That tells You the body. We create health, and disease
Seventy two million six hundred sixty seven thousand five hundred eighty one
Anyone who wants to be healthy, partly already recovering. D. Boccaccio
The only beauty I know is health. Heine
If a person maintains their health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better useful to his health than he is. Socrates
Initially everyone was programmed for a healthy existence, a life without diseases. Diseases are not from God, not again, not as a punishment. People make themselves sick, though not aware of it.
Do you not know why you suddenly get sick, why, of healthy become sick? You know, they themselves say: "Nervous, upset, worried, and then more drafts, rain – so cold". Draught and rain nothing to do with it. Your inner anxiety, your suffering, suffering – that's what gave rise to the disease.
Live consciously. Let's see what you do with them. You are angry constantly – and wonder why you have a heart attack. You eat too much fat food and wonder why you have clogged arteries. You don't train the body – and wonder why it's weaker. You envy others, you want to avoid them at any cost to win, to beat – and wonder why not stand up and burst the vessels of the brain. You worry, worry, afraid of everything constantly – and wonder why so few live.
Any disease initially born in your mind, in thoughts, in feelings, she captures the soul and then affects the body. Disease is the physical form that you have gained your negative thoughts and feelings.
But the human body is created to be healthy and live disproportionately longer than it lives now. And he who lives in harmony, whose soul is light and not burdened, remains young and agile to the elderly. A man takes your body a huge amount of divine life force. This allows the life force to enliven the body and prolong youthfulness of blood, blood vessels, muscles, organs, tissues, glands. Disappear, fatigue, lethargy, tiredness, are replaced by cheerfulness. The result – healthy, happy, vigorous life to old age.
Healing VOZMOZhNOSTI you sick, remember: to recover really depends on changing the mindset and the charge of the feelings. To think and care only about the healing of the body is meaningless. We must first replace negative thoughts and feelings – hate, jealousy, fear, anxiety, etc. – positive – love, health, confidence, peace. Wrong attitudes are often not perceived by man, lead to the fact that the life force of soul and body weaken. Reduces the energy level of the body. Medicines can not make up for this lack of energy – and thus can't be cured. The body will recover only when the soul is freed from its encumbrances – encumbrances negative thoughts. Those who think that meds helped him and he again feels good, really only pushed the deep problems of the soul, delayed their decision. But with each postponement of their decision becomes more difficult, and pain caused by them, harder. True healing comes only through a spiritual renewal of every cell in the body. With new positive thoughts to each and every cell is part of the life force and energy and go of disease.
In order to heal, we need to realize that a sick body is a sick soul. It affected the negative emanations of dark thoughts and bad attitudes, and these emissions are distributed on the body and mutilate it. Learn to recognize the "black" thoughts and suppress them. Stop giving a negative assessment of yourself and others. Find a good traits and enjoy them. Find a good middle and also rejoice. This you will admit into your body the positive creative energy that will begin their healing work. With them will come an inner peace, tranquility, harmony. Eat mindfully and you will feel that your body resists the admission of harmful substances such as alcohol, fatty, salty, spicy. Reduce your consumption of harmful – go for natural food. Take care of your body – give him the opportunity to make a motion, calm, rhythmic, harmonious. Take a walk in nature. But the main thing – do not think and do not say anything bad about yourself and about others. Don't judge neither yourself nor others shall have the right to judge only God. If you have harmed another or bad said about it – ask for forgiveness. If you forgive – forget the guilt and do not think about it. If I've offended you – forgive the offender and do not think about it.
Realize the cause of your illness – and the reason in you, what you feel, what you think and say I do.
But if you long time did not pay attention to your thoughts and your way of life, do not expect your body instantly transformed and you will immediately be healed. The body needs time, it can cope with the disease only gradually.
Case of practicing a session with the angel came a woman whose husband was seriously ill. Knowing the cause of the disease appears in thoughts and bad attitudes, she said, how can this be, he had no reason to disease, he had a cheerful disposition he was always cheerful and full of energy, and kind man he was, not angry, not hurt anyone. Normal he had thought, good. What happened? It turns out that the following happened. Her husband too had been thinking about soul, inner harmony – it was focused only on the outward appearance. When it was good, he was cheerful and kind. But one day he felt unwell and was immediately scared, bad thoughts started coming to mind. By the way, the woman noted that he has changed, ill, – from fun and open turned into a gloomy, sullen. Feeling ill, he went to the doctor, who prescribed him rest. Then he changed his way of life, has refused to communicate with friends, from entertainment, sports. His concern grew, and the old friends, seeing such a change, turned away. Despite the medication and rest, his condition has not improved, only worsened. The wife began to care for him and protect at all from any activities. It is increasingly developing pessimism. He complained that he had to abandon everything that gave his life meaning. The more complaints and pessimism, the worse he felt. He didn't know that his illness is imaginary disease. Too trusting the doctor's opinion, he turned a slight discomfort to a serious disease. Only a change of mind! He changed his lifestyle, changed all their habits, and did it very abruptly – to the body it was a shock. Healthy before people were in the area of self-destruction and has created a disease out of nowhere.
Anxiety is the main cause of disease. This is the most destructive radiation. Anxiety is a disregard to yourself, to your body. Being restless, you don't notice any issues occur within you. Inner anxiety day after day saps your health. Calm is the attention to your body. Serenity is the backdrop without which healing is impossible, impossible recovery. Learn to release anxiety.
Sit or lie down freely and relaxed. Close his eyes. Inhale and exhale several times, smoothly, deeply. Imagine that you blow away your tiredness. Now mentally shake off your body of all worries. They flow from you like water drops from the skin. Sunite them that there is no trace of worries and anxieties. Again breathe freely. Exhaling, relieve the remnants of the worries and fatigue. Feel how the skin cleared and started to breathe, opened up my pores. You now breathe with the whole body – through the skin.
Now mentally turn to the divine life force. Ask her to visit you. Imagine a Golden thread comes down on you from above and through the pores penetrates deep into your body, filling it entirely, to every cell. The body begins to glow, to emit light.
Several times deeply inhale and exhale, trying to imagine how inhaling Golden light penetrates deeper into you, filling to the very depths of every cell and exhale Golden glow oozes through the pores of your body, saturating the space around you, creating around the body Golden shell.
Now you need to find at least one positive thing in his life. Maybe ahead you will find some light? Or will you plan this event right now? Think about what brings you joy. Maybe you decide to invite guests, or go to the theater, or go camping in the forest, or just do the good thing for you? At least a small positive development ahead of you now critical need. It will make to tremble joyfully filled with the light of the cell, it will raise you to a sense of fullness of life, and from there a short step to healing. So rejoice the fact that you have. Dream of future happiness, and then she will come to you in reality.
Now open your eyes, stand up, light a candle. Imagine the flame of a candle you burn all foreign inclusions the destructive negativity that is in your field and in your body. Then wash over the water with dissolved consecrated salt. Immediately feel as out of concern as exempt and straighten out the muscles, and the energy flows stronger.
Incurable diseases nattak-called incurable disease and new mysterious disease against which medicine just throws up his hands, not that other, as a result of improper human behavior. What is created by man can be fixed by man if he will change his behavior.
When a person is acting improperly, that is, when its thoughts, feelings, actions aimed at the negative, when they are destructive, he creates in his dark body radiation. These emissions are a favorable environment for reproduction pathogenic viruses and for the emergence of diseases, as disease and viruses have similar dark vibrations. Your negative thoughts, you invite disease into your body, open her way. The disease often causes a person to start thinking even more negatively – he grieves, mourns, worries and thereby only increases the disease. To be healed means only one thing – think positively, no matter what, against all odds.
How to deal with tselovalnikova seriously ill people painfully suffer not only the sufferings of the body, but the heaviness of the soul, which led to the disease. Suffering both body and soul. Such people especially need the company of other people, understanding and assistance. Suffering soul gratefully accepts the attention and care of another person – it makes life worthwhile and contributes to healing. Ill need to keep aware of what is happening around us every day to give him that information. Need, depending on the severity of the disease of man and his possibilities, to give him simple assignments or tasks – to find in the book a passage to read or rewrite or something to sew, to mend, etc. because of this he feels that need is necessary, allowing his thoughts to move in a positive direction. If a seriously ill bedridden, then you need to place it in a bright, airy, clean room where there is a possibility to listen to music. Harmonious sounds to produce a therapeutic effect. Do not mourn for the sick person, don't despair, looking at his suffering. Set yourself and him in a positive way.
That tells you your delakorda you care about healing and aspire to good health, pay attention to what tells you your body. And says it with his reactions, with the help of sensations. Through the senses of the body according to what it wants, what is needed. To better read the signals of the body, it is necessary to refuse harmful and stimulating substances. These substances poison the body and dulled his reactions. Abandoning them, you won't miss the signals of the body. You will feel what foods and natural medicines what is required for the body. Diseases occur in the shower – but this does not mean that the body is already diseased, don't need help. Only it is natural, that which it itself asks. And what it asks – you will hear, if you are attentive to signals of the body.
Proper diet. When you start healing, you don't need to change the diet, do it gradually so that an abrupt change in diet was not a shock to the system. The changes the body in a healthy way is very important gradual.
On the person acts as the physiological composition of the food and energy of that food. It is important that energy food was compatible with human energy, with the unique vibrations of his body. Therefore, the question about what can be eaten and what is not, best answer: as your improvement of the man himself begins to feel the need for some and abandon other products that become too rough. This refusal must happen naturally, by itself, so no need to forcibly separate yourselves from meat and go vegetarian.
Better listen to the body. Ask him what he wants. And he will say: "do not want. It's not mine. And this is mine."
But at the same time, and control the body, not to give him food just for something to do. If there is no hunger, no need to feed the body. Do not forget that the highest divine energy – it is also food that can be filled. And the higher the level of development of human consciousness, the less he needs physical food. And physical food of the man himself intuitively chooses the ingredients which he needs. The body declares it to the consciousness, consciousness gives information in a brain shape. And he "voiced" the requests of the body: "I need the vitamins contained there-and there. And that is to eliminate".
The main thing – to hear the call of the body, not contrary to the deep wisdom of the cells, organs, systems. Try to give them those vital ingredients that asks the body. Give him the necessary vitamins and do not abuse the toxins and excess calories.
The body helps you. You need to give him.
Naturally calm and non-violent move away from gluttony. This will change and the body itself. It will become radiant, luminous, fresh, flourishing, illuminated by the beauty and strength.
The healing power of oxygen. People underestimate the healing power of oxygen. Meanwhile, natural oxygen, clean air contributes greatly to healing. If negative emotions poison the body with toxins, the oxygen promotes the release of these poisons. Oxygen rich air contains a special vital force, which the body perceives not only in breathing, but also through the skin cells. Note that a relaxed walk in the fresh air changes the nature of your thoughts – they become negative from positive, you are less worried about their problems. Due to the special substances oxygen the anxiety, worry, fears, problems seem to move over – the man creates a distance between them and myself. At this point, all the negative attitudes cease to act on the person directly, and people can create new, positive attitudes, and reframe your perception. Man is part of nature, and he needs to live in unity with her. Do not close the locks on the Windows and doors, let in in house fresh air, even with him you enter the healing power of nature. Try to open the Windows even at night, whatever the weather. Spend the night on the street, if possible, in spring and summer. Try to rest and sleep under the pine trees – they are very powerful supplier of oxygen. Don't be afraid to go out in the rain, wind, cold – it's all the natural forces that bring healing vitality. Rain, wind, cold carry the human cells especially a lot of oxygen – so the healing is more intense. Try to move in the fresh air, only to move was not harsh or too intense. Make sure that your clothes match the seasons, but never be too heavy. If all this is combined with a positive mindset, you will soon feel that the body is growing.
Even people with diseases considered incurable, even paralyzed, you need to be in the fresh air, spending time in the woods, supplying your body with oxygen. Oxygen is the key to life on Earth, but it can lead to a positive effect only when changed to positive attitudes.
The cleansing effect of water. The human body, the human body is cleansed with water. Water is not meant only to sustain life, not only to irrigate the surface of the earth, not only to cleanse the body but also to cleanse all the organs, blood and cells. In water inhabited by countless living beings – microbes and bacteria that help cleanse the cells and create the necessary for the life of flora inside the body. The human body consists largely of water, so the water he needed constantly.
Every day we need to stand under a little warm, but not hot running water – like, which is adapted to the temperature of your body and which you are comfortable. A jet of water stabilizes the body's energy, strengthens the body, makes it more dynamic, relaxes nervous system, improves blood circulation and revitalizes all the cells. If you feel stress and anxiety, direct the warm spray for several minutes on his back. Then send more warm water jet on the head. Thus relax and let go of all distracting thoughts. Feel the water flow rushes from the back and calms the nervous system, as the life force enters the body.
Very cold rivers of water beware. They do not relieve stress but only cause of convulsive status and abnormalities in the cells and tissues. Very cold drinks also should not drink.
It is not necessary to enter cold water hot. It's a shock to the body, can even cause cardiac arrest. Very hot water is also harmful – it is too much for the nervous system and makes flabby blood vessels. Water is healing only when it is used correctly. Water treatments must be accompanied by positive thoughts. Multiply the healing power of water the power of their positive thoughts. But even negative and pessimistic mood the water will revive, refresh and motivated to change attitudes.
After the water treatment spend some time in silence, better lying in horizontal position, covered with a light, but warm blanket. Let inner strength, born of water, manifested in full.
But make sure that the water you use for drinking and purification of the body was not contaminated. Polluted water cannot clean, cannot provide a person with all he needs and a person gets sick. If the smallest living organisms in water are destroyed due to pollution, the water ceases to be one of the most powerful healing forces on the planet, it becomes just a lifeless fluid, which it is impossible to revive and strengthen the internal organs. Do not contaminate water, do not destroy the Kingdom of nature. If man pollutes the earth, mutilates nature, he himself is sick, because he is a part of nature. To hurt nature is to hurt herself.
Healing movement. The human body is created as a body movement. It is necessary for the movement of the soul on earth. By its very nature, the body should move. Without movement, it can not live. No need to break records, no need to run to exhaustion or parade marching step that is not necessary to do sharp, strong movements. Healing contribute to a smooth, light movement, accompanied by harmonious music. Such movements combined with great music will help you think positively, positively charged feelings. As a result, the body join the life force, comes harmony. It is better to move in the fresh air or in a specially prepared room where itself is a slim combination of space, color, sound valid ozdoravlivayuschim per person.
Healing setting for each day. If you want to be healthy, start each day with a healing setup. Getting out of bed, repeat the words that strengthen and enhance you life force.
• Life is health.• Life knows no disease, no anxiety.• I'm healthy and resilient.• Me-pervading life force.• My thoughts ordered.• I focused on performance standing in front of me tasks.• I am free.• Almighty power acting through me.Try to direct every phrase of your own soul. Then repeat the following words that will make you cheerful and helps you successfully complete all that is planned throughout the day.
• I am a son (daughter) Father in Heaven, I exist forever.• I'm a child of Infinity, the Infinity spirit lives in me.• Everything I do, I trust in the good hands of the Creator.• I want to forgive anyone I haven't forgiven.• I apologize to everyone I unfairly thought, said or to whom you did wrong.• Lives forever in me current Love, it helps me.• Let the will of the Creator.Natural means of healing. If the causes of diseases in the wrong thoughts and attitudes, it does not mean that we should not help the body is already affected by the disease. The body is very difficult to cope with the disease itself – because if it struck not only the soul but also the body, it means that the disease has gone very deep. The medications do not help the body and will only delay the suffering. True help – this change in thinking, combined with by natural means, if specially created for the promotion of human health. People, carefully observing nature knows that nature is part of him and he is part of nature. Nature is friendly to man. If a person worships nature, plants, herbs as friends, and they help him revive it and strengthen. Many plants are medicinal, and they are much more than people think. It is necessary to use not only dried medicinal plants collected in the past year, but fresh, which nature gives to man in the summer. Fresh plant vitality significantly more than in the dried. For admission in the winter it is necessary to use plants that grow or bloom in late summer or autumn, then to winter, they still need enough nutrients. Of great importance is what kind of mood derailed the plant, because herbs can learn as people. The mood should be positive. Pay attention to the shape of the leaves and flowers of medicinal plants. Many of them are like the organs of the human body. The form of leaves and flowers sometimes suggests for healing of some organ of the plant is designed. In plants always lives a healthy spirit. Growing up in the fields and woods, the plants do not get sick, they are always healthy, unless, of course, man's irrational activities do not violate the harmony of the Kingdom of nature. Be nature's friend, learn from the plants health, and they will help you.
People, carefully observing nature knows that nature is part of him and he is part of nature. Nature is friendly to man. If a person worships nature, plants, herbs as friends, and they help him revive it and strengthen.
Many plants are medicinal, and they are much more than people think.
It is necessary to use not only dried medicinal plants collected in the past year, but fresh, which nature gives to man in the summer. Fresh plant vitality significantly more than in the dried. For admission in the winter it is necessary to use plants that grow or bloom in late summer or autumn, then to winter, they still need enough nutrients.
Of great importance is what kind of mood derailed the plant, because herbs can learn as people. The mood should be positive.
– There are many cases where the patient is doomed man struggling remains optimistic, he did not despair, supports the joy of life, strongly believes that she will recover and still die in a month. As is consistent with the idea that with positive thinking comes recovery?
– The disease can be a serious causes that lie in the distant past. People could change their perception of the world now when he's sick, but not to reconsider their behavior in the past, not to make conclusions, not to learn lessons. Perhaps the cause of the disease in the past was so strong and large that it could not defeat positive thinking today. Although it is positive thinking played a role – because without it people would die much earlier and would not have lived an extra month or an extra year of my life. If the disease does not go away – so, still its main cause is not found, not realized, the lesson is not learned.
But can the disease be a lesson? Have the sick person enough energy to understand the cause of the disease and overcome it?
Yeah, sickness man is weak, and that's why we need natural remedies to help the body that it has found the necessary energy and to cope at least temporarily with the suffering. Then, people would have gained strength and a break in time in order to understand the reasons for his illness at the soul level, rethink their experience, understand the mistakes and correct them. The disease is undoubtedly a lesson. Otherwise, nature can not teach man – he can't hear her voice directly, so maybe you will hear through the disease! The disease needs to get a man to understand that he was going the wrong way, he aspirations his soul was sent to the wrong purpose, it improperly exploited his body. Therefore, the disease can kill a person, and can be a great blessing to bring him back to the truth, to yourself, to your soul, to harmony, to the original predestination of man is to be the son of the Creator, filled with His light and love. published
From the book of Olga Ageeva "Conversations with Guardian Angels»
Source: rodoswet.ru/vy-sami-sozdaete-i-zdorove-i-bolezni/
Anyone who wants to be healthy, partly already recovering. D. Boccaccio
The only beauty I know is health. Heine
If a person maintains their health, it is difficult to find a doctor who would know better useful to his health than he is. Socrates
Initially everyone was programmed for a healthy existence, a life without diseases. Diseases are not from God, not again, not as a punishment. People make themselves sick, though not aware of it.
Do you not know why you suddenly get sick, why, of healthy become sick? You know, they themselves say: "Nervous, upset, worried, and then more drafts, rain – so cold". Draught and rain nothing to do with it. Your inner anxiety, your suffering, suffering – that's what gave rise to the disease.
Live consciously. Let's see what you do with them. You are angry constantly – and wonder why you have a heart attack. You eat too much fat food and wonder why you have clogged arteries. You don't train the body – and wonder why it's weaker. You envy others, you want to avoid them at any cost to win, to beat – and wonder why not stand up and burst the vessels of the brain. You worry, worry, afraid of everything constantly – and wonder why so few live.
Any disease initially born in your mind, in thoughts, in feelings, she captures the soul and then affects the body. Disease is the physical form that you have gained your negative thoughts and feelings.
But the human body is created to be healthy and live disproportionately longer than it lives now. And he who lives in harmony, whose soul is light and not burdened, remains young and agile to the elderly. A man takes your body a huge amount of divine life force. This allows the life force to enliven the body and prolong youthfulness of blood, blood vessels, muscles, organs, tissues, glands. Disappear, fatigue, lethargy, tiredness, are replaced by cheerfulness. The result – healthy, happy, vigorous life to old age.
Healing VOZMOZhNOSTI you sick, remember: to recover really depends on changing the mindset and the charge of the feelings. To think and care only about the healing of the body is meaningless. We must first replace negative thoughts and feelings – hate, jealousy, fear, anxiety, etc. – positive – love, health, confidence, peace. Wrong attitudes are often not perceived by man, lead to the fact that the life force of soul and body weaken. Reduces the energy level of the body. Medicines can not make up for this lack of energy – and thus can't be cured. The body will recover only when the soul is freed from its encumbrances – encumbrances negative thoughts. Those who think that meds helped him and he again feels good, really only pushed the deep problems of the soul, delayed their decision. But with each postponement of their decision becomes more difficult, and pain caused by them, harder. True healing comes only through a spiritual renewal of every cell in the body. With new positive thoughts to each and every cell is part of the life force and energy and go of disease.
In order to heal, we need to realize that a sick body is a sick soul. It affected the negative emanations of dark thoughts and bad attitudes, and these emissions are distributed on the body and mutilate it. Learn to recognize the "black" thoughts and suppress them. Stop giving a negative assessment of yourself and others. Find a good traits and enjoy them. Find a good middle and also rejoice. This you will admit into your body the positive creative energy that will begin their healing work. With them will come an inner peace, tranquility, harmony. Eat mindfully and you will feel that your body resists the admission of harmful substances such as alcohol, fatty, salty, spicy. Reduce your consumption of harmful – go for natural food. Take care of your body – give him the opportunity to make a motion, calm, rhythmic, harmonious. Take a walk in nature. But the main thing – do not think and do not say anything bad about yourself and about others. Don't judge neither yourself nor others shall have the right to judge only God. If you have harmed another or bad said about it – ask for forgiveness. If you forgive – forget the guilt and do not think about it. If I've offended you – forgive the offender and do not think about it.
Realize the cause of your illness – and the reason in you, what you feel, what you think and say I do.
But if you long time did not pay attention to your thoughts and your way of life, do not expect your body instantly transformed and you will immediately be healed. The body needs time, it can cope with the disease only gradually.
Case of practicing a session with the angel came a woman whose husband was seriously ill. Knowing the cause of the disease appears in thoughts and bad attitudes, she said, how can this be, he had no reason to disease, he had a cheerful disposition he was always cheerful and full of energy, and kind man he was, not angry, not hurt anyone. Normal he had thought, good. What happened? It turns out that the following happened. Her husband too had been thinking about soul, inner harmony – it was focused only on the outward appearance. When it was good, he was cheerful and kind. But one day he felt unwell and was immediately scared, bad thoughts started coming to mind. By the way, the woman noted that he has changed, ill, – from fun and open turned into a gloomy, sullen. Feeling ill, he went to the doctor, who prescribed him rest. Then he changed his way of life, has refused to communicate with friends, from entertainment, sports. His concern grew, and the old friends, seeing such a change, turned away. Despite the medication and rest, his condition has not improved, only worsened. The wife began to care for him and protect at all from any activities. It is increasingly developing pessimism. He complained that he had to abandon everything that gave his life meaning. The more complaints and pessimism, the worse he felt. He didn't know that his illness is imaginary disease. Too trusting the doctor's opinion, he turned a slight discomfort to a serious disease. Only a change of mind! He changed his lifestyle, changed all their habits, and did it very abruptly – to the body it was a shock. Healthy before people were in the area of self-destruction and has created a disease out of nowhere.
Anxiety is the main cause of disease. This is the most destructive radiation. Anxiety is a disregard to yourself, to your body. Being restless, you don't notice any issues occur within you. Inner anxiety day after day saps your health. Calm is the attention to your body. Serenity is the backdrop without which healing is impossible, impossible recovery. Learn to release anxiety.
Sit or lie down freely and relaxed. Close his eyes. Inhale and exhale several times, smoothly, deeply. Imagine that you blow away your tiredness. Now mentally shake off your body of all worries. They flow from you like water drops from the skin. Sunite them that there is no trace of worries and anxieties. Again breathe freely. Exhaling, relieve the remnants of the worries and fatigue. Feel how the skin cleared and started to breathe, opened up my pores. You now breathe with the whole body – through the skin.
Now mentally turn to the divine life force. Ask her to visit you. Imagine a Golden thread comes down on you from above and through the pores penetrates deep into your body, filling it entirely, to every cell. The body begins to glow, to emit light.
Several times deeply inhale and exhale, trying to imagine how inhaling Golden light penetrates deeper into you, filling to the very depths of every cell and exhale Golden glow oozes through the pores of your body, saturating the space around you, creating around the body Golden shell.
Now you need to find at least one positive thing in his life. Maybe ahead you will find some light? Or will you plan this event right now? Think about what brings you joy. Maybe you decide to invite guests, or go to the theater, or go camping in the forest, or just do the good thing for you? At least a small positive development ahead of you now critical need. It will make to tremble joyfully filled with the light of the cell, it will raise you to a sense of fullness of life, and from there a short step to healing. So rejoice the fact that you have. Dream of future happiness, and then she will come to you in reality.
Now open your eyes, stand up, light a candle. Imagine the flame of a candle you burn all foreign inclusions the destructive negativity that is in your field and in your body. Then wash over the water with dissolved consecrated salt. Immediately feel as out of concern as exempt and straighten out the muscles, and the energy flows stronger.
Incurable diseases nattak-called incurable disease and new mysterious disease against which medicine just throws up his hands, not that other, as a result of improper human behavior. What is created by man can be fixed by man if he will change his behavior.
When a person is acting improperly, that is, when its thoughts, feelings, actions aimed at the negative, when they are destructive, he creates in his dark body radiation. These emissions are a favorable environment for reproduction pathogenic viruses and for the emergence of diseases, as disease and viruses have similar dark vibrations. Your negative thoughts, you invite disease into your body, open her way. The disease often causes a person to start thinking even more negatively – he grieves, mourns, worries and thereby only increases the disease. To be healed means only one thing – think positively, no matter what, against all odds.
How to deal with tselovalnikova seriously ill people painfully suffer not only the sufferings of the body, but the heaviness of the soul, which led to the disease. Suffering both body and soul. Such people especially need the company of other people, understanding and assistance. Suffering soul gratefully accepts the attention and care of another person – it makes life worthwhile and contributes to healing. Ill need to keep aware of what is happening around us every day to give him that information. Need, depending on the severity of the disease of man and his possibilities, to give him simple assignments or tasks – to find in the book a passage to read or rewrite or something to sew, to mend, etc. because of this he feels that need is necessary, allowing his thoughts to move in a positive direction. If a seriously ill bedridden, then you need to place it in a bright, airy, clean room where there is a possibility to listen to music. Harmonious sounds to produce a therapeutic effect. Do not mourn for the sick person, don't despair, looking at his suffering. Set yourself and him in a positive way.
That tells you your delakorda you care about healing and aspire to good health, pay attention to what tells you your body. And says it with his reactions, with the help of sensations. Through the senses of the body according to what it wants, what is needed. To better read the signals of the body, it is necessary to refuse harmful and stimulating substances. These substances poison the body and dulled his reactions. Abandoning them, you won't miss the signals of the body. You will feel what foods and natural medicines what is required for the body. Diseases occur in the shower – but this does not mean that the body is already diseased, don't need help. Only it is natural, that which it itself asks. And what it asks – you will hear, if you are attentive to signals of the body.
Proper diet. When you start healing, you don't need to change the diet, do it gradually so that an abrupt change in diet was not a shock to the system. The changes the body in a healthy way is very important gradual.
On the person acts as the physiological composition of the food and energy of that food. It is important that energy food was compatible with human energy, with the unique vibrations of his body. Therefore, the question about what can be eaten and what is not, best answer: as your improvement of the man himself begins to feel the need for some and abandon other products that become too rough. This refusal must happen naturally, by itself, so no need to forcibly separate yourselves from meat and go vegetarian.
Better listen to the body. Ask him what he wants. And he will say: "do not want. It's not mine. And this is mine."
But at the same time, and control the body, not to give him food just for something to do. If there is no hunger, no need to feed the body. Do not forget that the highest divine energy – it is also food that can be filled. And the higher the level of development of human consciousness, the less he needs physical food. And physical food of the man himself intuitively chooses the ingredients which he needs. The body declares it to the consciousness, consciousness gives information in a brain shape. And he "voiced" the requests of the body: "I need the vitamins contained there-and there. And that is to eliminate".
The main thing – to hear the call of the body, not contrary to the deep wisdom of the cells, organs, systems. Try to give them those vital ingredients that asks the body. Give him the necessary vitamins and do not abuse the toxins and excess calories.
The body helps you. You need to give him.
Naturally calm and non-violent move away from gluttony. This will change and the body itself. It will become radiant, luminous, fresh, flourishing, illuminated by the beauty and strength.
The healing power of oxygen. People underestimate the healing power of oxygen. Meanwhile, natural oxygen, clean air contributes greatly to healing. If negative emotions poison the body with toxins, the oxygen promotes the release of these poisons. Oxygen rich air contains a special vital force, which the body perceives not only in breathing, but also through the skin cells. Note that a relaxed walk in the fresh air changes the nature of your thoughts – they become negative from positive, you are less worried about their problems. Due to the special substances oxygen the anxiety, worry, fears, problems seem to move over – the man creates a distance between them and myself. At this point, all the negative attitudes cease to act on the person directly, and people can create new, positive attitudes, and reframe your perception. Man is part of nature, and he needs to live in unity with her. Do not close the locks on the Windows and doors, let in in house fresh air, even with him you enter the healing power of nature. Try to open the Windows even at night, whatever the weather. Spend the night on the street, if possible, in spring and summer. Try to rest and sleep under the pine trees – they are very powerful supplier of oxygen. Don't be afraid to go out in the rain, wind, cold – it's all the natural forces that bring healing vitality. Rain, wind, cold carry the human cells especially a lot of oxygen – so the healing is more intense. Try to move in the fresh air, only to move was not harsh or too intense. Make sure that your clothes match the seasons, but never be too heavy. If all this is combined with a positive mindset, you will soon feel that the body is growing.
Even people with diseases considered incurable, even paralyzed, you need to be in the fresh air, spending time in the woods, supplying your body with oxygen. Oxygen is the key to life on Earth, but it can lead to a positive effect only when changed to positive attitudes.
The cleansing effect of water. The human body, the human body is cleansed with water. Water is not meant only to sustain life, not only to irrigate the surface of the earth, not only to cleanse the body but also to cleanse all the organs, blood and cells. In water inhabited by countless living beings – microbes and bacteria that help cleanse the cells and create the necessary for the life of flora inside the body. The human body consists largely of water, so the water he needed constantly.
Every day we need to stand under a little warm, but not hot running water – like, which is adapted to the temperature of your body and which you are comfortable. A jet of water stabilizes the body's energy, strengthens the body, makes it more dynamic, relaxes nervous system, improves blood circulation and revitalizes all the cells. If you feel stress and anxiety, direct the warm spray for several minutes on his back. Then send more warm water jet on the head. Thus relax and let go of all distracting thoughts. Feel the water flow rushes from the back and calms the nervous system, as the life force enters the body.
Very cold rivers of water beware. They do not relieve stress but only cause of convulsive status and abnormalities in the cells and tissues. Very cold drinks also should not drink.
It is not necessary to enter cold water hot. It's a shock to the body, can even cause cardiac arrest. Very hot water is also harmful – it is too much for the nervous system and makes flabby blood vessels. Water is healing only when it is used correctly. Water treatments must be accompanied by positive thoughts. Multiply the healing power of water the power of their positive thoughts. But even negative and pessimistic mood the water will revive, refresh and motivated to change attitudes.
After the water treatment spend some time in silence, better lying in horizontal position, covered with a light, but warm blanket. Let inner strength, born of water, manifested in full.
But make sure that the water you use for drinking and purification of the body was not contaminated. Polluted water cannot clean, cannot provide a person with all he needs and a person gets sick. If the smallest living organisms in water are destroyed due to pollution, the water ceases to be one of the most powerful healing forces on the planet, it becomes just a lifeless fluid, which it is impossible to revive and strengthen the internal organs. Do not contaminate water, do not destroy the Kingdom of nature. If man pollutes the earth, mutilates nature, he himself is sick, because he is a part of nature. To hurt nature is to hurt herself.
Healing movement. The human body is created as a body movement. It is necessary for the movement of the soul on earth. By its very nature, the body should move. Without movement, it can not live. No need to break records, no need to run to exhaustion or parade marching step that is not necessary to do sharp, strong movements. Healing contribute to a smooth, light movement, accompanied by harmonious music. Such movements combined with great music will help you think positively, positively charged feelings. As a result, the body join the life force, comes harmony. It is better to move in the fresh air or in a specially prepared room where itself is a slim combination of space, color, sound valid ozdoravlivayuschim per person.
Healing setting for each day. If you want to be healthy, start each day with a healing setup. Getting out of bed, repeat the words that strengthen and enhance you life force.
• Life is health.• Life knows no disease, no anxiety.• I'm healthy and resilient.• Me-pervading life force.• My thoughts ordered.• I focused on performance standing in front of me tasks.• I am free.• Almighty power acting through me.Try to direct every phrase of your own soul. Then repeat the following words that will make you cheerful and helps you successfully complete all that is planned throughout the day.
• I am a son (daughter) Father in Heaven, I exist forever.• I'm a child of Infinity, the Infinity spirit lives in me.• Everything I do, I trust in the good hands of the Creator.• I want to forgive anyone I haven't forgiven.• I apologize to everyone I unfairly thought, said or to whom you did wrong.• Lives forever in me current Love, it helps me.• Let the will of the Creator.Natural means of healing. If the causes of diseases in the wrong thoughts and attitudes, it does not mean that we should not help the body is already affected by the disease. The body is very difficult to cope with the disease itself – because if it struck not only the soul but also the body, it means that the disease has gone very deep. The medications do not help the body and will only delay the suffering. True help – this change in thinking, combined with by natural means, if specially created for the promotion of human health. People, carefully observing nature knows that nature is part of him and he is part of nature. Nature is friendly to man. If a person worships nature, plants, herbs as friends, and they help him revive it and strengthen. Many plants are medicinal, and they are much more than people think. It is necessary to use not only dried medicinal plants collected in the past year, but fresh, which nature gives to man in the summer. Fresh plant vitality significantly more than in the dried. For admission in the winter it is necessary to use plants that grow or bloom in late summer or autumn, then to winter, they still need enough nutrients. Of great importance is what kind of mood derailed the plant, because herbs can learn as people. The mood should be positive. Pay attention to the shape of the leaves and flowers of medicinal plants. Many of them are like the organs of the human body. The form of leaves and flowers sometimes suggests for healing of some organ of the plant is designed. In plants always lives a healthy spirit. Growing up in the fields and woods, the plants do not get sick, they are always healthy, unless, of course, man's irrational activities do not violate the harmony of the Kingdom of nature. Be nature's friend, learn from the plants health, and they will help you.
People, carefully observing nature knows that nature is part of him and he is part of nature. Nature is friendly to man. If a person worships nature, plants, herbs as friends, and they help him revive it and strengthen.
Many plants are medicinal, and they are much more than people think.
It is necessary to use not only dried medicinal plants collected in the past year, but fresh, which nature gives to man in the summer. Fresh plant vitality significantly more than in the dried. For admission in the winter it is necessary to use plants that grow or bloom in late summer or autumn, then to winter, they still need enough nutrients.
Of great importance is what kind of mood derailed the plant, because herbs can learn as people. The mood should be positive.
– There are many cases where the patient is doomed man struggling remains optimistic, he did not despair, supports the joy of life, strongly believes that she will recover and still die in a month. As is consistent with the idea that with positive thinking comes recovery?
– The disease can be a serious causes that lie in the distant past. People could change their perception of the world now when he's sick, but not to reconsider their behavior in the past, not to make conclusions, not to learn lessons. Perhaps the cause of the disease in the past was so strong and large that it could not defeat positive thinking today. Although it is positive thinking played a role – because without it people would die much earlier and would not have lived an extra month or an extra year of my life. If the disease does not go away – so, still its main cause is not found, not realized, the lesson is not learned.
But can the disease be a lesson? Have the sick person enough energy to understand the cause of the disease and overcome it?
Yeah, sickness man is weak, and that's why we need natural remedies to help the body that it has found the necessary energy and to cope at least temporarily with the suffering. Then, people would have gained strength and a break in time in order to understand the reasons for his illness at the soul level, rethink their experience, understand the mistakes and correct them. The disease is undoubtedly a lesson. Otherwise, nature can not teach man – he can't hear her voice directly, so maybe you will hear through the disease! The disease needs to get a man to understand that he was going the wrong way, he aspirations his soul was sent to the wrong purpose, it improperly exploited his body. Therefore, the disease can kill a person, and can be a great blessing to bring him back to the truth, to yourself, to your soul, to harmony, to the original predestination of man is to be the son of the Creator, filled with His light and love. published
From the book of Olga Ageeva "Conversations with Guardian Angels»
Source: rodoswet.ru/vy-sami-sozdaete-i-zdorove-i-bolezni/