Women's greed is a dangerous thing
Today let's talk about greed. We all remember the tale of the fisherman and the fish: what brought the old woman greed. Women's greed is a dangerous thing, it is not only haunts my mind, but also destroys women's fate.
Any of us would like to live interesting, full and colourful life, especially, there are so many temptations and so many calls to buy more and buy. And it is women who are prone to this impact as we strive for comfort and comfort more than men. And often the desire to have becomes unhealthy, we are unhappy with themselves, their lives, their situation. We begin to nag her husband, wish he was making more money in any spare time, built business plans and sought additional sources of income. Because of their greed, many do not give to live quietly and to himself, and the whole family. A woman feels life only when buying things. Life brings joy only when there is money.
The most fierce debate in the family about money. It is the source of the most painful and stressful problems in the relations of husband and wife.
If a woman has a lot of ambition and an insatiable desire to consume, and the financial ability of the husband do not conform, she decides to act independently. Starts to behave like a man: to set goals and achieve them. Investing energy in family and in relationship with a man, and work.
Then everything is flipped upside the head, and broken harmony in family relations. If you work a lot and make a lot of money, the man usually works a little and earns less than you. It is difficult to accept, because it is not normal when a woman becomes the breadwinner and the breadwinner.
Moaning and whining about what "they Have, and we have" not yet made any man jump up and run to produce something that has a neighbor. We really want to make it all "like men": comfort, car, apartment, money. And often it does not matter what the cost, even at the cost of your feminine life. The woman is very tired when she earns and calculates by itself. This fatigue and stress piling up quickly, because women are not meant to be a Moneymaker. Coming home with the loot, a woman meets a good wife that is willing to relax and feed. Working woman, the house meets dirty dishes and a pile of things that she needs to redo it. Of course, the woman begins to think: "if the husband was earning more, I wouldn't be so tired and not much worked." But what makes us so much work? Greed, envy, uncertainty and fear.
Woman happy and peaceful when she brings the booty man. And she gets it from her husband as a reward for the recognition and acceptance of him as he is.
The woman must agree with those financial possibilities which have men today. If you want to have a happy female destiny, then you should be a little quieter, a little slower, a step behind her husband. If he sits, then you need to go and not to worry, not hysteria and not to dramatize.
The issue of family money is always an indicator of relations between a man and a woman. If you have problem with money, it always says that the man in the system of values women are not listed. She traded the love of a husband for love of money. Her dissatisfaction with the situation and the man accumulates day by day.
And as often happens – a woman suddenly decides that you need a car urgently or need an apartment. And then do money, things are bought on credit. And any loan is debt, and debt is always a burden. Today, many advertising where credit is presented as something joyful and carefree, and bring only the passport and the happiness you provided. There is no mention of that from month to month you'll need to get a certain amount from the family budget, in spite of your problems, and carry it to the Bank and it for several years. People, painting, climbs in your future. How can you have a thing you have not earned? It means you have not only financial resources, but also no energy or mental resources to this thing to have.
Debt is always stressful. An absurd situation is to give money not for what it is, and for what it was. Our subconscious mind is always that fiercely resists in the soul of piling up negative emotions, anger and aggression on the Bank, at high interest rates, there is despair and helplessness. To live with a debt need a lot of mental energy.
Debt is always an indication that you consume more than they create and create. What you want from life only to receive but give nothing.
What lies behind the greed?
You have not satisfied basic needs – love, attention, warmth and care. With the money you are trying to protect ourselves from internal discomfort.
Greed is the desire to satisfy external space inner hunger. There is money – there is happiness, no money, no happiness. The woman doesn't know how to fill and nourish without money, as to fulfill their desires. Living in fear and distrust of life. With money and wealth, many are trying to buy psychological security.
Finding money is always a search for love.
Greedy women have lost contact with him, she can't satisfy its needs and desires, so it disrupted the interaction with Life itself. Money becomes a drug that gives a feeling of happiness and well-being. And for women it is very important to be at peace with myself and have a feeling of fullness and well-being regardless of money.
How to deal with women's greed?
Increase the amount of positive emotions. They can be obtained not only from acquisition and consumption, but also from the donation. And it's not about the money, you can give a compliment, a smile, your affection, your kind words, your good mood and hospitality. Be a little kinder and a little more generous.
Thank life people for what they give you, open your heart and soul. A greedy person is a private man. Someone way for you, wish him happiness, someone opened the door or passed forward – smile. Take with joy.
Don't compare yourself to anyone, your life is unique! Seek not your life to fit the standards "like everyone else".
You need to learn how to saturate and fill your life assuming, that is, of those resources that you own today. It's time and energy, and your creative and mental strength. It's about your food, clothing, body care. It is always a question of money, and your desire to be considerate and generous, first of all, to yourself.
If there is no money on salon treatments, make the scrubs and masks at home, and go to the bath, to the sauna. You must be satisfied every day. You need to learn to live a quality life now, not wait, when will earn more money, pay off debt, buy a new apartment.
Do not think where to take money. This men's thoughts. Goals, planning leave men. Real female desires easily fulfilled by other people or Life itself.
Quality of life is not only money. When money is tight, you need more to include your inner generosity to make more creative efforts. We have a low quality of life only because of the mental laziness and greed.
You need to understand what is important to you – a relationship with a man or money and material goods?
For women, it is important to make those financial and material resources, which are at men. This will save a family from collapse and the woman will save from degradation. So many families falling apart because of the greed and avarice of a woman who herself begins to build a business, earn money, buy houses, and then begins to despise men. No things can compare with the peace in the family, if the woman will tame your greed.
When between a husband and a wife have trust and love, then the problems with money and debt does not exist. If you have financial problems, then it's time to change something in the relationship.
Do not take loans, you do not shut internal discomfort, with the burden of debt your discomfort every day will only increase. For the female psyche is a terrible thing! All loans and mortgages the decision is up to the man. It, hoping his strength and resources, takes responsibility.
We must be particularly careful to single women. Many people live very immodest and eagerly, as if they already have a man. Buy expensive cars, apartments in the mortgage. All this requires a big load, then have a lot of work and strain. And where you then take the relationship? Where to take the invisible subtle energy that attracts men? Unless you have men need to temper their desires and ambitions. After all, it is a vicious circle: work, payment, purpose, where is the place man? Single woman need to live modestly, without straining and learn to ask for help.
Always think a hundred times whether to buy something, to then compress and save? Mode saving a woman has very difficult. As a result, the family will begin disputes and quarrels. The source of happiness within us, not in money.published
Author: Tatiana Dzuceva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: womancosmo.ru/happy-habbits/zhenskaya-zhadnost-ili-zhit-po-sredstvam.html

Any of us would like to live interesting, full and colourful life, especially, there are so many temptations and so many calls to buy more and buy. And it is women who are prone to this impact as we strive for comfort and comfort more than men. And often the desire to have becomes unhealthy, we are unhappy with themselves, their lives, their situation. We begin to nag her husband, wish he was making more money in any spare time, built business plans and sought additional sources of income. Because of their greed, many do not give to live quietly and to himself, and the whole family. A woman feels life only when buying things. Life brings joy only when there is money.
The most fierce debate in the family about money. It is the source of the most painful and stressful problems in the relations of husband and wife.
If a woman has a lot of ambition and an insatiable desire to consume, and the financial ability of the husband do not conform, she decides to act independently. Starts to behave like a man: to set goals and achieve them. Investing energy in family and in relationship with a man, and work.
Then everything is flipped upside the head, and broken harmony in family relations. If you work a lot and make a lot of money, the man usually works a little and earns less than you. It is difficult to accept, because it is not normal when a woman becomes the breadwinner and the breadwinner.
Moaning and whining about what "they Have, and we have" not yet made any man jump up and run to produce something that has a neighbor. We really want to make it all "like men": comfort, car, apartment, money. And often it does not matter what the cost, even at the cost of your feminine life. The woman is very tired when she earns and calculates by itself. This fatigue and stress piling up quickly, because women are not meant to be a Moneymaker. Coming home with the loot, a woman meets a good wife that is willing to relax and feed. Working woman, the house meets dirty dishes and a pile of things that she needs to redo it. Of course, the woman begins to think: "if the husband was earning more, I wouldn't be so tired and not much worked." But what makes us so much work? Greed, envy, uncertainty and fear.
Woman happy and peaceful when she brings the booty man. And she gets it from her husband as a reward for the recognition and acceptance of him as he is.
The woman must agree with those financial possibilities which have men today. If you want to have a happy female destiny, then you should be a little quieter, a little slower, a step behind her husband. If he sits, then you need to go and not to worry, not hysteria and not to dramatize.

The issue of family money is always an indicator of relations between a man and a woman. If you have problem with money, it always says that the man in the system of values women are not listed. She traded the love of a husband for love of money. Her dissatisfaction with the situation and the man accumulates day by day.
And as often happens – a woman suddenly decides that you need a car urgently or need an apartment. And then do money, things are bought on credit. And any loan is debt, and debt is always a burden. Today, many advertising where credit is presented as something joyful and carefree, and bring only the passport and the happiness you provided. There is no mention of that from month to month you'll need to get a certain amount from the family budget, in spite of your problems, and carry it to the Bank and it for several years. People, painting, climbs in your future. How can you have a thing you have not earned? It means you have not only financial resources, but also no energy or mental resources to this thing to have.
Debt is always stressful. An absurd situation is to give money not for what it is, and for what it was. Our subconscious mind is always that fiercely resists in the soul of piling up negative emotions, anger and aggression on the Bank, at high interest rates, there is despair and helplessness. To live with a debt need a lot of mental energy.

Debt is always an indication that you consume more than they create and create. What you want from life only to receive but give nothing.
What lies behind the greed?
You have not satisfied basic needs – love, attention, warmth and care. With the money you are trying to protect ourselves from internal discomfort.
Greed is the desire to satisfy external space inner hunger. There is money – there is happiness, no money, no happiness. The woman doesn't know how to fill and nourish without money, as to fulfill their desires. Living in fear and distrust of life. With money and wealth, many are trying to buy psychological security.
Finding money is always a search for love.
Greedy women have lost contact with him, she can't satisfy its needs and desires, so it disrupted the interaction with Life itself. Money becomes a drug that gives a feeling of happiness and well-being. And for women it is very important to be at peace with myself and have a feeling of fullness and well-being regardless of money.

How to deal with women's greed?
Increase the amount of positive emotions. They can be obtained not only from acquisition and consumption, but also from the donation. And it's not about the money, you can give a compliment, a smile, your affection, your kind words, your good mood and hospitality. Be a little kinder and a little more generous.
Thank life people for what they give you, open your heart and soul. A greedy person is a private man. Someone way for you, wish him happiness, someone opened the door or passed forward – smile. Take with joy.
Don't compare yourself to anyone, your life is unique! Seek not your life to fit the standards "like everyone else".
You need to learn how to saturate and fill your life assuming, that is, of those resources that you own today. It's time and energy, and your creative and mental strength. It's about your food, clothing, body care. It is always a question of money, and your desire to be considerate and generous, first of all, to yourself.
If there is no money on salon treatments, make the scrubs and masks at home, and go to the bath, to the sauna. You must be satisfied every day. You need to learn to live a quality life now, not wait, when will earn more money, pay off debt, buy a new apartment.
Do not think where to take money. This men's thoughts. Goals, planning leave men. Real female desires easily fulfilled by other people or Life itself.
Quality of life is not only money. When money is tight, you need more to include your inner generosity to make more creative efforts. We have a low quality of life only because of the mental laziness and greed.
You need to understand what is important to you – a relationship with a man or money and material goods?

For women, it is important to make those financial and material resources, which are at men. This will save a family from collapse and the woman will save from degradation. So many families falling apart because of the greed and avarice of a woman who herself begins to build a business, earn money, buy houses, and then begins to despise men. No things can compare with the peace in the family, if the woman will tame your greed.
When between a husband and a wife have trust and love, then the problems with money and debt does not exist. If you have financial problems, then it's time to change something in the relationship.
Do not take loans, you do not shut internal discomfort, with the burden of debt your discomfort every day will only increase. For the female psyche is a terrible thing! All loans and mortgages the decision is up to the man. It, hoping his strength and resources, takes responsibility.
We must be particularly careful to single women. Many people live very immodest and eagerly, as if they already have a man. Buy expensive cars, apartments in the mortgage. All this requires a big load, then have a lot of work and strain. And where you then take the relationship? Where to take the invisible subtle energy that attracts men? Unless you have men need to temper their desires and ambitions. After all, it is a vicious circle: work, payment, purpose, where is the place man? Single woman need to live modestly, without straining and learn to ask for help.
Always think a hundred times whether to buy something, to then compress and save? Mode saving a woman has very difficult. As a result, the family will begin disputes and quarrels. The source of happiness within us, not in money.published
Author: Tatiana Dzuceva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: womancosmo.ru/happy-habbits/zhenskaya-zhadnost-ili-zhit-po-sredstvam.html