Women's logic ...

Women's logic:
Okay, let's finally reconciled, we're both to blame ... especially you !!!
Women's logic:
- I look for pants. Go-to look for ... some ... I do not fit in that fit, I do not like ... And then I bought a bag ...
Women's logic:
- Though he was not there !!! - Bliinnn it there is not present.
Women's logic:
He's so cute, loyal and jealous, even disgusting.
Women's logic:
-Skushay Berry, honey.
Just do not start lisp!
-Zhri, I said!
Women's logic
What's nice, I'm not right? So I'm lying? So I beshu? So I have a dog? Mom, he called me a bitch!
Women's logic:
... Because I decided, why I decided I have not decided
Women's logic:
Oh, he looked at me! All right, girls, it's fate!
Women's logic:
breakfast tea "pohudeyka" cookies "calorie»
Women's logic:
Vo pervyh- did not take, and secondly - have already put in place !!!
Women's logic:
Bastard ... bastard ... thing ... right !!!
Women's logic:
tweeze eyebrows, then to draw them in pencil.
Women's logic:
So you agree with me? Late. I've changed my mind.
Women's logic:
No, I do not mind, just do not agree!
Women's logic:
-Opozdal And did not even apologize! - "Well, excuse me dear"! - Fuck you in the dick with his apology!
Women's logic:
Such weather is good, it is necessary for something to buy.
Women's logic:
Well, I'm wrong, but you can at least ask me for forgiveness!
Women's logic:
In the store, "Give me gum ... any ... oh no not only watermelon! And you can not mint! Not Blueberry! A strawberry is? Spasiiiibo
Women's logic:
Derision, went to bed, turned, moved away, not to touch, but my head: Well ... well, hug embrace hugging bliiin ... well ... and then he hugs you and such: hands removed !!!: D
Undefeated Women's logic:
I not picked up the phone, then to the women! Off-line, so with the women! The network means - corresponds to the women!