Steve Pavlina: Only the past that determines Your future
The past does not equal the future - is a favorite saying of Tony Robbins. Unfortunately, he is wrong.
I can understand the intention of Tony when he said that. This statement refers to sales, but in General it means that people have the strength to break with the past and create a new future. Overall, this is a positive statement and many try to follow it. But in fact, it does more harm than good. It causes people to be reckless to change, which they never do in my life. Hidden idea that we can just run away from his past, causes people to lose a lot of time.
I know how attractive the idea that we can somehow break with the past and create a meaningful future for themselves, but how often do people really create it that way? How often have you managed to do so?
Ninety five million two hundred fifty six thousand eight hundred eleven
© Dina Bova
So what is the truth?
It's true that past actions and pattern of your life in fact, the best measure of your future life, and this applies not only to specific people's lives, but the lives of teams, companies, technology, political organizations and other institutions of life. Even when it comes to personal growth and conscious living, for all intents and purposes, the past always meets the future.
Peering into the past If you want to know where will you present the road, look at their past. This is the best way to predict where you are going.
Take a look at the past a more reliable way than to look at your goals and intentions.
If I want to know where he is going in life, I first turn to his past, especially the recent past, and make predictions based on it. I don't even need to hear about the goals and intentions of the man – enough information about the past. (The below article I will explain why I say so). Just let me see what he's been doing the last few months, and it will give me quite a clear understanding of where and by whom it will be a year or later.
Obviously, in the life present and the degree of randomness. This is a random event that we can not really predict. Sometimes it happens something unexpected, and then it turns our life in a whole new direction.
But most of the time our lives become victim to certain behavioral patterns, especially in the long term. We may not be able to accurately predict what will happen tomorrow or next week and if not to consider unexpected, but at the same time, natural in the unpredictable world of chaotic changes in life, our life is even more predictable than we can imagine.
Eat a little more than you can digest in a day, and what happens? In a year you will be much thicker than it is now. The result is quite predictable, considering your past actions.
Is your future so difficult to predict, at least in General terms?
If you go to College and specializiruetsya in areas not in demand in the market, it is easy to see what you'll suffer in search of paid work after graduation. And isn't it if you find a job – she is not your specialty?
If you are stuck in a relationship that you appreciate not 9 and not 10 on 10-point scale, isn't it predictable that the frustration, resentment and apathy will only grow with time? And your feelings are far from love and gratitude.
If you eat unhealthy food and are in constant stress, it is difficult to predict what your life will be in the future?
Looking at people Let's look at those people in your life, which you know well.
You can with a certain probability to predict what will happen to them next year? Try to make a decent guess where they will be in the field of career, Finance, health, daily habits, spiritual practices, etc.?
I do not demand from you accurate predictions. Simply sketch in broad strokes a picture of the lives of your friends and acquaintances through the year. Let's take for starters some of your friends, but not your partner, girlfriend, husband or wife. (Do not select those in whose future you are personally interested).
What will be the career or job of that person in a year? Worker or a successful Manager? Work with a living wage, or high-speed career ladder? It refers to the work of this man? How hard he works? How many hours he spends at work per week and how many per year?
What is the real profit of your friend in a year? Try to guess. He accumulates $ 50 a year? Or 500? Or maybe a million? How much money he has at home? What do the property have?
What's his relationship like now? If he is married? Does he have "half"? They all live together? Or he is lonely and looking for someone?
If this person constantly changes the relationship, don't worry about the prediction, in what ways it will be the end of the year is like flipping a coin. Just try to determine what course the relationship he holds during the year. How many new followers he will have this year and what he would choose?
He will be health next year? What will he have? What sport is he going to do, if at all? He will gain weight, lose it, or neither? Whether he's on a diet or even starve? What are his daily habits? When will he Wake up? And when you go to sleep?
He is lazy? Or unusually productive? How he active or passive in their Affairs? What spiritual practices he engaged in a year? Will he regularly attend Church? How often is he going to meditate? Maybe he will light candles around the tub and for him it will be a mini chapel?
Thus, you can get the whole picture of what life would be like your friend in a year and how to advance in personal growth.
The origins of our "predictions" about people Let's see how you make your assumptions. If like most people you base your predictions on how the person behaved in the recent past.
To predict the future, you simply designed a person's past to him. You relied on the vector of human action. You also took into account the points that people did not develop in his life.
For example, if you know that someone has raised their incomes by 10% per year, probably next year it happens again. You can also assume that it will work in the same place.
If someone has more than 10 years in some respects, you assume that next year he will be in them.
If someone's company has drastically cut staff, you will assume that there is a person working during the year will either be fired or have already lost their jobs, or remain in the same company in a year.
If someone delays payment of the loan and receives securities that it is about to be evicted from the house, then you can predict the future that he will change housing during the year to a smaller house, or apartment, or even set in a communal apartment.
Of course, you can argue that we need to consider the past along with the present when making decisions. But as for now – this is only a brief moment, we don't need to do that.
The past includes your entire life from the second back to ancient times, and it contains all the information you need. If you think that you need to include in this interval that is in the present, wait a second. And now the moment was past.
If you claim that you know something about the person, everything is from the past.
Write down your assumptions I suggest you record some of your assumptions about the people in your life. Write them in your journal. Then make a note in the calendar for the year ahead, something like "Scroll the predictions made a year ago." If you use the online calendar, it takes a few seconds. Then, when you think about it in a year, scroll through their predictions. How much they true?
If you made a mistake, how is that possible? And why your predictions were so accurate?
If you did something wrong, why? Has something unexpected happened? You had enough information to make an accurate prediction? You have exaggerated or understated the value of certain factors?
What conclusion you make from this exercise to make a more accurate prediction next time?
You're more predictable than you think
Much easier to assume the future of other people than your own. When we look at the lives of others, our ego is not very interested in them. But it is difficult to look at yourself objectively, especially when not everything in our life we like.
Nobody wants to predict that in a year he will have to pass the house as collateral to pay off debts, or that he'll gain 20 kg of weight, or still is in a difficult or unpleasant relations.
If luck presented you some smart friends who are willing to make honest assumptions about where you're headed in life, and they can share them with you, then a sincere conversation with them will open your eyes to many things.
However, this will require you to turn off your ego and maximum "hearing", which for most people is not easy.
Try this: make a few assumptions about where you will be in a year, but base your predictions on the actual database the last 30 days.
Make notes about what you ate, how we slept, worked, talked, worked, etc. — but only in the last 30 days! Recognize that it will continue for the next 12 months. If you feel that for the last 30 days was atypical for you, for example you were on vacation or traveled, then use the last 90 days.
Use this chart to predict your life in a year. Consider what would happen if your patterns of behavior continue in the future. Where they will lead you through the year?
Accept the truth To accept which way you go, so to be able to make objective predictions about where you are going. What will be different aspects of your life in a year or later?
In order to make accurate predictions, you cannot refer to your goals or intentions. For all your future aspirations it is not enough just intentions and objectives.
Imagine that you are on the jury, who is trying to make a decision based on facts. The purpose and intention then you will be inadmissible because they are not facts. They are just opinion or argument that may be this or that. But in order to give an accurate forecast, you need to look at the past and only the past.
You may not want to hear this, but I draw your attention to it.
If you are too emotional about your predictions (no matter you have positive emotions or negative), stop and take a break. Our future projections require a logical, left-brain thinking. This is not the time or place for emotional or illogical judgments. Just pretend the very same for myself with a volcano or a robot.
Review the questions I asked you above about your friends. ("Looking at others"). Now ask those same questions of myself. Refer only to their recent past to predict the future (last 30-90 days).
Imagine for a second that you are Mr. Superman Or Mr. Information and do your best breakthrough, where your identity will be in a year, based on your career, finances, relationships, health, daily habits, spiritual practices, etc. Make assumptions about all important areas of your life.
Then do the same with recorded in your journal "predictions" and make a mark in your calendar next year to compare. And roll up your eyes so touching
What is it that you will need the year for this exercise? Time will flow on as usual, but after a year this information is very useful. Perhaps you'll be intrigued to see on the calendar important mark in a year and will find in its records a valuable gift for your inner growth? Or can you take everything written for granted?
Intoxicated with the illusion When you learn from your past, you find certain patterns recurring in your life. Many of them are ineffective for you. Based on your own history, the results are predictably bad. But we so easily forget and repeat the same mistakes!
One of these recurring patterns (life script), which I have witnessed in the past, that's what I call a reckless approach to the development of their personal growth.
It's when someone becomes energetic at the thought of the changes he will make in their lifetime. And feels a surge of something – maybe adrenaline or... sometimes caffeine – and decide that everything will eventually work out just dramatically better than it was. And usually believes it. These people make new decisions and start doing something new, but their actions are inconsistent and chaotic.
Most of their single actions and they do not go beyond old habits.
For example, they tell other people about your desire to change, and even ask for advice to start, but beyond that they go. Obviously, the excitement of new prospects in life simply boils, but the person being sucked back into the framework of habitual action. And no real change occurs.
If you look at their past, especially if you've done recording, you will see yourself walking in a circle repeating patterns, along with all the ensuing consequences. Armed with this knowledge, you can consciously reject such strategies, as well as his other habits that never brought results.
You can see that they obviously do not change anything in the future. Your approach has not worked in the past, so there is no reason to suspect that they will earn in the future. If you repeat them, you will get results identical to the past.
Recording is a great way to recognize regular patterns and do not follow them. Otherwise, it is too easy to forget about his desire for this, and again to be fooled by the illusion that something is changing.
What other schemes in the past have not worked? And what helped you?
When you had the big break, how did this happen?
You can follow the steps helping you today?
Change the past to change the future projections My next suggestion might sound a little weird, but I want to show you a fresh perspective on how to create long-term change. Instead of trying to change your present or future, focus on changing your past. In other words, if you want to change something in your life, bring evidence of changes in the past. The only way to do that is to act in the present, but not just to act. If you do something ill-conceived, as has already been described about the "intoxicating illusory actions", then what do you bring in your past?
Not exactly a success. We can say, you bring failure or even stupid in the past, as you repeat their unsuccessful strategy. This leads to the introduction of an unsuccessful past to the future.
Instead, you need to instill a form of permanence in time. To establish a new pattern of behavior. And then the new the recent past will change your assumptions about the future.
As I said, this may seem a strange way of looking at things, but it will make you think in new ways, and this is exactly what we seek.
What actions you need to take to instill a new chain of continuity in their past, so that you have more certainty in your predictions for the future?
As you can guess, the best actions – those that you do regularly and can continue to do at least a year or more. These are actions on which we are basing predictions about the possible future of other people.
What ate the man? Who was he meeting with? Where he goes to work? What amount of his purchases? As he spends a Sunday morning?
All these actions define where it goes. They imply direction in life. It's a habit.
Real action, not just reflection You will receive a way to predict success instead of failure, once you set new habits for yourself. But until that happens, your main prediction for the future is the lack of concrete actions. If you don't do this, your goals and intentions are just sleeping. They may never be implemented.
These habits could be new ways of thinking, but if they are meaningful, then will develop into new forms of behavior. No new action means no new prospects for the future. If you want changes, you need to create their proof. And this is equal to new habits in life. The lack of new habits equals no changes in the assumptions about the future.
Predictable changes against variable assumptions It is now possible to assume your existing lifestyle habits are serving you well. Perhaps your assumptions about the future are positive and you expect the same positive Outlook and beyond. It's a great situation. I'm glad such a situation in many areas of my life. It's great to see that if I do what I do now, my life will be better and better in all respects.
It is a good predictable change. And this situation is easy to manage, because if you just maintain the "status quo" in their ways, good for you.
However, in this article we focus on situations in which the perspective in the future you do not like. You do not like of what can happen once. Perhaps your assumptions are negative or neutral. Or just not enough positive for you. In this case, you want to change them.
Don't lie to yourself and do not exaggerate it, where are you these habits. Remember – this is all we need for our future.
Again, forget about their intentions and focus on how to predict the future based on reliable past information. Don't assume that will double your annual income this year, if in the past it has increased by only 10%.
If you are unable to assume about the future, the only way to change the assumptions without changing the accuracy is to change the past. It will take time, but it is possible. You can change the past, instill in yourself a new life habit or changing an existing one.
But in your life it's business as usual until you end up old habit and you will not find a new one to replace it. Here's where to make efforts for the development of personal growth.
Focus on the changes in your life and begin to instill a new scheme in your life, embodying them in the present (which immediately becomes the past). If you are able to do this, your honest assumptions will not change. And you will also walk past roads.
To break with the past Look at the elements of the past that determine your prognosis. What habits cause you to make negative predictions about the future?
You beside myself at the thought of her eating habits or sleep? You upset your habits in a relationship?
What results do you get from the daily work? Where are your spiritual practices? You spend money recklessly?
Changing habits can be difficult, but a great method to begin is a method for 30 days.
If you really want to create major changes, you probably often think about how to want to break with the past. Break those past patterns, so that they completely outlived its usefulness.
Instantly create a complete disconnection with the past so that your past predictions had no power... Even if it means to change the comfort of certainty for the discomfort of unpredictability. For example, stop consuming power relations that create too many negative predictions.
Delete from your life lazy friends and start to make friends with the most energetic and organized people. Safely move to the city with great financial and career opportunities.
Stop eating health-destroying foods, and offer 100 dollars to anyone who catches you eating them within the next year.
Make it impossible to live within the old habits in the next 30 days. If you are unable to break with the past by ending it, it will surely be your future.
To change the future, change the past Consider 2 scenarios. Bil and Ted both want to write the book by the end of next year. They never wrote books earlier.
Beat not have the habit to write something every day, but he has a clear goal. He knows what book he wants to write. When people ask him what is he working, he tells them that he is writing a book. For the last 30 days he spent a lot of time thinking about his book. He even sketched some ideas for her, but did so in the mood.
Ted does not have specific goals and intentions to write the book. He never told anyone that writes it. He doesn't even know what chapters it will be. But for the last 30 days he got up at 5:00 every morning to 7:00 worked on it before Breakfast.
He created about 2 pages of useful content per day. He just worked all this time on my book, that's all. He regularly and without any gaps doing it. Nothing happened in his life that would distract him from this habit.
Only one of these people finished the book by the end of the year – who do you think?
Whose approach helped to create a completed book within a year?
How you approach such matters in your life? And how does your approach?
Your success or failure predictable?
Goals and assumptions Now don't get me wrong. The purpose and intention is amazing. To have a clear idea of what to do next, this is important. But make the decision is only the first step.
If that's all you're going to do, then I can predict you only accidental success and stagnation in the role of mediocrity. Many times I have seen these patterns occur in people's lives and the result is always predictable.
You must migrate your goals and intentions in the past to create the circumstances confirming that your predictions about the future are accurate. So you change their usual course.
To set a new target – to take a new course at the helm of the ship.
Create a new habit of action, saying, "Participate! Involve! Act!". Otherwise, the ship of your life never float...
Tony, forgive me :) posted
P. S. And remember, just changing your cjpyfybt — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.allstevepavlina.ru/the-past-does-equal-the-future
I can understand the intention of Tony when he said that. This statement refers to sales, but in General it means that people have the strength to break with the past and create a new future. Overall, this is a positive statement and many try to follow it. But in fact, it does more harm than good. It causes people to be reckless to change, which they never do in my life. Hidden idea that we can just run away from his past, causes people to lose a lot of time.
I know how attractive the idea that we can somehow break with the past and create a meaningful future for themselves, but how often do people really create it that way? How often have you managed to do so?
Ninety five million two hundred fifty six thousand eight hundred eleven
© Dina Bova
So what is the truth?
It's true that past actions and pattern of your life in fact, the best measure of your future life, and this applies not only to specific people's lives, but the lives of teams, companies, technology, political organizations and other institutions of life. Even when it comes to personal growth and conscious living, for all intents and purposes, the past always meets the future.
Peering into the past If you want to know where will you present the road, look at their past. This is the best way to predict where you are going.
Take a look at the past a more reliable way than to look at your goals and intentions.
If I want to know where he is going in life, I first turn to his past, especially the recent past, and make predictions based on it. I don't even need to hear about the goals and intentions of the man – enough information about the past. (The below article I will explain why I say so). Just let me see what he's been doing the last few months, and it will give me quite a clear understanding of where and by whom it will be a year or later.
Obviously, in the life present and the degree of randomness. This is a random event that we can not really predict. Sometimes it happens something unexpected, and then it turns our life in a whole new direction.
But most of the time our lives become victim to certain behavioral patterns, especially in the long term. We may not be able to accurately predict what will happen tomorrow or next week and if not to consider unexpected, but at the same time, natural in the unpredictable world of chaotic changes in life, our life is even more predictable than we can imagine.
Eat a little more than you can digest in a day, and what happens? In a year you will be much thicker than it is now. The result is quite predictable, considering your past actions.
Is your future so difficult to predict, at least in General terms?
If you go to College and specializiruetsya in areas not in demand in the market, it is easy to see what you'll suffer in search of paid work after graduation. And isn't it if you find a job – she is not your specialty?
If you are stuck in a relationship that you appreciate not 9 and not 10 on 10-point scale, isn't it predictable that the frustration, resentment and apathy will only grow with time? And your feelings are far from love and gratitude.
If you eat unhealthy food and are in constant stress, it is difficult to predict what your life will be in the future?
Looking at people Let's look at those people in your life, which you know well.
You can with a certain probability to predict what will happen to them next year? Try to make a decent guess where they will be in the field of career, Finance, health, daily habits, spiritual practices, etc.?
I do not demand from you accurate predictions. Simply sketch in broad strokes a picture of the lives of your friends and acquaintances through the year. Let's take for starters some of your friends, but not your partner, girlfriend, husband or wife. (Do not select those in whose future you are personally interested).
What will be the career or job of that person in a year? Worker or a successful Manager? Work with a living wage, or high-speed career ladder? It refers to the work of this man? How hard he works? How many hours he spends at work per week and how many per year?
What is the real profit of your friend in a year? Try to guess. He accumulates $ 50 a year? Or 500? Or maybe a million? How much money he has at home? What do the property have?
What's his relationship like now? If he is married? Does he have "half"? They all live together? Or he is lonely and looking for someone?
If this person constantly changes the relationship, don't worry about the prediction, in what ways it will be the end of the year is like flipping a coin. Just try to determine what course the relationship he holds during the year. How many new followers he will have this year and what he would choose?
He will be health next year? What will he have? What sport is he going to do, if at all? He will gain weight, lose it, or neither? Whether he's on a diet or even starve? What are his daily habits? When will he Wake up? And when you go to sleep?
He is lazy? Or unusually productive? How he active or passive in their Affairs? What spiritual practices he engaged in a year? Will he regularly attend Church? How often is he going to meditate? Maybe he will light candles around the tub and for him it will be a mini chapel?
Thus, you can get the whole picture of what life would be like your friend in a year and how to advance in personal growth.
The origins of our "predictions" about people Let's see how you make your assumptions. If like most people you base your predictions on how the person behaved in the recent past.
To predict the future, you simply designed a person's past to him. You relied on the vector of human action. You also took into account the points that people did not develop in his life.
For example, if you know that someone has raised their incomes by 10% per year, probably next year it happens again. You can also assume that it will work in the same place.
If someone has more than 10 years in some respects, you assume that next year he will be in them.
If someone's company has drastically cut staff, you will assume that there is a person working during the year will either be fired or have already lost their jobs, or remain in the same company in a year.
If someone delays payment of the loan and receives securities that it is about to be evicted from the house, then you can predict the future that he will change housing during the year to a smaller house, or apartment, or even set in a communal apartment.
Of course, you can argue that we need to consider the past along with the present when making decisions. But as for now – this is only a brief moment, we don't need to do that.
The past includes your entire life from the second back to ancient times, and it contains all the information you need. If you think that you need to include in this interval that is in the present, wait a second. And now the moment was past.
If you claim that you know something about the person, everything is from the past.
Write down your assumptions I suggest you record some of your assumptions about the people in your life. Write them in your journal. Then make a note in the calendar for the year ahead, something like "Scroll the predictions made a year ago." If you use the online calendar, it takes a few seconds. Then, when you think about it in a year, scroll through their predictions. How much they true?
If you made a mistake, how is that possible? And why your predictions were so accurate?
If you did something wrong, why? Has something unexpected happened? You had enough information to make an accurate prediction? You have exaggerated or understated the value of certain factors?
What conclusion you make from this exercise to make a more accurate prediction next time?
You're more predictable than you think
Much easier to assume the future of other people than your own. When we look at the lives of others, our ego is not very interested in them. But it is difficult to look at yourself objectively, especially when not everything in our life we like.
Nobody wants to predict that in a year he will have to pass the house as collateral to pay off debts, or that he'll gain 20 kg of weight, or still is in a difficult or unpleasant relations.
If luck presented you some smart friends who are willing to make honest assumptions about where you're headed in life, and they can share them with you, then a sincere conversation with them will open your eyes to many things.
However, this will require you to turn off your ego and maximum "hearing", which for most people is not easy.
Try this: make a few assumptions about where you will be in a year, but base your predictions on the actual database the last 30 days.
Make notes about what you ate, how we slept, worked, talked, worked, etc. — but only in the last 30 days! Recognize that it will continue for the next 12 months. If you feel that for the last 30 days was atypical for you, for example you were on vacation or traveled, then use the last 90 days.
Use this chart to predict your life in a year. Consider what would happen if your patterns of behavior continue in the future. Where they will lead you through the year?
Accept the truth To accept which way you go, so to be able to make objective predictions about where you are going. What will be different aspects of your life in a year or later?
In order to make accurate predictions, you cannot refer to your goals or intentions. For all your future aspirations it is not enough just intentions and objectives.
Imagine that you are on the jury, who is trying to make a decision based on facts. The purpose and intention then you will be inadmissible because they are not facts. They are just opinion or argument that may be this or that. But in order to give an accurate forecast, you need to look at the past and only the past.
You may not want to hear this, but I draw your attention to it.
If you are too emotional about your predictions (no matter you have positive emotions or negative), stop and take a break. Our future projections require a logical, left-brain thinking. This is not the time or place for emotional or illogical judgments. Just pretend the very same for myself with a volcano or a robot.
Review the questions I asked you above about your friends. ("Looking at others"). Now ask those same questions of myself. Refer only to their recent past to predict the future (last 30-90 days).
Imagine for a second that you are Mr. Superman Or Mr. Information and do your best breakthrough, where your identity will be in a year, based on your career, finances, relationships, health, daily habits, spiritual practices, etc. Make assumptions about all important areas of your life.
Then do the same with recorded in your journal "predictions" and make a mark in your calendar next year to compare. And roll up your eyes so touching
What is it that you will need the year for this exercise? Time will flow on as usual, but after a year this information is very useful. Perhaps you'll be intrigued to see on the calendar important mark in a year and will find in its records a valuable gift for your inner growth? Or can you take everything written for granted?
Intoxicated with the illusion When you learn from your past, you find certain patterns recurring in your life. Many of them are ineffective for you. Based on your own history, the results are predictably bad. But we so easily forget and repeat the same mistakes!
One of these recurring patterns (life script), which I have witnessed in the past, that's what I call a reckless approach to the development of their personal growth.
It's when someone becomes energetic at the thought of the changes he will make in their lifetime. And feels a surge of something – maybe adrenaline or... sometimes caffeine – and decide that everything will eventually work out just dramatically better than it was. And usually believes it. These people make new decisions and start doing something new, but their actions are inconsistent and chaotic.
Most of their single actions and they do not go beyond old habits.
For example, they tell other people about your desire to change, and even ask for advice to start, but beyond that they go. Obviously, the excitement of new prospects in life simply boils, but the person being sucked back into the framework of habitual action. And no real change occurs.
If you look at their past, especially if you've done recording, you will see yourself walking in a circle repeating patterns, along with all the ensuing consequences. Armed with this knowledge, you can consciously reject such strategies, as well as his other habits that never brought results.
You can see that they obviously do not change anything in the future. Your approach has not worked in the past, so there is no reason to suspect that they will earn in the future. If you repeat them, you will get results identical to the past.
Recording is a great way to recognize regular patterns and do not follow them. Otherwise, it is too easy to forget about his desire for this, and again to be fooled by the illusion that something is changing.
What other schemes in the past have not worked? And what helped you?
When you had the big break, how did this happen?
You can follow the steps helping you today?
Change the past to change the future projections My next suggestion might sound a little weird, but I want to show you a fresh perspective on how to create long-term change. Instead of trying to change your present or future, focus on changing your past. In other words, if you want to change something in your life, bring evidence of changes in the past. The only way to do that is to act in the present, but not just to act. If you do something ill-conceived, as has already been described about the "intoxicating illusory actions", then what do you bring in your past?
Not exactly a success. We can say, you bring failure or even stupid in the past, as you repeat their unsuccessful strategy. This leads to the introduction of an unsuccessful past to the future.
Instead, you need to instill a form of permanence in time. To establish a new pattern of behavior. And then the new the recent past will change your assumptions about the future.
As I said, this may seem a strange way of looking at things, but it will make you think in new ways, and this is exactly what we seek.
What actions you need to take to instill a new chain of continuity in their past, so that you have more certainty in your predictions for the future?
As you can guess, the best actions – those that you do regularly and can continue to do at least a year or more. These are actions on which we are basing predictions about the possible future of other people.
What ate the man? Who was he meeting with? Where he goes to work? What amount of his purchases? As he spends a Sunday morning?
All these actions define where it goes. They imply direction in life. It's a habit.
Real action, not just reflection You will receive a way to predict success instead of failure, once you set new habits for yourself. But until that happens, your main prediction for the future is the lack of concrete actions. If you don't do this, your goals and intentions are just sleeping. They may never be implemented.
These habits could be new ways of thinking, but if they are meaningful, then will develop into new forms of behavior. No new action means no new prospects for the future. If you want changes, you need to create their proof. And this is equal to new habits in life. The lack of new habits equals no changes in the assumptions about the future.
Predictable changes against variable assumptions It is now possible to assume your existing lifestyle habits are serving you well. Perhaps your assumptions about the future are positive and you expect the same positive Outlook and beyond. It's a great situation. I'm glad such a situation in many areas of my life. It's great to see that if I do what I do now, my life will be better and better in all respects.
It is a good predictable change. And this situation is easy to manage, because if you just maintain the "status quo" in their ways, good for you.
However, in this article we focus on situations in which the perspective in the future you do not like. You do not like of what can happen once. Perhaps your assumptions are negative or neutral. Or just not enough positive for you. In this case, you want to change them.
Don't lie to yourself and do not exaggerate it, where are you these habits. Remember – this is all we need for our future.
Again, forget about their intentions and focus on how to predict the future based on reliable past information. Don't assume that will double your annual income this year, if in the past it has increased by only 10%.
If you are unable to assume about the future, the only way to change the assumptions without changing the accuracy is to change the past. It will take time, but it is possible. You can change the past, instill in yourself a new life habit or changing an existing one.
But in your life it's business as usual until you end up old habit and you will not find a new one to replace it. Here's where to make efforts for the development of personal growth.
Focus on the changes in your life and begin to instill a new scheme in your life, embodying them in the present (which immediately becomes the past). If you are able to do this, your honest assumptions will not change. And you will also walk past roads.
To break with the past Look at the elements of the past that determine your prognosis. What habits cause you to make negative predictions about the future?
You beside myself at the thought of her eating habits or sleep? You upset your habits in a relationship?
What results do you get from the daily work? Where are your spiritual practices? You spend money recklessly?
Changing habits can be difficult, but a great method to begin is a method for 30 days.
If you really want to create major changes, you probably often think about how to want to break with the past. Break those past patterns, so that they completely outlived its usefulness.
Instantly create a complete disconnection with the past so that your past predictions had no power... Even if it means to change the comfort of certainty for the discomfort of unpredictability. For example, stop consuming power relations that create too many negative predictions.
Delete from your life lazy friends and start to make friends with the most energetic and organized people. Safely move to the city with great financial and career opportunities.
Stop eating health-destroying foods, and offer 100 dollars to anyone who catches you eating them within the next year.
Make it impossible to live within the old habits in the next 30 days. If you are unable to break with the past by ending it, it will surely be your future.
To change the future, change the past Consider 2 scenarios. Bil and Ted both want to write the book by the end of next year. They never wrote books earlier.
Beat not have the habit to write something every day, but he has a clear goal. He knows what book he wants to write. When people ask him what is he working, he tells them that he is writing a book. For the last 30 days he spent a lot of time thinking about his book. He even sketched some ideas for her, but did so in the mood.
Ted does not have specific goals and intentions to write the book. He never told anyone that writes it. He doesn't even know what chapters it will be. But for the last 30 days he got up at 5:00 every morning to 7:00 worked on it before Breakfast.
He created about 2 pages of useful content per day. He just worked all this time on my book, that's all. He regularly and without any gaps doing it. Nothing happened in his life that would distract him from this habit.
Only one of these people finished the book by the end of the year – who do you think?
Whose approach helped to create a completed book within a year?
How you approach such matters in your life? And how does your approach?
Your success or failure predictable?
Goals and assumptions Now don't get me wrong. The purpose and intention is amazing. To have a clear idea of what to do next, this is important. But make the decision is only the first step.
If that's all you're going to do, then I can predict you only accidental success and stagnation in the role of mediocrity. Many times I have seen these patterns occur in people's lives and the result is always predictable.
You must migrate your goals and intentions in the past to create the circumstances confirming that your predictions about the future are accurate. So you change their usual course.
To set a new target – to take a new course at the helm of the ship.
Create a new habit of action, saying, "Participate! Involve! Act!". Otherwise, the ship of your life never float...
Tony, forgive me :) posted
P. S. And remember, just changing your cjpyfybt — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.allstevepavlina.ru/the-past-does-equal-the-future
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