Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others
There are many theories why mosquitoes bite some people and not touch others. There is an assumption that, for example, beer lovers, the big people who produce more carbon dioxide and sweat, are more attractive to mosquitoes.
One thing we know for sure: genetics and body chemistry - are the keys to understanding this they, mosquito, selectivity.
Statistics show that one in ten people are usually attractive to mosquitoes.
So why mosquitoes attack certain people?
Let's see what they want mosquitoes landing on our skin. Only females bite. In order to breed for feeding eggs, they need the blood of mammals. Males of all known world species of mosquitoes feed exclusively on plant foods and foraged sucking blood.
Females are very selective, and their future offspring they want only the best blood. As you know, each of us has a unique body odor. And mosquitoes know exactly how "sounds" ideal for their flavor. They can feel it 30 meters.
Just imagine, in the human body is about 100 trillion microbes. We even have our own, so to speak, "microbial signature", which is mainly determined by genetics. These microbes - the main part of our immune system, so keep in mind that too frequent water treatments are useless, and they certainly do not hide your scent from the sharp smell of mosquitoes.
Blood is also important
If a mosquito like your scent, it is up to you not to fall behind. In addition, experiments have shown that mosquitoes prefer people with I blood group are twice as likely than those with II. This means that 85% of people of their own blood type lures mosquitoes.
So what is the perfect scent?
Again, a major role is played by the human body generated the amount of sweat and carbon dioxide. But even more important is the smell of the body.
Lactic acid, as it turned out, is very attractive to most species of mosquitoes. A certain foods such as cheese, soy yogurt or pickles, coupled with physical activity produces a large amount of lactic acid on the skin surface. And it draws us buzzing bloodsuckers.
Make yourself completely unattractive to mosquitoes impossible. All that we can do - is just to use precautions to cover large areas of skin clothes, do not go out at dawn and in the evening during high humidity, well and use protective creams and sprays from insect bites, aromatic oils. But even after all this, the mosquitoes will not "like" us less.

One thing we know for sure: genetics and body chemistry - are the keys to understanding this they, mosquito, selectivity.
Statistics show that one in ten people are usually attractive to mosquitoes.
So why mosquitoes attack certain people?
Let's see what they want mosquitoes landing on our skin. Only females bite. In order to breed for feeding eggs, they need the blood of mammals. Males of all known world species of mosquitoes feed exclusively on plant foods and foraged sucking blood.
Females are very selective, and their future offspring they want only the best blood. As you know, each of us has a unique body odor. And mosquitoes know exactly how "sounds" ideal for their flavor. They can feel it 30 meters.
Just imagine, in the human body is about 100 trillion microbes. We even have our own, so to speak, "microbial signature", which is mainly determined by genetics. These microbes - the main part of our immune system, so keep in mind that too frequent water treatments are useless, and they certainly do not hide your scent from the sharp smell of mosquitoes.
Blood is also important
If a mosquito like your scent, it is up to you not to fall behind. In addition, experiments have shown that mosquitoes prefer people with I blood group are twice as likely than those with II. This means that 85% of people of their own blood type lures mosquitoes.
So what is the perfect scent?
Again, a major role is played by the human body generated the amount of sweat and carbon dioxide. But even more important is the smell of the body.
Lactic acid, as it turned out, is very attractive to most species of mosquitoes. A certain foods such as cheese, soy yogurt or pickles, coupled with physical activity produces a large amount of lactic acid on the skin surface. And it draws us buzzing bloodsuckers.
Make yourself completely unattractive to mosquitoes impossible. All that we can do - is just to use precautions to cover large areas of skin clothes, do not go out at dawn and in the evening during high humidity, well and use protective creams and sprays from insect bites, aromatic oils. But even after all this, the mosquitoes will not "like" us less.