What do you know about mosquitoes
I try not to put pressure on myself mosquitoes in the woods (though entirely without victims here, of course, can not do, in war as in war), but for a different reason - once a dozen, but at least would have hundreds of victims of any serious damage itchy around population bloodsuckers will not cause, but fresh-crushed smell like a mosquito, it is attractive to his race (or rather, spolemennits) and makes them afar flied to the place of the death of his neighbor with triple appetite. That is logical - if somewhere there is squashed, then there is likely to be and davitel filled with fresh blood.
This here is a little secret. If you follow my recommendation, the mosquitoes prefer your companions, smeared their own right, the mosquitoes, the less fortunate brothers and frantically waving his hands - except the bodies of their relatives, squeaky bloodsuckers react to the smell of sweat flying to its source on the leeward side at times from a distance of 3 km. Smell of sweaty help them evening breezes blowing from dry upland sites preferred by people in the lowlands with ponds, where is the main mosquito camp. The most intense flight of mosquitoes comes at a time from about 20 to 22 pm and from 4 to 6 am, plus or minus half an hour.
Smell komarihi feel mustache - there are special cilia, but they taste buds mostly on the legs. It is best to feel the taste of the front legs of a mosquito - where sensory hairs more than even on the proboscis. Averages slightly less sensitive, rear, almost bald, there are only a few hairs taste. Clearly just a mosquito feels the taste of blood and sweat, more precisely, they contain amino acids - lysine, alanine, histidine - and lactic acid.
Male mosquitoes ears not only sniff, but also hear. This was first discovered in 1878 by an American engineer Hiram Maxim - the same, but then he was installing electrical lights near the hotel Grand Union in New York and noticed that around transformers forever swarming crowds of mosquitoes. Was not only an engineer - it is not enough that determined that the transformers are interested entirely males (it is easy to distinguish them fluffy hussar mustache, mustache frail mosquitoes), and only when the transformer hums, but also picked up a tuning fork and learned to command a swarm of baleen Piskunov without transformer. Beardless same magic fork did not respond, and Hiram made the assumption that the mosquitoes react to the sound of it is through the whiskers entering into resonance with the sound vibrations of a certain frequency, and a tuning fork and a transformer just sound at a frequency of wings mosquito females. The then entomologists raised techie laugh and editors of scientific journals considered lower self-esteem to publish such a primitive experiments and findings. Maxim strong offense and five years later invented his famous machine gun, and another sixty-five years old when epidemiologists come to grips with the study of malaria vectors, its conclusions are exactly confirmed.
More recent and more sophisticated experiments told that mustache quivering to the beat of the wings of females only of its kind, and only mature - young females squeak slightly different timbre. Komarihi different types and ages flaps wings from 300 to 600 times per second, and because their voice is thin (for comparison: bumblebee - 123-233, wasp -165-274 strokes per second). Extremely champions in this sense are considered mosquito Dergunov or chironomids - those aggressive that clear evenings swarms pounded in the air - and their opposite - biting midges, gnats most filthy component, stuffed in any folds of clothing, in the nose and ears, open your eyes do not give ... And they both make up to 1000 strokes per second.
By the way, there is a sign that the swarming chironomids to rain. She came, apparently, from the arid steppe zone and due to the fact that the female after swarming have to find water to lay their eggs, so in our area sign does not work - the water in the forest area is usually full. After mating, but before egg laying female desirable to drink blood (but not necessarily - komariha, which did not give suck, too, lay eggs, although their number is much smaller).
Mosquito device for sucking - a seemingly simple proboscis - consists of the upper lip, the two upper jaw, two lower jaws, podglotochnika and lower lip. All this together several times the length of the head. The upper lip is rolled into a tube through which the blood flows into the throat. The tube does not sink without elastic chitinous jaws, serrated on the front end. They tightly but removably connected to the upper lip of a viscous fluid gland inner surface of the lower lip. The lower lip is a trough, where, as in the case to be embedded "thorn" mosquito. It does not penetrate into the wound, and, curving in an arc, guides the jaw to the blood vessels of the victim mosquito keeps them together during bloodsucking and straightened, pull them back after the end of the meal.
SH - upper lip, HF - upper jaw, g - head ng - lower lip, bass - the lower jaw, n - podglotochnik have - mustache, x - a set of piercing parts of the proboscis, u - palp. Bottom right - the tip of the proboscis at a magnification of 200x.
Mandibles, working alternately wielding teeth, actively introduced into the skin "donor", leading the rest of the beam - upper lip, upper jaw and podglotochnik. From podglotochnika - unpaired outgrowth of the bottom wall of the pharynx - the wound gets saliva, performs a dual function. First, it expands the blood vessels around the site of the bite, thereby increasing blood flow. Secondly, prevents blood clotting, so that she can not plug the tube of the upper lip. Specific pressure on the skin mosquito proboscis exceeds that of the freight car on track. To achieve it, the mosquito clings front legs - if they tear, puncture the skin, it can not.
If komarihi not interfere, she drink the blood 5-7 times its own weight. Its abdomen is inflated, it barely takes off to find a quiet place to digest food. Only a negligible part of the food goes to the maintenance of insect life, most of the blood proteins in a week turns into a 120-350 eggs. Putting aside for the waterfront - certainly in the evening, after sunset - eggs, female mosquitoes become a vegetarian to a second mating. Third marriage they almost never - summer komariha lives only two months (if you're lucky). Eggs also drift on the surface of the pond (or waiting for the rain on the beach - depending on the type of mosquito) a few days.
The larvae of biting mosquitoes usually hang in the water under the surface, holding out the breathing tube, and in danger, curving, go into the depths. The rich food reservoir accumulates to 4000 larvae per liter of water - and this is the first great benefits of mosquitoes (and indeed midges) larvae bloodsucking trash - an indispensable food for fish fry and other aquatic creatures. Some aquarists claim that fish fed on "little devils" are unusually bright color, which indicates that their well-being.
The larvae are hairy. Hair - a paddle at the same time sensitive receivers external signals, and two magnificent bundle on her head - a device for feeding larvae of waves at a speed of 200 strokes per minute, guiding water to his mouth with food: the remains of plants and small animals, bacteria, protozoa, small algae, rotifers, spores and pollen. They may also scrape food from the larvae of aquatic plants are heavier than water, but hang beneath the surface due to surface tension - like water striders, but on the other side of the film. The structure of the mosquito larvae of different species to highly sophisticated and diverse, they have plenty of incredible bodies and devices for life like anal prompter or cheholchika eye.
After the fourth molt the larva turns into a pupa. Doll fun! Like a comma with horns and does not eat anything because she does not have a mouth. In the thickest part of the transparent comma shaped head and legs bloodsuckers, visible even eyes future creations. Horn - a breathing tube, narrowed the base of which are in the tracheal system. On the abdomen in front of tree hairs visible vapor, through which the pupa is held at the surface of the film and perceive the slightest fluctuations of the water surface. Whatever may seem awkward doll, nevertheless it is very agile. Worried, she deftly dives, wagging his belly, at the rear end of which a pair of leaf-plate-fin. In contrast, larvae, pupae lighter than water - chest cavity and the first abdominal segment it filled with air.
The full development of mosquito spends 14-15 days, if the water temperature is not below + 24 ° - + 27 °. Fecal sewage leaks and water and heating systems in urban basements in terms of temperature is quite suitable, but only to the usual crap and chemistry of urban mosquitoes - their larvae develop normally in a cocktail in which their forest brothers of the same species would move the horses in a few minutes . In recent years, with the advent of the counters and HOA cellars in most homes have become drier - and mosquitoes in apartments markedly diminished.
Finally pupae straighten burst in the area of the back, and get out of them colorless soft-bodied creatures. Abdomen they filled with air - insects advance swallowed it, so as not to drown. While newborn mosquito sits on his frail canoe, in his body full swing biochemical processes; for a few minutes and covers painted harden. You can fly to the people, and if a mosquito city, bring them a reasonable, good, eternal everything what he from childhood absorbed, sidyuchi in the channel. Bites small urban komarishek strongly itch and hurt, and acne in their place long run. Forest mosquitoes, though larger (in nature grew, not hurt a child!), But the bite gently. In both cases, the main rule - do not scratch! Advised to anoint vodka, ammonia, garlic, onion juice, milk dandelion, soda solution, "Gold Star", to make mashed leaves of wild cherry, mint, citrus juice, cologne ... and so on. The main thing is not to scratch.
To bow and dandelion showed all his strength, you need to pull out of the skin plunged sting. Simply pull the bees, but the removal of tiny mosquito proboscis - the enterprise for virtuosos, especially if you are in the tundra. In Evenkia five minutes on the forearm 400 people sit down mosquitoes, deer immediately dig in 8500 future mothers, and over every hectare flies sometimes up to five pounds of gray bloodsuckers. Horror. But it's how you look. Biological cycle of substances in the cold tundra lazy slow. Mosquitoes are the same for some weeks returned to the watershed chemical elements that the water dragged down, and this is the second great advantage of midges. On tiny wings with every hundred acres of swamp annually flies two pounds of carbon, nitrogen pud, nine kilograms of phosphorus, six - calcium, half - silicon. Travel and trace elements molybdenum, manganese, boron ... In other words, on the land for centuries flying food for plants.
Flies and food for birds. It is for the clouds of midges every spring fly thousands of miles to the north fledge swifts, swallows, flycatchers and many other migratory insectivorous birds - here's a third benefit. In a French park to mosquitoes is not plagued travelers, put containers with a special liquid, and mosquitoes are gone. After a short time in the park a huge number of caterpillars and other pests that destroy crops. It turned out, the mosquitoes are attracted insectivorous birds, which regulate the number of insect pests. An ecological approach to solving the problems in Europe at the height, they did not go the way of the use of poisons and a further injection of useless struggle. Just removed the drums and everything fell into place - began to fly mosquitoes, birds singing, and the caterpillar disappeared ...
One might, on reflection, to find and fifth, and sixth, but it is already clear that the total destruction of bloodsuckers will cause no seasonable vozdusey and environmental catastrophe. Nevertheless friends call them language somehow does not turn. A habit enemy and his weaknesses need to know. So, stop mosquitoes to attack in the heat of + 28 °. Grace for them - it is + 16 ° C and relative humidity of 80-90%. In dry air aching squadron will not last long - lose water. Dislikes opponent and high-altitude flights. This has long enjoyed in malarial edges - built for the night eight-meter tower. I can not explain why, but not annoying mosquitoes during an overnight stay in the karst caves - and shallow, sometimes enough to be just under the rock shelter. Do not like mosquitoes and volatile cedar ... but caves and pine forests can be found far from everywhere.
With regard to personal protective equipment, the modern insect repellents and insecticides are quite effective. If you find yourself in nature, nothing in this sense is not Zatar and nosed obsessed - poshar'te around looking plant with a strong flavor such as mint, tarragon, celery, sweet, etc. Mash the beam more impressive and rubbed the exposed parts of the body can be a time to feel relaxed. However, this focus is effective against mosquitoes ... but more serious representatives of midges - next time.

This here is a little secret. If you follow my recommendation, the mosquitoes prefer your companions, smeared their own right, the mosquitoes, the less fortunate brothers and frantically waving his hands - except the bodies of their relatives, squeaky bloodsuckers react to the smell of sweat flying to its source on the leeward side at times from a distance of 3 km. Smell of sweaty help them evening breezes blowing from dry upland sites preferred by people in the lowlands with ponds, where is the main mosquito camp. The most intense flight of mosquitoes comes at a time from about 20 to 22 pm and from 4 to 6 am, plus or minus half an hour.

Smell komarihi feel mustache - there are special cilia, but they taste buds mostly on the legs. It is best to feel the taste of the front legs of a mosquito - where sensory hairs more than even on the proboscis. Averages slightly less sensitive, rear, almost bald, there are only a few hairs taste. Clearly just a mosquito feels the taste of blood and sweat, more precisely, they contain amino acids - lysine, alanine, histidine - and lactic acid.

Male mosquitoes ears not only sniff, but also hear. This was first discovered in 1878 by an American engineer Hiram Maxim - the same, but then he was installing electrical lights near the hotel Grand Union in New York and noticed that around transformers forever swarming crowds of mosquitoes. Was not only an engineer - it is not enough that determined that the transformers are interested entirely males (it is easy to distinguish them fluffy hussar mustache, mustache frail mosquitoes), and only when the transformer hums, but also picked up a tuning fork and learned to command a swarm of baleen Piskunov without transformer. Beardless same magic fork did not respond, and Hiram made the assumption that the mosquitoes react to the sound of it is through the whiskers entering into resonance with the sound vibrations of a certain frequency, and a tuning fork and a transformer just sound at a frequency of wings mosquito females. The then entomologists raised techie laugh and editors of scientific journals considered lower self-esteem to publish such a primitive experiments and findings. Maxim strong offense and five years later invented his famous machine gun, and another sixty-five years old when epidemiologists come to grips with the study of malaria vectors, its conclusions are exactly confirmed.

More recent and more sophisticated experiments told that mustache quivering to the beat of the wings of females only of its kind, and only mature - young females squeak slightly different timbre. Komarihi different types and ages flaps wings from 300 to 600 times per second, and because their voice is thin (for comparison: bumblebee - 123-233, wasp -165-274 strokes per second). Extremely champions in this sense are considered mosquito Dergunov or chironomids - those aggressive that clear evenings swarms pounded in the air - and their opposite - biting midges, gnats most filthy component, stuffed in any folds of clothing, in the nose and ears, open your eyes do not give ... And they both make up to 1000 strokes per second.
By the way, there is a sign that the swarming chironomids to rain. She came, apparently, from the arid steppe zone and due to the fact that the female after swarming have to find water to lay their eggs, so in our area sign does not work - the water in the forest area is usually full. After mating, but before egg laying female desirable to drink blood (but not necessarily - komariha, which did not give suck, too, lay eggs, although their number is much smaller).
Mosquito device for sucking - a seemingly simple proboscis - consists of the upper lip, the two upper jaw, two lower jaws, podglotochnika and lower lip. All this together several times the length of the head. The upper lip is rolled into a tube through which the blood flows into the throat. The tube does not sink without elastic chitinous jaws, serrated on the front end. They tightly but removably connected to the upper lip of a viscous fluid gland inner surface of the lower lip. The lower lip is a trough, where, as in the case to be embedded "thorn" mosquito. It does not penetrate into the wound, and, curving in an arc, guides the jaw to the blood vessels of the victim mosquito keeps them together during bloodsucking and straightened, pull them back after the end of the meal.

SH - upper lip, HF - upper jaw, g - head ng - lower lip, bass - the lower jaw, n - podglotochnik have - mustache, x - a set of piercing parts of the proboscis, u - palp. Bottom right - the tip of the proboscis at a magnification of 200x.
Mandibles, working alternately wielding teeth, actively introduced into the skin "donor", leading the rest of the beam - upper lip, upper jaw and podglotochnik. From podglotochnika - unpaired outgrowth of the bottom wall of the pharynx - the wound gets saliva, performs a dual function. First, it expands the blood vessels around the site of the bite, thereby increasing blood flow. Secondly, prevents blood clotting, so that she can not plug the tube of the upper lip. Specific pressure on the skin mosquito proboscis exceeds that of the freight car on track. To achieve it, the mosquito clings front legs - if they tear, puncture the skin, it can not.

If komarihi not interfere, she drink the blood 5-7 times its own weight. Its abdomen is inflated, it barely takes off to find a quiet place to digest food. Only a negligible part of the food goes to the maintenance of insect life, most of the blood proteins in a week turns into a 120-350 eggs. Putting aside for the waterfront - certainly in the evening, after sunset - eggs, female mosquitoes become a vegetarian to a second mating. Third marriage they almost never - summer komariha lives only two months (if you're lucky). Eggs also drift on the surface of the pond (or waiting for the rain on the beach - depending on the type of mosquito) a few days.

The larvae of biting mosquitoes usually hang in the water under the surface, holding out the breathing tube, and in danger, curving, go into the depths. The rich food reservoir accumulates to 4000 larvae per liter of water - and this is the first great benefits of mosquitoes (and indeed midges) larvae bloodsucking trash - an indispensable food for fish fry and other aquatic creatures. Some aquarists claim that fish fed on "little devils" are unusually bright color, which indicates that their well-being.

The larvae are hairy. Hair - a paddle at the same time sensitive receivers external signals, and two magnificent bundle on her head - a device for feeding larvae of waves at a speed of 200 strokes per minute, guiding water to his mouth with food: the remains of plants and small animals, bacteria, protozoa, small algae, rotifers, spores and pollen. They may also scrape food from the larvae of aquatic plants are heavier than water, but hang beneath the surface due to surface tension - like water striders, but on the other side of the film. The structure of the mosquito larvae of different species to highly sophisticated and diverse, they have plenty of incredible bodies and devices for life like anal prompter or cheholchika eye.

After the fourth molt the larva turns into a pupa. Doll fun! Like a comma with horns and does not eat anything because she does not have a mouth. In the thickest part of the transparent comma shaped head and legs bloodsuckers, visible even eyes future creations. Horn - a breathing tube, narrowed the base of which are in the tracheal system. On the abdomen in front of tree hairs visible vapor, through which the pupa is held at the surface of the film and perceive the slightest fluctuations of the water surface. Whatever may seem awkward doll, nevertheless it is very agile. Worried, she deftly dives, wagging his belly, at the rear end of which a pair of leaf-plate-fin. In contrast, larvae, pupae lighter than water - chest cavity and the first abdominal segment it filled with air.
The full development of mosquito spends 14-15 days, if the water temperature is not below + 24 ° - + 27 °. Fecal sewage leaks and water and heating systems in urban basements in terms of temperature is quite suitable, but only to the usual crap and chemistry of urban mosquitoes - their larvae develop normally in a cocktail in which their forest brothers of the same species would move the horses in a few minutes . In recent years, with the advent of the counters and HOA cellars in most homes have become drier - and mosquitoes in apartments markedly diminished.

Finally pupae straighten burst in the area of the back, and get out of them colorless soft-bodied creatures. Abdomen they filled with air - insects advance swallowed it, so as not to drown. While newborn mosquito sits on his frail canoe, in his body full swing biochemical processes; for a few minutes and covers painted harden. You can fly to the people, and if a mosquito city, bring them a reasonable, good, eternal everything what he from childhood absorbed, sidyuchi in the channel. Bites small urban komarishek strongly itch and hurt, and acne in their place long run. Forest mosquitoes, though larger (in nature grew, not hurt a child!), But the bite gently. In both cases, the main rule - do not scratch! Advised to anoint vodka, ammonia, garlic, onion juice, milk dandelion, soda solution, "Gold Star", to make mashed leaves of wild cherry, mint, citrus juice, cologne ... and so on. The main thing is not to scratch.

To bow and dandelion showed all his strength, you need to pull out of the skin plunged sting. Simply pull the bees, but the removal of tiny mosquito proboscis - the enterprise for virtuosos, especially if you are in the tundra. In Evenkia five minutes on the forearm 400 people sit down mosquitoes, deer immediately dig in 8500 future mothers, and over every hectare flies sometimes up to five pounds of gray bloodsuckers. Horror. But it's how you look. Biological cycle of substances in the cold tundra lazy slow. Mosquitoes are the same for some weeks returned to the watershed chemical elements that the water dragged down, and this is the second great advantage of midges. On tiny wings with every hundred acres of swamp annually flies two pounds of carbon, nitrogen pud, nine kilograms of phosphorus, six - calcium, half - silicon. Travel and trace elements molybdenum, manganese, boron ... In other words, on the land for centuries flying food for plants.
Flies and food for birds. It is for the clouds of midges every spring fly thousands of miles to the north fledge swifts, swallows, flycatchers and many other migratory insectivorous birds - here's a third benefit. In a French park to mosquitoes is not plagued travelers, put containers with a special liquid, and mosquitoes are gone. After a short time in the park a huge number of caterpillars and other pests that destroy crops. It turned out, the mosquitoes are attracted insectivorous birds, which regulate the number of insect pests. An ecological approach to solving the problems in Europe at the height, they did not go the way of the use of poisons and a further injection of useless struggle. Just removed the drums and everything fell into place - began to fly mosquitoes, birds singing, and the caterpillar disappeared ...
One might, on reflection, to find and fifth, and sixth, but it is already clear that the total destruction of bloodsuckers will cause no seasonable vozdusey and environmental catastrophe. Nevertheless friends call them language somehow does not turn. A habit enemy and his weaknesses need to know. So, stop mosquitoes to attack in the heat of + 28 °. Grace for them - it is + 16 ° C and relative humidity of 80-90%. In dry air aching squadron will not last long - lose water. Dislikes opponent and high-altitude flights. This has long enjoyed in malarial edges - built for the night eight-meter tower. I can not explain why, but not annoying mosquitoes during an overnight stay in the karst caves - and shallow, sometimes enough to be just under the rock shelter. Do not like mosquitoes and volatile cedar ... but caves and pine forests can be found far from everywhere.
With regard to personal protective equipment, the modern insect repellents and insecticides are quite effective. If you find yourself in nature, nothing in this sense is not Zatar and nosed obsessed - poshar'te around looking plant with a strong flavor such as mint, tarragon, celery, sweet, etc. Mash the beam more impressive and rubbed the exposed parts of the body can be a time to feel relaxed. However, this focus is effective against mosquitoes ... but more serious representatives of midges - next time.