cry for help. People reacted quickly, offering his car for transportation. Kota was taken to a doctor who helped an animal.
In late September, it ended with intensive treatment Max and began rehabilitation. However, Natalia Meshcheriakova due to busy at work could no longer fully care for the cat. She picked up the baton Anna Derevyanko and three weeks was close to Max. Côte gradually restored, but for further convalescence he needed massages, swimming lessons, medicines. He agreed to take to himself Artem Khakimzyanov who took the "patient" two days ago. Max is the third cat in his house.
- I have a Maine coon and squirrel Sphinx Plym. While they hiss at each other, resent the new neighbor. But I think that within a week they will make friends, this is not the first cat, which we take to themselves - shared Artem Khakimzyanov.
To Max somehow unable to move, he needed a wheelchair that would support his hind legs when walking. In Russia, it is produced only in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities. Realizing that such a tool to wait a very long time, Artem decided to make their own carriage. He found the scheme on the Internet and went to work.
- I made the aluminum profile, drilled holes. Bought harness, rewrote it under the wheelchair, attached the wheels. At the first fitting Max did not know how to behave, but then adapted. Moreover, we have expanded a little profile, drilled new holes, attached a fence behind the carriage, so that it is not pulled away when he stands - said Artyom.
Artem was able to create a model is much cheaper than the factory counterparts. In this group, he offered to help in the preparation of the Chair to other animals.
Now, Max continues to develop itself unusual for the appliance. While it is only enough for half an hour with a sidecar, then he gets tired and asks her to take off. But thanks to her cat is recovering. Artem soon begin swimming lessons with a cat and thinking about acupuncture.
- On the Internet, a lot of schemes acupuncture. It it is necessary to recover faster. We have a chiropractor friend, which I hope will not refuse to help Max, - said Artyom.
In addition, volunteers are now deducted from the clinic where the cat could do the surgery to fully recover his paws.
- This is a victory, and volunteers, and ordinary uhtintsev and personal victory Max. After all, the situation was a stalemate. If it were not sympathetic people, he could not wait for the necessary assistance. And I want to say a special thanks to Natalia and Anna Derevyanko Meshcheriakova who became mothers for the second Max - said Svetlana Chirko.
According to the materials bnkomi.ru
