Why do children Steve Jobs was not allowed to use iPhones? You will be shocked!
These memories journalists The New York Times Nick Bilton Steve Jobs has radically changed your ideas about this person. So read and wonder.
Ever since Steve Jobs launched Apple, he often poked fun at journalists and criticized them for written materials. Some of the interviews I have attended. But nothing shocked me more than Mr. Jobs, who told me something after so criticized me for my article about the shortcomings aypada. I>
I asked Steve that his children probably love aypad. "They do not use them - said Jobs. - Houses we limit the time that children spend on the screen aypadov ». I>
I was stunned. It seemed to me that Jobs made to house the giant touch screens and iPads it gives guests instead of candy. But it was not like that. I>
But Jobs has convinced me that this is not the case. i>
From the time I met a lot of leaders have technology companies that limit the time their children spent screens of various gadgets. i>
I was puzzled by this style of parenting. In the end, most parents seem to take the opposite approach, allowing children not to limit the time spent at the smartphone and computer. I>
However, these people are likely to know what they do. i>
Chris Anderson, the former editor of Wired, has imposed restrictions on the use of gadgets for your family members. He set Soup so that each of them could not use more than two hours a day. I>
Anderson, by the way, five children, and restrictions apply as the Scarecrow and younger. He believes that in this way will protect children from addiction and preserve their health from excessive exposure. I>
Alex Constantinople, CEO OutCast Agency, does not allow her 5-year-old son to use gadgets. And for its 10-and 13-year-old older kids this time limit to 30 minutes a day. I>
Evan Williams, founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium argues that instead aypadov his children read books. i>
Studies show that children under 10 years old are particularly susceptible to new technologies and become dependent on them. And because Steve Jobs was right: the children can not use the tablets more than an hour a day, and smartphones - more than two hours a day. I>
The scientists say that the restrictions can begin to shoot with a 14-year-old. Although Anderson even his 16-year-olds shielded from the screens in the bedroom. I>
I never asked Jobs what his children instead of using the gadgets. But the author of a book about it, Walter Isaacson, argues that every evening the family gathered at a long table and discussing books. And no one ever took out aypad or iPhone. I>
This article struck me! Surprisingly, some otvetvennost to their children are the creators of the global brands. I hope you peresmorish his views on education. And share this story helpful with all parents.

Ever since Steve Jobs launched Apple, he often poked fun at journalists and criticized them for written materials. Some of the interviews I have attended. But nothing shocked me more than Mr. Jobs, who told me something after so criticized me for my article about the shortcomings aypada. I>
I asked Steve that his children probably love aypad. "They do not use them - said Jobs. - Houses we limit the time that children spend on the screen aypadov ». I>
I was stunned. It seemed to me that Jobs made to house the giant touch screens and iPads it gives guests instead of candy. But it was not like that. I>
But Jobs has convinced me that this is not the case. i>
From the time I met a lot of leaders have technology companies that limit the time their children spent screens of various gadgets. i>
I was puzzled by this style of parenting. In the end, most parents seem to take the opposite approach, allowing children not to limit the time spent at the smartphone and computer. I>
However, these people are likely to know what they do. i>
Chris Anderson, the former editor of Wired, has imposed restrictions on the use of gadgets for your family members. He set Soup so that each of them could not use more than two hours a day. I>
Anderson, by the way, five children, and restrictions apply as the Scarecrow and younger. He believes that in this way will protect children from addiction and preserve their health from excessive exposure. I>
Alex Constantinople, CEO OutCast Agency, does not allow her 5-year-old son to use gadgets. And for its 10-and 13-year-old older kids this time limit to 30 minutes a day. I>
Evan Williams, founder of Blogger, Twitter and Medium argues that instead aypadov his children read books. i>
Studies show that children under 10 years old are particularly susceptible to new technologies and become dependent on them. And because Steve Jobs was right: the children can not use the tablets more than an hour a day, and smartphones - more than two hours a day. I>
The scientists say that the restrictions can begin to shoot with a 14-year-old. Although Anderson even his 16-year-olds shielded from the screens in the bedroom. I>
I never asked Jobs what his children instead of using the gadgets. But the author of a book about it, Walter Isaacson, argues that every evening the family gathered at a long table and discussing books. And no one ever took out aypad or iPhone. I>
This article struck me! Surprisingly, some otvetvennost to their children are the creators of the global brands. I hope you peresmorish his views on education. And share this story helpful with all parents.
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