Reviewed by a locomotive of 10
Many people write reviews about their cars here have written on one of the locomotive avtoportale!)
Sometime come across reviews about ... Well, let's say ... not quite conventional vehicles. I do not know how anyone, but I read interesting. You can look into the hidden, so to speak.
A. Well. Audi, Lexus, Ford ... Yes, even Ferrari) All of this, you can (if you want) ever buy. But his. Ye nekupite) Meet. Mainline freight DC electric locomotives VL-10.
Let me try to tell you how the flight driver of a freight train.
2, 30 Mobile toiling lying next to the pillow.
-Alo? Yes. Leaving.
Again Ned vyspatsya. Perevyzvali turnout on early. Do neego, This collection of necessary.
Quickly boil kettle, pem chkofe, dressed with a thermos and leave the house. (where we will send the birthplace of today? ...)
3, 00- pancake. Eyes closed. We had to go to bed early. That's always-on lozhishsya wound- turnout late lozhishsya closer to rasvetu- certainly cause before.
3, 20 This is it. Native depot) Always leaving on a flight in the morning visited the idea to send the job somewhere in the direction of B.
3, 30 briefing (as Che there. Forecast pagoda passage prohibiting the entry in the forms, the signal transferred to the station I) is nothing special with general.
3, 35 Comes assistant. (The same zaspany and angry as you yourself). Privedstviyami exchange.
3, 40 Medkomisiya. Check the pulse, blood pressure and the presence of an alcoholic exhaust)
3, 45 were tested for admission to the trip
3, Get 50 forms, information about where to go and what (again in Iben) and the keys of the locomotive (reverse rukoyadku key management keys to the door and locking device.
4, 00- Well hello handsome) Today we run a small electric locomotive. (Malysh- nickname in our depot of 10. Actually baby weighs 184 tones, rushing Satan and Typhon can resurrect the dead, still, for us, this antiquarian 74-born baby will be.))
4, 05- Hike baby too sleepy and his mood neochen. Nehochet zapuskatsya aux compressor.
4, 07- Died fuse. Medley but surely replaced the control circuit starts to increase air pressure.
(the most important thing is to train the air. Air from the brake-working and electrical work TSEPI- air. Air is life in general)
4, 20 C grief consumed in the control circuit, we pumped the air. This locomotive is very weak akamulyator and aux compressor guzzles energy like ... Well, actually a lot of eating ...
4, 25 Pantographs raised, the main compressor pumped air supply (already 9 atm), the generators produce electricity. You can start taking the car. Enjoying a mechanical part, work schemes, availability of equipment, the work of braking equipment ... actually check everything.
It is only for rubezhem- mashinist- driver. We, you and the mechanic and electrician, vagonik. Generally speaking, all in one hlakone.
4, 55- Electric took handbrake released, ready to leave the station.
5, 00- to receive a warning (speed limit and comments on the way to our route), as well as documents on the train.
5, 35 Okuratnenko drove to the composition of the train. We check the car and the automatic coupler pin.
5, 40 start to pump the brake air train network.
5, 50 Comes vagonnik. Begin to try the brakes.
5, 55- Well. Cant. The idea of such a train can not be sent. We too fast pressure drops. States this duty of the station.
5, 57- Call the chief. Everything is as usual. Doedu not ssy. Nepoedish- recall, etc. Well, Che do? .. Come, EPT.
6 25 Satisfied voice assistant station (DSP) informs us that the signal output is open, the brake shoes out of the composition can be removed and go. And at the same time tells us the number of the train.
6, 27-off.
6, 37 plans have changed dramatically. The train will go on a different route. You must stop at the Slade station in order to get a new preduprizhdeniya. (I do not care all that Slade station is on the rise and your weight train for this critical area. Naturally our objections nekatiruyutsya.
6, 55- stop. We got preduprizhdeniya. And how to leave something ?! 5 500 000 kg. This is not a passenger train.
Kid strongly suggests that on the sidelines, he saw them all and go nehochet. Bucs and screams all eight wheel sets.
7, 00- Calls Manager and clever, saying that here and 6.500.000 easily travels and we mediocrity drive train neumeem.
7, 01- call from the head. Prikazono put a bolt on everything and leave at any cost.
7, 02- Call of control. We find out what happened.
7, 03- call someone else. Again, we find out what happened.
7, 0 ... However I do not care. Phone I take nestal.
7, 07- With grief in half, in a cloud of dust, the stench of burning insulation and resistance to Tripped overload of all motors slowly begin to lift vskarabkivatsya.
7, 15 It seems everything. Climbed. Now the rate will continue to grow, but we must regret and zbavit little electric current to the motor armature.
7, 20- With Zadie late elektropoezd. Order the accelerated prosledovanie number such that. That spared kid ...
7, 35 to disperse. The speed of 65 km / h. O) Brother. It's a very good idea)
7, 45 went downhill. Speed increases. 67, 70, 74 ... It would be necessary to begin ottormazhivatsya.
7, 46- Sobral circuit electric braking. ... Since protection tripped. One we lost the brakes.
7, 47- 79 km / h. Another increase by 2 km and it will be bad. Pneumatic brakes.
7, 48- powerful tug on the tail, and then another and another ... The brakes do not grasp at the same time. It happens)
8, 00- while going without incident. The train got lost somewhere behind.
8, 30 nakarkat, blah! Lokomotiv neprinemaet codes tract. Again, it is necessary to reduce speed. The irony? - Again on the rise.
8, 45 -O) train. Heard as particleboard plant for which we now follow persuade nevstavat driver at the entrance.
8, 47- Causes Manager. Well, talking friendly. Again, the reason we ills and evil in the entire railway network. As the voice of his age 25. Necherta nesobrazhaet as well as the Ponte ...
9, 00- Going
10, 00- stand at banning. The couple have there in front of nonunion, false)
11, 40 off. The truth is not far away. Before Slade station to pass passenger and suburban.
13, 00- HEAT! The cabin 50 degrees. By the way you can not shoot shirt. Order of the wiseacre in management.
13, 50 finish all that you can drink. Assistant goes on exploration.
14, 30 There is no water. But the signal is opened. Let's go.
15, 00- Preduprizhdaem duty, the work is left for 1 hour. (More can not work. First nezaplatyat, secondly if someone sobem- go to distant places nestol.)
15, 30 We get up. Ahead there is no movement. There are too many trains. Station underachieving handle so many.
16, 00- BPE over. We declare that place nezdvinimsya.
16 15 Open the traffic light. A Th us know. Stand.
16, 20 Start calls on the authorities to threats.
16, 30 agreed to drive to the nearest announcement station. Already ride at your own risk.
16, 55- Well, what's the point? They arrived. We were taken to the main road and leave the train here to see prices we neimeem rights.
17, 00- stop and inform DSP that further nepoedem. It seems she is happy)
17, 02- call from the dispatcher. Ooh) How does their voice when they are that it is necessary. Explaining why he is wrong and that he was going to go to hell with their requezt.
17, 04- call from his superiors. Again requests. Again helmet nafig. At this time the nerves to the limit. Thirst dokanali because already do not care for all of their requezt, instructions and threats.
17 14 Close the locomotive with the train.
17, 20 looking at you leave on a larger station.
17 50 Finding the Ways of Communication rail car. Thank you, guys) Napo dovezli, and even suggested where and when the passenger brake.
19, 00- Nevozmu! We have a stop there! Well yes. What they. Passenger is the elite. Proud to impossible. Occasionally you will get to normal men would be able to take it. They usually have, there is no stopping,,.
20 00- In an electric train ride to the main station. It was here that we had to bring the train. By the way, in front of the cargo coming in front of us even nonprofits.
21, 30 For to go Nenach. We decided to go to bed, what would tomorrow take the train and leave their own.
21, 40 is made in a depot.
21, 45 go to a rest home.
21 50 Registration in a holiday home and dinner in the dining room.
22, 10 Lights out.
More additions to review
Fault and custom flights.
Topics: Photos Operation Broken Other
It was in December 2012. Recently, actually. Who will remember as the Moscow region and the snow collapses ...
That's one of those nights it happened.
Turnout for work at 21, 00. Like all obydeno. Train light to the station H. What else ... Change in the ways of right under the structure, train a light (of 2,500,000 kg) locomotive VL-10 ... Yeah. That's the trick. Registry locomotive depot. The worst thing that can dostat it locomotives Registry TCHE- xx. (neskazhu, that someone neobidet). Let me just say that the locomotives in a terrible state of repair nekak nedelayut them properly. (though this machine only from the factory, where the overhaul.) Well, the weather. Heavy snow, strong wind. Storm warning even announced ...
In general we went to meet our train. They came to the park priёma- departure. Train no. The usual thing. It is time to shift change over and freight trains have become unnecessary. And in the evening electric trains carry about tired passengers to their stations so halt. Voobshem train no. Send chebureks bought at the station, check out what that rag and began to wait. Somewhere in the 21, 40 approached our train.
The dealer driver, (we have these seasoned called) me not a very liked.
-You, Young man, you learn how to ride, and then show your pritenzii! He answered my pritenzii that RP (overload relay) triggered.
Nelyublyu I Experienced. Donating a car normally or in the cockpit ubratsya nevpolozhnyak them. As well as comments logged on board the locomotive ...
Anyway. We then took the locomotive. Warnings received tried the brakes. Went ...
2 hours away, I began to notice some oddities ... RP warning light to tan, then go out. Moreover, in such miserable velechiny current that can be said, without any reason. And chaotic. Not as a way unrelated to the one mode or motor connections.
In the article we put on Sh missing passenger. While the locomotive were examined. Everything seems to be fine. A couple of hours we were sent. Again, the lamp lights RP. Already standing on one of the compounds. He kicked off his position, trying snogo- normally all. Poltergeist straight).
An hour later, we went off the stove. (Voobsheto are non-exploding, and burn, but now describe how it is. You sit, suddenly from behind a bright flash, flames and sparks, a loud bang and the whole cabin in the caustic, smelly smoke singed wires. So actually the explosion)
But pechka is garbage. Flowers.
Shall proceed station R. Follow the path on the side, the speed of 35- 40 km / h. Start Fires razgonyatsya- BV (the main electric protection. Trying to restore. It turns. Getting back acceleration. In one of the positions again triggered BV. Restores. 1st pozitsiya- BV. Restores Again. Again, the exact same music ... The rate of falls. In front of a few kilometers izatyazhnoy rise. started to climb it is necessary on the most greater speed, or stand and have,, gray, order (gray- this tow truck type).
I decided to stop. While assistant informs drivers and duty about what we got up, I look around the locomotive. First sektsiya- all norms zadnyaya- strong smell too lazy to wire. And all the alarms in the RP 2 engines worked. Disables the faulty group engines. We give 1-th position. Goes. We inform chipboard and start overclocking. According to the instructions the technical operation, I can not go longer, but there is a clause that if the provision allows the weight ... small. According to the norms should leave. Overclock. 25KMCH. 40KMCH. For 60 ... 78 70. Here it is. The station is right behind S. outputs are flying start gora.Stantsiyu 80kmch. Climb. The rate drops, and hence the current to the motor armature begins to grow. So far, 350 Amperes. 400 450 ... A bright flash, a loud bang. Almost all emergency alarms indicate malfunction. Stood ventelyatory generators, there is no charge, compressor atkazal, worked BV and CEC. RP lamp lights. All. Lokomotiv died. Since the thrust dropped sharply on the rise almost immediately hit with the back. (cars caught) and the brake lamp lights depressurization Network (TM). In the section you can see the glow of the fire. While I was doing the rules of operation for TM, assistant runs in the section to assess the situation. The entire cabin is filled with smoke, breathe, open the window. The train stopped at km xxx. Already back assistant. There is no fire. Burnt knives off the engines in the head section, as well as cable podvodyaschii them stress. Slade inform machinists to place our stop despetcheru and particleboard plants limiting stage. Pytatsya vybratsya its course already bezsmyslenno. We admit defeat. Ordering, gray, immediately. This was 5, 30 am.
Then there were calls from the management of the depot from the dispatcher on duty in the region ... called ... Only seven o'clock we drove to the head of the convoy truck.
8 In what is gone. The 11 arrived at the station in 12 Ya, 30 teams from the tractor ran out of time. We draw up a statement to specify the depot in our locomotive ... So wait for another truck.
In 14 hours they spat on the case and went vdepo.
I write an explanatory note and report.
In 15 to 16 hours went to bed.
In 20 hours of recovery. It must be accompanied by a defective locomotive depot of Art O.
Somewhere at 5am we arrived in custody without incident. (We drove is attached to the raft LOCOMOTIVES).
Well, where the 7 found a ride home only.
After coming to bed Ned. I rewrote the report a couple of times, with the purpose of data change (indicating the top. Ceto muddy)
An hour later, again summoned to the depot. Again rewrote the report. Even the old, and at the same time painted a picture where I did wrong. Not wrong actions. Improperly executed Regulations negotiations. For which he was deprived of 100% of the premium.
Itog- detained 7 passenger. Disclaimer locomotive hung for repairers. I am deprived of premium 100%. Assistant for 50%.
I have all the repost reviews.drom.ru/xin_kai/xin_kai/70693/
Sometime come across reviews about ... Well, let's say ... not quite conventional vehicles. I do not know how anyone, but I read interesting. You can look into the hidden, so to speak.
A. Well. Audi, Lexus, Ford ... Yes, even Ferrari) All of this, you can (if you want) ever buy. But his. Ye nekupite) Meet. Mainline freight DC electric locomotives VL-10.
Let me try to tell you how the flight driver of a freight train.
2, 30 Mobile toiling lying next to the pillow.
-Alo? Yes. Leaving.
Again Ned vyspatsya. Perevyzvali turnout on early. Do neego, This collection of necessary.
Quickly boil kettle, pem chkofe, dressed with a thermos and leave the house. (where we will send the birthplace of today? ...)

3, 00- pancake. Eyes closed. We had to go to bed early. That's always-on lozhishsya wound- turnout late lozhishsya closer to rasvetu- certainly cause before.
3, 20 This is it. Native depot) Always leaving on a flight in the morning visited the idea to send the job somewhere in the direction of B.
3, 30 briefing (as Che there. Forecast pagoda passage prohibiting the entry in the forms, the signal transferred to the station I) is nothing special with general.
3, 35 Comes assistant. (The same zaspany and angry as you yourself). Privedstviyami exchange.
3, 40 Medkomisiya. Check the pulse, blood pressure and the presence of an alcoholic exhaust)
3, 45 were tested for admission to the trip
3, Get 50 forms, information about where to go and what (again in Iben) and the keys of the locomotive (reverse rukoyadku key management keys to the door and locking device.
4, 00- Well hello handsome) Today we run a small electric locomotive. (Malysh- nickname in our depot of 10. Actually baby weighs 184 tones, rushing Satan and Typhon can resurrect the dead, still, for us, this antiquarian 74-born baby will be.))
4, 05- Hike baby too sleepy and his mood neochen. Nehochet zapuskatsya aux compressor.
4, 07- Died fuse. Medley but surely replaced the control circuit starts to increase air pressure.
(the most important thing is to train the air. Air from the brake-working and electrical work TSEPI- air. Air is life in general)
4, 20 C grief consumed in the control circuit, we pumped the air. This locomotive is very weak akamulyator and aux compressor guzzles energy like ... Well, actually a lot of eating ...
4, 25 Pantographs raised, the main compressor pumped air supply (already 9 atm), the generators produce electricity. You can start taking the car. Enjoying a mechanical part, work schemes, availability of equipment, the work of braking equipment ... actually check everything.
It is only for rubezhem- mashinist- driver. We, you and the mechanic and electrician, vagonik. Generally speaking, all in one hlakone.
4, 55- Electric took handbrake released, ready to leave the station.
5, 00- to receive a warning (speed limit and comments on the way to our route), as well as documents on the train.
5, 35 Okuratnenko drove to the composition of the train. We check the car and the automatic coupler pin.
5, 40 start to pump the brake air train network.
5, 50 Comes vagonnik. Begin to try the brakes.
5, 55- Well. Cant. The idea of such a train can not be sent. We too fast pressure drops. States this duty of the station.
5, 57- Call the chief. Everything is as usual. Doedu not ssy. Nepoedish- recall, etc. Well, Che do? .. Come, EPT.
6 25 Satisfied voice assistant station (DSP) informs us that the signal output is open, the brake shoes out of the composition can be removed and go. And at the same time tells us the number of the train.
6, 27-off.
6, 37 plans have changed dramatically. The train will go on a different route. You must stop at the Slade station in order to get a new preduprizhdeniya. (I do not care all that Slade station is on the rise and your weight train for this critical area. Naturally our objections nekatiruyutsya.
6, 55- stop. We got preduprizhdeniya. And how to leave something ?! 5 500 000 kg. This is not a passenger train.
Kid strongly suggests that on the sidelines, he saw them all and go nehochet. Bucs and screams all eight wheel sets.
7, 00- Calls Manager and clever, saying that here and 6.500.000 easily travels and we mediocrity drive train neumeem.
7, 01- call from the head. Prikazono put a bolt on everything and leave at any cost.
7, 02- Call of control. We find out what happened.
7, 03- call someone else. Again, we find out what happened.
7, 0 ... However I do not care. Phone I take nestal.
7, 07- With grief in half, in a cloud of dust, the stench of burning insulation and resistance to Tripped overload of all motors slowly begin to lift vskarabkivatsya.
7, 15 It seems everything. Climbed. Now the rate will continue to grow, but we must regret and zbavit little electric current to the motor armature.
7, 20- With Zadie late elektropoezd. Order the accelerated prosledovanie number such that. That spared kid ...
7, 35 to disperse. The speed of 65 km / h. O) Brother. It's a very good idea)
7, 45 went downhill. Speed increases. 67, 70, 74 ... It would be necessary to begin ottormazhivatsya.
7, 46- Sobral circuit electric braking. ... Since protection tripped. One we lost the brakes.
7, 47- 79 km / h. Another increase by 2 km and it will be bad. Pneumatic brakes.
7, 48- powerful tug on the tail, and then another and another ... The brakes do not grasp at the same time. It happens)
8, 00- while going without incident. The train got lost somewhere behind.
8, 30 nakarkat, blah! Lokomotiv neprinemaet codes tract. Again, it is necessary to reduce speed. The irony? - Again on the rise.
8, 45 -O) train. Heard as particleboard plant for which we now follow persuade nevstavat driver at the entrance.
8, 47- Causes Manager. Well, talking friendly. Again, the reason we ills and evil in the entire railway network. As the voice of his age 25. Necherta nesobrazhaet as well as the Ponte ...
9, 00- Going
10, 00- stand at banning. The couple have there in front of nonunion, false)
11, 40 off. The truth is not far away. Before Slade station to pass passenger and suburban.
13, 00- HEAT! The cabin 50 degrees. By the way you can not shoot shirt. Order of the wiseacre in management.
13, 50 finish all that you can drink. Assistant goes on exploration.
14, 30 There is no water. But the signal is opened. Let's go.
15, 00- Preduprizhdaem duty, the work is left for 1 hour. (More can not work. First nezaplatyat, secondly if someone sobem- go to distant places nestol.)
15, 30 We get up. Ahead there is no movement. There are too many trains. Station underachieving handle so many.
16, 00- BPE over. We declare that place nezdvinimsya.
16 15 Open the traffic light. A Th us know. Stand.
16, 20 Start calls on the authorities to threats.
16, 30 agreed to drive to the nearest announcement station. Already ride at your own risk.
16, 55- Well, what's the point? They arrived. We were taken to the main road and leave the train here to see prices we neimeem rights.
17, 00- stop and inform DSP that further nepoedem. It seems she is happy)
17, 02- call from the dispatcher. Ooh) How does their voice when they are that it is necessary. Explaining why he is wrong and that he was going to go to hell with their requezt.
17, 04- call from his superiors. Again requests. Again helmet nafig. At this time the nerves to the limit. Thirst dokanali because already do not care for all of their requezt, instructions and threats.
17 14 Close the locomotive with the train.
17, 20 looking at you leave on a larger station.
17 50 Finding the Ways of Communication rail car. Thank you, guys) Napo dovezli, and even suggested where and when the passenger brake.
19, 00- Nevozmu! We have a stop there! Well yes. What they. Passenger is the elite. Proud to impossible. Occasionally you will get to normal men would be able to take it. They usually have, there is no stopping,,.
20 00- In an electric train ride to the main station. It was here that we had to bring the train. By the way, in front of the cargo coming in front of us even nonprofits.
21, 30 For to go Nenach. We decided to go to bed, what would tomorrow take the train and leave their own.
21, 40 is made in a depot.
21, 45 go to a rest home.
21 50 Registration in a holiday home and dinner in the dining room.
22, 10 Lights out.



More additions to review
Fault and custom flights.
Topics: Photos Operation Broken Other
It was in December 2012. Recently, actually. Who will remember as the Moscow region and the snow collapses ...
That's one of those nights it happened.
Turnout for work at 21, 00. Like all obydeno. Train light to the station H. What else ... Change in the ways of right under the structure, train a light (of 2,500,000 kg) locomotive VL-10 ... Yeah. That's the trick. Registry locomotive depot. The worst thing that can dostat it locomotives Registry TCHE- xx. (neskazhu, that someone neobidet). Let me just say that the locomotives in a terrible state of repair nekak nedelayut them properly. (though this machine only from the factory, where the overhaul.) Well, the weather. Heavy snow, strong wind. Storm warning even announced ...
In general we went to meet our train. They came to the park priёma- departure. Train no. The usual thing. It is time to shift change over and freight trains have become unnecessary. And in the evening electric trains carry about tired passengers to their stations so halt. Voobshem train no. Send chebureks bought at the station, check out what that rag and began to wait. Somewhere in the 21, 40 approached our train.
The dealer driver, (we have these seasoned called) me not a very liked.
-You, Young man, you learn how to ride, and then show your pritenzii! He answered my pritenzii that RP (overload relay) triggered.
Nelyublyu I Experienced. Donating a car normally or in the cockpit ubratsya nevpolozhnyak them. As well as comments logged on board the locomotive ...
Anyway. We then took the locomotive. Warnings received tried the brakes. Went ...
2 hours away, I began to notice some oddities ... RP warning light to tan, then go out. Moreover, in such miserable velechiny current that can be said, without any reason. And chaotic. Not as a way unrelated to the one mode or motor connections.
In the article we put on Sh missing passenger. While the locomotive were examined. Everything seems to be fine. A couple of hours we were sent. Again, the lamp lights RP. Already standing on one of the compounds. He kicked off his position, trying snogo- normally all. Poltergeist straight).
An hour later, we went off the stove. (Voobsheto are non-exploding, and burn, but now describe how it is. You sit, suddenly from behind a bright flash, flames and sparks, a loud bang and the whole cabin in the caustic, smelly smoke singed wires. So actually the explosion)
But pechka is garbage. Flowers.
Shall proceed station R. Follow the path on the side, the speed of 35- 40 km / h. Start Fires razgonyatsya- BV (the main electric protection. Trying to restore. It turns. Getting back acceleration. In one of the positions again triggered BV. Restores. 1st pozitsiya- BV. Restores Again. Again, the exact same music ... The rate of falls. In front of a few kilometers izatyazhnoy rise. started to climb it is necessary on the most greater speed, or stand and have,, gray, order (gray- this tow truck type).
I decided to stop. While assistant informs drivers and duty about what we got up, I look around the locomotive. First sektsiya- all norms zadnyaya- strong smell too lazy to wire. And all the alarms in the RP 2 engines worked. Disables the faulty group engines. We give 1-th position. Goes. We inform chipboard and start overclocking. According to the instructions the technical operation, I can not go longer, but there is a clause that if the provision allows the weight ... small. According to the norms should leave. Overclock. 25KMCH. 40KMCH. For 60 ... 78 70. Here it is. The station is right behind S. outputs are flying start gora.Stantsiyu 80kmch. Climb. The rate drops, and hence the current to the motor armature begins to grow. So far, 350 Amperes. 400 450 ... A bright flash, a loud bang. Almost all emergency alarms indicate malfunction. Stood ventelyatory generators, there is no charge, compressor atkazal, worked BV and CEC. RP lamp lights. All. Lokomotiv died. Since the thrust dropped sharply on the rise almost immediately hit with the back. (cars caught) and the brake lamp lights depressurization Network (TM). In the section you can see the glow of the fire. While I was doing the rules of operation for TM, assistant runs in the section to assess the situation. The entire cabin is filled with smoke, breathe, open the window. The train stopped at km xxx. Already back assistant. There is no fire. Burnt knives off the engines in the head section, as well as cable podvodyaschii them stress. Slade inform machinists to place our stop despetcheru and particleboard plants limiting stage. Pytatsya vybratsya its course already bezsmyslenno. We admit defeat. Ordering, gray, immediately. This was 5, 30 am.
Then there were calls from the management of the depot from the dispatcher on duty in the region ... called ... Only seven o'clock we drove to the head of the convoy truck.
8 In what is gone. The 11 arrived at the station in 12 Ya, 30 teams from the tractor ran out of time. We draw up a statement to specify the depot in our locomotive ... So wait for another truck.
In 14 hours they spat on the case and went vdepo.
I write an explanatory note and report.
In 15 to 16 hours went to bed.
In 20 hours of recovery. It must be accompanied by a defective locomotive depot of Art O.
Somewhere at 5am we arrived in custody without incident. (We drove is attached to the raft LOCOMOTIVES).
Well, where the 7 found a ride home only.
After coming to bed Ned. I rewrote the report a couple of times, with the purpose of data change (indicating the top. Ceto muddy)
An hour later, again summoned to the depot. Again rewrote the report. Even the old, and at the same time painted a picture where I did wrong. Not wrong actions. Improperly executed Regulations negotiations. For which he was deprived of 100% of the premium.
Itog- detained 7 passenger. Disclaimer locomotive hung for repairers. I am deprived of premium 100%. Assistant for 50%.
I have all the repost reviews.drom.ru/xin_kai/xin_kai/70693/
