The brand with a human face
Some brands is simply impossible to imagine without their leaders and ideologues, who have been facing and walking advertisement based kompaniy.Za of each of the top 100 most valuable brands in the world there are tens and hundreds of people unknown to the general public, are responsible for their image and development. But there are brands that have a specific human face. This person is the founder and ideological inspirer of the main driving forces of the brand.
Business characters, which will be discussed are not just the authors of commercially-successful projects. They - the people-brands, revolutionaries, pioneers, innovators and unconditional supports the philosophy of the brand created by them.
The company they founded, with rare exceptions, do not wear their names, but are inextricably linked to them. Apple - Steve Jobs is, Ikea - it's Ingvar Kamprad, Pla * boy - Hugh Hefner is and so on. Bright personality that only thanks to his own vision of the strategy from the ground up to create a company world-wide, today became the personification of walking advertisement and brand created by them.
In Russia, at different times and with varying success, but also attempts to create brands people: at all on hearing the names of Tinkoff, Dougan, Chichvarkin. Users brands, which will be discussed below, forever inscribed his name in the history of the industry and not just advertising.
Hugh Hefner - Pla * boy «Coping with several women at once much easier than the one» i>
Hugh Marston Hefner was born on April 9, 1926 in Chicago. His parents were descendants of the patriarchs of the Puritan church, so the children brought up in extreme rigor, inspiring attitude towards sex as a shameful necessity for procreation. Then the parents Hefner even in the most terrible thoughts could not have imagined that their son would become the founder of the sexual revolution. Hefner has openly stated that Playboy - a reaction to his childhood and puritanical hypocrisy surrounds it.
Since childhood, Hugh Hefner was a man of creativity: doing the school newspaper, drew cartoons and wrote articles. IQ Hefner at the school was close to genius - 152 points. Over the years of teaching at the university he graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, received a bachelor's degree in Philosophy, and took courses in sociology, in parallel laboring editor in magazines.
His last place of work before the «Playboy» magazine became «Esquire», from which he resigned because of the refusal to increase salaries. Borrow money wherever possible, including relatives and banks Hefner publishes in 1953 the first issue of the magazine «Playboy» with anyone yet then unknown Marilyn Monroe on the cover.
I start with the magazine business, quickly gaining momentum. By 1971, already sold 7 million copies of the magazine each month and Hefner owned clubs, casinos, hotels and even resorts. The corporation, which single-handedly ran Hefner also included a book publisher, a modeling agency, a recording studio, TV station and a limousine service. In 1980, Hefner opened the star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.
Even in his '84 Hugh Hefner does not depart from the established 50's image. In society, it appears mainly in silk pajamas and robe. In the morning Hefner prefers black and dark blue dresses, and in the evening they change to red or blue. Since 2000, Hefner lives in his house with a few friends.
Given the family history of the famous Playboy (Hefner's mother lived to 101 years old), he will still be created to personify their brand. The reins of the empire after experiencing a stroke in 1985, Hefner gave to his daughter. But in the minds of millions of people «Playboy» - Hugh Hefner is. House Hefner - male symbol of the free life and the love of self. The man himself is a sophisticated brand-sensualist, a connoisseur of feminine beauty and carnal pleasures.
See an overview of creative Playboy
Richard Branson - Virgin «To hell with it! Beris and do! » I>
Virgin Group - is the informal conglomeration of companies on the planet. No one can say with certainty how many companies it includes. According to one version - 30, on the other - 120, on the third - 240, and perhaps all 400. They say even the founder of Virgin Richard Branson Corporation is not able to answer many business initiatives warmed under the wing of his incredible multibrenda.
Richard Branson was born July 18, 1950 in London. Because dyslexia study in the school was given to him very hard. Parting words of the director of the school at its end were as follows: "Congratulations to Richard, I think you either go to prison or become a millionaire».
Branson has been an entrepreneur since birth. At the age of fifteen, he was already, though without success, growing Christmas trees and breeding budgies. Do not read a single book (because of the same dyslexia), he is taken 16 years for the publication of his own magazine "Student". Then there was the opening of a music store, record label, a nightclub, and the list goes on.
Hippies in the heart of Branson is known for his extravagant actions, including the creation of his own talk show, and repeated attempts to break world speed records. The journalists of all countries love Richard Branson for his outrageous behavior. Add to this non-converging from the face smile, inappropriate sweater, which Branson does not leave even at a reception at Queen's race in sports motorboats, friendships with presidents and kings, the title of Knight of Her Majesty for "outstanding achievements in business" and get a genuine portrait hippie billionaire Richard Branson, the master of outrageous.
All of Virgin Group are united not only the figure of the father-founder and trademark Virgin, and general corporate funk culture: no suits and ties, no formalities between subordinates and supervisors, no board meetings, instead of bureaucratic routine and scribbling - Broken creative self-realization staff. Drilling stewardess, who shared his idea of Branson wardrobe Suite, the next day headed quickly established for the occasion Virgin Brides.
In one of his biographical books Richard Branson says: "The old rabbit pie recipe reads:" First catch the rabbit. " Please note - it does not say: "Please buy a rabbit" or - "Sit and wait until someone brings it to you." Similar lessons my mother taught from early childhood, and made me an independent person. They taught me how to think for themselves and take up the case itself. Today's young people are often waiting for her all podnesut on a silver platter. Perhaps if other parents are like mine, we would be energetic people ».
Branson's autobiography «Losing My Virginity» / «Losing My Virginity", released in 1998, became an international bestseller. In 2008 he published the book «Business Stripped Bare» / «Naked business", which reveals the secrets behind the scenes of some of its riskiest and most courageous business decisions.
See an overview of creative Virgin
Ingvar Kamprad - IKEA «Money destroy people» i>
IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad was born in 1926 in the south of Sweden, in Småland. Ingvar Kamprad have no higher education. He did not study business, I have not read business books avidly. All he knew was based solely on personal experience and care. Ingvar acknowledged that dyslexia and it left an imprint on his business. For example, the Swedish-sounding name fashion goods sold at IKEA, came from the fact that he had difficulty remembering numeric articles.
Ingvar started doing business in childhood, selling matches to neighbors. He found that he could buy them cheaply in large quantities in Stockholm, and then sell them at retail for a low price, and thus have a good profit. Subsequently, he was engaged in selling fish, Christmas decorations, seeds and ballpoint pens. In 1943, 17-year-old Kamprad in the name of his father and the money received from him a gift, registered a company IKEA, which traded pencils, wallet and other small items.
By the age of 80, Ingvar Kamprad, according to the magazine Forbes, one of the three richest people in the world. However, in the privacy of the billionaire around the exhibits frugality: the car he drives, already 15 years old, he always flies economy class and from their subordinates requires the use of both sides of a sheet of paper. All the furniture in the house of the IKEA store, except for an old chair, which for 32 years, and a grandfather clock.
In his '84 he continues to participate in the activities of the company, regularly examining IKEA stores for compliance given their brand philosophy.
See an overview of creative IKEA Walt Disney - The Walt Disney Company «Critics - it stariche. The audience - that's who deal with » i>
Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago. Despot's father not only did not encourage his son penchant for drawing, considering all the artists idlers, but also severely punished for that little Walt. In childhood and adolescence, and Walt Disney earned paperboy, and manufacturer of jelly, and the driver of the ambulance, and after the Art Institute of Chicago - artist studio film advertising.
When he was 22, he, together with his brother on borrowed parents bail money home famous animation studio founded The Walt Disney Company. At first, Walt Disney did everything himself: inventing characters and scenes, painted, filmed, sounded. When you do not sleep at night I was no longer able to, he hired two young artists.
The roots of the success of Disney - his strength of will and perseverance. He believed in his ideas and did not trust the judgment of others. He went against the opinion of experts, and not afraid to take risks. Disney was not interested in box office movies, he was interested in the success of his paintings. This is rarely bothered, where will the money for its creation. This over the years has kept the studio on the verge of bankruptcy. Manic workaholic, working day and night without a break for sleep, he was prone to depression and alcohol abuse. During his career he has gone through eight nervous breakdowns.
Walt Disney did not attend secular parties and avoided contact with journalists, devoting all his spare time to his wife and two daughters. In Disney's big house was a fountain with soda water, a miniature railway and many other joys of childhood. But Walt did not stop to wonder why there are no parks where it would be interesting to all children and their parents. So the idea to create Disneyland. The development project took more than 10 years, and in 1955, a 35-year anniversary of the Disney family life, opened the world's first Disneyland, Walt Disney made a millionaire. It is noteworthy that Walt Disney is strictly prohibited to take a job at an amusement park people with facial hair, as it does not like children.
In his extraordinarily busy life of Walt Disney as a director he took 111 films and was a producer has 576 film credits. Merit Disney in cinematography were awarded 26 "Oscars" and many other awards and accolades. It is noteworthy that far from impartial and creative page biography of the great visionary of the 20th century began to emerge only after his death. In life, no journalist dared to disturb the excellent reputation of Disney, to open people's fairy-tale world. His biography written clearly in accordance with the established brand and unpleasant facts artfully concealed or camouflaged. After almost half a century since the death of legendary animator Walt Disney - America is a national hero and one of the most expensive brands in the world.
Steve Jobs - Apple «Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish » i>
Steve Jobs - unshaven Buddhist in worn jeans, a rebel who always goes against the current. It criticized for arrogance, authoritarianism and an amazing ability to give other people's ideas as their own. Steve Jobs is so disliked subordinates that in the mid-1990s, he even led the ranking of the most obnoxious bosses in the industry.
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1954 in San Francisco, California. His childhood and youth there, in a foster family, Paul and Clara Jobs, who has been given to the education of the natural mother. After graduating from high school in 1972, Steve Jobs went to college, but dropped out after the first 6 months of training, because I do not know what he ultimately wants to be in this life, he does not see the point in his training. He slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I gave Coca-Cola bottle for 5 cents and went every Sunday night through the city once a week to eat normally at the Hare Krishna temple.
When he was 20 years old, they are with an older friend Steve Wozniak founded in the garage of Jobs 'parents' Apple. Five years later, Steve Jobs was already a millionaire. And then radically changed three sectors - industry film, music and computers.
Steve Jobs has a unique gift to gather around him talented people and inspire them to work the force of his charisma and self-confidence. He is the team leader of the most brilliant designers and developers. And despite the fact that the recognition of the same Steve, «Apple - is a team sport," represent the company without it is simply impossible. What proved to the world of Apple in a steady decline from 1985 to 1997, when Steve Jobs, quarreled with the Board of Directors, has lost its power.
At the regular presentations of new products Steve Jobs once admitted: "Every day I come to the office and working with the most talented people on the planet - the employees of Apple and Pixar. This is the best job in the world. " Read more about the wonderful man and a great entrepreneur era of high technology can be found in the book by Jeffrey S. Young and William L. Simon "iKona. Steve Jobs ».
See an overview of creative Apple Bill Gates - Microsoft «I can do everything he put his mind» i>
Bill Gates - the founder of Microsoft, and once the youngest billionaire in the world. Despite the fact that he was born into a very wealthy family, he studied in the most privileged school, and then at Harvard University (where he was expelled after 2 years for truancy and academic failure), programmer and entrepreneur streak awoke in him as a teenager. His first computer program Bill Gates has created in 13 years. And at 15, he earned his first $ 20 000 for a program to regulate traffic.
In 1975, Gates together with Paul Allen founded the company Micro-Soft, later the name of the Microsoft Corporation. Among reigned manic passion for the work. Bill and Paul have programmed up to 4 hours in the morning. Bill Gates until his marriage in 1994, have never eaten at home: to save time, he ate a fast food or at work.
Gradually, the company expanded and in 1985, Microsoft moved to Redmond, where her in a pine forest was built a whole town. It employed more than 700 employees. Everyone had a private room and a free schedule - could come, for example, at 9 pm, and leave at 5 am. There were no uniforms, people dressed in its sole discretion. In 1986, at age 31, Bill Gates became a billionaire.
In 2008, Bill Gates left Microsoft to work in order to do charity work. Together with his wife he organized the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which aims to fight disease and hunger in third world countries. Charitable Activities Bill Gates is so impressive that the entrepreneur was awarded the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his contribution to the fight against poverty throughout the world.
In billionaire three children, but inherited from his rich dad they receive. Bill Gates said he did not see the point in it, since this step will not bring any good to any of his children or for society. And their house is strictly prohibited to use the devices manufactured by Apple: «iPod and iPhone - is two things that we would never give our children," - said in an interview with Vogue magazine Microsoft founder's wife Melinda.
Bill Gates is the author of the book "Business @ the Speed of Thought", which was translated into 25 languages and became a bestseller in 60 countries.
Phil Knight - Nike «We see in every athlete who has the body» i>
Phil Knight was a middle-distance runner in the team of the University of Oregon. He was very mediocre athlete. But he knew how awful the American trainers. At the same time the German Adidas for most people in the 60s were a real luxury, because the cost is much more expensive than local products, although they were ten times higher in quality.
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/istoriya-avtomobilnogo-brendinga-202955/
Business characters, which will be discussed are not just the authors of commercially-successful projects. They - the people-brands, revolutionaries, pioneers, innovators and unconditional supports the philosophy of the brand created by them.
The company they founded, with rare exceptions, do not wear their names, but are inextricably linked to them. Apple - Steve Jobs is, Ikea - it's Ingvar Kamprad, Pla * boy - Hugh Hefner is and so on. Bright personality that only thanks to his own vision of the strategy from the ground up to create a company world-wide, today became the personification of walking advertisement and brand created by them.
In Russia, at different times and with varying success, but also attempts to create brands people: at all on hearing the names of Tinkoff, Dougan, Chichvarkin. Users brands, which will be discussed below, forever inscribed his name in the history of the industry and not just advertising.
Hugh Hefner - Pla * boy «Coping with several women at once much easier than the one» i>

Hugh Marston Hefner was born on April 9, 1926 in Chicago. His parents were descendants of the patriarchs of the Puritan church, so the children brought up in extreme rigor, inspiring attitude towards sex as a shameful necessity for procreation. Then the parents Hefner even in the most terrible thoughts could not have imagined that their son would become the founder of the sexual revolution. Hefner has openly stated that Playboy - a reaction to his childhood and puritanical hypocrisy surrounds it.
Since childhood, Hugh Hefner was a man of creativity: doing the school newspaper, drew cartoons and wrote articles. IQ Hefner at the school was close to genius - 152 points. Over the years of teaching at the university he graduated from the Faculty of Psychology, received a bachelor's degree in Philosophy, and took courses in sociology, in parallel laboring editor in magazines.
His last place of work before the «Playboy» magazine became «Esquire», from which he resigned because of the refusal to increase salaries. Borrow money wherever possible, including relatives and banks Hefner publishes in 1953 the first issue of the magazine «Playboy» with anyone yet then unknown Marilyn Monroe on the cover.
I start with the magazine business, quickly gaining momentum. By 1971, already sold 7 million copies of the magazine each month and Hefner owned clubs, casinos, hotels and even resorts. The corporation, which single-handedly ran Hefner also included a book publisher, a modeling agency, a recording studio, TV station and a limousine service. In 1980, Hefner opened the star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.

Even in his '84 Hugh Hefner does not depart from the established 50's image. In society, it appears mainly in silk pajamas and robe. In the morning Hefner prefers black and dark blue dresses, and in the evening they change to red or blue. Since 2000, Hefner lives in his house with a few friends.
Given the family history of the famous Playboy (Hefner's mother lived to 101 years old), he will still be created to personify their brand. The reins of the empire after experiencing a stroke in 1985, Hefner gave to his daughter. But in the minds of millions of people «Playboy» - Hugh Hefner is. House Hefner - male symbol of the free life and the love of self. The man himself is a sophisticated brand-sensualist, a connoisseur of feminine beauty and carnal pleasures.
See an overview of creative Playboy
Richard Branson - Virgin «To hell with it! Beris and do! » I>
Virgin Group - is the informal conglomeration of companies on the planet. No one can say with certainty how many companies it includes. According to one version - 30, on the other - 120, on the third - 240, and perhaps all 400. They say even the founder of Virgin Richard Branson Corporation is not able to answer many business initiatives warmed under the wing of his incredible multibrenda.

Richard Branson was born July 18, 1950 in London. Because dyslexia study in the school was given to him very hard. Parting words of the director of the school at its end were as follows: "Congratulations to Richard, I think you either go to prison or become a millionaire».
Branson has been an entrepreneur since birth. At the age of fifteen, he was already, though without success, growing Christmas trees and breeding budgies. Do not read a single book (because of the same dyslexia), he is taken 16 years for the publication of his own magazine "Student". Then there was the opening of a music store, record label, a nightclub, and the list goes on.

Hippies in the heart of Branson is known for his extravagant actions, including the creation of his own talk show, and repeated attempts to break world speed records. The journalists of all countries love Richard Branson for his outrageous behavior. Add to this non-converging from the face smile, inappropriate sweater, which Branson does not leave even at a reception at Queen's race in sports motorboats, friendships with presidents and kings, the title of Knight of Her Majesty for "outstanding achievements in business" and get a genuine portrait hippie billionaire Richard Branson, the master of outrageous.
All of Virgin Group are united not only the figure of the father-founder and trademark Virgin, and general corporate funk culture: no suits and ties, no formalities between subordinates and supervisors, no board meetings, instead of bureaucratic routine and scribbling - Broken creative self-realization staff. Drilling stewardess, who shared his idea of Branson wardrobe Suite, the next day headed quickly established for the occasion Virgin Brides.
In one of his biographical books Richard Branson says: "The old rabbit pie recipe reads:" First catch the rabbit. " Please note - it does not say: "Please buy a rabbit" or - "Sit and wait until someone brings it to you." Similar lessons my mother taught from early childhood, and made me an independent person. They taught me how to think for themselves and take up the case itself. Today's young people are often waiting for her all podnesut on a silver platter. Perhaps if other parents are like mine, we would be energetic people ».
Branson's autobiography «Losing My Virginity» / «Losing My Virginity", released in 1998, became an international bestseller. In 2008 he published the book «Business Stripped Bare» / «Naked business", which reveals the secrets behind the scenes of some of its riskiest and most courageous business decisions.
See an overview of creative Virgin
Ingvar Kamprad - IKEA «Money destroy people» i>
IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad was born in 1926 in the south of Sweden, in Småland. Ingvar Kamprad have no higher education. He did not study business, I have not read business books avidly. All he knew was based solely on personal experience and care. Ingvar acknowledged that dyslexia and it left an imprint on his business. For example, the Swedish-sounding name fashion goods sold at IKEA, came from the fact that he had difficulty remembering numeric articles.

Ingvar started doing business in childhood, selling matches to neighbors. He found that he could buy them cheaply in large quantities in Stockholm, and then sell them at retail for a low price, and thus have a good profit. Subsequently, he was engaged in selling fish, Christmas decorations, seeds and ballpoint pens. In 1943, 17-year-old Kamprad in the name of his father and the money received from him a gift, registered a company IKEA, which traded pencils, wallet and other small items.
By the age of 80, Ingvar Kamprad, according to the magazine Forbes, one of the three richest people in the world. However, in the privacy of the billionaire around the exhibits frugality: the car he drives, already 15 years old, he always flies economy class and from their subordinates requires the use of both sides of a sheet of paper. All the furniture in the house of the IKEA store, except for an old chair, which for 32 years, and a grandfather clock.

In his '84 he continues to participate in the activities of the company, regularly examining IKEA stores for compliance given their brand philosophy.
See an overview of creative IKEA Walt Disney - The Walt Disney Company «Critics - it stariche. The audience - that's who deal with » i>

Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago. Despot's father not only did not encourage his son penchant for drawing, considering all the artists idlers, but also severely punished for that little Walt. In childhood and adolescence, and Walt Disney earned paperboy, and manufacturer of jelly, and the driver of the ambulance, and after the Art Institute of Chicago - artist studio film advertising.
When he was 22, he, together with his brother on borrowed parents bail money home famous animation studio founded The Walt Disney Company. At first, Walt Disney did everything himself: inventing characters and scenes, painted, filmed, sounded. When you do not sleep at night I was no longer able to, he hired two young artists.
The roots of the success of Disney - his strength of will and perseverance. He believed in his ideas and did not trust the judgment of others. He went against the opinion of experts, and not afraid to take risks. Disney was not interested in box office movies, he was interested in the success of his paintings. This is rarely bothered, where will the money for its creation. This over the years has kept the studio on the verge of bankruptcy. Manic workaholic, working day and night without a break for sleep, he was prone to depression and alcohol abuse. During his career he has gone through eight nervous breakdowns.

Walt Disney did not attend secular parties and avoided contact with journalists, devoting all his spare time to his wife and two daughters. In Disney's big house was a fountain with soda water, a miniature railway and many other joys of childhood. But Walt did not stop to wonder why there are no parks where it would be interesting to all children and their parents. So the idea to create Disneyland. The development project took more than 10 years, and in 1955, a 35-year anniversary of the Disney family life, opened the world's first Disneyland, Walt Disney made a millionaire. It is noteworthy that Walt Disney is strictly prohibited to take a job at an amusement park people with facial hair, as it does not like children.

In his extraordinarily busy life of Walt Disney as a director he took 111 films and was a producer has 576 film credits. Merit Disney in cinematography were awarded 26 "Oscars" and many other awards and accolades. It is noteworthy that far from impartial and creative page biography of the great visionary of the 20th century began to emerge only after his death. In life, no journalist dared to disturb the excellent reputation of Disney, to open people's fairy-tale world. His biography written clearly in accordance with the established brand and unpleasant facts artfully concealed or camouflaged. After almost half a century since the death of legendary animator Walt Disney - America is a national hero and one of the most expensive brands in the world.
Steve Jobs - Apple «Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish » i>

Steve Jobs - unshaven Buddhist in worn jeans, a rebel who always goes against the current. It criticized for arrogance, authoritarianism and an amazing ability to give other people's ideas as their own. Steve Jobs is so disliked subordinates that in the mid-1990s, he even led the ranking of the most obnoxious bosses in the industry.
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1954 in San Francisco, California. His childhood and youth there, in a foster family, Paul and Clara Jobs, who has been given to the education of the natural mother. After graduating from high school in 1972, Steve Jobs went to college, but dropped out after the first 6 months of training, because I do not know what he ultimately wants to be in this life, he does not see the point in his training. He slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I gave Coca-Cola bottle for 5 cents and went every Sunday night through the city once a week to eat normally at the Hare Krishna temple.

When he was 20 years old, they are with an older friend Steve Wozniak founded in the garage of Jobs 'parents' Apple. Five years later, Steve Jobs was already a millionaire. And then radically changed three sectors - industry film, music and computers.
Steve Jobs has a unique gift to gather around him talented people and inspire them to work the force of his charisma and self-confidence. He is the team leader of the most brilliant designers and developers. And despite the fact that the recognition of the same Steve, «Apple - is a team sport," represent the company without it is simply impossible. What proved to the world of Apple in a steady decline from 1985 to 1997, when Steve Jobs, quarreled with the Board of Directors, has lost its power.
At the regular presentations of new products Steve Jobs once admitted: "Every day I come to the office and working with the most talented people on the planet - the employees of Apple and Pixar. This is the best job in the world. " Read more about the wonderful man and a great entrepreneur era of high technology can be found in the book by Jeffrey S. Young and William L. Simon "iKona. Steve Jobs ».

See an overview of creative Apple Bill Gates - Microsoft «I can do everything he put his mind» i>

Bill Gates - the founder of Microsoft, and once the youngest billionaire in the world. Despite the fact that he was born into a very wealthy family, he studied in the most privileged school, and then at Harvard University (where he was expelled after 2 years for truancy and academic failure), programmer and entrepreneur streak awoke in him as a teenager. His first computer program Bill Gates has created in 13 years. And at 15, he earned his first $ 20 000 for a program to regulate traffic.
In 1975, Gates together with Paul Allen founded the company Micro-Soft, later the name of the Microsoft Corporation. Among reigned manic passion for the work. Bill and Paul have programmed up to 4 hours in the morning. Bill Gates until his marriage in 1994, have never eaten at home: to save time, he ate a fast food or at work.

Gradually, the company expanded and in 1985, Microsoft moved to Redmond, where her in a pine forest was built a whole town. It employed more than 700 employees. Everyone had a private room and a free schedule - could come, for example, at 9 pm, and leave at 5 am. There were no uniforms, people dressed in its sole discretion. In 1986, at age 31, Bill Gates became a billionaire.
In 2008, Bill Gates left Microsoft to work in order to do charity work. Together with his wife he organized the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which aims to fight disease and hunger in third world countries. Charitable Activities Bill Gates is so impressive that the entrepreneur was awarded the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire for his contribution to the fight against poverty throughout the world.
In billionaire three children, but inherited from his rich dad they receive. Bill Gates said he did not see the point in it, since this step will not bring any good to any of his children or for society. And their house is strictly prohibited to use the devices manufactured by Apple: «iPod and iPhone - is two things that we would never give our children," - said in an interview with Vogue magazine Microsoft founder's wife Melinda.
Bill Gates is the author of the book "Business @ the Speed of Thought", which was translated into 25 languages and became a bestseller in 60 countries.

Phil Knight - Nike «We see in every athlete who has the body» i>

Phil Knight was a middle-distance runner in the team of the University of Oregon. He was very mediocre athlete. But he knew how awful the American trainers. At the same time the German Adidas for most people in the 60s were a real luxury, because the cost is much more expensive than local products, although they were ten times higher in quality.
via www.adme.ru/kreativnyj-obzor/istoriya-avtomobilnogo-brendinga-202955/