20 interesting facts about Steve Jobs

1. Steve Jobs has Syrian roots. The name of the biological father Steve Abdulfattoh Jandal (Abdulfattah Jandali).

2. Nurse Jobs - novelist Mona Simpson (Mona Simpson). About her existence Steve learned as an adult. Her first novel, "Anywhere but Here» (Anywhere But Here) talked about her relationship with her parents, who, ironically, are the parents of Steve Jobs. Jobs and Simpson did not know about their relationship until the 1990s. It is (to some extent) argument in the dispute of the nature and upbringing. Two children have a unique perception of life and are among the best artists in completely different areas.

3. Jobs Biological parents, as students Magistrates questioned his willingness to take on the burden of care and gave her son up for adoption. A few years later they had another child. For the future adoptive parents Steve was the only requirement - they must have a university degree. But the couple holding the child, lied to them. As it turned out, a college education they received (the mother did not even graduated from high school). They had almost given up, but they have promised to send Steve to college.

4. When Steve worked at Atari, he was given the task to create a printed circuit board for the game Breakout (Arkanoid). According to Atari founder Nolan Bushnell, the Company offered $ 100 for each chip that could be removed from the machine. Jobs knew little about board design, and agreed with Wozniak to split the bonus evenly between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Much to the surprise of Atari, Wozniak reduced the number of chips to 50. The design has become so dense that it was impossible to reproduce on an assembly line. Then, Jobs told Wozniak that Atari gave them only $ 700 (instead of the actual 5000) and that Wozniak's share, so $ 350.

5. He did not recognize her first child, claiming that fruitless.

6. Steve was pesketariantsem. In other words, he was eating fish eating vegetarian food (including eggs and dairy products), but did not eat meat.

7. Jobs thought go into a monastery and become a monk. Wedding ceremony Jobs spent his guru, a Buddhist monk.

8. Steve Jobs tried LSD at least once in his youth. He said that the experience was "one of the two or three most important things that he did in his life».

9. Jobs always had self-confidence. When the 12 years he has run radio, he telephoned William Hewlett (the same one from Hewlett-Packard) and asked for help to get the necessary parts: "My name is Steve Jobs, and I would like to know if you have the spare parts that I could I would be used to build the frequency counter. " After talking with the boy, William sent him all necessary and invited the firm to work on holidays.

10. Apple founder hit the Guinness Book of Records as the director with the most modest salary in the world, according to official documents, salary Jobs amounted to $ 1 a year.

11. In 1983 Jobs convinced John Sculley to move out of the company Pepsi-Cola to Apple. Subsequently, as a result of conflict between them, Steve Jobs himself was removed from the project management and was forced to leave Apple.

12. Jobs many years he was a fan of The Beatles. Besides, he loved classical music, especially Bach. Closely followed the work of Barbara Streisand, frequented concerts and other events with her participation.

13. Steve drove a car (Mercedes SL55 AMG) without license plates, and always parked on the ground for people with disabilities.

14. 90% of Apple employees have never met with Steve Jobs.

15. Jobs bought Pixar's for 10 million. dollars, and sold it to Disney's 7, 5 billion.

16. Steve was a 48 foot size.

17. When a computer Apple II (first introduced in 1977), with the most advanced GUI for the time that has gained popularity, Steve was only 25, and he became one of the youngest millionaires of his time.

18. Steve several times headed the lists of the most hated of directors in the press.

19. 29 August 2008 Bloomberg news department has published a 17-page obituary dedicated to the death of Steve Jobs. Fortunately, the problem was quickly detected.

20. Steve Jobs died on 5 October 2011. Everlasting memory. Rest in peace.
via factroom.ru
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