Greed, or another way to spend energy for nothing

A friend once asked the question, why do I have so much refer to Narushevich and torsunova? "Why are you doing this? So your weight will be higher, so you're more authoritative than you, guys with someone to share?"
A few years ago, I would have thought so, too. There is such a thing as greed. And actually, about it today and will talk.
Joe doesn't share food!
I have a greed a long lasting relationship. I am the only child in the family (though incomplete), and I really don't have to share. No toys, no food. You can go to the kitchen and grab myself an Apple, and easy to eat.
And I was wild at first when her husband demanded to share. Brought an Apple – share. Or bring two. The other reality.
It's not about selfishness, as is commonly thought. It's about the fact that I have not been in the habit of sharing. Not understanding who and why this is necessary. And it was not only with apples.
I don't know how to work in a team, for example. Share the responsibility and success or defeat. I find it hard to share her beloved husband with a job. And so on.
In General, in this simple way, we made friends with this lady, whose name is Greed. Because with time comes habit, a feeling that to share do not need anything and anybody. And then....
Forms of greed are different. There are those who on the surface:
- Seen children selfish? Small Chinese emperors? Is the age at which all children go through this stage. And some remain in it forever – not without the help of parents. When the child has all what he wants and even what you do not want one wave of a hand (or savage roar) – where will it lead him?
- And sometimes, men throwing money at their wives. Do not buy them gifts, jewelry, expensive things. Once my husband also refused me more than gave "good" (for that was my reason). But since then, he began to give me gifts – he began to earn much more/ And he asked me to write:)
- So women often themselves regret the money. Even if the money is there. This, incidentally, is my most personal reason, why my husband made the gifts very rarely. Because greed together with low self-esteem give such effect. Sorry even for myself – because I do not deserve not deserve not eligible.
- The endless accumulation of money, of which ten lives will not spend. Save, save, save. To economize, take into account. This is about the distrust to God and the world. What about me God does not care in difficult times — and the best I now will put itself straw.
- To count every penny that you spend on others, and to consider how much you spend on. Unidirectional option.
- Fiercely protect your stuff (or my version – "Joey doesn't share food!"). All familiar version since the sandbox.
- To usurp the success that had a hand in many. For example, the soloists of the groups go into solo projects, considering the team's success – only their own.
- To keep silent about their teachers and conductors. After all, if a person helped you – it is important that he got what he deserved. Not important to him – and for you. There should be a balance between give and take.
- Wife might feel sorry for her husband Love. And like cooks, but somehow tasteless. And like the next, but heard some criticisms.
- You can be greedy not for everyone — but only for those who are not among our family. Or to be generous with children, but stingy husband... well, selectively to approach this issue.
- To devalue the work of others, considering him for granted. For example, is worth the labor of one who is preparing a holiday or driving And if it is a friend or relative?
- Not to share information. Want to be the smartest, no one will be able to become smarter and happier
So I am now looking at the way people start to write texts and articles on Vedic materials on the theme of femininity and family. In the end, the world wins. Well, what don't I write this?
If it helps people, what's the difference, who is the author? So I have not keep track of the linking when copying. And only just recently was asked to put a link or to remove my personal photos from the site.
If I can help people, to teach and tell, but don't do it (and I can justify their greed to fear, will not understand me, or even something else)? Does that make their lives happier? Paints whether it is part of my daily life in bright colors? If it saves the world from violence and sorrow?
If the man needed help, and I can't have, why not to transfer a person in good hands? I spend my arrangement every few months. That's my schedule. Such values and priorities. Don't conduct consultations. Because I'm a mom. But I will make a section on the website, who to contact. So you can solve your problem without waiting for my return to the city.
If I am a conductor of energy, not a generator and not the owner – is it possible to assign it to yourself? Material energy — whether it be money, possessions — belongs to God. And we just use them with his agreement.
The conductor can not be greedy. If he's going to row all to myself and nothing to spend – everything collapses. And he will break, and the purpose will not reach. And also here. You cannot assign someone else. The energy belongs to God. We only use it.
Not accumulated money to him on the light to take. And the apartment, and the house will not take. And even cleverness there is not useful.
After death, all that matters is our relationship with other people. How we communicate with them? Were given or extorted? Helped or pressured? Increased the number of love and kindness around you?
Remember how well said the Apostle Paul:
If I speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a sounding cymbal. If you have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And if I give away all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
The internal is more important than external. Millions of times. More you give more you get
We all know this law, but has not yet learned to see it everywhere. Often the vision we have is purely monetary. With the charity thing – increased revenue. Thanks for that, is an achievement.
What if to go further and deeper? Because you can give the world:
- More love
- More information and knowledge
- More care
- More joy
- More support
- More help
- More time
- More power
- More respect
Greed – the citizen clingy and annoying. It is difficult to get rid of it, can't take a hint, climbs everywhere and brazenly captures the territory.
To evict her only gradually, deliberately scraping inch by inch in his soul. A long journey begins with the first step.
And as he said in his prayer, the Saint-Exupery: "Lord, teach me the art of small steps" is published
Author: Olga Valyaeva
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/zhadnost-ili-eshhe-odin-sposob-potratit-energiyu-zrya/