Psychosomatics diseases of the liver
Liver: metaphysical causes of liver diseaseYou start to worry about the liver? Of course first we have to eliminate the causes that lead to disharmony of the liver. Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, underlying) causes of the problems and diseases of the liver.
Here is what they write about this world-famous experts in the field and authors of books on the subject.
Liver (common problems)
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of the problems and diseases of the liver:
The liver is the most voluminous gland of the human body. Its functions make it one of the most important and most complex organs of our body. It allocates its secrets, including bile, into the intestine, thus participating in the process of digestion. No less active-but is affected by the liver and on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is also responsible for clotting the blood and cleanses the body of toxins. If some of these functions relieves headaches, should first pay attention to the liver.
Here are the main diseases of the LIVER:
Emotional blocks. Expression come bile perfectly explains the General metaphysical sense zābol-quirements of the liver. The problem comes when a person is angry and worried, instead be flexible and to adapt to the situation. He is afraid of the consequences, especially afraid to lose something. Failing to adapt to the new situation, he feels anger and frustration.
Diseases and disorders of the liver suggests that people close to depression, even if he's not aware of it. In metaphysics the liver is the reservoir in which accumulates by Lenno anger. Thus, liver problems usually occur in a person who does not produce his anger out, trying to sound calm, even when something or someone much it hurts. In his soul accumulated bitterness and sadness. If this process lasts long enough, instead of rage, which would bring this man a discharge and returned to his peace of mind is the attack of some disease of the liver.
Mental lock. Since the liver plays an important role in coordinating many functions of the human organ-ISM, violations of this new body means that you're co-ordinating that bad, what's going-dit in your life. Instead of having to adapt to events and people, you start to judge them, try to change them, and blocking the movement of your heart excessive activity of mind. Your anger suggests that you forget to put ourselves in the place of others and by Missa to always be right. As a result, you often get a sense of resentment. Instead of acting hastily and recklessly, you should think about it and analizira-VAT what is happening and only then make decisions. Your liver is telling you that you have everything necessary in order to protect yourself.
Spiritual blockage is that in the case of problems with the eyes (see EYES: metaphysical causes of vision problems and eye diseases, subparagraph "Eyes in General, and General vision problems").
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible causes of metaphysical problems and diseases of the liver:
The main tasks of the liver are the production and accumulation of energy metabolism and a conclusion of toxins from the body. Liver estimates that is acceptable to us and what is not. Therefore, in the soul-spiritual realm it deals with the assessment, as well as measure and immoderation. In addition, it converts vegetable and animal protein in the human, and the basic construction elements remain the same. We can say that the liver produces from lower forms to higher, and therefore represents the area of the highest development and evolution. In this process, component elements of protein, the key material is preserved, changing only its structure, its form of manifestation. The same way as in the creation of various forms of manifestations are only different forms of manifestation of a single, underlying existence. The liver shows us these relationships and is therefore in relationship with "religions", feedback on the underlying cause, the fundamental principle.
If you have liver problems, you have to ask yourself, in what area are you excessive? Where there's something that you can't carry that, perhaps even toxic to you? Whether your scale assessment is still valid or do you get annoyed and complain about many things? You have too high ideals? And how are things with the connection with your inner essence? The answer to these questions will show you the direction in which you can find true causes of problems with the liver. Truth is simplicity, so free yourself from all that what you have too, then you'll be able to find in himself the freedom, understanding, love and trust to life. Reiki will help you to obtain these qualities.
Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of the problems and diseases of the liver:
It is a repository of temper, anger and rage. Since the time of Hippocrates and Aristotle there are four Ionian of temperament: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine. Irascible, or choleric, is a person with a bilious temperament.
People with diseases of the liver and gallbladder suppress the anger, the frustration and anger on someone. Suppressed emotions initially cause inflammation of the gallbladder and bile stasis, biliary dyskinesia, and over time, those unexpressed bitter feelings are deposited as stones. Because, as a rule, people consider bad form to Express their aggressive emotions. Better they will keep.
Such people tend to criticize themselves and others. People with liver problems often have painful joints that is responsible for bringing aggressive feelings into action. And this leads to their inflammation. They are also overcrowded bitter thoughts (this is bitter taste in the mouth especially in the morning). But their pride prevents them to get rid of old angry and bitter thoughts. They constantly complain and justify their own picky.
According to Sergey S. Konovalov ("Energy-medicine by Konovalov. Healing emotions"), on the liver affect temper, anger and rage, and often in a subdued form. Suppressed emotions initially cause inflammation of the gallbladder and bile stasis, the weakening of the biliary tract, and eventually lead to the formation of stones. Such people tend to criticize themselves and others, often have sore joints. Pride prevents them to get rid of angry and bitter thoughts. They constantly complain and justify their own picky.
Cure. In addition to the techniques outlined in this book and helps to bring healing energy of positive emotions, try this exercise: often pronounce the sound "sh-sh-sh", which is its energy cleanses the liver and gallbladder is anger.
Mr Zhikarentsev in his book "the Way to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the liver:
Negative attitudes leading to problems and diseases of the liver:
The location of anger and primitive emotions. Chronic complaints at all. Finding excuses cavils to deceive himself. Constantly feel bad.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I choose to live through the open space of my heart. I'm looking for love and find it everywhere. Love, peace and joy — that's what I know.
Louise hay in her book Heal yourself indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the liver:
Negative attitudes leading to problems and diseases of the liver:
The seat of anger and primitive emotions. Constant complaints. Justification of its own fault-finding and thereby obmanyvala yourself. Poor health.
Harmonizing thoughts:
Love, peace and joy — that's what I know. Now I live with an open heart. Looking for love and find it everywhere.
Luule Viilma in his book "a Bright spring of love" writes:
Eyes, in turn, Express the condition of the liver. And the liver is the seat of anger and rage. It does not fit in the liver, must flow through the eyes.
Sergey N. Lazarev in his books "Diagnostics of karma" (books 1-12) and "the man of the future" writes that the main cause of all diseases, including eye diseases and vision problems is a deficiency, or lack of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), it is the attainment of divine love is directed to something else. To what is (wrongly) considered more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, ability, order, morality, knowledge and many other material and spiritual values... But it's not a goal but only a means to the attainment of the divine true love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, as feedback from the Universe, come disease, problems and other troubles. It is necessary for a person to think, realised I didn't go up, thinks, says and does something wrong and began to mend, was on the right Path! There are many nuances, how the disease manifests itself in our body.
JaundiceLise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of jaundice:
Jaundice is characterized by a high content in the body of the bilirubin — orange-brown pigment of bile. In jaundice bilirubin is deposited in tissues, giving a yellow-watou color to skin, mucous membranes and sclera of the eye. Jaundice is often accompanied by Ki-ipertrofia spleen and anemia. Cm. article LIVER (PROBLEMS), SPLEEN (PROBLEMS) and ANEMIA.
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible metaphysical causes of jaundice:
There is something where you're obviously overdoing it, you are biased and one-sided, that is, have painted representations.
To all be more tolerant. Give your love and compassion to all people. Depart from unilateral conduct — it is trying to say jaundice. Give yourself Reiki!
Mr Zhikarentsev in his book "the Way to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance of jaundice:
Negative attitudes, leading to jaundice:
Internal and external prejudice, a biased opinion. The base is devoid of balance.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I feel respect to all people and to ourselves tolerance, compassion and love.
Louise hay in her book Heal yourself indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance of jaundice:
Negative attitudes, leading to jaundice:
Internal and external bias. Unilateral conclusions.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I am tolerant, compassionate and loving concern for all people, including yourself.
Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of hepatitis:
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by an infection, chemicals or virus. Cm. the article LIVER (PROBLEMS). If it is infectious or epidemic hepatitis, see also the metaphysical explanation of the EPIDEMIC in the beginning of the book.
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible metaphysical causes of hepatitis:
Inflammation of the liver points to an existing conflict. Ask yourself where you are because of the lack of objective evaluation of fear, anger and frustration? Where you became one-sided and immoderate?
— Inflammation of the liver forces you to peace and restraint. Use this time and giving up everything from critics, anger and old concepts. So your mind will be cleared of this situation. You'll get a chance to do a new beginning. Let it come!
Mr Zhikarentsev in his book "the Way to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of hepatitis:
Negative attitudes that lead to hepatitis:
The resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the location of anger and fury.
Harmonizing thoughts:
My mind is clear and free. I release the past and take in life a new. Everything is fine.
Louise hay in her book Heal yourself indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of hepatitis:
Negative attitudes that lead to hepatitis:
The resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.
Harmonizing thoughts:
My conscience is clear and fluent. I forget the past and go forward anew. Everything is going well.
Cirrhosis of the liver
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of cirrhosis of the liver:
Cirrhosis is a global violation of the physiological functions of the liver. In most cases the cause of cirrhosis is alcoholism (90% of cases in men and 75% women). First, there are disorders associated with digestion (loss of appetite, indigestion, heaviness and burning in the stomach) and disorders of a General nature (fatigue, weight loss). Then there are much more serious problems associated with the vascular system. Cm. the article LIVER (PROBLEMS). Cirrhosis is the most serious disease of the liver and tells him that he needs to quickly pull myself together. He reached your physical, emotional and mental limit and only he himself can cure. If the patient with cirrhosis will not change their way of life, he will destroy himself. He should cease to rebel and to believe that life is unfair.
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible metaphysical causes of cirrhosis of the liver:
First read what is said about diseases of the liver in the previous pages. So you will see clearly the direction in which develops similar symptoms. Only in your case you have already moved on to the next level escalations. Obviously, you haven't learned anything from previous diseases, did not draw the appropriate conclusions in your internal world, nothing has changed, his attitude remained the same. Therefore, the body makes you last requirement and it's up to you if you will turn the wheel one hundred eighty degrees. The mind is master of your body, don't leave me hanging!
Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of gallstones:
The gallstones symbolize accumulated bitter and angry thoughts and the pride that prevents you to get rid of them. Stones is bitterness, heavy thoughts, curses, anger and pride, accumulated over several years. And colic is irritation, impatience and discontent to others, reached the peak. We know that thoughts materialists. That is the material substrate of all these negative thoughts.
One of my patients, which has recently been attacks of biliary colic, spoke with anger about my niece:
— Can you imagine? It is also not turned seventeen, and she's with me rude, rude, behaving appallingly. If I had my will, would have strangled.
— She live with you? I asked her.
— No, she lives with her grandmother, mother and husband. She is studying at the University, and her parents in the Khabarovsk territory. And she needs to look after the grandmother who is old, to care for her, to get an apartment by inheritance. But does nothing. And I have to go after work to her mother and husband to do everything. And niece only the bun in mind.
— You want, that your niece changed her behavior? — I ask her.
— Of course I do.
But she will change if you'll be mad at her?
I know that will not change. But I can't help it.
— Can't or don't know how?
— Rather not know.
— What do you think — I ask the woman, " that your niece shows you with his behavior?
Only their lack of manners, what else!
— Tell me, how do you feel about your mother-in-law?
— It is normal. And how can I treat it?
An old, sick man.
— But in the past, I say, you and she had many conflicts.
— Yes, we were arguing a lot and fighting. How do you know that? she asks in surprise.
_ I also know what you have in mind still has resentment for his mother-in-law. And now you forced her to go and care for her, but doing MoH duty. How would you "work out" his aggression to her. And niece their behavior shows you how do you feel about mother-in-law. So no need to be mad at her, and to thank. It is a beautiful lesson teaches you.
— Yes, doctor, perhaps you're right.
Patient about something thinks.
"I think," continued I, " that as soon as you change your attitude towards her mother, you are immediately in a bad relationship with my niece.
Currently, there are many ways you can actively clean the liver and intestine with fasting, diets, enemas. They are really effective, but their effect is short-term as they do not eliminate the cause. After all, the enema will not change character.
I know from my practice that the use of homeopathic remedies and the liberation of the old thoughts dissolve stones and cleanse the liver and gall bladder permanently. I was a witness, after the cleansing of the subconscious aggressive thoughts of people disappeared without a trace quite large stones.
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of stones:
Stones are deposits, or concretions, mineral salts or organic matter (sometimes in combination with other elements) generated under certain abnormal conditions Some stones barely visible to the naked eye, but, as a rule, congregate in large numbers in one place, others reach the size of the order of a few centimeters, and often exist in the body separate from each other. These stones can form in the gallbladder, kidney, prostate, etc.
Emotional blocks. The metaphysical meaning of this depends on what part of the body the stones are formed. In order to obtain a precise definition, we shall first explain what is the function of this part of the body. As a rule, the stones appear in people who nurture a long time in some heavy thoughts or feelings associated with aggression, frustration, envy, jealousy etc Man cherishes these thoughts a secret from others, and quite long, as for the formation of stones takes time. Stones are also often formed in cold, hard people who hold back their feelings.
Mental lock. The gallbladder stones often occur in people who think one thing and do another. For example, a person wants to act, but does not do anything or allow others to stop him. It was causing him frustration and aggression that accumulate and intensify. He needs to stop and ponder boldly act in accordance with their wishes. published
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Author: Andrew Gulevich
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Source: www.zhalevich.com/procvetanie/zdravie/769-metafizicheskie-prichiny-boleznei-pecheni.html
Here is what they write about this world-famous experts in the field and authors of books on the subject.
Liver (common problems)
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of the problems and diseases of the liver:
The liver is the most voluminous gland of the human body. Its functions make it one of the most important and most complex organs of our body. It allocates its secrets, including bile, into the intestine, thus participating in the process of digestion. No less active-but is affected by the liver and on the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is also responsible for clotting the blood and cleanses the body of toxins. If some of these functions relieves headaches, should first pay attention to the liver.
Here are the main diseases of the LIVER:
Emotional blocks. Expression come bile perfectly explains the General metaphysical sense zābol-quirements of the liver. The problem comes when a person is angry and worried, instead be flexible and to adapt to the situation. He is afraid of the consequences, especially afraid to lose something. Failing to adapt to the new situation, he feels anger and frustration.
Diseases and disorders of the liver suggests that people close to depression, even if he's not aware of it. In metaphysics the liver is the reservoir in which accumulates by Lenno anger. Thus, liver problems usually occur in a person who does not produce his anger out, trying to sound calm, even when something or someone much it hurts. In his soul accumulated bitterness and sadness. If this process lasts long enough, instead of rage, which would bring this man a discharge and returned to his peace of mind is the attack of some disease of the liver.
Mental lock. Since the liver plays an important role in coordinating many functions of the human organ-ISM, violations of this new body means that you're co-ordinating that bad, what's going-dit in your life. Instead of having to adapt to events and people, you start to judge them, try to change them, and blocking the movement of your heart excessive activity of mind. Your anger suggests that you forget to put ourselves in the place of others and by Missa to always be right. As a result, you often get a sense of resentment. Instead of acting hastily and recklessly, you should think about it and analizira-VAT what is happening and only then make decisions. Your liver is telling you that you have everything necessary in order to protect yourself.
Spiritual blockage is that in the case of problems with the eyes (see EYES: metaphysical causes of vision problems and eye diseases, subparagraph "Eyes in General, and General vision problems").
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible causes of metaphysical problems and diseases of the liver:
The main tasks of the liver are the production and accumulation of energy metabolism and a conclusion of toxins from the body. Liver estimates that is acceptable to us and what is not. Therefore, in the soul-spiritual realm it deals with the assessment, as well as measure and immoderation. In addition, it converts vegetable and animal protein in the human, and the basic construction elements remain the same. We can say that the liver produces from lower forms to higher, and therefore represents the area of the highest development and evolution. In this process, component elements of protein, the key material is preserved, changing only its structure, its form of manifestation. The same way as in the creation of various forms of manifestations are only different forms of manifestation of a single, underlying existence. The liver shows us these relationships and is therefore in relationship with "religions", feedback on the underlying cause, the fundamental principle.
If you have liver problems, you have to ask yourself, in what area are you excessive? Where there's something that you can't carry that, perhaps even toxic to you? Whether your scale assessment is still valid or do you get annoyed and complain about many things? You have too high ideals? And how are things with the connection with your inner essence? The answer to these questions will show you the direction in which you can find true causes of problems with the liver. Truth is simplicity, so free yourself from all that what you have too, then you'll be able to find in himself the freedom, understanding, love and trust to life. Reiki will help you to obtain these qualities.
Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of the problems and diseases of the liver:
It is a repository of temper, anger and rage. Since the time of Hippocrates and Aristotle there are four Ionian of temperament: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine. Irascible, or choleric, is a person with a bilious temperament.
People with diseases of the liver and gallbladder suppress the anger, the frustration and anger on someone. Suppressed emotions initially cause inflammation of the gallbladder and bile stasis, biliary dyskinesia, and over time, those unexpressed bitter feelings are deposited as stones. Because, as a rule, people consider bad form to Express their aggressive emotions. Better they will keep.
Such people tend to criticize themselves and others. People with liver problems often have painful joints that is responsible for bringing aggressive feelings into action. And this leads to their inflammation. They are also overcrowded bitter thoughts (this is bitter taste in the mouth especially in the morning). But their pride prevents them to get rid of old angry and bitter thoughts. They constantly complain and justify their own picky.
According to Sergey S. Konovalov ("Energy-medicine by Konovalov. Healing emotions"), on the liver affect temper, anger and rage, and often in a subdued form. Suppressed emotions initially cause inflammation of the gallbladder and bile stasis, the weakening of the biliary tract, and eventually lead to the formation of stones. Such people tend to criticize themselves and others, often have sore joints. Pride prevents them to get rid of angry and bitter thoughts. They constantly complain and justify their own picky.
Cure. In addition to the techniques outlined in this book and helps to bring healing energy of positive emotions, try this exercise: often pronounce the sound "sh-sh-sh", which is its energy cleanses the liver and gallbladder is anger.
Mr Zhikarentsev in his book "the Way to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the liver:
Negative attitudes leading to problems and diseases of the liver:
The location of anger and primitive emotions. Chronic complaints at all. Finding excuses cavils to deceive himself. Constantly feel bad.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I choose to live through the open space of my heart. I'm looking for love and find it everywhere. Love, peace and joy — that's what I know.
Louise hay in her book Heal yourself indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the liver:
Negative attitudes leading to problems and diseases of the liver:
The seat of anger and primitive emotions. Constant complaints. Justification of its own fault-finding and thereby obmanyvala yourself. Poor health.
Harmonizing thoughts:
Love, peace and joy — that's what I know. Now I live with an open heart. Looking for love and find it everywhere.
Luule Viilma in his book "a Bright spring of love" writes:
Eyes, in turn, Express the condition of the liver. And the liver is the seat of anger and rage. It does not fit in the liver, must flow through the eyes.
Sergey N. Lazarev in his books "Diagnostics of karma" (books 1-12) and "the man of the future" writes that the main cause of all diseases, including eye diseases and vision problems is a deficiency, or lack of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), it is the attainment of divine love is directed to something else. To what is (wrongly) considered more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, ability, order, morality, knowledge and many other material and spiritual values... But it's not a goal but only a means to the attainment of the divine true love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, as feedback from the Universe, come disease, problems and other troubles. It is necessary for a person to think, realised I didn't go up, thinks, says and does something wrong and began to mend, was on the right Path! There are many nuances, how the disease manifests itself in our body.
JaundiceLise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of jaundice:
Jaundice is characterized by a high content in the body of the bilirubin — orange-brown pigment of bile. In jaundice bilirubin is deposited in tissues, giving a yellow-watou color to skin, mucous membranes and sclera of the eye. Jaundice is often accompanied by Ki-ipertrofia spleen and anemia. Cm. article LIVER (PROBLEMS), SPLEEN (PROBLEMS) and ANEMIA.
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible metaphysical causes of jaundice:
There is something where you're obviously overdoing it, you are biased and one-sided, that is, have painted representations.
To all be more tolerant. Give your love and compassion to all people. Depart from unilateral conduct — it is trying to say jaundice. Give yourself Reiki!
Mr Zhikarentsev in his book "the Way to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance of jaundice:
Negative attitudes, leading to jaundice:
Internal and external prejudice, a biased opinion. The base is devoid of balance.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I feel respect to all people and to ourselves tolerance, compassion and love.
Louise hay in her book Heal yourself indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance of jaundice:
Negative attitudes, leading to jaundice:
Internal and external bias. Unilateral conclusions.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I am tolerant, compassionate and loving concern for all people, including yourself.
Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of hepatitis:
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by an infection, chemicals or virus. Cm. the article LIVER (PROBLEMS). If it is infectious or epidemic hepatitis, see also the metaphysical explanation of the EPIDEMIC in the beginning of the book.
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible metaphysical causes of hepatitis:
Inflammation of the liver points to an existing conflict. Ask yourself where you are because of the lack of objective evaluation of fear, anger and frustration? Where you became one-sided and immoderate?
— Inflammation of the liver forces you to peace and restraint. Use this time and giving up everything from critics, anger and old concepts. So your mind will be cleared of this situation. You'll get a chance to do a new beginning. Let it come!
Mr Zhikarentsev in his book "the Way to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of hepatitis:
Negative attitudes that lead to hepatitis:
The resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the location of anger and fury.
Harmonizing thoughts:
My mind is clear and free. I release the past and take in life a new. Everything is fine.
Louise hay in her book Heal yourself indicates major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of hepatitis:
Negative attitudes that lead to hepatitis:
The resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the seat of anger and rage.
Harmonizing thoughts:
My conscience is clear and fluent. I forget the past and go forward anew. Everything is going well.
Cirrhosis of the liver
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of cirrhosis of the liver:
Cirrhosis is a global violation of the physiological functions of the liver. In most cases the cause of cirrhosis is alcoholism (90% of cases in men and 75% women). First, there are disorders associated with digestion (loss of appetite, indigestion, heaviness and burning in the stomach) and disorders of a General nature (fatigue, weight loss). Then there are much more serious problems associated with the vascular system. Cm. the article LIVER (PROBLEMS). Cirrhosis is the most serious disease of the liver and tells him that he needs to quickly pull myself together. He reached your physical, emotional and mental limit and only he himself can cure. If the patient with cirrhosis will not change their way of life, he will destroy himself. He should cease to rebel and to believe that life is unfair.
Bodo Baginski and Sharm Naughty in his book"Reiki" universal life energy" write about the possible metaphysical causes of cirrhosis of the liver:
First read what is said about diseases of the liver in the previous pages. So you will see clearly the direction in which develops similar symptoms. Only in your case you have already moved on to the next level escalations. Obviously, you haven't learned anything from previous diseases, did not draw the appropriate conclusions in your internal world, nothing has changed, his attitude remained the same. Therefore, the body makes you last requirement and it's up to you if you will turn the wheel one hundred eighty degrees. The mind is master of your body, don't leave me hanging!
Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of gallstones:
The gallstones symbolize accumulated bitter and angry thoughts and the pride that prevents you to get rid of them. Stones is bitterness, heavy thoughts, curses, anger and pride, accumulated over several years. And colic is irritation, impatience and discontent to others, reached the peak. We know that thoughts materialists. That is the material substrate of all these negative thoughts.
One of my patients, which has recently been attacks of biliary colic, spoke with anger about my niece:
— Can you imagine? It is also not turned seventeen, and she's with me rude, rude, behaving appallingly. If I had my will, would have strangled.
— She live with you? I asked her.
— No, she lives with her grandmother, mother and husband. She is studying at the University, and her parents in the Khabarovsk territory. And she needs to look after the grandmother who is old, to care for her, to get an apartment by inheritance. But does nothing. And I have to go after work to her mother and husband to do everything. And niece only the bun in mind.
— You want, that your niece changed her behavior? — I ask her.
— Of course I do.
But she will change if you'll be mad at her?
I know that will not change. But I can't help it.
— Can't or don't know how?
— Rather not know.
— What do you think — I ask the woman, " that your niece shows you with his behavior?
Only their lack of manners, what else!
— Tell me, how do you feel about your mother-in-law?
— It is normal. And how can I treat it?
An old, sick man.
— But in the past, I say, you and she had many conflicts.
— Yes, we were arguing a lot and fighting. How do you know that? she asks in surprise.
_ I also know what you have in mind still has resentment for his mother-in-law. And now you forced her to go and care for her, but doing MoH duty. How would you "work out" his aggression to her. And niece their behavior shows you how do you feel about mother-in-law. So no need to be mad at her, and to thank. It is a beautiful lesson teaches you.
— Yes, doctor, perhaps you're right.
Patient about something thinks.
"I think," continued I, " that as soon as you change your attitude towards her mother, you are immediately in a bad relationship with my niece.
Currently, there are many ways you can actively clean the liver and intestine with fasting, diets, enemas. They are really effective, but their effect is short-term as they do not eliminate the cause. After all, the enema will not change character.
I know from my practice that the use of homeopathic remedies and the liberation of the old thoughts dissolve stones and cleanse the liver and gall bladder permanently. I was a witness, after the cleansing of the subconscious aggressive thoughts of people disappeared without a trace quite large stones.
Lise Bourbeau in her book "Your body says "Love yourself!"" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of stones:
Stones are deposits, or concretions, mineral salts or organic matter (sometimes in combination with other elements) generated under certain abnormal conditions Some stones barely visible to the naked eye, but, as a rule, congregate in large numbers in one place, others reach the size of the order of a few centimeters, and often exist in the body separate from each other. These stones can form in the gallbladder, kidney, prostate, etc.
Emotional blocks. The metaphysical meaning of this depends on what part of the body the stones are formed. In order to obtain a precise definition, we shall first explain what is the function of this part of the body. As a rule, the stones appear in people who nurture a long time in some heavy thoughts or feelings associated with aggression, frustration, envy, jealousy etc Man cherishes these thoughts a secret from others, and quite long, as for the formation of stones takes time. Stones are also often formed in cold, hard people who hold back their feelings.
Mental lock. The gallbladder stones often occur in people who think one thing and do another. For example, a person wants to act, but does not do anything or allow others to stop him. It was causing him frustration and aggression that accumulate and intensify. He needs to stop and ponder boldly act in accordance with their wishes. published
List of used literature:
- Mr Zhikarencev. The path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life.
- Louise Hay. Heal yourself.
- Lazarev S. N. "Diagnostics of karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the future."
- Valery Sinelnikov. Love your your disease.
- Liz Burbo. Your body says "Love yourself!".
- Torsunov O. G. the Relationship of disease with the character. The vital energy of man.
- Bodo Baginski, Saramon Naughty. "Reiki" is universal life energy.
- Energy-medicine by Konovalov. Healing emotions.
- Olga Gulevich. 9 drugs that will save the world.
- Max Handel. Esoteric principles of health and healing.
- Anatoly Nekrasov. 1000 and one ways to be ourselves.
- Luule Viilma. Bright source of love.
Author: Andrew Gulevich
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.zhalevich.com/procvetanie/zdravie/769-metafizicheskie-prichiny-boleznei-pecheni.html
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