Your body is like a machine
Body, by and large, are a machine. Universal means of transportation: consumption, extraction, generation and release into the environment (or inside) of energy.
In contrast to machines, artificially created, human, body, animals, plants and fungi — perfect. They are able to regenerate itself. Broken can be fixed, but it can not repair itself. A living organism is fundamentally different from the artificial that it just can't fix it from the outside. Any part of a living organism is able to recover itself if in order to create favorable conditions. This ability, or the desire for life is the Energy of Life that is unavailable to reproduce the Mystery of Life.
To collect the molecules and atoms of the cage in the laboratory it is easy. To breathe life into it — is impossible.
If in one place to gather all the scientists and all the accumulated knowledge of the people, to give them any supplies, and chemical items, they will not be able to blind them not only a living mouse, but even an ordinary Apple. Apple is so full of life. Its seeds can grow several Apple trees that give birth to thousands of new apples. Such is Life.
Eating lifeless and unnatural combinations of the same, in fact, chemical elements, we either live or die. Externally, these processes are indistinguishable: we walk, run, eat, work, relax, socialize... Inside is a real struggle.
Consider the most important part of the machine (for convenience, take the car). The main part having contact with the external environment — wheels, tires, tires.
No matter what your car: if the wheels will meet the road surface, you're far away/long leave/pass.
Supercars on the "slicks" (expensive and powerful, sometimes more than 1000 HP cars on bald sport tires) will be helpless cows on the ice on a slightly wet or slightly slippery road. Whereas the old "Zaporozhets-thirty" (30 HP) will pass easily over rough terrain. Etc.
Tyres in the human body is a surface of the gastrointestinal tract. The greatest tight contact with the external environment, constantly passes through us — food.
If you're happy (and flax) in their appearance, but on your Lamborghini stand bald tires is a consequence of ignorant attitude to their car. It is unlikely that you will come to mind to fill Lamborghini's 72-m gasoline. And it is for this reason that the tyres on your self-healing car (tires, coating the epithelium of the esophagus, stomach, intestines — not the exception) wear out. To change tires in the car and more often than twice a year, especially if it's a sports coupe.
The epithelium of the intestine — the short-lived LIVING cells. But that's no excuse.
The beauty of nature that you get used to everything. You can have a beautiful and seemingly healthy body and constantly drive on bald tires. Sooner or later, it is fraught with disaster.
And Vice versa, often seemingly unsightly "Cossacks", regularly changing the oil and monitoring tire pressure, ride for a long time, quickly and safely, their tires time to fully freeze and die before their time.
Health starts with food.
Accordingly, restoration of health, which the Homo sapiens is, first and foremost, in addressing the causes undermine it, too, begins with food.
Want to ride on the road? First, prepare the car for this: fill the tank, put a powerful engine on the hardy chassis, but the main thing — install the wheels.
Remember: you can eat anything. But some things only once in a lifetime.
PS don't flatter yourself. Your car is more like a wagon than a car.
P. p. S. the Scientist, sooner or later, will be able to create a kind of artificial living creature. And only then, it seems, to these narcissistic fools come to a simple truth: PERFECTION is ALREADY CREATED. Nature. And you can do it ONLY WITH HER very simple (and fun) way: by committing the act of love from one of your species, of the opposite sex. That's God's plan.
Love it. And your neighbor. And to know the world's greatest Miracle. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.facebook.com/mudroed.kiev/posts/1698010593754957www.facebook.com/mudroed.kiev/posts/1698010593754957
In contrast to machines, artificially created, human, body, animals, plants and fungi — perfect. They are able to regenerate itself. Broken can be fixed, but it can not repair itself. A living organism is fundamentally different from the artificial that it just can't fix it from the outside. Any part of a living organism is able to recover itself if in order to create favorable conditions. This ability, or the desire for life is the Energy of Life that is unavailable to reproduce the Mystery of Life.
To collect the molecules and atoms of the cage in the laboratory it is easy. To breathe life into it — is impossible.
If in one place to gather all the scientists and all the accumulated knowledge of the people, to give them any supplies, and chemical items, they will not be able to blind them not only a living mouse, but even an ordinary Apple. Apple is so full of life. Its seeds can grow several Apple trees that give birth to thousands of new apples. Such is Life.
Eating lifeless and unnatural combinations of the same, in fact, chemical elements, we either live or die. Externally, these processes are indistinguishable: we walk, run, eat, work, relax, socialize... Inside is a real struggle.
Consider the most important part of the machine (for convenience, take the car). The main part having contact with the external environment — wheels, tires, tires.
No matter what your car: if the wheels will meet the road surface, you're far away/long leave/pass.
Supercars on the "slicks" (expensive and powerful, sometimes more than 1000 HP cars on bald sport tires) will be helpless cows on the ice on a slightly wet or slightly slippery road. Whereas the old "Zaporozhets-thirty" (30 HP) will pass easily over rough terrain. Etc.
Tyres in the human body is a surface of the gastrointestinal tract. The greatest tight contact with the external environment, constantly passes through us — food.

If you're happy (and flax) in their appearance, but on your Lamborghini stand bald tires is a consequence of ignorant attitude to their car. It is unlikely that you will come to mind to fill Lamborghini's 72-m gasoline. And it is for this reason that the tyres on your self-healing car (tires, coating the epithelium of the esophagus, stomach, intestines — not the exception) wear out. To change tires in the car and more often than twice a year, especially if it's a sports coupe.
The epithelium of the intestine — the short-lived LIVING cells. But that's no excuse.
The beauty of nature that you get used to everything. You can have a beautiful and seemingly healthy body and constantly drive on bald tires. Sooner or later, it is fraught with disaster.
And Vice versa, often seemingly unsightly "Cossacks", regularly changing the oil and monitoring tire pressure, ride for a long time, quickly and safely, their tires time to fully freeze and die before their time.
Health starts with food.
Accordingly, restoration of health, which the Homo sapiens is, first and foremost, in addressing the causes undermine it, too, begins with food.
Want to ride on the road? First, prepare the car for this: fill the tank, put a powerful engine on the hardy chassis, but the main thing — install the wheels.
Remember: you can eat anything. But some things only once in a lifetime.
PS don't flatter yourself. Your car is more like a wagon than a car.
P. p. S. the Scientist, sooner or later, will be able to create a kind of artificial living creature. And only then, it seems, to these narcissistic fools come to a simple truth: PERFECTION is ALREADY CREATED. Nature. And you can do it ONLY WITH HER very simple (and fun) way: by committing the act of love from one of your species, of the opposite sex. That's God's plan.
Love it. And your neighbor. And to know the world's greatest Miracle. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.facebook.com/mudroed.kiev/posts/1698010593754957www.facebook.com/mudroed.kiev/posts/1698010593754957