At Logan Nadym: Christmas hunt for mosquitoes
Writes blogger frederick-taer:
So, it all started a few years ago, during the lunch meal at one of the shopping centers. Then, among the wacky pictures projected on the wall for the entertainment of the public, one immediately caught my attention: it was depicted ferocious tselnochuguninovy bronekomar terminator growth under two meters plus.
Fragmentary information attached to fotorafii were urgently and meticulously copied me on a napkin. In the future, it is possible to establish the whereabouts of bronekomara up to the city, then I calmed down and the quest has been moved to kvestohranilische until better times.
And now, on the eve of the Christmas holidays - about six months - the navigator got the idea to go to Salekhard. I immediately told him that in February we can do it even on a bike, and in the New Year we have no chance. But - nothing prevents a try, the more it is high time to see a mosquito.
In theory, we even had a second car with the crew. However, as expected, with the onset of winter, the crew quietly merged.
But when someone stopped this nonsense? Having rested one day after New Year's dizeleniya, morning of December 31 we hit the road.
22 photos
After Kostroma in the 15th channel sounded a warning that the front - complete @ # $ #. In practice, this meant that the road builders and Manturinskogo Sharinsky Rajnov began to celebrate the New Year ahead: Shes road covered with snow. However, the traditional c snowstorm, this led to a reduction in the rate - sometimes up to 40 km / h - and the fact that the New Year, we met in the area Kotelnich.
But it was quite interesting to drive through at speed through the deserted villages and instantly be seen everywhere, the closer the further blossoming of the buds Vyatka salutes. Handsomely.
For a long time or a short time, we reached Yugorsk and turned north on the winter road.
In light - which is standing on the bank of a swamp and a pointer to where the "Moscow 3000" - had a bad moment. Way through the maze of lanes, where there preizryadno number, and suddenly, instead of groomed tracks, suddenly bristling in the dragon's teeth the frozen ground newly constructed embankment. There are three hundred meters of such gravity that the tank did not pass any. Especially taken deep trenches on the sides of the mound, with the resulting wall of ice waterfalls.
The interrogation of the local population showed that now detour through the COP. They just forgot to tell everyone about it. Limited to what turned one pointer. Given the number of different tracks located there and turns, the effect of this rotation is similar to the one about myzhi issued hundred owls.
Later in the afternoon the wind picks up. After Igrim open places appear peremёty.
The navigator, being behind the wheel is in the middle of the road a little peremёt and happily sits in it. Peremёt microscopic. On the sides of the meter, three meters behind, two meters ahead. In the middle of us.
The situation is simple, a couple of minutes to dig out quietly and even rolls a little rut for overclocking. Remains of five motions to remove snow in front of - and you can go. But the navigator - shouting "I schaz him to stay!" - Throws himself behind the wheel, the gas heats and gets stuck in the snow bank! I showed the wonders of education and even did not say anything - just looked at him reproachfully over his glasses.
After this warm-up we went ahead and pulled out of peremёtov natives, one after the other. They manage to ride in a snowstorm on the golf course without a shovel, without cables, but women and children. Now I understand where are the stories about the "burned tires and froze to death».
Particularly pleased with the two-ton Toyota Sienna - four-wheel drive wagon, who managed to disperse stop in the center of a large, trёhsotmetrovogo peremёta and sit there. We would have pulled out, and it just had to tinker a little longer. Fortunately, after digging a loaf I came and just pulled it.
As a result, we make our way in the Birch and go to sleep.
Now, the traditional question "where?", Not to say all palitsya - from Igrim.
In the rooms one does not even look.
The museum in the Birch closed for technical reasons. Again, I do not look.
Bust Menshikov did not look too lazy.
He had to be here somewhere, to mark a place of exile.
They moved north to Tags. Tags, as always, turned out to be closed. That means that from the Tag to the Azov - do not drive. It is 80 kilometers. The road has not been cleaned with "before the New Year." By the way, when you try to go to her "memory" he has managed to pass a tightness just two hundred meters on the field. Because you go - it is bad, but you go. A throw gas - will rise. Fortunately, I managed to stop in time, and even go back in reverse. It is not clear how.
Posted in [mergetime] 1297244270 [/ mergetime]
In search of the various options stood tags noon.
Well, staid - Tags izkolesili all ten times.
As a working, he considered the idea to get to the Azov simply Obi.
Further, there is a good way to Men.
Posted in [mergetime] 1297244298 [/ mergetime]
Here Logan worn by Obi. Test check.
There is no road, no tracks, nothing - just a virgin.
This, by the way, curious chelas. They left the Magnitogorsk to focus, but it Ёburge they died. They took Logan to rent and rushed on. It was the idea to break with them. Produced even more passing goat and a loaf. But - the weather ...
Weather Tags definitively closed.
Swept everything. After watching as the ice gets moved down the goat, we realized that this time will not pass here.
To clear my conscience, held a couple of kilometers along the winter road.
Winter road zametёn the conscience, found several ambushes even to the Urals - the chances we have. As always, through the administrative border - there are no roads.
Turn around.
Let's try an alternative option.
Nevertheless, I would argue that in Salekhard through Beryozovo can be reached at Logan even before the New Year.
Right before the snowstorm of Azov Ob struck the two cars.
And in the very storm alone broke shnivy.
However, she rushed along the Tag back and forth, unable to find the exit of the river until I posdvetil her his lantern.
By the way, then she sat down and we pushed it again.
Back in the Birch, go to bed.
Posted in [mergetime] 1297244386 [/ mergetime]
The next day, we return the old way and turn left on Peregrebnoe.
By the way, there is another winter road Igrim-Peregrebnoe through Narykary.
Near Beryozovo winter road had been cleaned: they saw the tractor on the ring.
But then - as lucky.
However, we are proceeding normally
Has anyone ever seen as skiing goes bulldozer?
I recommend.
In the middle of the Ob, near Peregrebnoe.
By the way, it turns out, our traditional race through Ugorsk and bright - a back door. In fact, no one does not go. The main route - Igrim-Ob-Hunts.
As elsewhere, the winter road on Beloyar in Peregrebnoe begins through some trash. In this case, it's career-gas pipeline route along which rush KrAZ. Hilly. The width of one of KrAZ, naturally. And runs - two pieces, installed in parallel at a distance of five hundred meters from each other. For some reason we have chosen the right - and guess.
Excellent winter road. However, in the part where it passes along the edge of the continent, a rather sharp descents and ascents. On one of them even drove us only the third time. There was still below the frost - will not be dispersed. Laziness was messing around and put on a chain, because the rise took so.
Near Beloyarov on winter road are strong iron gate, fortunately for them - open. Angered awful: it is what it is, you Journeying on Peregrebnoe 200 km, and then the gates are closed, ed back ?! If they were closed, would be removed from its hinges and dragged the winch to the side!
By the way, as soon as this gate, turn left on Polnovat. I wonder whether there is a direct passage Polnovat-Shahovskaya-Beryozovo. Well this is how much you can cut! I think winter travel can be.
After Beloyarov pokolbasitsya on concrete slabs (by the way, there are no roads on the Ob away - saw a pointer?) And some winter road through the middle of the taiga 135 kilometers get on megadorogu. Smooth, concrete slabs, one to one, signs, rumble strips, reflectors, bridges, kilometer signs are (530). Snow dusted - go 120 km / h. In ten kilometers she abruptly ends. What was it? Someone brought in a helicopter, made report on the road?
Way, way, pulling farther north. But with rossiyanskih quality.
Superzimnik laid parallel, which I'm going to 80-100 km / h, against a maximum of 60 km / h on the tarmac.
Then begins drevnesovetskaya betonka with walking plates.
Where on the edges of the trees do not grow, it peremetaet.
Peremёty Pleven, some Kalmyks manage to sit in them.
We reach Kalina, causing surprise recognition of the region 08.
Here we are and here.
Winter road to Salekhard, as always, begins unobvious passing through the garage.
It cleans hard Kirovets - later he will sit here.
We drive a couple of kilometers ahead, take out the four-wheel drive gazelle (whether it was barguzin?).
Then the gazelle takes us. We look at all peremetёnny winter road (remember Kirovec), turn around and go back.
An alternative is also not prokanaet.
This year's winter road Salekhard-Nadym flood water. Already prepared to 168 kilometers.
After 7-8 days here will go Mathis - but not now. Who does not drive.
Although, if it was not a blizzard ...
In general, it would be possible to pass here, but no luck with the weather. That is the verdict.
Moving on, the landscape is the same.
Near Nadym cross the frozen river on a pontoon bridge (why?).
What we have to take 70 rubles (well, that's why).
While we are moving forward, but it is the opposite course.
By the way, on the outskirts of Korotchaevo toward the south discovered struck-through white sign "Novy Urengoy».
Look on the map the distance.
Komar close!
There he is. Ancient Quest taken.
According to the-net, this thing is at the same time in different places.
Desperate to find a definite answer web surfing, I just found it on the satellite image.
Now - back home.
Around - the eternal summer.
Tobolsk on the way home.
Creation gloomy Permian engineers.
Ten times have passed by, I could not take pictures.
7584 kilometers.
So, it all started a few years ago, during the lunch meal at one of the shopping centers. Then, among the wacky pictures projected on the wall for the entertainment of the public, one immediately caught my attention: it was depicted ferocious tselnochuguninovy bronekomar terminator growth under two meters plus.
Fragmentary information attached to fotorafii were urgently and meticulously copied me on a napkin. In the future, it is possible to establish the whereabouts of bronekomara up to the city, then I calmed down and the quest has been moved to kvestohranilische until better times.
And now, on the eve of the Christmas holidays - about six months - the navigator got the idea to go to Salekhard. I immediately told him that in February we can do it even on a bike, and in the New Year we have no chance. But - nothing prevents a try, the more it is high time to see a mosquito.
In theory, we even had a second car with the crew. However, as expected, with the onset of winter, the crew quietly merged.
But when someone stopped this nonsense? Having rested one day after New Year's dizeleniya, morning of December 31 we hit the road.
22 photos

After Kostroma in the 15th channel sounded a warning that the front - complete @ # $ #. In practice, this meant that the road builders and Manturinskogo Sharinsky Rajnov began to celebrate the New Year ahead: Shes road covered with snow. However, the traditional c snowstorm, this led to a reduction in the rate - sometimes up to 40 km / h - and the fact that the New Year, we met in the area Kotelnich.
But it was quite interesting to drive through at speed through the deserted villages and instantly be seen everywhere, the closer the further blossoming of the buds Vyatka salutes. Handsomely.

For a long time or a short time, we reached Yugorsk and turned north on the winter road.
In light - which is standing on the bank of a swamp and a pointer to where the "Moscow 3000" - had a bad moment. Way through the maze of lanes, where there preizryadno number, and suddenly, instead of groomed tracks, suddenly bristling in the dragon's teeth the frozen ground newly constructed embankment. There are three hundred meters of such gravity that the tank did not pass any. Especially taken deep trenches on the sides of the mound, with the resulting wall of ice waterfalls.
The interrogation of the local population showed that now detour through the COP. They just forgot to tell everyone about it. Limited to what turned one pointer. Given the number of different tracks located there and turns, the effect of this rotation is similar to the one about myzhi issued hundred owls.

Later in the afternoon the wind picks up. After Igrim open places appear peremёty.
The navigator, being behind the wheel is in the middle of the road a little peremёt and happily sits in it. Peremёt microscopic. On the sides of the meter, three meters behind, two meters ahead. In the middle of us.
The situation is simple, a couple of minutes to dig out quietly and even rolls a little rut for overclocking. Remains of five motions to remove snow in front of - and you can go. But the navigator - shouting "I schaz him to stay!" - Throws himself behind the wheel, the gas heats and gets stuck in the snow bank! I showed the wonders of education and even did not say anything - just looked at him reproachfully over his glasses.
After this warm-up we went ahead and pulled out of peremёtov natives, one after the other. They manage to ride in a snowstorm on the golf course without a shovel, without cables, but women and children. Now I understand where are the stories about the "burned tires and froze to death».
Particularly pleased with the two-ton Toyota Sienna - four-wheel drive wagon, who managed to disperse stop in the center of a large, trёhsotmetrovogo peremёta and sit there. We would have pulled out, and it just had to tinker a little longer. Fortunately, after digging a loaf I came and just pulled it.

As a result, we make our way in the Birch and go to sleep.
Now, the traditional question "where?", Not to say all palitsya - from Igrim.
In the rooms one does not even look.

The museum in the Birch closed for technical reasons. Again, I do not look.
Bust Menshikov did not look too lazy.
He had to be here somewhere, to mark a place of exile.
They moved north to Tags. Tags, as always, turned out to be closed. That means that from the Tag to the Azov - do not drive. It is 80 kilometers. The road has not been cleaned with "before the New Year." By the way, when you try to go to her "memory" he has managed to pass a tightness just two hundred meters on the field. Because you go - it is bad, but you go. A throw gas - will rise. Fortunately, I managed to stop in time, and even go back in reverse. It is not clear how.
Posted in [mergetime] 1297244270 [/ mergetime]
In search of the various options stood tags noon.
Well, staid - Tags izkolesili all ten times.
As a working, he considered the idea to get to the Azov simply Obi.
Further, there is a good way to Men.
Posted in [mergetime] 1297244298 [/ mergetime]
Here Logan worn by Obi. Test check.
There is no road, no tracks, nothing - just a virgin.
This, by the way, curious chelas. They left the Magnitogorsk to focus, but it Ёburge they died. They took Logan to rent and rushed on. It was the idea to break with them. Produced even more passing goat and a loaf. But - the weather ...
Weather Tags definitively closed.
Swept everything. After watching as the ice gets moved down the goat, we realized that this time will not pass here.

To clear my conscience, held a couple of kilometers along the winter road.
Winter road zametёn the conscience, found several ambushes even to the Urals - the chances we have. As always, through the administrative border - there are no roads.

Turn around.
Let's try an alternative option.
Nevertheless, I would argue that in Salekhard through Beryozovo can be reached at Logan even before the New Year.
Right before the snowstorm of Azov Ob struck the two cars.
And in the very storm alone broke shnivy.
However, she rushed along the Tag back and forth, unable to find the exit of the river until I posdvetil her his lantern.
By the way, then she sat down and we pushed it again.

Back in the Birch, go to bed.
Posted in [mergetime] 1297244386 [/ mergetime]
The next day, we return the old way and turn left on Peregrebnoe.
By the way, there is another winter road Igrim-Peregrebnoe through Narykary.
Near Beryozovo winter road had been cleaned: they saw the tractor on the ring.
But then - as lucky.
However, we are proceeding normally
Has anyone ever seen as skiing goes bulldozer?
I recommend.

In the middle of the Ob, near Peregrebnoe.

By the way, it turns out, our traditional race through Ugorsk and bright - a back door. In fact, no one does not go. The main route - Igrim-Ob-Hunts.
As elsewhere, the winter road on Beloyar in Peregrebnoe begins through some trash. In this case, it's career-gas pipeline route along which rush KrAZ. Hilly. The width of one of KrAZ, naturally. And runs - two pieces, installed in parallel at a distance of five hundred meters from each other. For some reason we have chosen the right - and guess.
Excellent winter road. However, in the part where it passes along the edge of the continent, a rather sharp descents and ascents. On one of them even drove us only the third time. There was still below the frost - will not be dispersed. Laziness was messing around and put on a chain, because the rise took so.
Near Beloyarov on winter road are strong iron gate, fortunately for them - open. Angered awful: it is what it is, you Journeying on Peregrebnoe 200 km, and then the gates are closed, ed back ?! If they were closed, would be removed from its hinges and dragged the winch to the side!
By the way, as soon as this gate, turn left on Polnovat. I wonder whether there is a direct passage Polnovat-Shahovskaya-Beryozovo. Well this is how much you can cut! I think winter travel can be.
After Beloyarov pokolbasitsya on concrete slabs (by the way, there are no roads on the Ob away - saw a pointer?) And some winter road through the middle of the taiga 135 kilometers get on megadorogu. Smooth, concrete slabs, one to one, signs, rumble strips, reflectors, bridges, kilometer signs are (530). Snow dusted - go 120 km / h. In ten kilometers she abruptly ends. What was it? Someone brought in a helicopter, made report on the road?

Way, way, pulling farther north. But with rossiyanskih quality.
Superzimnik laid parallel, which I'm going to 80-100 km / h, against a maximum of 60 km / h on the tarmac.

Then begins drevnesovetskaya betonka with walking plates.
Where on the edges of the trees do not grow, it peremetaet.
Peremёty Pleven, some Kalmyks manage to sit in them.
We reach Kalina, causing surprise recognition of the region 08.

Here we are and here.

Winter road to Salekhard, as always, begins unobvious passing through the garage.
It cleans hard Kirovets - later he will sit here.
We drive a couple of kilometers ahead, take out the four-wheel drive gazelle (whether it was barguzin?).
Then the gazelle takes us. We look at all peremetёnny winter road (remember Kirovec), turn around and go back.
An alternative is also not prokanaet.

This year's winter road Salekhard-Nadym flood water. Already prepared to 168 kilometers.
After 7-8 days here will go Mathis - but not now. Who does not drive.
Although, if it was not a blizzard ...
In general, it would be possible to pass here, but no luck with the weather. That is the verdict.

Moving on, the landscape is the same.
Near Nadym cross the frozen river on a pontoon bridge (why?).
What we have to take 70 rubles (well, that's why).
While we are moving forward, but it is the opposite course.
By the way, on the outskirts of Korotchaevo toward the south discovered struck-through white sign "Novy Urengoy».
Look on the map the distance.

Komar close!

There he is. Ancient Quest taken.
According to the-net, this thing is at the same time in different places.
Desperate to find a definite answer web surfing, I just found it on the satellite image.
Now - back home.

Around - the eternal summer.

Tobolsk on the way home.

Creation gloomy Permian engineers.
Ten times have passed by, I could not take pictures.

7584 kilometers.
