How does the high-speed TGV train
Writes blogger Sergey Dolya:
Let's start with the fact that I'm writing this post on the train from Paris to Strasbourg. The laptop is plugged into an outlet, and a hard disk rustling vayfay 5 euros per hour. You know, very nice when on the train you can not waste time on a dream, or in a window on pyalene bystromelkayuschy landscape, and to sit on the internet.
13 ph
On the TGV train we went 3 times: from Paris to Strasbourg from Strasbourg to Lyon and from Lyon to Paris, and we train all the time across different:
Double train consisted of two rigidly linked together. I did not know that the "silver bullet" made components:
And once we went to a two-story train:
On Peron hanging monitors, which marked your position regarding skoropribyvayuschego train. Very comfortably. Do not ask the movers bored: "But you do not know where the third car stop?»:
The monitor can be clearly seen that I'm standing in front of the nose of the train. My position is marked by a yellow vertical polosochkoj bottom of the screen:
At the entrance you can leave your suitcase in the luggage compartment. Behind him there no one was watching, and I, in the old Soviet habit, ran at each stop to check, whether rooted to his feet:
Go to the second floor of the trump - the best kind:
All cars are equipped with pictograms
And I liked the little extra shelf under the main shelves for suitcases, which could throw the jacket:
Inside the cars, too, differed from the train to the train. In this example, rosettes were not, as there was no vayf:
This is our team on the second floor of the train Lyon-Paris:
Rosette was one on the table, but for me, the old Soviet habit to always have a troynichek and kettle on the safe side:
Let's start with the fact that I'm writing this post on the train from Paris to Strasbourg. The laptop is plugged into an outlet, and a hard disk rustling vayfay 5 euros per hour. You know, very nice when on the train you can not waste time on a dream, or in a window on pyalene bystromelkayuschy landscape, and to sit on the internet.
13 ph
On the TGV train we went 3 times: from Paris to Strasbourg from Strasbourg to Lyon and from Lyon to Paris, and we train all the time across different:


Double train consisted of two rigidly linked together. I did not know that the "silver bullet" made components:

And once we went to a two-story train:

On Peron hanging monitors, which marked your position regarding skoropribyvayuschego train. Very comfortably. Do not ask the movers bored: "But you do not know where the third car stop?»:

The monitor can be clearly seen that I'm standing in front of the nose of the train. My position is marked by a yellow vertical polosochkoj bottom of the screen:

At the entrance you can leave your suitcase in the luggage compartment. Behind him there no one was watching, and I, in the old Soviet habit, ran at each stop to check, whether rooted to his feet:

Go to the second floor of the trump - the best kind:

All cars are equipped with pictograms

And I liked the little extra shelf under the main shelves for suitcases, which could throw the jacket:

Inside the cars, too, differed from the train to the train. In this example, rosettes were not, as there was no vayf:

This is our team on the second floor of the train Lyon-Paris:

Rosette was one on the table, but for me, the old Soviet habit to always have a troynichek and kettle on the safe side:
