10 cool facts about the brilliant Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs lived a bright but short life, burned at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer. In honor of the legendary founder of the even more legendary Apple's website publishes a selection of the most interesting facts about Steve Jobs. < 1. Shocked colleagues slovenliness and bare feet. As a teenager, Steve Jobs held informal style of dress, and preferred to go barefoot. When the first work colleagues complained about his dirty feet, Steve, had no qualms could rinse them right in the office toilet.
2. Steve Jobs grew up in a foster home. His biological father was a Syrian immigrant Abdulfattah Jandal. When, many years later, she learned Jandal, who became his son had wanted to meet him, but Jobs did not show any interest to. However, Steve became very close with his half-sister, daughter Candan Mona.
3. Refused own daughter, as regretted all his life. At age 23, Steve Jobs, like his biological father, withdrew from the first-born - daughter Lisa. Later, when she became a teenager, Steve admitted it to their child, but the relationship between them remained difficult. "If now you can change everything, I would certainly have behaved better," - admitted adult Jobs.
4. He was expelled from his own company. Created in 1976, the company Apple, Steve Jobs became a billionaire soon. But in 1985 he was forced to leave its own offspring because of friction with the board of directors. "Then I did not know this, but getting fired from Apple was the best moment in my life. The successes of the studio Pixar, the triumph of the iPod, iPhone and aypada ... I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I did not then fired from Apple. The medicine was bitter, but the patient needed it ", - confessed Jobs.
5. Revolutionize the animation. After his dismissal director Steve bought from George Lucas's computer animation department of Lucasfilm and turned it into a studio Pixar, which soon made a real revolution in the field of animation. As the head of Pixar Jobs personally otsmatrivat all working materials of the first film, "Toy Story" and make adjustments to the plot.
6. As a teenager, Steve Jobs is fond of the drug. «Who among you smoke marijuana?" - Once asked Jobs at Stanford University students during a lecture and was disappointed with a small number of hands raised. Steve attitude toward soft drugs as an integral part of the hippie movement and the youth riots 60s. He believed that they, like the psychedelic music, helped to expand the horizons of his generation, the youth made more independent and free in life and work.
7. Steve Jobs was able to convince a childhood buddy. «When I was 12 or 13 years, something I designed it and I needed the parts. I decided to call Bill Hewlett, I found his number in the phone book of the city of Palo Alto. He picked it up and, to my surprise, was very gracious. I remember we chatted with him for about 20 minutes. He does not know me, but in the end gave me the necessary details, and then even to get a job at the plant Hewlett-Packard. It was hard work, but it does not matter: if I felt like in paradise ».
8. He was shaved nalyso Indian saint. «I walked over the Himalayas and accidentally wandered into some religious festival. There I saw "Babu", the holy man who sang on this holiday. He took my hand and led me along a mountain trail. After half an hour we reached the top of the mountain, where I saw a small pond. He plunged my head into the water, took out a razor and shaved me bald. I was absolutely amazed. I am 19 years old, I am a foreigner, kneeling in the Himalayas, and some ridiculous Indian woman shaved me nalyso. I still did not understand why he did it ».
9. For a long time, Steve Jobs ate some apples. As a teenager, Jobs was a follower of the ideas of a fruitarian and believed that a person can fully exist, eating some fruit. In his case it was the apples. Jobs remained very finicky eating habits until his death. Vegetarian dishes are prepared at his home personal chef, whom he lured away the best restaurant in the United States.
10. I met the girl of his rock idol. In 1982, Steve met with popular American folk singer Joan Baez. She was almost 20 years older, and brought 14-year-old son. But Steve is no bother. He said that Joan bribed his wisdom and wit. However, Steve's friends were convinced that the genius of IT technologies loved Baez, because at the time she was the mistress of his idol Bob Dylan.
via viva.ua/lifestar/facts-about-star/34302-geniy-ili-net-10-faktov-o-stive-djobse.html
2. Steve Jobs grew up in a foster home. His biological father was a Syrian immigrant Abdulfattah Jandal. When, many years later, she learned Jandal, who became his son had wanted to meet him, but Jobs did not show any interest to. However, Steve became very close with his half-sister, daughter Candan Mona.
3. Refused own daughter, as regretted all his life. At age 23, Steve Jobs, like his biological father, withdrew from the first-born - daughter Lisa. Later, when she became a teenager, Steve admitted it to their child, but the relationship between them remained difficult. "If now you can change everything, I would certainly have behaved better," - admitted adult Jobs.

4. He was expelled from his own company. Created in 1976, the company Apple, Steve Jobs became a billionaire soon. But in 1985 he was forced to leave its own offspring because of friction with the board of directors. "Then I did not know this, but getting fired from Apple was the best moment in my life. The successes of the studio Pixar, the triumph of the iPod, iPhone and aypada ... I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I did not then fired from Apple. The medicine was bitter, but the patient needed it ", - confessed Jobs.
5. Revolutionize the animation. After his dismissal director Steve bought from George Lucas's computer animation department of Lucasfilm and turned it into a studio Pixar, which soon made a real revolution in the field of animation. As the head of Pixar Jobs personally otsmatrivat all working materials of the first film, "Toy Story" and make adjustments to the plot.
6. As a teenager, Steve Jobs is fond of the drug. «Who among you smoke marijuana?" - Once asked Jobs at Stanford University students during a lecture and was disappointed with a small number of hands raised. Steve attitude toward soft drugs as an integral part of the hippie movement and the youth riots 60s. He believed that they, like the psychedelic music, helped to expand the horizons of his generation, the youth made more independent and free in life and work.
7. Steve Jobs was able to convince a childhood buddy. «When I was 12 or 13 years, something I designed it and I needed the parts. I decided to call Bill Hewlett, I found his number in the phone book of the city of Palo Alto. He picked it up and, to my surprise, was very gracious. I remember we chatted with him for about 20 minutes. He does not know me, but in the end gave me the necessary details, and then even to get a job at the plant Hewlett-Packard. It was hard work, but it does not matter: if I felt like in paradise ».

8. He was shaved nalyso Indian saint. «I walked over the Himalayas and accidentally wandered into some religious festival. There I saw "Babu", the holy man who sang on this holiday. He took my hand and led me along a mountain trail. After half an hour we reached the top of the mountain, where I saw a small pond. He plunged my head into the water, took out a razor and shaved me bald. I was absolutely amazed. I am 19 years old, I am a foreigner, kneeling in the Himalayas, and some ridiculous Indian woman shaved me nalyso. I still did not understand why he did it ».
9. For a long time, Steve Jobs ate some apples. As a teenager, Jobs was a follower of the ideas of a fruitarian and believed that a person can fully exist, eating some fruit. In his case it was the apples. Jobs remained very finicky eating habits until his death. Vegetarian dishes are prepared at his home personal chef, whom he lured away the best restaurant in the United States.
10. I met the girl of his rock idol. In 1982, Steve met with popular American folk singer Joan Baez. She was almost 20 years older, and brought 14-year-old son. But Steve is no bother. He said that Joan bribed his wisdom and wit. However, Steve's friends were convinced that the genius of IT technologies loved Baez, because at the time she was the mistress of his idol Bob Dylan.
via viva.ua/lifestar/facts-about-star/34302-geniy-ili-net-10-faktov-o-stive-djobse.html
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