Brands, terminate the contract with the Stars (14 photos)
Cooperation brands with international stars, usually is good for both sides: those celebrities "flash" in commercials and on posters, and brands, of course, become more attractive to potential customers. However, sometimes it also happens that customers are disappointed with their representatives as soon as possible to sever relations, and often such "divorces" accompanied by loud scandals.
Stars: Sharon Stone
The reason for the gap: the scandalous statement of the victims of the earthquake actress
Known perfume house Christian Dior has removed all posters with Sharon Stone in China after the actress said of the devastating earthquake of 2008 that killed 68,000 people:
"They are badly treated my good friend the Dalai Lama. Then the earthquake happened, and I thought - is that karma? After all, when you misbehaves, you bad things happen. Do not you believe in karma? "2. Brand: Hertz
Star: OJ Simpson
The reason for the gap: the prosecution of domestic violence
Before OJ Simpson gained notoriety due to charges of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman, the former football star was the face of car rental companies Hertz. In 1970 Hertz Simpson paid about $ 550,000 a year.
In 1992, Simpson was accused of domestic violence, followed by Hertz broke the contract. Two years later, the former face of the company has been accused of the murder of Brown and Goldman.
3. Brand: Yardley
Stars: Helena Bonham Carter
The reason for the gap: it is not painted
Cosmetic house Yardley in 1990 broke the contract with Helena Bonham Carter after British actress said that he had never painted, and has no idea why the brand chose her as his face.
4. Brands: AT & T, Rosetta Stone, Kellogg
Stars: Michael Phelps
Prichnam gap: smoking marijuana
Olympic champion Michael Phelps in 2009, the year came under attack after a photograph appeared in the media on which the swimmer smoking marijuana at a party at the University of South Carolina. While time expired two of his contract with AT & T brand and Rosetta Stone, and none of them dared to extend the contract.
"We can not find a justification for his actions and disappointed in his recent decision", - explained in the press center of the Rosetta Stone.
Later contract with the athlete broke Kellogg, noting that the person who uses drugs can not be the face of Kellogg, because it is not consistent with the image of the company.
As to the other brands, their scandalous photo does not touch and they continued a relationship with Phelps. Subway even made an advertisement with Phelps under the slogan "Be yourself." So the 22-times medalist, did not seem too affected.
5. Brand: Pepsi
Star Madonna
The reason for the gap: shocking video from a cross burned
At the height of the struggle between the producers of soda in 1998, the company Pepsi decided to go for broke and entered into a contract with Madonna. Star had to play in a series of commercials Pepsi, then the brand has sponsored her concert tour. For the use of a new song «Like a Prayer» advertising star received a $ 5 million - in this promotional video during the popular US sitcom "The Cosby Show" was heard for the first time a single, and it looked 250 million people.
And then the band released a full video for the song «Like a Prayer», where Pepsi was not in sight. But had sexual intercourse in the Catholic altar and burning crosses. The video has caused a public outcry and protests from the Catholic Church, which was reflected in the manufacturer cola - Bishop of Texas, Rene Grasido, urged people to abandon the use of the drink, which supports such shamelessness. Within a month, Pepsi Co and Madonna came to an end.
6. Brands: Got Milk, Doublemint
Stars: Chris Brown
The reason for the gap: the prosecution of domestic violence
Manufacturer Wrigley chewing gum and dairy company Got Milk broke the contract with rapper Chris Brown in 2009, the year after the singer pleaded guilty to assaulting his ex-girlfriend Rihanna.
Got Milk explained their refusal to cooperate with the contractor that the dairy company is very proud of its peaceful image and is responsible for the impact that has on adolescents.
7. Brands: H & M, Burberry
Stars: Kate Moss
The reason for the gap: drug
The services of Kate Moss refused many brands after in 2005, the year appeared in the media picture, where the British supermodel sniffing cocaine. Burberry, Chanel, H & M and a few other companies have decided to refuse to renew its contract with Moss. Kate, however, did not cry over ruined reputations, and began to live on and for the next five years has doubled his fortune.
8. Brand: Pepsi
Star: Ludacris
The reason for the gap: his lyrics are immoral
Pepsi in 2002, the year produced a 30-second spot featuring rapper Ludacris, then political commentator Bill O'Reilly called on the public to abandon the company's products, as the lyrics Ludacris "immoral and bad influence on young people." The conflict reached its climax when the senator said that Ludacris for Pepsi - an alternative to the TV show "The Osbournes." Ludacris lawyers, in turn, said that this racism.
Pepsi also listened to the senator and broke the contract with the rapper to pay him compensation in the amount of $ 3 million.
9. Brands: Nutella, McDonald's
Star: Brian Kobe
The reason for the gap: rape charges
Family brands Nutella and McDonald's refused to renew the contract with Kobe after in 2004, he was accused of rape. After nearly eight years, when it was discontinued brands once again turned to him with an offer of cooperation, but basketball star denied them.
10. Brand: Go Daddy
Stars: Danica Patrick
The reason for the gap: it was too long of a person
In June last year, Go Daddy, known for their advertising at the neckline, decided to change the image to create a reputation as a conservative and serious company. Prior to this, the lion's share of models in their commercials appeared with open neckline. This meant that for Go Daddy would be better to abandon its main star - Danica Parker. The company noted that appreciates their cooperation, but the first step in the development of a new image they will have to do without Danica. Danica reaction to the dismissal is unknown.
11. Brand: Jenny Craig
Stars: Kirstie Alley
The reason for the gap: overweight
In addition to her acting career and his most famous role in the series "Fat Actress" Kirstie Alley is famous for more and constant fluctuation of its weight. In 2008, the year Ellie and Jenny Craig ceased to cooperate. Ellie claimed that by using the weight loss Jenny Craig dropped 34 pounds in a year and would like to continue to cooperate and continue to advertise their services.
Then the magazine National Enquirer posted a photo on the cover of the stars and the headline: "Kirstie Alley was dismissed because it has become too thick." Ellie was outraged, said that it was a lie, and threatened to file for the magazine to court.
However, after a couple of months Kirsty officially apologized to the public for what has again started to gain weight, and Jenny Craig brand released an official statement:
«Jenny Craig maintains friendly relations with Kirsty, and we are proud of her achievements, she was able to do as part of our program. Kirstie successfully lost 34 pounds in three years our cooperation with it, which was completed in December of 2007. We continue to support Kirsty, wish her only the best and look forward to seeing it from us at any time as a client. »
12. Brand: Wegmans Food Markets
Stars: Alec Baldwin
The reason for the gap: excessive love for the online game "Words With Friends»
Network of supermarkets refused to cooperate with Boludinom in 2011, the year after he refused to turn off the cell phone during takeoff aircraft, as prescribed in Rule airlines. Moreover, the actor almost got into a fight with flight attendants when he was asked to leave the plane, if he does not want to switch off the phone. Baldwin wrote about this event in Twitter.
Wegmans Food Markets subsequently admitted that numerous customers to call them to complain about this case and misbehavior actor. However, the break was short-lived: the company decided to re-run advertising with Baldwin in the title role after she fell on the posts on Twitter, writing and angry calls demanding the return of the star.
13. Brand: Nivea
Stars: Rihanna
The reason for the gap: the star was too sexual
New CEO Stefan Nivea Heydenrich last year, said in an interview with German newspaper that more Rihanna does not suit them:
"I do not understand how to make the style of Rihanna's well with the main product lines Nivea. Nivea - a company that mountain behind the credibility, reliability, and family values. »
Rihanna before appeared in advertising for the 100th anniversary of the company and do not seem to have taken to heart the words Heydenricha. At least, she placed a message on Twitter "signature is not needed" and smiling photo Stephen.
14. Brand: Weight Watchers
Star Charles Barkley
The reason for the gap: the gap as such has not yet taken place
Although basketball legend Charles Barkley never dismiss the behalf of the company, but the prerequisites for this were, and the situation became rather awkward. Barkley did not realize that during one of the games he had sent the camera and accidentally hit the shot when expressed his approval of the actions of the company:
"I thought it was the greatest scam, it's not so easy to get money for something that someone just watching sports. These Weight Watchers - first-class scam. »
Of course, Barkley could be borne in mind that the scam is to take such a large fee for help in reducing weight, and not what the program Weight Watchers useless and take money for nothing. But to say such things were still not very good idea. However, Weight Watchers, it seems, simply slip it, saying:
"We love Charlie for the same, for which he was loved by all, he is unpredictable."

Stars: Sharon Stone
The reason for the gap: the scandalous statement of the victims of the earthquake actress
Known perfume house Christian Dior has removed all posters with Sharon Stone in China after the actress said of the devastating earthquake of 2008 that killed 68,000 people:
"They are badly treated my good friend the Dalai Lama. Then the earthquake happened, and I thought - is that karma? After all, when you misbehaves, you bad things happen. Do not you believe in karma? "2. Brand: Hertz

Star: OJ Simpson
The reason for the gap: the prosecution of domestic violence
Before OJ Simpson gained notoriety due to charges of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman, the former football star was the face of car rental companies Hertz. In 1970 Hertz Simpson paid about $ 550,000 a year.
In 1992, Simpson was accused of domestic violence, followed by Hertz broke the contract. Two years later, the former face of the company has been accused of the murder of Brown and Goldman.
3. Brand: Yardley

Stars: Helena Bonham Carter
The reason for the gap: it is not painted
Cosmetic house Yardley in 1990 broke the contract with Helena Bonham Carter after British actress said that he had never painted, and has no idea why the brand chose her as his face.
4. Brands: AT & T, Rosetta Stone, Kellogg

Stars: Michael Phelps
Prichnam gap: smoking marijuana
Olympic champion Michael Phelps in 2009, the year came under attack after a photograph appeared in the media on which the swimmer smoking marijuana at a party at the University of South Carolina. While time expired two of his contract with AT & T brand and Rosetta Stone, and none of them dared to extend the contract.
"We can not find a justification for his actions and disappointed in his recent decision", - explained in the press center of the Rosetta Stone.
Later contract with the athlete broke Kellogg, noting that the person who uses drugs can not be the face of Kellogg, because it is not consistent with the image of the company.
As to the other brands, their scandalous photo does not touch and they continued a relationship with Phelps. Subway even made an advertisement with Phelps under the slogan "Be yourself." So the 22-times medalist, did not seem too affected.
5. Brand: Pepsi
Star Madonna
The reason for the gap: shocking video from a cross burned
At the height of the struggle between the producers of soda in 1998, the company Pepsi decided to go for broke and entered into a contract with Madonna. Star had to play in a series of commercials Pepsi, then the brand has sponsored her concert tour. For the use of a new song «Like a Prayer» advertising star received a $ 5 million - in this promotional video during the popular US sitcom "The Cosby Show" was heard for the first time a single, and it looked 250 million people.
And then the band released a full video for the song «Like a Prayer», where Pepsi was not in sight. But had sexual intercourse in the Catholic altar and burning crosses. The video has caused a public outcry and protests from the Catholic Church, which was reflected in the manufacturer cola - Bishop of Texas, Rene Grasido, urged people to abandon the use of the drink, which supports such shamelessness. Within a month, Pepsi Co and Madonna came to an end.
6. Brands: Got Milk, Doublemint

Stars: Chris Brown
The reason for the gap: the prosecution of domestic violence
Manufacturer Wrigley chewing gum and dairy company Got Milk broke the contract with rapper Chris Brown in 2009, the year after the singer pleaded guilty to assaulting his ex-girlfriend Rihanna.
Got Milk explained their refusal to cooperate with the contractor that the dairy company is very proud of its peaceful image and is responsible for the impact that has on adolescents.
7. Brands: H & M, Burberry

Stars: Kate Moss
The reason for the gap: drug
The services of Kate Moss refused many brands after in 2005, the year appeared in the media picture, where the British supermodel sniffing cocaine. Burberry, Chanel, H & M and a few other companies have decided to refuse to renew its contract with Moss. Kate, however, did not cry over ruined reputations, and began to live on and for the next five years has doubled his fortune.
8. Brand: Pepsi

Star: Ludacris
The reason for the gap: his lyrics are immoral
Pepsi in 2002, the year produced a 30-second spot featuring rapper Ludacris, then political commentator Bill O'Reilly called on the public to abandon the company's products, as the lyrics Ludacris "immoral and bad influence on young people." The conflict reached its climax when the senator said that Ludacris for Pepsi - an alternative to the TV show "The Osbournes." Ludacris lawyers, in turn, said that this racism.
Pepsi also listened to the senator and broke the contract with the rapper to pay him compensation in the amount of $ 3 million.
9. Brands: Nutella, McDonald's

Star: Brian Kobe
The reason for the gap: rape charges
Family brands Nutella and McDonald's refused to renew the contract with Kobe after in 2004, he was accused of rape. After nearly eight years, when it was discontinued brands once again turned to him with an offer of cooperation, but basketball star denied them.
10. Brand: Go Daddy
Stars: Danica Patrick
The reason for the gap: it was too long of a person
In June last year, Go Daddy, known for their advertising at the neckline, decided to change the image to create a reputation as a conservative and serious company. Prior to this, the lion's share of models in their commercials appeared with open neckline. This meant that for Go Daddy would be better to abandon its main star - Danica Parker. The company noted that appreciates their cooperation, but the first step in the development of a new image they will have to do without Danica. Danica reaction to the dismissal is unknown.
11. Brand: Jenny Craig

Stars: Kirstie Alley
The reason for the gap: overweight
In addition to her acting career and his most famous role in the series "Fat Actress" Kirstie Alley is famous for more and constant fluctuation of its weight. In 2008, the year Ellie and Jenny Craig ceased to cooperate. Ellie claimed that by using the weight loss Jenny Craig dropped 34 pounds in a year and would like to continue to cooperate and continue to advertise their services.
Then the magazine National Enquirer posted a photo on the cover of the stars and the headline: "Kirstie Alley was dismissed because it has become too thick." Ellie was outraged, said that it was a lie, and threatened to file for the magazine to court.
However, after a couple of months Kirsty officially apologized to the public for what has again started to gain weight, and Jenny Craig brand released an official statement:
«Jenny Craig maintains friendly relations with Kirsty, and we are proud of her achievements, she was able to do as part of our program. Kirstie successfully lost 34 pounds in three years our cooperation with it, which was completed in December of 2007. We continue to support Kirsty, wish her only the best and look forward to seeing it from us at any time as a client. »
12. Brand: Wegmans Food Markets

Stars: Alec Baldwin
The reason for the gap: excessive love for the online game "Words With Friends»
Network of supermarkets refused to cooperate with Boludinom in 2011, the year after he refused to turn off the cell phone during takeoff aircraft, as prescribed in Rule airlines. Moreover, the actor almost got into a fight with flight attendants when he was asked to leave the plane, if he does not want to switch off the phone. Baldwin wrote about this event in Twitter.
Wegmans Food Markets subsequently admitted that numerous customers to call them to complain about this case and misbehavior actor. However, the break was short-lived: the company decided to re-run advertising with Baldwin in the title role after she fell on the posts on Twitter, writing and angry calls demanding the return of the star.
13. Brand: Nivea

Stars: Rihanna
The reason for the gap: the star was too sexual
New CEO Stefan Nivea Heydenrich last year, said in an interview with German newspaper that more Rihanna does not suit them:
"I do not understand how to make the style of Rihanna's well with the main product lines Nivea. Nivea - a company that mountain behind the credibility, reliability, and family values. »
Rihanna before appeared in advertising for the 100th anniversary of the company and do not seem to have taken to heart the words Heydenricha. At least, she placed a message on Twitter "signature is not needed" and smiling photo Stephen.
14. Brand: Weight Watchers

Star Charles Barkley
The reason for the gap: the gap as such has not yet taken place
Although basketball legend Charles Barkley never dismiss the behalf of the company, but the prerequisites for this were, and the situation became rather awkward. Barkley did not realize that during one of the games he had sent the camera and accidentally hit the shot when expressed his approval of the actions of the company:
"I thought it was the greatest scam, it's not so easy to get money for something that someone just watching sports. These Weight Watchers - first-class scam. »
Of course, Barkley could be borne in mind that the scam is to take such a large fee for help in reducing weight, and not what the program Weight Watchers useless and take money for nothing. But to say such things were still not very good idea. However, Weight Watchers, it seems, simply slip it, saying:
"We love Charlie for the same, for which he was loved by all, he is unpredictable."