Top creatives according to Creativity
On the eve of Cannes Lions 2009 where each and every moment will be talking about the future of advertising, how to influence it the world economic crisis, about where the rolling industry, and that we are all to do with it, the magazine Creativity published his small rating most creative creatives peace in the mid-2009 goda.Kazhdomu of them were asked the same questions: how to remain successful and meaningful creative people where still rolling advertisement, what was your greatest success and failure, what is now the difficulty that inspires you and makes you laugh.
Here are the answers were obtained from the David Droga (Droga5), Andrew Keller (CP + B), Lee Clow (TBWA), Bob Greenberg (R / GA), Linus Karlsson and Paul Malmstrom (Mother New York), Joyce King Thomas (McCann NY), Tony Davidson Kim Papworth (Wieden + Kennedy London).
Pleasant, open, funny, and inspiring optimism.
1. Lee Clow (Lee Clow), Global Director of Media Arts, TBWA Worldwide
To be in business today, you must have knowledge of classical art and the ability to tell a story with words and images, plus be deeply interested in how brands and their stories resonate in today's media culture. Today all the means, so today's creatives should interest all the ways of expression of the brand. I'm in this business for a few years longer than most of our employees, but I have not stopped coming to the office in a state of excitation of new features. I believe that, despite the fact that our business more and more complicated and becomes less creative, we get closer to the next golden age of creativity, and I want to be a part of, so it will come.
I do not call what we are doing advertising
The agency opened two ways
Managing a team of creative people, I realized one thing: if you treat the matter with all the passion, then you can get back the same passion from any of the creatives. In our business to educate and guide the best by example. For so many years that I did and I can not count, I come early in the morning and late at night is delayed. Every day I learn from young people who work for us. Every day I learn that there are other ways and opportunities to learn and you need to rethink. People come early, late and delayed, and suffer for the cause as well as I do.
I am always a person who believes that the glass is half full
I believe that I have succeeded in "cultivating" people, helping them get the most out of what they can do. I had a good teacher in the face of Jay Chiat and I am proud that I was given the opportunity to continue the legacy of Chiat allowing people to be what they want to be, and sometimes even better than they thought they could be. I'm not very good to participate in long, boring, meaningless meetings. For me better go and do something.
All visual inspires me
My bulldog makes me laugh.
2. Robert Greenberg (Robert Greenberg), Chairman, CEO and Global Creative Officer, R / GA
Top quality super-creatives are the same today as they were yesterday,
I like to solve problems, and our industry has no shortage of creative and conceptual issues need to be resolved. One of the reasons for which R / GA unable for many years to maintain relevance, is that we see in which direction the industry is moving. This set of decision models and understanding trends, reconstruction and development of our business in accordance with the fact that today it is necessary or makes sense. Today, the advertising industry is at a very delicate stage of development. Technologies have a very strong influence on all aspects of our business, from advertising and marketing to design and Productions. Combined with the global economic downturn it turns real storm for those agencies that have not yet changed their business model. I believe that our industry will undergo transformation similar to changes in the music business. The traditional model is broken. However, as in the music business, advertising will become even greater than before, but to create and spread it will be different.
From my point of view, almost all of today was better than it was in the past. When I started, our business was limited to the production of commercials, and although it was interesting, it depended mainly on the customer. Productions was much more difficult, as all shot on film. Today, using digital technology. Plus, now we are partners with our customers, allowing us to work more strategically and globally. We no longer just sell advertising agentsvt ideas, we develop the concept.
In the history of R / GA were two things that contributed to our formation and that I always remember. At the beginning of the creation of video titles for the film "Superman" has opened many doors for us, and helped the formation of the company. The second moment was when we won the Nike digital AOR in 2001. This has helped us to complete the transition from Productions company to a digital agency. We began to be taken seriously.
What concerns a process for management, the most important lesson I learned from an old proverb: "He is fond of his own example». So I'm working as hard as everyone in order to achieve the priority goals of our agentsvo. In addition, I find very interesting and fascinating people and ways of their motivation.
In 1992, we opened an office West Coast, which has been extremely successful in terms of creativity, which can not be said about the financial side
I constantly educate ourselves
Currently, companies are faced with many difficulties
The best anti-crisis advice I can give - is to have a plan. The crisis - the best time for new beginnings, but you must first create the structure of future business and planned to work for its implementation. We were very lucky with our customers. Among the key clients of the agency there is no automotive and financial companies. Despite the crisis, many of our customers thrive. This is no accident, it is to talk about their strength as a brand and as a company.
From the new campaign work that really impressed me - it is an ecological project Fiat eco: Drive by AKQA. I believe in the effectiveness and necessity of such green technologies.
Some people may not know is that I am very interested in architecture
If I re-started my career today, I would have tried his hand in the field of energy technologies
make me laugh people, particularly those working in the industry. In our business, there are specific personality.
3. David Droga (David Droga), Creative Chairman, Droga5
creative people I admire have my main characteristics: are tireless, patient, have a common cynicism, the ability to simplify everything and a sense of self-control, pose a real-life perspective. In their character will reach the perfect balance between confidence and a sense of danger. But above all, humanity.
According to the therapist only obvious reasons, I was always drawn to the most ambitious and the most horrendous problems that arose in my way. In fact, I myself have been looking for them for himself around the globe. From Australia to Asia, from London to the United States. The more pressure and more expectations, more valuable for me, given the chance. And because our business is not the finish line, I install myself a personal goal. One of them - is to live according to their own expectations, not whose the strangers. And I am more severe to himself than anyone else. The last 15 years of my life I spent on that building for the company of other people around the world, and then fled in search of new opportunities for self-realization. This is one reason why I opened his own agency - I can not get away from himself.
After I left the protective cover of my previous work and started to float freely, I felt such excitement and vulnerability, which had never experienced before. I am very proud of the work that our agency has done in the first 3 years of its existence, but I know that we can always better. In fact, I want to always be the best and are constantly getting better and better.
I do not like to see people lose their jobs, but I am pleased that the industry has been forced to change. We have to be smarter, better, stronger, more responsible and original, more relevant. In general, we have an industry that sells to customers process and tools, and not the ideas and solutions. I sincerely hope and believe that we will change for the better.
Many people believe that we should no longer call what we do advertising. My sanity and pride suggest that I should just call it advertising. The basic principles of what we are doing and what customer hires us, remain the same.
Manual people - it's a funny thing. Many people ask what it's like to climb from the simple to the head of creatives: personally involved in every career. People will work for you, if you work
for them. Any idiot can be the boss, it needs only to post. But to be a leader and a manager, you must earn the respect, and to have an opinion, which you adhere.
Probably most people would say that my biggest failure was HoneyShed
I still think about how to preserve the freshness. Our industry spends as much time on the celebration of the past and not enough time to build the future. Each age category, which falls into my field of vision reminds me of the need to remain open and receptive. Even absorbed in thought millennialist.
The main task today is the relentless reminder to customers that with us they have more chances to survive in the modern world than without us. The true creative - is not a luxury but a necessity.
No doubt, my strongest quality - the ability to simplify and subordinate. I am fascinated, our ability to generate and influence the driving force of our thinking. Every day I make an effort to create things that can make a difference. When all is said and done, I trust my creative justice. Not so much for how it's creative, but on the subject of, and more importantly, how it is correct.
I'm not very good in time to respond to e-mails
The last time I saw something that made me think, "I wish it was not me," it was an advertising campaign. All of last year's campaign of Halo and the idea for eBay, which I recently saw one student in a notebook.
every day for breakfast I eat Vegemite. I'm obsessed with the contemporary art of China. I can even cook Peking duck (no connection with the previous fact). I have a phobia, I am afraid the dark cold water. I can kick ass in any pinball.
If I started all over again, I would like to develop computer games.
I am inspired by art, film, photography, literature, music, architecture and my family. Creative, who can manipulate my emotions. And the people who put the social and public interests above personal.
4. Joyce King Thomas (Joyce King Thomas), Chief Creative Officer, McCannErickson, New York
Today, to be super-creative people - it means to be open to everything. It is necessary to approach each project with an open mind about what you know how to solve the problem. Advertising is in constant motion is now total. Media, we use methods of making money, the organizational structure of agencies. Nothing is static.
What are we doing today - a kind of hybrid of advertising, communication, perception of ideas and the creation of communication. But in the end, one goal - to convince consumers to change behavior. I am not a supporter of the past. Advertising, or whatever you call what we are doing today, is much more interesting today. For me the most intertsnoe in this business is always that in fact, it is the science of changing someone's mind.
The biggest challenge that now faces the agencies is to redistribute the needs and remain fiscally prudent and move forward.
Here are the answers were obtained from the David Droga (Droga5), Andrew Keller (CP + B), Lee Clow (TBWA), Bob Greenberg (R / GA), Linus Karlsson and Paul Malmstrom (Mother New York), Joyce King Thomas (McCann NY), Tony Davidson Kim Papworth (Wieden + Kennedy London).
Pleasant, open, funny, and inspiring optimism.
1. Lee Clow (Lee Clow), Global Director of Media Arts, TBWA Worldwide

To be in business today, you must have knowledge of classical art and the ability to tell a story with words and images, plus be deeply interested in how brands and their stories resonate in today's media culture. Today all the means, so today's creatives should interest all the ways of expression of the brand. I'm in this business for a few years longer than most of our employees, but I have not stopped coming to the office in a state of excitation of new features. I believe that, despite the fact that our business more and more complicated and becomes less creative, we get closer to the next golden age of creativity, and I want to be a part of, so it will come.
I do not call what we are doing advertising
The agency opened two ways
Managing a team of creative people, I realized one thing: if you treat the matter with all the passion, then you can get back the same passion from any of the creatives. In our business to educate and guide the best by example. For so many years that I did and I can not count, I come early in the morning and late at night is delayed. Every day I learn from young people who work for us. Every day I learn that there are other ways and opportunities to learn and you need to rethink. People come early, late and delayed, and suffer for the cause as well as I do.
I am always a person who believes that the glass is half full
I believe that I have succeeded in "cultivating" people, helping them get the most out of what they can do. I had a good teacher in the face of Jay Chiat and I am proud that I was given the opportunity to continue the legacy of Chiat allowing people to be what they want to be, and sometimes even better than they thought they could be. I'm not very good to participate in long, boring, meaningless meetings. For me better go and do something.
All visual inspires me
My bulldog makes me laugh.
2. Robert Greenberg (Robert Greenberg), Chairman, CEO and Global Creative Officer, R / GA

Top quality super-creatives are the same today as they were yesterday,
I like to solve problems, and our industry has no shortage of creative and conceptual issues need to be resolved. One of the reasons for which R / GA unable for many years to maintain relevance, is that we see in which direction the industry is moving. This set of decision models and understanding trends, reconstruction and development of our business in accordance with the fact that today it is necessary or makes sense. Today, the advertising industry is at a very delicate stage of development. Technologies have a very strong influence on all aspects of our business, from advertising and marketing to design and Productions. Combined with the global economic downturn it turns real storm for those agencies that have not yet changed their business model. I believe that our industry will undergo transformation similar to changes in the music business. The traditional model is broken. However, as in the music business, advertising will become even greater than before, but to create and spread it will be different.
From my point of view, almost all of today was better than it was in the past. When I started, our business was limited to the production of commercials, and although it was interesting, it depended mainly on the customer. Productions was much more difficult, as all shot on film. Today, using digital technology. Plus, now we are partners with our customers, allowing us to work more strategically and globally. We no longer just sell advertising agentsvt ideas, we develop the concept.
In the history of R / GA were two things that contributed to our formation and that I always remember. At the beginning of the creation of video titles for the film "Superman" has opened many doors for us, and helped the formation of the company. The second moment was when we won the Nike digital AOR in 2001. This has helped us to complete the transition from Productions company to a digital agency. We began to be taken seriously.
What concerns a process for management, the most important lesson I learned from an old proverb: "He is fond of his own example». So I'm working as hard as everyone in order to achieve the priority goals of our agentsvo. In addition, I find very interesting and fascinating people and ways of their motivation.
In 1992, we opened an office West Coast, which has been extremely successful in terms of creativity, which can not be said about the financial side
I constantly educate ourselves
Currently, companies are faced with many difficulties
The best anti-crisis advice I can give - is to have a plan. The crisis - the best time for new beginnings, but you must first create the structure of future business and planned to work for its implementation. We were very lucky with our customers. Among the key clients of the agency there is no automotive and financial companies. Despite the crisis, many of our customers thrive. This is no accident, it is to talk about their strength as a brand and as a company.
From the new campaign work that really impressed me - it is an ecological project Fiat eco: Drive by AKQA. I believe in the effectiveness and necessity of such green technologies.
Some people may not know is that I am very interested in architecture
If I re-started my career today, I would have tried his hand in the field of energy technologies
make me laugh people, particularly those working in the industry. In our business, there are specific personality.
3. David Droga (David Droga), Creative Chairman, Droga5

creative people I admire have my main characteristics: are tireless, patient, have a common cynicism, the ability to simplify everything and a sense of self-control, pose a real-life perspective. In their character will reach the perfect balance between confidence and a sense of danger. But above all, humanity.
According to the therapist only obvious reasons, I was always drawn to the most ambitious and the most horrendous problems that arose in my way. In fact, I myself have been looking for them for himself around the globe. From Australia to Asia, from London to the United States. The more pressure and more expectations, more valuable for me, given the chance. And because our business is not the finish line, I install myself a personal goal. One of them - is to live according to their own expectations, not whose the strangers. And I am more severe to himself than anyone else. The last 15 years of my life I spent on that building for the company of other people around the world, and then fled in search of new opportunities for self-realization. This is one reason why I opened his own agency - I can not get away from himself.
After I left the protective cover of my previous work and started to float freely, I felt such excitement and vulnerability, which had never experienced before. I am very proud of the work that our agency has done in the first 3 years of its existence, but I know that we can always better. In fact, I want to always be the best and are constantly getting better and better.
I do not like to see people lose their jobs, but I am pleased that the industry has been forced to change. We have to be smarter, better, stronger, more responsible and original, more relevant. In general, we have an industry that sells to customers process and tools, and not the ideas and solutions. I sincerely hope and believe that we will change for the better.
Many people believe that we should no longer call what we do advertising. My sanity and pride suggest that I should just call it advertising. The basic principles of what we are doing and what customer hires us, remain the same.
Manual people - it's a funny thing. Many people ask what it's like to climb from the simple to the head of creatives: personally involved in every career. People will work for you, if you work
for them. Any idiot can be the boss, it needs only to post. But to be a leader and a manager, you must earn the respect, and to have an opinion, which you adhere.
Probably most people would say that my biggest failure was HoneyShed
I still think about how to preserve the freshness. Our industry spends as much time on the celebration of the past and not enough time to build the future. Each age category, which falls into my field of vision reminds me of the need to remain open and receptive. Even absorbed in thought millennialist.
The main task today is the relentless reminder to customers that with us they have more chances to survive in the modern world than without us. The true creative - is not a luxury but a necessity.
No doubt, my strongest quality - the ability to simplify and subordinate. I am fascinated, our ability to generate and influence the driving force of our thinking. Every day I make an effort to create things that can make a difference. When all is said and done, I trust my creative justice. Not so much for how it's creative, but on the subject of, and more importantly, how it is correct.
I'm not very good in time to respond to e-mails
The last time I saw something that made me think, "I wish it was not me," it was an advertising campaign. All of last year's campaign of Halo and the idea for eBay, which I recently saw one student in a notebook.
every day for breakfast I eat Vegemite. I'm obsessed with the contemporary art of China. I can even cook Peking duck (no connection with the previous fact). I have a phobia, I am afraid the dark cold water. I can kick ass in any pinball.
If I started all over again, I would like to develop computer games.
I am inspired by art, film, photography, literature, music, architecture and my family. Creative, who can manipulate my emotions. And the people who put the social and public interests above personal.
4. Joyce King Thomas (Joyce King Thomas), Chief Creative Officer, McCannErickson, New York

Today, to be super-creative people - it means to be open to everything. It is necessary to approach each project with an open mind about what you know how to solve the problem. Advertising is in constant motion is now total. Media, we use methods of making money, the organizational structure of agencies. Nothing is static.
What are we doing today - a kind of hybrid of advertising, communication, perception of ideas and the creation of communication. But in the end, one goal - to convince consumers to change behavior. I am not a supporter of the past. Advertising, or whatever you call what we are doing today, is much more interesting today. For me the most intertsnoe in this business is always that in fact, it is the science of changing someone's mind.
The biggest challenge that now faces the agencies is to redistribute the needs and remain fiscally prudent and move forward.
Sunrise, "Native Speech" and ONY were shortlisted in Cannes
Saatchi & amp; Saatchi snot splattered coffee reversal