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Lamborghini or Murchelago: the dream becomes a nightmare

Driver error or material defect on a straight Autobahn approximately 68% of the maximum speed and a skilled driver on board? Judge for yourselves!
Manufacturer Lamborghini prefers to remain silent on this issue ...

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Lamborghini Murchelago - the dream of many motorists are usually prohibitively expensive. You can not measure their dreams in $$$, however, the safety and quality should be the highest priority to the purchase price of the car, or your dream can become a nightmare in an instant, assuring itself of my story. The manufacturer can not comment on the situation and prefers to remain silent despite my repeated attempts to contact them.

My story begins in late June of 2004. Me and my friend on the road, on the way to the next inspection Murchelago because the first one that we saw near Munich, was not in good condition, and therefore I did not like. Shortly after checking it, I realized that I made a decision. This was the car that I was going to buy. Bili thought the key in my head all the way back home.

I visited the former owner for the second time on June 30, 2004 and Wednesday ETU I bought 8 month backed Lamborghini Murchelago from a private seller who was the first owner of the car, and only returned to service cars on the very day of purchase. The car was just 5000km and was just in perfect condition.

The next weekend was very good. And then UTB Sunday, July 4th. In the morning, not knowing that this date will remain in my mind for quite some time yet, or ever, I intended to visit the former owner of my Porsche, which eventually became a good friend of mine. In the city we vstreteli two other friends, and they were joined in our company. On the way home my buddy changes places with one of the other two guys because he wanted to be a passenger in a Lambo. Soon on the Autobahn takes something incomprehensible and inexplicable even to this day ...

The car suddenly turns right (90 degrees) on the straight and dry, with little traffic and in a very good condition Speedway, breaks the fence and just turned upside down in the woods, stopping only after 150 meters from the site of the incident ... The examination found that the tires of the car at the time of the accident were in perfect condition, just as the road on which there was no noise or running across animals.

Get stronger brain damage I was put in intensive care and shipped in an artificial coma. It was horrible, in my state, even doctors nemogli determine what awaits me in the future if I will survive ... if I move? talk? or maybe I have a complete loss of memory ... To my happiness, and there were a lot after 5 weeks I was discharged from the hospital

Many questions remain unanswered .... Why there was an accident? Who Babe guilty? Who is responsible?

According to the testimony of experts, the tire pressure was normal, and aftermarket wheels tires do not have any relation to absolyatno etomu misfortune occasion. In fact, they did not break but only deformirovali from hitting

We offer you all the facts below with the aid of which you can judge for themselves why there was this beautiful incident and who is responsible for it

1.) The bad news is that I have not had time to photograph it, but the bolts are fastened fiber-glasovyh motor cover rusted If the car manufacturer for 230.000 EUR, you need not schetaet ispolzovat corrosion coating on the bolts, especially in those places where they are visible, I even scary to think on what other components they will save money paid for the car!

2.) Also distressing is that some of the air hoses etogo cars, which by the way had just arrived from the service is absolutely not fixed and can move with a minimum effort.

3.) gas convulsive behavior of the vehicle would have to be seen even a blind mechanic. Since the clips (clips) that have been fixed air hoses were unilateral clips (clips), I think the clips (clips) and air hoses must have been free since the distribution of the vehicle. This is once again was not seen in any final inspection before distribution, gives me a great blow, considering what else could be seen, or "lost" ...

4.) The cause of the accident according to the expert (whose expertise was found incorrect and incomplete in the second court hearing) design speed of 220 - 240km / h definitely does not have any relation to the accident. The only thing that remains - driver error, in their opinion allegedly pulled the steering wheel. Of course without any reason. Then the case was clear for most people dealing with the case. The fact that the accident occurred on almost a straight road in excellent condition did not change anything in their opinions.

5.) According to the expert analysis of accidents, the beginning etogo accident and the drifting movement, took place before the bend in the road which means that all UTB was an absolutely straight road! Moreover, it is almost impossible that such a car would be made a 90 ° turn th at 240 km / h on driver error. It is simply impossible. I could just fly to the ETU wayside if I sent a car to her side but I skidded and this can happen only in the case where one party has a unique-sided impact on the car.

6.) Six months after the accident, I accidentally found that half of the brake disc on the scene:

Studies have not led to anything, because the brake disk lay next to the Autobahn for too long and badly corroded to take the conclusions on microcharacteristics broken disk. Two institutions (SLV Munich and Stuttgart MPA) are unable to tell me the reason why the disks failed.

If it was still possible to determine the break cause and if it was a swinging- or fatigue fracture then this would be proof that the brake disk was broken before the impact in the guard rail and so it would have been the cause for the accident.

If it was still possible to determine the cause of failure of the brake disc and if it was rocking - or fatigue fracture then it would be proof that the brake disc was broken before entering the enclosure and so it was to cause an accident.

Or how well they investigated the case if they did not find the disk?

A black spot in the above picture - from the accident on the road to this day

7.) My friend who also has Murchelago, recently told me that one of the two small engines that remove the tail wing at a certain speed was broken 2 times within a period of 2 months. The effect of the drift is now available. I do not even want to talk about loss in the lacquer that resulted from it. Now - It has 3 of those 15-20 vehicles with this problem, which is about 20% in Germany Murchelagos that really go every day and not only displayed in the agency for the sale of cars.

8.) The same friend tells me that 2 of the 12 cylinders, refused a second time in 3 months, so Murchelago is only part of his power. Of course it is not good for the engine. According to the representation of the Lamborghini, this problem is likely due to the follow washing (!!) of the car, ie quite simply, the water got into the engine!

9.) When he brought his car to the service center and complained silny noise in the left front axle, it reported that it - almost "standard error" and usually happens with every Murchelago that comes served for the first time. The reason for this - not enough hooked bolt.

10.) If you believe that, I certainly do not know everything Murchelagos, and I certainly do not know about some failures (failures) as well as the fact that all failures (failures) that I called, took place here on vehicles with less than 10,000 miles or even less than 5000 miles, I think it clearly shows the quality of work and used building parts.

11.) Another friend also leads to the 2003 Gallardo (E-drive), where he found the water in the taillights ... trunk covered with mold due tems that the door is not fitted tightly so water prosachivaetsya and makes it wet and moldy. Also (E-gear) - it's just awful, the first speed as if does not exist. For example, if menevre parking or driving at a very low rate car dergaetsya strongest way the outside it looks like you can not handle the clutch pedal (although it's not there!).

12.) At the same etoy Gallardo engine exploded just after 22,000 miles and although the car still had warranty, Lamborghini did not want to cover the cost of 25 000.00 EUR to repair the car, trying to expose assuring car owners guilty of damages :, probably was not enough oil engine, resulting in etim consequences. But the car did not show any warning in the cockpit and has always and regularly serviced at the dealership Lamborghini. This initially led auto workers auto-company Audi.

But etogo enough ...

A year after the incident, I decided to contact directly with the company Lamborghini, I do not have the habit of talking behind someone or I suggested that they know their cars better than the experts from the fact that they can proargumentirovat my case. In his letter, I just wanted to know why Lamborghini has not commented on the situation, although it was apparent that the accident drew their attention as well as many others. In addition I have stated in a letter about my disappointment because of the missing vehicle investigation that led to the accident.

I received a response any response? Until today - no ... If a company does not think it necessary to respond to a potential customer only because they are afraid of a lawsuit or something - anything (UTB what I assume), it really shows me how people work in this company . And with this accident, I had to learn the hard way, until I finally found it!

The primary purpose of this website should be to inform other potential customers about my sad story and help them create their own opinion about the manufacturer Lamborghini.

As I said before dreams can not be measured in $$$, but in my opinion, the people who make the car worth more than some houses should also have the right to get the best quality and services with respect to the client and relative to the material.

Too bad this is not the case with this company. In my opinion, I was disappointed in many points (points) Lamborghini. Every other little car manufacturer uses a "steel screws training at an advanced level" and writing responses from customers.

Maybe I just got a bad car, UTB happens from time to time, and I was just unlucky. Very very bad.

Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that this should not happen at all with such cars.

As you may be in mortal danger as soon as you enter it.

Finally you pay to have a unique sports car!

Addendum: I was in court on August 11th 2005 because I had a passenger on board who have suffered injuries caused by negligence ... and I won, because of the impossibility of exclusion and a high probability of a material defect.


An important application of 02/22/2006: After another letter Lamborghini Lamborghini Düsseldorf and Stuttgart from 22nd January 2006, my correspondence was finally sent to customer service manager in Italy after approximately 20 months after the accident Lamborghini Stuttgart (though actually Lamborghini, which Düsseldorf put my Murchelago) and after a huge amount of time, I was handed over to the person who actually had to take care of me all the time.
According to themselves they have not noticed anything about my accident and allowed the German representative, who definitely knew about my accident, did not bind to the manufacturer or inform them about the accident. It is clear they wanted to see more documents, and since I do not have anything to hide, and I still strongly believe in my innocence, I accepted their request. Send all documents (examination, photos, messages expert judgment) to Italy, I was sure that they will have a close look at everything to be able to be their own judge on the accident. Another 4 weeks later I was told that no definite testimony to the material defect can not be given because of the large amount of time since the accident and due to the lack of the accident (ruins) (which was obvious to me anyways, otherwise I will sue they long ago). Three experienced opinion, who said that a material defect is MUCH more probable than the error of motion are obviously not enough for the manufacturer's "Award (the premium)» - sportscar, to compensate for the caused damage.

What a pity!

Application from 03/22/2006:
Yesterday I received an email from one of the visitors lambounfall.de, people live in the United States. He told me about the accident with Murchelago that resulted in the death of his friend who was an excellent driver. Cause of the accident is as mysterious as in my case, and the process is very similar to an accident in my opinion. Newspaper article can be found here: Crash (Crash) Murchelago I can only hope that this beautiful case is considered to nadlezhayshey care, not like mine, in the end, two people lost their lives in assuring car that day.

Application from 03/24/2006:
Slowly but surely, I'm getting more and more emails about these broken Murchelagos as in my case. In the next picture you can see an accident, an event that is as strange as mine. The driver, who is a qualified driver who regularly drives a super-sports cars like that, followed a buddy at a very low speed only 120 km / h, to a place to sell the car. Buddy watched the rearview mirror and saw Murchelago suddenly turned right and crashed into a fence. Although the road was wet, it is in very good condition, there was no aquaplaning and no snow. Oddly enough, this accident seemed to happened just exactly like mine happened, only the rate was slightly lower. Coincidence?

Application from 06/19/2006:
Lamborghini continues to demonstrate its accuracy and quality of the products they This website reports on already 2-accident reconstruction murchelago LP640, and ETU model did not deliver to the present time. The reason for both accidents is still unclear. Of course Lambo-advocates can say that in both cases the incidents occurred because of drivers, but the test is not run races beginners and professional drivers who know exactly what to do in the end they get paid for what they have experienced new car models. Therefore, driver error is very unlikely. Regardless of the cause of the incident the car should not be ignited so fast and strong that in this case, the driver had to be evacuated by helicopter with severe burns.

Application from 07/04/2006:
Today, on the second anniversary of my accident I found out about the third incident occurred with murchelago LP640. I note that the LP640 to this predostalenna not officially for sale, so all LP640 accident happened with drivers who work for Lamborghini. Babe In case of particular interest is that the driver was the best Valentino Balboni Lamborghini testdrayver. If he could not keep the car, then who can? Only material defect could explain all 3 ex known to us today accidents, otherwise this beautiful car is just out of control.

Application from 07/19/2006:
Wreckedexotics.com soobshaet about another mysterious incident occurred with the Lamborghini Murchelago 2004 model year at this beautiful time there were some problems in the engine in consequence of which the driver lost control of the car and rolled over.
The owner, who is a prince from Saudi Arabia, sued Lamborghini.

Application from 08/11/2006:
One of the visitors to my site lambounfall.de kindly shared with me another case, which is just under the category "mysterious crashes Lamborghini" (Thanks CED!)
In this case, the Lamborghini Gallardo completely burned to the ground, but not in an accident or an incident in which, just for no apparent reason.

Application from 08/19/2006: