8 killer flavors against mosquitoes
We're still enjoying warm, and in the evenings mosquitoes can't walk! Do they respawn so quickly to life and again, you need to buy the chemicals from these harmful and, as it turned out, dangerous insects. After my friend doctors pulled from the body of a large worm and said his larva brought mosquitoes, I would be careful of bites from these "cuties". Chemistry to use not want, that the Internet has found several other ways to protect from mosquitoes.
1. One hundred grams of camphor or Valerian, evaporated above the burner, get rid of flies and mosquitoes even very large room.
2. Finely chop fresh leaves of cherry or Rowan and grate exposed skin.
3. Essential oils of clove, Basil, anise, eucalyptus:
Lubricate the exposed areas of the skin (5-10 drops per glass of water), or the source of the fire in the fireplace, a fire, a candle or a heated pan. Moisten with oil of these plants cotton wool and put it on the windowsill.
4. Fresh branches elder put into the room, they repel mosquitoes as well as the smell of tomato leaves.
5. If you decide to sit on the nature — throw it in the fire juniper twigs.
6. The smell of cedar oil repels not only mosquitoes but also flies and cockroaches.
7. Not a single insect will not touch the person if the wash decoction of the roots of wormwood (a handful of chopped roots pour 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil 20-30 minutes).
8. When you run out of fluid for electric fumigator, do not hurry to run to the store for a replacement unit. Fill the empty bottle 100% extract (!) eucalyptus. Mosquitoes will forget road to your house.

Source: /users/104
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