Douglas Graham. Diet 80 Oct. 10 Audiobook.

Douglas Graham. Diet 80 Oct. 10 Audiobook.
Douglas Graham, 80 October 10
Caution, this book malnkaya change people's lives!
Take a few minutes to read it.
This little book by Dr. Graham - desktop guide anyone who is interested in their health. Written in simple and understandable language, it is, in my opinion, the best published source of information on healthy eating.

Here is an unprofessional translation of key provisions of the book, not the whole book in its entirety. Original in English may be purchased on the website of Douglas Graham:. www.Foodnsport.com book in Russian is served here and here
Chapter 1. How to determine which food is adequate for us?
Why do not we Predators
we Herbivores
Are we "krahmaloyadnymi»
Starchy root and tubers
The products obtained by decomposition (fermented)
Nuts, seeds and other vegetable fats
Maybe we omnivores?
We - frugivorous
Chapter 2. "Harm" fruktoedeniya
Fruits and blood sugar
The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GBV)
Three stages of travel sugar in the human body
The role of insulin
Fruits and chronic fatigue
Fruits and candidiasis
Fruits and diabetes
Fruits and acid indigestion
Fruits and caries
Chapter 3. Raw food for overall health
The heat treatment in order to destroy germs
Koch's postulates
What is the problem of cooked food?
The excess fats
Toxicosis and
The concept of "denaturation»
Benefits of raw food
Chapter 4 Explanation of the ratio of nutrients calorie
"The golden mean" in
80/10/10 for health, beauty, energy
80/10/10 for longevity
Peoples-centenarians consume lots of carbohydrates and little fat
The natural ratio for people
Why do I think the percentages of calories?
Pros and cons of the model the percentage of calories
As the percentage of calories can be misleading
What is the use of high-calorie model
Compare apples to apples
Measuring the percentage of the volume and percentage of calories
Objective: 80/10/10 CE
As far as I am close to 80/10/10?
Calculations for your diet
Relax ... We go together
Chapter 5: Carbohydrates: 80% minimum
Sugar - a fuel that suits us
Fuel or energy?
Types of carbohydrates
Two carbohydrate
Low-carb / vysokozhirovoy camp
Mortally dangerous fashion for low-carbohydrate diets
Starch Diet: another camp
Cereals: Crash
Complex Carbohydrates
Sophisticated and yglevody
Masking insipid complex carbohydrates
Ekstsitotoksiny improve the taste, but the poison products
Refined carbohydrates are simple: eating and junk
Fruits: Natural simple carbohydrates
Eating fruit - a way to health
Fruit as a staple food: an idea whose time has come
We are created for tropical fruits
Our personal tropics
Fruit - it is natural
Chapter 6. Protein: 10% maximum
How much protein we need?
Official medicine recommends eating 10% protein
10% of the proteins produce large supply
Athletes and bodybuilders: 10% will be enough
For physical activity does not need extra protein
All plant foods contain proteins
The myth of the complete protein
Sources of protein
Americans eat an average of 16% proteins
The dangers of consumption of more than 10% protein
protein intake
Proteins only from fruits and vegetables
Deficiency of protein is impossible
Chapter 7. Fat: 10% maximum
How much fat we need?
The role of fats
Types of fats
The obvious and non-obvious fats
Solid and liquid fats
As the 2% milk can contain 35% fat?
Essential and nonessential fats
Saturated and unsaturated fats
Do we need lauric acid from coconut oil cold pressed?
The ratio of saturated and polyunsaturated fats (N / A)
How much fat we eat?
There greasy food - helpful or harmful
Oils - not healthy food
Oils ... At best, empty calories, at worst - a carcinogenic junk food
10% fat for health
Chapter 8. Big surprise: 60% fat raw foodists
Chapter 9. The stabilization of body weight
What people do not know the composition of the body
We can gain weight due to the water, losing fat
We can also gain muscle, lose fat
We can be "too skinny" and obese simultaneously
Eating fatty foods - a bad idea to weight gain
People with obesity suffer from nutritional deficiency
People with obesity may not be "completely healthy»
How much body fat is considered healthy?
How to gain muscle mass
How to get rid of fat ... and a bad way right
The truth about detox
Sudden weight loss beginners
raw foodists
"I thought my muscles were bigger!»
Dehydration and weight
Four reasons dehydration
Increased intake of toxins
Low water consumption with respect to the consumption of toxins
Increasing the level of endogenous toxins
Increased water loss
Are you dehydrated?
Chapter 10. Overcoming obstacles to the raw food diet
Calories per bite
Cooking reduces
Dehydrated foods
More bites for successful raw food diet!
How to eat so much fruit?
Saturation - satisfaction of hunger and appetite
Are all fats saturate?
Food and emotions
Sweet fruits are best!
Monotrofnoe meals: one product per meal
I think my stomach is full
Chapter 11. 80/10/10 practice
Slowly but surely
Real stories go on 80/10/10
The average ratio of different types of food kaloronutrientov
How much fat can be consumed obvious?
How many calories to consume?
Body weight x 10 = basic level of metabolism
Recommendations for people with active lifestyles
Recommendations for inactive people
Comparison of calories: 8 ounces of individual products
How to eat
Diet for life
As an extreme athlete, ultramarafonets and winner of the first places in the competition on speed, I know how important the right diet. It is impossible to look at how much misinformation about diets extends around to the main goal - to make money. Due to the fact that so many people are misinformed about nutrition, obesity is the highest rate in history, and as an increasing number of people are buying ready-made solutions to their problems, obesity and related disease will continue to progress.
Again and again I hear people say they are trying to do "everything" to lose weight - diet low in fat, high fat, low carbohydrate, high-carbohydrate, low-protein, high-protein, all kinds of pills , injections, powders and drinks, you call something else, and they say that they all tried it. The main reason for their failure is misinformation.
There are reasons for each of these dietary failures. What people tell you about a low-fat diet is usually 30% of the fat in the diet, and thus is not a low-fat diet, and these people have no idea that the effective is a diet low in 10% of the fat content, as described in this book. Diet is high in fat can be dangerous and you risk getting a lot of diseases that most Western people die prematurely. Low-carbohydrate diets are also dangerous, and most do not realize that the ideal diet consists of 80% carbohydrates. But, it should be useful carbohydrates.
High-protein diets lead to osteoporosis, kidney disease, and lack of energy to exercise. Most people think that a diet low in protein will never work, convinced of the need for meat and dairy industry, and that the more protein you eat, the better - it is incredibly far from the truth
As for the pills, injections, powders and drinks, such perversion never will add health to the people whom they really seek. Since they do not realize that obesity is actually a symptom of malnutrition. The same is true for most other diseases from which they suffer, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, colitis, constipation, osteoporosis, acne, erectile dysfunction, dementia, and even visual and hearing impairment. All of these symptoms are the cause of malnutrition.
You hold in your hands a book that will give you the information on food, which everyone should know. You do not have to be extreme studio or even want to be them, but you owe it to yourself after reading Diet 80/10/10!
Ruth E.Heidrich, PhD
Aruthor, A Race For Life
It was not easy to write. I tried to create a "Diet 80/10/10" on the basis of several cases in the past ....
Chapter 1. How to determine which food is adequate for us?
Suppose you were given a baby animal, you do not know what kind of animal, and what to feed him. What to do in this case? It's very simple: you need only offer him a different kind of whole, natural food - he will have those products that are in his nature food. The rest of it is likely to ignore, not even considering them for food.
The same method works for children. Leave the baby in the room with the lamb, and banana, and see what he would play, and that - eat. Repeat this experience with fatty foods (nuts, seeds, avocados, olives) and sweet fruit. Again, there is no doubt what will be the child's choice.
Why do not we Predators
Not entirely accurate to say that predators - those who eat meat. First, they eat raw meat, and secondly, eat it with pleasure, and thirdly, devour their prey almost entirely (and not only the muscle tissue). Live animals are not perceived by us as food. Killing an animal is disgusting to us, not many could do it himself. Raw flesh of dead animal is not only unattractive to us, but, on the contrary, nauseating. There is no human way of killing animals, so we do not do it with his own hands, and with the help of "professionals" -.. Slaughterhouse workers, etc. Then, we eat only muscle tissue and parts of some bodies, and cooked and seasoned with a camouflaging such disgusting way for us dead flesh in its natural form.
To determine what kind of food we would eat in the wild, we must rely on our instincts. Whatever we ate in nature without fire, utensils, refrigerators and other appliances? The only criterion that guided our ancestors when choosing food, served its appeal to our senses. We should proceed from the axiom that nature has provided us with everything necessary for a full existence.
we Herbivores
Grass, green shoots, foliage - all these unattractive for our sight, smell and taste. The human body does not produce cellulose and other characteristic herbivore enzymes needed to digest rough greens. So we can not draw from it the most important for us nutrients - simple sugars that ultimately fraught with energy deficit. True, we eat leafy greens - lettuce, celery, spinach, etc., as well as tougher vegetables (beets, carrots), but a high content of insoluble fiber makes them very difficult to digest... And not to say that they are strongly attracted to us in its natural form. All vegetables contain proteins, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and some simple sugars; but it is sufficient, we can get to and from other natural products, so why would we vegetables, which we do not eat with apparent relish? Thus, nature has provided the possibility of including in our diet various greens and vegetables, but as an additive rather than diet bases.
So what we 'yadnye »?
Are we "krahmaloyadnymi»
Starchy foods - is cereals (grains), root and tubers and pulses
Granivorous are many birds that feed on the seeds of grasses and other herbaceous plants. But we in the wild would not eat the seeds. Firstly, in the form in which they grow in nature, we can not really chew them or really digest. Do granivorous birds in the throat or esophagus has a goiter - a special bag, which swallowed the seeds germinate, thus becoming digestible. In raw form grains are not digested, even in cooked they contain complex carbohydrates require their cleavage by the great difficulty of digestion. In nature, we would have to eat cereal seeds with husks; try to eat at least a tablespoon of uncleaned seed - choke! And when you try to eat a spoonful of flour a tablespoon of raw seeds of all crops, too, choke - it is too dry. The fact that in its raw natural form of cereals seeds unattractive to us as food, suggests that up to mastering the fire we were not granivorous.
Starchy root and tubers
Animals that feed on the roots and tubers, anatomically adapted to their excavation (snout). For a person without special tools it is not an easy task. And the motivation to do so he has no "underground" foods in their natural form nesoblaznitelny for its taste for us, and very few of them are our digestion generally able to cope. Some (turnips, rutabaga, sweet potatoes, yams, beets, carrots, parsnips) still can be eaten raw, but today it is almost never practiced. In addition, people - being very clean and will not eat anything covered with dirt or even slightly blurred. Korneyadnye, for example, pigs, with food absorb a huge amount of dirt.
Besides birds and pigs are very few animals with pleasure eat beans, because they are hard to digest natural form and are toxic to most mammals. For a man of mature raw beans not only taste good, but also very toxic. Young bean edible and non-toxic, but their nutritional value is questionable. Legumes praised for its high protein content, but it is questionable merit, given that excess protein (more than 10% of total calories) does not make a person any good. The high content of protein and starch - a combination that makes the bean difficult to digest. The gases resulting from the use of legumes, just point to the violation of the digestive processes. In addition, legumes too little vitamin C -. The most important for human nutrient
For the normal digestion of starchy foods - cereals, legumes, root and tuber - the animal should be generated a large amount of the enzyme that breaks down starch (amylase). In human saliva amylase is relatively small, and it is very weak - it will be enough only for processing small quantities of starch found in unripe fruits. Number of amylase, which is secreted by the pancreas, is also sufficient to handle a very limited starch servings.
The products obtained by decomposition (fermented)
Nearly all Americans consume fermented or other kind of degradation substances (which are referred to as "food"). Most of the milk produced. Some are made from grains (hard liquor), fruit (wine and certain types of vinegar), legumes (especially soybeans and soy products rot) and rotten meat.
Carbohydrates begin to ferment, rotting mold fungi and bacteria. From fermented carbohydrates obtained strong drink, acetic and lactic acid, as well as methane gas and ugekisly.
Protein in the decomposition of rot. The final products of decay, carried out mainly by anaerobic bacteria (but also, and mold fungi (yeast) and aerobic bacteria), is the set of toxic compounds: corpse poisons (cadaverine, muscarine, neurine et al.), Indole, skatole, mercaptans , ammonia, methane, and so serovodorod. g.
Fats are oxidized and decompose, become rotten.
Oddly enough, we throw away a ragtag grapes, but the end product of his drink fermentation - wine. Even more strange that the majority of Americans with a passion absorb cheese - pathogenic putrid product is not found in nature. In the production of cheese from milk casein component is separated and can be expanded with the help of bacteria that produce by-products of decay, which many find very tasty. The cheese contains almost all the decomposition products in one "bottle": rotten proteins, carbohydrates and rabble rancid fats.