About koteykah
Wow how it shakes!
Now let's cure it!
1 - Place the cat in left arm bent, as a child, and push yourself to.
Thumb and index finger cover cheeks and gently press on them.
Tablet - in his right hand. Since the cat opens mouth, put
carefully tablet.
2 - Retrieve pill from floor. Repeat step 1.
3 - Seek out the Cat in the bedroom, and throw soggy pill away. Take out
Packing a new tablet. Cat - in the cradle of his left hand. At the same time, much
Squeeze the front paws with his left hand. Force jaws open and push
pill right index finger. Close Kotu mouth, hold it and
count to 10.
4 - Take the pill with chandeliers and Kota remove from the cabinet. Call
husband of the kitchen.
5 - Get on your knees. Cat - sandwiched between his knees. Hold
front and rear paws. Ignore low growls,
emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly Kota one
hand, and the second with a wooden blade vigorously push
the pill into the throat cat and try to grind.
6 - Retrieve cat from curtain rail. Take out of the box following
tablet. Make note that you need to buy a new cornice and
try to sew curtains. Carefully sweep off the shelves broken
statuettes and set aside, then to glue them.
7 - Wrap cat in large towel. Get spouse to lie on cat
across to head just visible. Put pill in
powder. Get the cat's mouth open with pencil and without taking
pencil, sprinkle in the powder.
8 - Read the label on the packaging of tablets, make them
harmless to humans. Drink a glass of water, so as not to feel
taste of the drug.
Grease a scratch on the arm of his wife. Remove blood stains from the carpet (cold
with soap and water). Retrieve cat from neighbor's balcony. Get another
9 - Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to act only
head. With Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Ask
spouse to disassemble a pen and tablet vsypte, rastёrtuyu in
powder in the handle housing (as in a tube). Vigorously blow into the mouth Cat.
10 - Prepare a screwdriver and put cupboard door to the side. Attach
cold cheek, and remember the exact date of vaccination against tetanus. Throw
T-shirt and put new.
11 - Call the fire brigade to retrieve cat from a tree. Get familiar with
car driver who among the participants hit the wall at home first,
not to collide with the Cat. Take last pill.
12 - Tie the front legs Kota strong rope and tie the leg
table. Put on gloves. Force the cat's mouth open with a small
wrench. Push the tablet flat surface notch key,
Hold head vertically and pour half a liter of water to wash
pill down.
13 - Get spouse to drive you to the "ambulance" and sit quietly,
while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right
eyes. On the way back go to the furniture store to reserve a table.
14 - Make sure that after treatment Cat on bed rest.
Now let's cure it!
1 - Place the cat in left arm bent, as a child, and push yourself to.
Thumb and index finger cover cheeks and gently press on them.
Tablet - in his right hand. Since the cat opens mouth, put
carefully tablet.
2 - Retrieve pill from floor. Repeat step 1.
3 - Seek out the Cat in the bedroom, and throw soggy pill away. Take out
Packing a new tablet. Cat - in the cradle of his left hand. At the same time, much
Squeeze the front paws with his left hand. Force jaws open and push
pill right index finger. Close Kotu mouth, hold it and
count to 10.
4 - Take the pill with chandeliers and Kota remove from the cabinet. Call
husband of the kitchen.
5 - Get on your knees. Cat - sandwiched between his knees. Hold
front and rear paws. Ignore low growls,
emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly Kota one
hand, and the second with a wooden blade vigorously push
the pill into the throat cat and try to grind.
6 - Retrieve cat from curtain rail. Take out of the box following
tablet. Make note that you need to buy a new cornice and
try to sew curtains. Carefully sweep off the shelves broken
statuettes and set aside, then to glue them.
7 - Wrap cat in large towel. Get spouse to lie on cat
across to head just visible. Put pill in
powder. Get the cat's mouth open with pencil and without taking
pencil, sprinkle in the powder.
8 - Read the label on the packaging of tablets, make them
harmless to humans. Drink a glass of water, so as not to feel
taste of the drug.
Grease a scratch on the arm of his wife. Remove blood stains from the carpet (cold
with soap and water). Retrieve cat from neighbor's balcony. Get another
9 - Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to act only
head. With Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Ask
spouse to disassemble a pen and tablet vsypte, rastёrtuyu in
powder in the handle housing (as in a tube). Vigorously blow into the mouth Cat.
10 - Prepare a screwdriver and put cupboard door to the side. Attach
cold cheek, and remember the exact date of vaccination against tetanus. Throw
T-shirt and put new.
11 - Call the fire brigade to retrieve cat from a tree. Get familiar with
car driver who among the participants hit the wall at home first,
not to collide with the Cat. Take last pill.
12 - Tie the front legs Kota strong rope and tie the leg
table. Put on gloves. Force the cat's mouth open with a small
wrench. Push the tablet flat surface notch key,
Hold head vertically and pour half a liter of water to wash
pill down.
13 - Get spouse to drive you to the "ambulance" and sit quietly,
while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right
eyes. On the way back go to the furniture store to reserve a table.
14 - Make sure that after treatment Cat on bed rest.