Socionics: a beautiful theory or science of the future
A person's world — an Empire that is being built for decades. It is an internal state that writes its own laws and enter into diplomatic relations with other empires. But, as each social formation, it is imperfect from the perspective of objectivity. But is this a disadvantage?
Socionics assumes that there are no faults. This theory tries himself in the role of a architect of the human empires. Architect who assures me that there are certain patterns of worldviews. And calls these models of information metabolism, a property, whereby a person perceives information. The architect of socionics in the sleeve has a few jokers that "beats" any criticism, and as a traveling seller of potions, is actively extending the concept. What hypnotic power of the postulates of socionics? This is an opportunity to understand their actions from the point of view of a particular type. That is, to make a healing plantain pattern to the gaps in understanding how his personality and personalities of others. But is it possible to fill in the mold of a vast Empire of world, which is built according to the program of human behavior in society?
Socionics as effeminate Indian Rani, rests on four characteristics proposed by Carl Jung. Otherwise, they are called dichotomies. These blankets, which are wrapped in socionics, was woven through the efforts of Aushra Augustinavichiute. Weaver chose the most durable fiber of the paintings of Jungian studies, wove them into the script thinking Kamenskogo and finish the threads finish their fabrications. How these threads similar to the threads of Ariadne for the modern man? Or they lead to dead ends, tangling in the coil. Myself Rani socionics — deity 8 arms, where each has its own unique features, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. So what's the attraction? That socionics offers is the division of people into types, in which everyone feels comfortable. And the key to unlocking each of type of information metabolism, in the language of socionics, is the so-called a-model, created by A. Augustinavichiute. This cascade suggests that the human psyche functions with the help of 8 parameters. But the delicious twist here is that these functions cannot be simultaneously strong. There is a balance.
Thus, people with a strong sensation (increased desire for mental and physical comfort) can not be both a Intuit. For example, you like to work at home not make trips from one place to another, know how and love to cook. Presumably, you introverted sensation. But the Empire of the human world does not consist only of the castle and the stables. That is, the human mind is very subtle matter and it is not like tracing paper, to impose on the template provided at the moment by socionics. Generic concepts do not include parts and certainly do not work with the person individually. That is, those features that go beyond psycho, in which a person wants to climb like a suit two sizes too small are ignored. Or just go to the basket with the name of "personal content" and the rest in a folder called "psychosophy" (the phenomenon that live far beyond the bounds of science).
This leads to the rejection of the goddess by official science. On socionic forums you have to love the phrase: no matter what science does not recognize the phenomenon, the important thing is that it works. In my environment so a lot of baltakov (one of the personality types, eye-catching scorching negativity, business logic and intramerica) that I feel like a bug under a magnifying glass. That is, in socionics is supposed to believe. And if you're "wrong", then immediately aklamash the shame and label business logics.
So, 8 functions, which form psycho:
Business logic vs white logic. The idea of business logic consists in the intelligibility of man in the material world and finding ready solutions. In fact the business logic is a small black dot on white-a white coverlet of structural logic that, according to socionics, allows you to see the "essence". But because every action needs to escape a certain point. That is, an ardent business logic lives on the shark's laws, carrying out effective actions and believing exclusively dogmas, dismissing all like mushrooms after the rain, the growing theories and concepts. The question arises, not business logic you an hour? They, in the words of socionics, don't like to actively think about being, but guided only by proven external facts. White logic allows to draw analogies, to think actively, to make connections between events and objects. White logic — being a special chemical composition. They are a separate caste types. Caste, which is ambiguous, to interpret unusual phenomena. In fact, black logic is the same white logic, only with its range of applications. If people put their logic on the low, he would not live long in this world. Thus, in socionics it is assumed that the business logic is the logic of how to earn capital and to establish criteria of what is happening.
Emotion ethics vs the ethics of relations. One of the postulates States that the ethics of emotions is a privilege "fun" types of information metabolism. Ethics of relationship — being conservative and narrowed to the size of the ciliate-shoes. Ethics of emotions implies an openness to Express their feelings, presence in the emotional spectrum of manifestations of all colors of the rainbow. According to socionics, ethics of emotions suggests a lack of emotional barriers and the rejection of the hypocritical outbursts. That is ethics of emotions prefers not to maintain relationships with people who don't bring positive emotions.
According to the logic of (black? white?) socionics, white ethics is the person that preserves the relationship in spite of everything. He is interesting precisely because of the intrigue of the state in relations with people. No matter friend or foe. Love or hate. The main thing — the emphasis on relationships. And what is a relationship without emotion? Because people try to spend time with those who gives them emotions. Any interaction with people causes feelings, and they cannot a priori be monotonous. Only in the children's picture book is the evil king who commits the same bad things, the good hermit, walking the path of mercy. That is the feud to end, and absolute indifference on the century is a good topic for Hollywood, but not for life. White ethics interested in the relationship, a kind of delicious sauce from the traditions and spices from moral rules.
Intuition of possibilities vs intuition of time. These functions are most mysterious and coveted. Intuition suggests the possibility that its name implies, the vision of multi-variant of embodiment phenomena (reminiscent of the white logic), the capacity of people and use things unusual ways for them. That is, people with weak intuition of possibilities (in socionic circles say pain) is extremely careless in the chances, which appear due to circumstances, overestimate risks and, most likely, looks like Akaky, the character N. V. Gogol. Intuition of time is allocated socionics as a separate substance. Is equivalent in consistency to a thick white mist, in which every few meters and open portals to other worlds. Strong intuition of time assumes that people literally with the fingertips feels temporary paradigm, so to speak, lives in step with the times. Creativity white intuitive is a mystical painting, with emphasis on the metamorphoses in space and time.
Sensorics of sensations vs force sensing. According to Robert Piercing, "we take a handful of sand in the vast desert of the sensations around us and call it peace." People with a strong white sensation has a rich "feeling", is able to distinguish between hundreds of smells, to see the billions of shades and stands firmly on his feet. Socionics say about the sensations of the body and comfort. Thus, the white of a warm sensation reminiscent of a cat who lives in a world of sensations and trying to any environment to make it as cozy.
Force sensing is another function of perception of the world. It assumes the presence of a person of will power, pressure, persistence, authority and commitment to leadership. That is, a man walks into a room and immediately fills the space, it becomes "a lot". Force sensing is a desire for well-being, good life and a sports figure.
So, that's the theory, but in practice things are very different. Beautiful hypotheses and seemingly consistent system fail, because moving away from science towards religion, in the direction of subjectivism, that is necessary to believe in the word. To do a beautiful fairy tale turned into reality is not enough:
Serious experimental sampling using a rational approach and not just empirical observations. Removing certain standards, methods, that uses socionics when typing, a clear definition of object and subject. One hypothesis is not enough. The critical approach, which should eliminate the influence of naive realism and its impact on the system. Socionics no fillers and GMOs. To "expand" the borders of socionics often use unsubstantiated theories with mystical names: psychosophy, terroristic and other astrology. But the fact is that one weird theory could not be patched even more weird.
At this point socionics took on the role of the applied concept, although it is a beautiful pencil sketch on a sheet, which is trying to finish in a chaotic manner. But this avant-garde may soon be able to break through the boundaries of the usual visions and become the science of the future, if it be skillfully ordered rationally. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cablook.com/mixlook/sotsionika-krasivaya-teoriya-ili-nauka-budushhego/

Socionics assumes that there are no faults. This theory tries himself in the role of a architect of the human empires. Architect who assures me that there are certain patterns of worldviews. And calls these models of information metabolism, a property, whereby a person perceives information. The architect of socionics in the sleeve has a few jokers that "beats" any criticism, and as a traveling seller of potions, is actively extending the concept. What hypnotic power of the postulates of socionics? This is an opportunity to understand their actions from the point of view of a particular type. That is, to make a healing plantain pattern to the gaps in understanding how his personality and personalities of others. But is it possible to fill in the mold of a vast Empire of world, which is built according to the program of human behavior in society?
Socionics as effeminate Indian Rani, rests on four characteristics proposed by Carl Jung. Otherwise, they are called dichotomies. These blankets, which are wrapped in socionics, was woven through the efforts of Aushra Augustinavichiute. Weaver chose the most durable fiber of the paintings of Jungian studies, wove them into the script thinking Kamenskogo and finish the threads finish their fabrications. How these threads similar to the threads of Ariadne for the modern man? Or they lead to dead ends, tangling in the coil. Myself Rani socionics — deity 8 arms, where each has its own unique features, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. So what's the attraction? That socionics offers is the division of people into types, in which everyone feels comfortable. And the key to unlocking each of type of information metabolism, in the language of socionics, is the so-called a-model, created by A. Augustinavichiute. This cascade suggests that the human psyche functions with the help of 8 parameters. But the delicious twist here is that these functions cannot be simultaneously strong. There is a balance.

Thus, people with a strong sensation (increased desire for mental and physical comfort) can not be both a Intuit. For example, you like to work at home not make trips from one place to another, know how and love to cook. Presumably, you introverted sensation. But the Empire of the human world does not consist only of the castle and the stables. That is, the human mind is very subtle matter and it is not like tracing paper, to impose on the template provided at the moment by socionics. Generic concepts do not include parts and certainly do not work with the person individually. That is, those features that go beyond psycho, in which a person wants to climb like a suit two sizes too small are ignored. Or just go to the basket with the name of "personal content" and the rest in a folder called "psychosophy" (the phenomenon that live far beyond the bounds of science).
This leads to the rejection of the goddess by official science. On socionic forums you have to love the phrase: no matter what science does not recognize the phenomenon, the important thing is that it works. In my environment so a lot of baltakov (one of the personality types, eye-catching scorching negativity, business logic and intramerica) that I feel like a bug under a magnifying glass. That is, in socionics is supposed to believe. And if you're "wrong", then immediately aklamash the shame and label business logics.

So, 8 functions, which form psycho:
Business logic vs white logic. The idea of business logic consists in the intelligibility of man in the material world and finding ready solutions. In fact the business logic is a small black dot on white-a white coverlet of structural logic that, according to socionics, allows you to see the "essence". But because every action needs to escape a certain point. That is, an ardent business logic lives on the shark's laws, carrying out effective actions and believing exclusively dogmas, dismissing all like mushrooms after the rain, the growing theories and concepts. The question arises, not business logic you an hour? They, in the words of socionics, don't like to actively think about being, but guided only by proven external facts. White logic allows to draw analogies, to think actively, to make connections between events and objects. White logic — being a special chemical composition. They are a separate caste types. Caste, which is ambiguous, to interpret unusual phenomena. In fact, black logic is the same white logic, only with its range of applications. If people put their logic on the low, he would not live long in this world. Thus, in socionics it is assumed that the business logic is the logic of how to earn capital and to establish criteria of what is happening.
Emotion ethics vs the ethics of relations. One of the postulates States that the ethics of emotions is a privilege "fun" types of information metabolism. Ethics of relationship — being conservative and narrowed to the size of the ciliate-shoes. Ethics of emotions implies an openness to Express their feelings, presence in the emotional spectrum of manifestations of all colors of the rainbow. According to socionics, ethics of emotions suggests a lack of emotional barriers and the rejection of the hypocritical outbursts. That is ethics of emotions prefers not to maintain relationships with people who don't bring positive emotions.

According to the logic of (black? white?) socionics, white ethics is the person that preserves the relationship in spite of everything. He is interesting precisely because of the intrigue of the state in relations with people. No matter friend or foe. Love or hate. The main thing — the emphasis on relationships. And what is a relationship without emotion? Because people try to spend time with those who gives them emotions. Any interaction with people causes feelings, and they cannot a priori be monotonous. Only in the children's picture book is the evil king who commits the same bad things, the good hermit, walking the path of mercy. That is the feud to end, and absolute indifference on the century is a good topic for Hollywood, but not for life. White ethics interested in the relationship, a kind of delicious sauce from the traditions and spices from moral rules.
Intuition of possibilities vs intuition of time. These functions are most mysterious and coveted. Intuition suggests the possibility that its name implies, the vision of multi-variant of embodiment phenomena (reminiscent of the white logic), the capacity of people and use things unusual ways for them. That is, people with weak intuition of possibilities (in socionic circles say pain) is extremely careless in the chances, which appear due to circumstances, overestimate risks and, most likely, looks like Akaky, the character N. V. Gogol. Intuition of time is allocated socionics as a separate substance. Is equivalent in consistency to a thick white mist, in which every few meters and open portals to other worlds. Strong intuition of time assumes that people literally with the fingertips feels temporary paradigm, so to speak, lives in step with the times. Creativity white intuitive is a mystical painting, with emphasis on the metamorphoses in space and time.
Sensorics of sensations vs force sensing. According to Robert Piercing, "we take a handful of sand in the vast desert of the sensations around us and call it peace." People with a strong white sensation has a rich "feeling", is able to distinguish between hundreds of smells, to see the billions of shades and stands firmly on his feet. Socionics say about the sensations of the body and comfort. Thus, the white of a warm sensation reminiscent of a cat who lives in a world of sensations and trying to any environment to make it as cozy.

Force sensing is another function of perception of the world. It assumes the presence of a person of will power, pressure, persistence, authority and commitment to leadership. That is, a man walks into a room and immediately fills the space, it becomes "a lot". Force sensing is a desire for well-being, good life and a sports figure.
So, that's the theory, but in practice things are very different. Beautiful hypotheses and seemingly consistent system fail, because moving away from science towards religion, in the direction of subjectivism, that is necessary to believe in the word. To do a beautiful fairy tale turned into reality is not enough:
Serious experimental sampling using a rational approach and not just empirical observations. Removing certain standards, methods, that uses socionics when typing, a clear definition of object and subject. One hypothesis is not enough. The critical approach, which should eliminate the influence of naive realism and its impact on the system. Socionics no fillers and GMOs. To "expand" the borders of socionics often use unsubstantiated theories with mystical names: psychosophy, terroristic and other astrology. But the fact is that one weird theory could not be patched even more weird.
At this point socionics took on the role of the applied concept, although it is a beautiful pencil sketch on a sheet, which is trying to finish in a chaotic manner. But this avant-garde may soon be able to break through the boundaries of the usual visions and become the science of the future, if it be skillfully ordered rationally. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.cablook.com/mixlook/sotsionika-krasivaya-teoriya-ili-nauka-budushhego/
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