Check in Crete ...
Go there, do not know where we have always loved, and then a lucky shot family celebration and its background have decided to visit Greece.
Vouchers have taken 10 days prior to departure, for a total amount of 41 rubles for two (Fereniki 3 * hotel, accommodation Georgiopoli), including visas 65 euros per person. In principle, such a sum, and thought even a little more, but the mega company "Labyrinth" (by the way, not syte them to fly, all right they're doing and transfer and booking of the hotel ... in general all exactly what there would not write about them) It turned out to be cheaper than the "king" of 5 rubles and generally cheaper, and where any one or an average of 5 rubles.
Buha advance I did not, because there was nobody, and one I do not like to drink, because the flight for a total of a little less than 5:00 went well ...
Will 108 photos + text
At the airport, 40 minutes or even an hour waiting for baggage ... then I actually felt sorry for the first time that anything with alcohol not taken out, because it was very boring. Well, what can we do boarded the bus and the guide started to squat on the ears, about all sorts of different things, about the oil, fur coats, trips well, and the like dregs ...
to regret about alcohol for the second time because it took 2, 5 hours, and break off this young lady did not think. True if we abstract from it, can be seen in the window awesome views than I was engaged.
On arrival at the hotel, I was already accustomed to regret not taken alcohol, for the reception people was like for bread in the besieged Leningrad, and of the sad whining crowd, I realized that almost all our native Russian aunts and uncles, and they have long been waiting and dreaming even settle somewhere, while others have settled, but can not live as someone stinks swamp someone mold, someone something else.
My wife became sad, but by a strange coincidence, I got about 15 minutes the room key and the Russian-speaking chuvachok cheerfully dragged my chumodany in the room. The room was a standard, not a studio that was paid at that chuvachёk, said: "Living here is not exactly the best, and for this we will safe you a gift."
It is reasonable to reasoning that I only sleep here, decided to stay, and the room was normal, not Turkey of course, but with a view of the sea, the beautiful reeds and in general, I had not come here to sit in the room.
Bodrenko stuffed things in the lockers, the money in the safe and docks moved to charts territory immediately zafotkali little church nearby, feet touched the sea, made a couple of shots of the local flora, fauna and suddenly remembered that I want to still eat and drink at last ...
immediately sat down in a cafe «Summer Time». Awesome cafe with a view of teen and white wine for 4 euros for half a liter. Wine and dine without finding familiar letters in the menu decided to move to a nearby restaurant, the name I do not remember, but there were 6 euros for shrimp ... or rather ...
neeee Shrimps! Which we ate quickly and left for the rest of the way vodichku bought in the nearest supermarket for the price of 2 euros for a penny 6 bottles of 0, 5.
Posted in [mergetime] 1379995957 [/ mergetime]
But the peace did not work, probably the presence of wine after the road has had an effect and the keys to the room, exactly as the safe I found. Not to say that I started to panic, but sad. The solution I came up fast, stupidly went to the reception with a straight face and demanded the keys to the rooms that they "keep" walking when they left ... they certainly have not found, but quickly gave me a copy, and the safe way, too.
I had no longer safe to use, as well, as they still have duplicates, and there zhezh and passport and money.
We meet the morning dawn ...
The difference is -3 hours makes itself felt, and at 7 am on the infidel time we were on his feet. Tasteless ate at the hotel and went still on the sea, in order not to touch his feet, and after a swim. It took a couple of kilometers. aside in order to assess the beaches of other hotels to see on the mountain chapel. The chapel was so sebeshnaya, but it was next to the cemetery. Cemeteries I love, there are usually nice because I took a resolute decision to go uphill.
Celebrations in the morning is nice, but it's time to know and honor, and the legs get tired, God forbid. Acquired in a store half-liter of house wine for a couple of euros and sat in the miracle of the locomotive! The locomotive had promised to take us to the lake Kuarnas that only fresh water on the island, the indescribable beauty and in general all need to go there.
Then do a retreat in the direction of pricing, I generally like reports with numbers to understand where what how much it costs. At the beginning of the street right on the beach offers tickets for 15 euros for two, through 8 steps into the heart of the settlement for 12, still 20 meters behind the 10, and I bought a result of 8 euros for two round - trip! The Greeks, they tezhe Hachiko, the current lybyatsya as if you own them and you try naёbyvat as that of good, for the family.
The lake is beautiful, the first small-scale, with a clay bottom, making the water white, and then sharply since huyak and depth of 30 meters and a dark blue color. So cool, really worth a trip. Sunbeds paid, there are 2 or 3 evryi for a couple, they are basically everywhere so, but I have never paid anywhere ... I just lay down and waited until the coming of the loot, but no one ever came. Why is it I do not know, I'm a little ashamed, but I remember the ticket for a train, for 15 euros instead of 8 by 50 meters and everything passes. On the lake speak live turtles, they can pozyrit on the other side, for this it is necessary to take a catamaran. I do not like the turtles, I did not go, the price of the catamaran can not remember, but the guide spoke like 10 euros like.
Napleskavshis decided to eat. We sat down into the first cafe. That's where I first ohuel the size of the portions, in truth I say then another three days be amazed when I brought the bucket of lettuce, half a lamb by a strange penny price. For example here is a salad cost 2 euros and meat 4.
The wine was his, because he did not take, but freewheeling "crabs", a local brew, better than in Turkey for sure.
Along the way, way back to the train, which runs every 20 minutes spotted a private muzeychik. Find the owner of the beholder or failed where all this remains unclear. In short, very surprised AC wall!
On his return the race to the sea, pictures koteek cocktail for my wife, eat and sleep for me. Impressions enough.
We meet the morning dawn. Go to the active part of the journey. Wife for breakfast and smarten up, and the searching for the iron horse. Two hours of price monitoring, throwing for rolling offices, a glass of wine, and voila! For 67 euros without franchise with full insurance, I became the owner of Hyundai i10 with the engine 1, 8 liters. By the way, I love this car and if possible be sure to buy yourself a.
Refuel at twenty and go. The first point of some strange debris in the bay near Chania, the ruins of the so-sebeshnye, but they are on the mountain and the views are excellent. From above you can see how the fortification of what it is when I built did not understand.
The point of the second. Monastery of the Holy Trinity. Find easy, driving on the new national road, the pointer will be hard to miss, asphalt to the gate. Entrance to the institution 2 euros per person.
Inside is beautiful, there is a museum where the icons are posted 13-14 century (without the signaling and protection), gold coins hell knows what kind of era apparel monks and all sorts of servants, books, etc. You can wander where you want, even the bell tower you can climb. Overall, great course, but I'm not a fan of such institutions rather because droop in the shade of a tree to which both states plaque 800 years.
Point two and a half. While driving to Chania saw an awesome beach, with the waves, awesome colors of the water, in general slowed skupnutsya IMMEDIATELY. Anatomic as usual 2 euros for a couple, but did not pay the money back. None of them did not come back blankly.
Third point. Chania. Chania old town, the former capital of the island is very beautiful, very straight, is here and the bay with ships, museums and narrow streets on postcards and then I saw Niva, here it is the power of Russian weapons ... ugh auto industry.
Parking in town, not in the center than on the outskirts. All scored wheelbarrows. I had to put on a charge, but did not have to pay again bluntly no one came for the money. Strange people Greeks.
They sat down to eat, pougarat on portion sizes, how to eat it in one person, a mystery to me. With grief in half and under the wine, they mastered it in an hour, but it was not there, along with a score of 13 euros waiter brought fruit, some strange dessert and 300 grams of cancers. It was a gift, a compliment to my wife on the restaurant owner, he came out poulybalsya, waited while I drink a glass and wishing a successful day left. On reasonably noticed that I'm driving and I can not accept gifts, said the police was not there, was not and will not be, they have Communism ordered a drink! To refuse was stupid, I had already sucked the wine glasses as 5 1-2 glasses did not solve.
The road back took a little time TtN now knew that the police do not have, because the evening is not lost so it was decided to go into town Rentimo, we benefit from not very far 15 or 17 km.
The goal was the promenade, which is rumored to be terribly reminiscent of Venice, but the browser is not in your head because it was dark when limited by the central shopping streets near the park. Wonderful place, I'm not a shopaholic, but walked with pleasure, narrow street with shops on both sides ... mesmerizing. The ride is mandatory. But late in the evening. During the day the atmosphere is not the suspect.
The day ended as usual cocktail glass for his wife and for me favorite.
We met the morning ... not cool and dawn, and demanding wife get up and do the photo session. That if only not tyrkat and gave normal sleep 15 minutes more, bylob more than one frame, and horseradish, a photo and drove.
Ultimate was decided to go to the other side of the island with the aim pozyrit Libyan Sea, Castle Franco church ruins from hell on mud pies in the mountains and even Che thread along the way.
Before I leave the national road in the mountains to cross them across, he saw strange. Word in the mountains as it turned out the whole sign is not found out, they all are. It is the people's fun to go to the mountains and shoot the signs, the good weapon in every house as is a private museum on the lake.
Point first. We wandered on her by accident, seeing the pointer on the road, which touts in World War II Museum. Museum of shocked me, it's better than Rentimo, Chania. Steeper than all the surrounding seas and even steeper vodka to 2 euros per liter.
At the entrance stood an anti-aircraft guns in the yard lay naval mine, and the house was a Luftwaffe bomb the size of a car. Private Museum, children master was a partisan during the war, my father started digging to collect weapons, and was ordained to be continued, and cuts in this grandmother. Word is not much chop, and as much as you give. I gave the example of 10 euros.
Fotkat flash did not tell the owner, no flash turned sucks and distracted from the contemplation, he has his own website, look there.
Look necessarily, again, I ohuel!
Point two. The observation deck at the pass. Especially write nothing, nice course, but uh. Fresh And is there a way azhno 1, 5 euros. In general, you can stop to take a look, but no more. By the way Fresh produce binoculars.
Point 3. Choir Slakion or something like this. The town on the shores of the Libyan Sea to the best beautiful, with a monument to the partisans, the ruins on the mountain, on a rock church and a cafe where all the talk in Russian! You've got to say I first paid parking, it turned out to be a hard-working Greek or greedy and therefore meets at 2 euro directly at the entrance of, put the car did not work for free, but oh well.
Point 4 ruins near Anopoli. In this part I povoskheschayus quality roads. This Anopoli, to find in the ass, in the mountains, it is practically a dead-end village, but there on the mountains, dick knows how the stones of two lane asphalt road with a perfectly flat canvas. I'm sorry for your city. The city itself is unremarkable, the center is the clock tower, the administration, payphone and cafe, it poftykali we dine in the mountains and went back to look for a place for swimming.
5. Sweet Point Beach, which is not the scourge of a bitch, and the scourge that beach. Although ...
More in Chora Slakion I saw a booth, which is strongly attracted by the announcement of the sea taxi that will drive me for 14 euros for two in an unforgettable place, lagoon with clear water, 14 euros I squeezed, but when traveling from Anapol back, I saw on the way a pointer saying, if the car quit and walk along the cliffs, you come to this suite is the scourge. Ultimate decided to go.
Road frankly not close and sometimes dangerous injury, but should go, great views.
I warn you, I do not know what this place is, but when he came back, doubts have disappeared. There were uncles and aunts older with huyami like sperm whales and tits like milking cows. I have not seen this, I was shocked, but had nowhere to retreat, and I ran with my eyes closed to the far edge of the beach, there I was attracted cafe, standing on the water. Fiction I am sure that on the way back at the sight of naked grandparents and I did not have a heart attack because moves to drink a liter of wine, and then another 3 times with 50 cancers. It helped me forget the sweet sleep for 3 hours under the hot sun is not near the water.
Castle Point 6. Franco Kotselo.
Castle so sebeshny knew would not go. It is necessary to input 1 euro per person, but there is nothing to watch, square walls, one tower which you can climb, do not advise you to go, but if you do not stick all these excavations.
Point 7.
How I missed it in the guidebooks I do not know how I missed it on the way there, too, it is not clear, but in reverse, I went there. Private vinovarnya Daurakis and Museum. A wonderful place with these great wine that you can taste and buy. Bought 3 bottles of red and white for 4 euros and one with five wine for 15. The wine is very tasty, everything that before drinking in cafes nervously smoking in the hallway, though much better than what you buy in Auchan or somewhere else.
The evening we spent at the cafe Tropicana, it can be seen from the window of room. We were shown the local dances, dances, we ate pizza and went to sleep.
The next day was completely devoted to felting on the beach. The car I gave in the morning, picked up her originally when I came and showed the key, I was asked to throw it on the bedside table, in this actual story was over, no one came out to watch the car, no one checked benz in the tank, even though I left him more than It was.
I probably will return. I have not seen the beach where they filmed the Bounty, did not see the miracle of the town of Agios Nikolaos, did not have time to the cave of Zeus.
Posted in [mergetime] 1379998244 [/ mergetime]
I have everything ... break!
Oh yeah ... for everything I spent 490 euros, with the car, food and souvenirs. Recently I spent 90 euros with difficulty, I just do not know where, and souvenirs were and all that you want, 4 days we did what does not break down, and it was possible to meet the 300.
Vouchers have taken 10 days prior to departure, for a total amount of 41 rubles for two (Fereniki 3 * hotel, accommodation Georgiopoli), including visas 65 euros per person. In principle, such a sum, and thought even a little more, but the mega company "Labyrinth" (by the way, not syte them to fly, all right they're doing and transfer and booking of the hotel ... in general all exactly what there would not write about them) It turned out to be cheaper than the "king" of 5 rubles and generally cheaper, and where any one or an average of 5 rubles.
Buha advance I did not, because there was nobody, and one I do not like to drink, because the flight for a total of a little less than 5:00 went well ...
Will 108 photos + text




At the airport, 40 minutes or even an hour waiting for baggage ... then I actually felt sorry for the first time that anything with alcohol not taken out, because it was very boring. Well, what can we do boarded the bus and the guide started to squat on the ears, about all sorts of different things, about the oil, fur coats, trips well, and the like dregs ...
to regret about alcohol for the second time because it took 2, 5 hours, and break off this young lady did not think. True if we abstract from it, can be seen in the window awesome views than I was engaged.



On arrival at the hotel, I was already accustomed to regret not taken alcohol, for the reception people was like for bread in the besieged Leningrad, and of the sad whining crowd, I realized that almost all our native Russian aunts and uncles, and they have long been waiting and dreaming even settle somewhere, while others have settled, but can not live as someone stinks swamp someone mold, someone something else.
My wife became sad, but by a strange coincidence, I got about 15 minutes the room key and the Russian-speaking chuvachok cheerfully dragged my chumodany in the room. The room was a standard, not a studio that was paid at that chuvachёk, said: "Living here is not exactly the best, and for this we will safe you a gift."
It is reasonable to reasoning that I only sleep here, decided to stay, and the room was normal, not Turkey of course, but with a view of the sea, the beautiful reeds and in general, I had not come here to sit in the room.


Bodrenko stuffed things in the lockers, the money in the safe and docks moved to charts territory immediately zafotkali little church nearby, feet touched the sea, made a couple of shots of the local flora, fauna and suddenly remembered that I want to still eat and drink at last ...
immediately sat down in a cafe «Summer Time». Awesome cafe with a view of teen and white wine for 4 euros for half a liter. Wine and dine without finding familiar letters in the menu decided to move to a nearby restaurant, the name I do not remember, but there were 6 euros for shrimp ... or rather ...
neeee Shrimps! Which we ate quickly and left for the rest of the way vodichku bought in the nearest supermarket for the price of 2 euros for a penny 6 bottles of 0, 5.








Posted in [mergetime] 1379995957 [/ mergetime]
But the peace did not work, probably the presence of wine after the road has had an effect and the keys to the room, exactly as the safe I found. Not to say that I started to panic, but sad. The solution I came up fast, stupidly went to the reception with a straight face and demanded the keys to the rooms that they "keep" walking when they left ... they certainly have not found, but quickly gave me a copy, and the safe way, too.
I had no longer safe to use, as well, as they still have duplicates, and there zhezh and passport and money.

We meet the morning dawn ...
The difference is -3 hours makes itself felt, and at 7 am on the infidel time we were on his feet. Tasteless ate at the hotel and went still on the sea, in order not to touch his feet, and after a swim. It took a couple of kilometers. aside in order to assess the beaches of other hotels to see on the mountain chapel. The chapel was so sebeshnaya, but it was next to the cemetery. Cemeteries I love, there are usually nice because I took a resolute decision to go uphill.



Celebrations in the morning is nice, but it's time to know and honor, and the legs get tired, God forbid. Acquired in a store half-liter of house wine for a couple of euros and sat in the miracle of the locomotive! The locomotive had promised to take us to the lake Kuarnas that only fresh water on the island, the indescribable beauty and in general all need to go there.
Then do a retreat in the direction of pricing, I generally like reports with numbers to understand where what how much it costs. At the beginning of the street right on the beach offers tickets for 15 euros for two, through 8 steps into the heart of the settlement for 12, still 20 meters behind the 10, and I bought a result of 8 euros for two round - trip! The Greeks, they tezhe Hachiko, the current lybyatsya as if you own them and you try naёbyvat as that of good, for the family.

The lake is beautiful, the first small-scale, with a clay bottom, making the water white, and then sharply since huyak and depth of 30 meters and a dark blue color. So cool, really worth a trip. Sunbeds paid, there are 2 or 3 evryi for a couple, they are basically everywhere so, but I have never paid anywhere ... I just lay down and waited until the coming of the loot, but no one ever came. Why is it I do not know, I'm a little ashamed, but I remember the ticket for a train, for 15 euros instead of 8 by 50 meters and everything passes. On the lake speak live turtles, they can pozyrit on the other side, for this it is necessary to take a catamaran. I do not like the turtles, I did not go, the price of the catamaran can not remember, but the guide spoke like 10 euros like.


Napleskavshis decided to eat. We sat down into the first cafe. That's where I first ohuel the size of the portions, in truth I say then another three days be amazed when I brought the bucket of lettuce, half a lamb by a strange penny price. For example here is a salad cost 2 euros and meat 4.
The wine was his, because he did not take, but freewheeling "crabs", a local brew, better than in Turkey for sure.




Along the way, way back to the train, which runs every 20 minutes spotted a private muzeychik. Find the owner of the beholder or failed where all this remains unclear. In short, very surprised AC wall!






On his return the race to the sea, pictures koteek cocktail for my wife, eat and sleep for me. Impressions enough.


We meet the morning dawn. Go to the active part of the journey. Wife for breakfast and smarten up, and the searching for the iron horse. Two hours of price monitoring, throwing for rolling offices, a glass of wine, and voila! For 67 euros without franchise with full insurance, I became the owner of Hyundai i10 with the engine 1, 8 liters. By the way, I love this car and if possible be sure to buy yourself a.




Refuel at twenty and go. The first point of some strange debris in the bay near Chania, the ruins of the so-sebeshnye, but they are on the mountain and the views are excellent. From above you can see how the fortification of what it is when I built did not understand.






The point of the second. Monastery of the Holy Trinity. Find easy, driving on the new national road, the pointer will be hard to miss, asphalt to the gate. Entrance to the institution 2 euros per person.
Inside is beautiful, there is a museum where the icons are posted 13-14 century (without the signaling and protection), gold coins hell knows what kind of era apparel monks and all sorts of servants, books, etc. You can wander where you want, even the bell tower you can climb. Overall, great course, but I'm not a fan of such institutions rather because droop in the shade of a tree to which both states plaque 800 years.






Point two and a half. While driving to Chania saw an awesome beach, with the waves, awesome colors of the water, in general slowed skupnutsya IMMEDIATELY. Anatomic as usual 2 euros for a couple, but did not pay the money back. None of them did not come back blankly.

Third point. Chania. Chania old town, the former capital of the island is very beautiful, very straight, is here and the bay with ships, museums and narrow streets on postcards and then I saw Niva, here it is the power of Russian weapons ... ugh auto industry.









Parking in town, not in the center than on the outskirts. All scored wheelbarrows. I had to put on a charge, but did not have to pay again bluntly no one came for the money. Strange people Greeks.
They sat down to eat, pougarat on portion sizes, how to eat it in one person, a mystery to me. With grief in half and under the wine, they mastered it in an hour, but it was not there, along with a score of 13 euros waiter brought fruit, some strange dessert and 300 grams of cancers. It was a gift, a compliment to my wife on the restaurant owner, he came out poulybalsya, waited while I drink a glass and wishing a successful day left. On reasonably noticed that I'm driving and I can not accept gifts, said the police was not there, was not and will not be, they have Communism ordered a drink! To refuse was stupid, I had already sucked the wine glasses as 5 1-2 glasses did not solve.


The road back took a little time TtN now knew that the police do not have, because the evening is not lost so it was decided to go into town Rentimo, we benefit from not very far 15 or 17 km.
The goal was the promenade, which is rumored to be terribly reminiscent of Venice, but the browser is not in your head because it was dark when limited by the central shopping streets near the park. Wonderful place, I'm not a shopaholic, but walked with pleasure, narrow street with shops on both sides ... mesmerizing. The ride is mandatory. But late in the evening. During the day the atmosphere is not the suspect.




The day ended as usual cocktail glass for his wife and for me favorite.

We met the morning ... not cool and dawn, and demanding wife get up and do the photo session. That if only not tyrkat and gave normal sleep 15 minutes more, bylob more than one frame, and horseradish, a photo and drove.

Ultimate was decided to go to the other side of the island with the aim pozyrit Libyan Sea, Castle Franco church ruins from hell on mud pies in the mountains and even Che thread along the way.
Before I leave the national road in the mountains to cross them across, he saw strange. Word in the mountains as it turned out the whole sign is not found out, they all are. It is the people's fun to go to the mountains and shoot the signs, the good weapon in every house as is a private museum on the lake.

Point first. We wandered on her by accident, seeing the pointer on the road, which touts in World War II Museum. Museum of shocked me, it's better than Rentimo, Chania. Steeper than all the surrounding seas and even steeper vodka to 2 euros per liter.
At the entrance stood an anti-aircraft guns in the yard lay naval mine, and the house was a Luftwaffe bomb the size of a car. Private Museum, children master was a partisan during the war, my father started digging to collect weapons, and was ordained to be continued, and cuts in this grandmother. Word is not much chop, and as much as you give. I gave the example of 10 euros.
Fotkat flash did not tell the owner, no flash turned sucks and distracted from the contemplation, he has his own website, look there.
Look necessarily, again, I ohuel!





Point two. The observation deck at the pass. Especially write nothing, nice course, but uh. Fresh And is there a way azhno 1, 5 euros. In general, you can stop to take a look, but no more. By the way Fresh produce binoculars.


Point 3. Choir Slakion or something like this. The town on the shores of the Libyan Sea to the best beautiful, with a monument to the partisans, the ruins on the mountain, on a rock church and a cafe where all the talk in Russian! You've got to say I first paid parking, it turned out to be a hard-working Greek or greedy and therefore meets at 2 euro directly at the entrance of, put the car did not work for free, but oh well.










Point 4 ruins near Anopoli. In this part I povoskheschayus quality roads. This Anopoli, to find in the ass, in the mountains, it is practically a dead-end village, but there on the mountains, dick knows how the stones of two lane asphalt road with a perfectly flat canvas. I'm sorry for your city. The city itself is unremarkable, the center is the clock tower, the administration, payphone and cafe, it poftykali we dine in the mountains and went back to look for a place for swimming.



5. Sweet Point Beach, which is not the scourge of a bitch, and the scourge that beach. Although ...
More in Chora Slakion I saw a booth, which is strongly attracted by the announcement of the sea taxi that will drive me for 14 euros for two in an unforgettable place, lagoon with clear water, 14 euros I squeezed, but when traveling from Anapol back, I saw on the way a pointer saying, if the car quit and walk along the cliffs, you come to this suite is the scourge. Ultimate decided to go.
Road frankly not close and sometimes dangerous injury, but should go, great views.
I warn you, I do not know what this place is, but when he came back, doubts have disappeared. There were uncles and aunts older with huyami like sperm whales and tits like milking cows. I have not seen this, I was shocked, but had nowhere to retreat, and I ran with my eyes closed to the far edge of the beach, there I was attracted cafe, standing on the water. Fiction I am sure that on the way back at the sight of naked grandparents and I did not have a heart attack because moves to drink a liter of wine, and then another 3 times with 50 cancers. It helped me forget the sweet sleep for 3 hours under the hot sun is not near the water.







Castle Point 6. Franco Kotselo.
Castle so sebeshny knew would not go. It is necessary to input 1 euro per person, but there is nothing to watch, square walls, one tower which you can climb, do not advise you to go, but if you do not stick all these excavations.

Point 7.
How I missed it in the guidebooks I do not know how I missed it on the way there, too, it is not clear, but in reverse, I went there. Private vinovarnya Daurakis and Museum. A wonderful place with these great wine that you can taste and buy. Bought 3 bottles of red and white for 4 euros and one with five wine for 15. The wine is very tasty, everything that before drinking in cafes nervously smoking in the hallway, though much better than what you buy in Auchan or somewhere else.
The evening we spent at the cafe Tropicana, it can be seen from the window of room. We were shown the local dances, dances, we ate pizza and went to sleep.
The next day was completely devoted to felting on the beach. The car I gave in the morning, picked up her originally when I came and showed the key, I was asked to throw it on the bedside table, in this actual story was over, no one came out to watch the car, no one checked benz in the tank, even though I left him more than It was.






I probably will return. I have not seen the beach where they filmed the Bounty, did not see the miracle of the town of Agios Nikolaos, did not have time to the cave of Zeus.

Posted in [mergetime] 1379998244 [/ mergetime]
I have everything ... break!
Oh yeah ... for everything I spent 490 euros, with the car, food and souvenirs. Recently I spent 90 euros with difficulty, I just do not know where, and souvenirs were and all that you want, 4 days we did what does not break down, and it was possible to meet the 300.
