Top competition for young advertisers
Student promotional contests and competitions of young creators - excellent and very helpful in every way shtuka.Uchastie in these professional competitions allows you to get out of a deep pan with the compote routine, which has to cook every day in the process of understanding advertising, and shows the real level in comparison with colleagues.
And most importantly, a successful performance at the "yangah" and "students" - in fact a pledge of successful job search results. Because you're not just the applicant, and the applicant with diplomas of international festivals. There is a difference, and substantial.
Until recently, Russia's young creators are not particularly eager to participate in such competitions. And the enthusiasm was not ("still can not win"), and an outlook on this subject was not to say that the general. Young Lions, which is impossible to get, and the more impossible to win - that is, in fact, all that is known on this topic not long ago, and our Junior Yangi.
After an unexpected and pleasant winning Ganin Paul and Evgeny Danilov at Eurobest 2009 after a beautiful work of Olga Pavlova at Golden Drum everything must change.
We can participate and can win Tesha their self-esteem and increasing their value as professionals.
Website attended to compiling a list of the most interesting international competitions among students and young creators.
D & AD Student Awards 2010
One of the most famous student awards in the advertising world. It features a huge, compared to other competitions, the number of nominations and selected the brief for each of them. The task of the students of the institution includes registration on the website, download the brief, the work on it and sending the work to the deadline, which this year falls on the 19th of March. In principle, a month - a decent time. In general, D & AD annually provides students with about 2, 5 months to work on the brief.
As a reward for the excellent work the students are given the traditional black and yellow pencils are the same as in "adult» D & AD Awards, certificates, training and cash prizes. This is in addition to the honor and respect, of course.
Internships this year are assumed to RKCR / Y & R, McCann London, Nokia, and on Channel 4 in nomination Integrated, Poster / Outdoor Interactive Design and TV Promo. Almost all the other categories are also contemplated internships, workshops, awards and other bonuses.
Overall, the competition is made on 24 areas from conventional advertising to the grocery and book design.
Young Guns
Applications for YoungGuns 2010 can be submitted from June 2010.
Since then, the system has become more complex and, at the same time and simplified. Not so long ago on the site of the contest had his own social network, where all its members pour their work, ideas, plans, discuss and so on. And so to participate in the YoungGuns 2010 will be sufficient to create, enter basic details, fill work notice checkbox to participate and pay the application.
This, according to the organizers will save a lot of money on print jobs and sending them to the Organizing Committee. "You can spend them for a party or an even greater number of applications».
The winners were announced in November.
In addition, there is and student competition. If the actual participation in the Young Guns Advertising and Young Guns Digital need to be under the age of 30 years, to participate in the Young Guns Student need to be still a student.
The main award - the three-month paid internship at one of the agency network Leo Burnett Worldwide. For example, the winner of the 2008, he worked at Leo Burnett Madrid.
The cost of the application - $ 20.
Cannes Lions Young Lions
Cannes Lions 2010 will be held at the same location from 20 to 26 June. However, this year we expect a lot of innovations, one of which will affect the Young Lions.
In addition to Young Creatives competition will now be more competition Young Marketers. And besides, back "home" the minimum age for competing in craftsmanship create creative genius for a day or two. Last year, it was raised to 30 years, and in this - again returned to "up to 28 years." Only young professionals markets considered young up to 30 years.
To get to the contest is not easy - you need to start to beat all contenders in his country, and before that to find out who, when and where he spent the preliminary competition. Second, it seems more difficult. Earlier on Yangov Cannes winners left in the Young Creators MIAF, but given Fail to Creators in 2009 (creators suddenly developed a logo), we can not say that it would be fair. In any case, it is necessary to communicate with the Russian representation of the Cannes Film Festival and refining. Besides, much in advance.
Nominations in the Young Creatives four - Film (its creation is given 48 hours), Cyber, Media, and Print (24 hours).
Young Marketers are selected as well as the creators. And their task will include the development of an ideal brief for 24 hours.
Register for the whole week for Yangov stands at 999 euros in 2010, for four days - 575 euros. Students of educational institutions are buying a complete record for 540 euros.
Eurobest Young Creatives
It won this competition in 2009, Paul and Evgeny Danilov Ganin, finally opened by Russian victories Yangov at international festivals.
Eurobest Young Creatives system is the same as in the Cannes Lions, which is not surprising when you consider the fact that the organizing committee of the Cannes Lions is the organizing committee Eurobest and several other festivals.
No work is not necessary to send - you need to create approximately 2 months prior to the actual competition, come and 48 hours to create a work that will win a severe jury. The cost of registration in 2009 amounted to 227.5 euros. Were there any discounts for the participants of Young Creatives - not specified.
Golden Drum Piran Posters Award
This competition is difficult to attribute to the student or "yangam" because there are no restrictions on age and education indispensable for an advertising specialty at the university. Just applying for visiting, working on the brief, you win and get 5000 euros from the Municipality of Piran, a satellite town of Portoroz. At the Golden Drum 2009 the very small not enough our freelancer Olga Pavlova to the first place. Although, in our opinion, the competition she did not have. The competition kopirayterskom I Feel Slovenia second place also went to our.
Applications for participation in 2009 submitted before 31 August.
Young Director Award
Another Yangov competitions, which in the past year, "lit up" our. Maxim Buchenkov, one of two people who embody a whole mfive creative group, was shortlisted in the category of web films with roller «Russian National Fun».
The contest is divided into two sections - the European rollers and non-European. In each of the five nominations: Broadcast, Film School, Test Commercials, Web Films and Branded Short Films.
The deadline this year is scheduled for April 15, the rollers have to "surrender" to the site of the competition. It is interesting to limit youth: Yangov determined not by year of birth, and the number of the captured clips. Serve the competition only the first four roll in the life of the newly appointed director. And they have to be removed later in May 2009.
Application is payable at a rate of 38 euros, unless it awards the applicant Film School. In this nomination participated for free.
That year, the competition was attended by over 300 young filmmakers.
ADC Awards Student
Art Directors Club holds this year's student competition in cooperation with Nissan. Until March 5, you need to familiarize yourself with the brief to advertising for Nissan Cube, do the work and send it to the organizing committee of the ADC Awards. They are waiting for work in three directions 13 categories (advertising, design and interactive) students studying advertising, graphic design, photography, illustration and new media.
Judge will guide the work Nissan North America and creatives from TBWA \ Chiat \ Day. Winner among all students will get $ 3,500, other winners for 2500.
The cost of the application is $ 35.
ADC is actively emphasizes that students should not be ashamed of, and taken all his clients and paid work can and should be sent to the main competition at all pleasing to the nomination.
New York Festivals Students
In the student competition in the New York Festivals this year will not get there. Deadline for submitting the work is finished there at the same time Russia's withdrawal from the gala bend - January 11.
Festival with a very confusing system, an abundance podkonkursov, nominations and a completely different time of announcement of winners and awarding delinked student contest recently. Before that befalls advertisements academic way to participate in NYF only on general grounds. Now, having paid $ 100 for a single application, or $ 200 for the campaign, students can compete in the Creative, media and design together. Without complications NYF never complete, so the application can be supplied as much as 25 wide variety of nominations.
Finalists will be announced in mid-March, and April 4 winners.
What will the winners of the awards in addition to, not reported.
ANDY Awards Students
Terms of admission to the student competition ANDY ended earlier than NYF - January 8. The prize of five thousand dollars for training last named chairman ANDY Awards Glenn Smith received only one creative steam, which affects the presence of the jury the necessary qualities for success and demostriruet their excellent work with an extraordinary spirit.
ANDY Students chance to get Russian students are very few - since 1995, since the beginning of the history of this award, it is only twice to leave the States. In the past year, and in 2005 it got the students of Miami Ad School Europe.
Judges work Yangov the same jury that determines the winners in all categories of this prestigious award.
The cost of the application - $ 40 for a single job, and 50 - for the campaign.
Mobius Student Award
Winners of the American Mobius Awards traditionally announced after about a month after the New Year. A deadline for submission of applications is traditionally limited to 1 October each year.
Students submit applications in the same category as the "adult" creatives, but suing a separate competition. Despite the "American" Festival, winning was not only theirs. Among the 13 winners, the students recently completed Mobius Americans, South Koreans, Chinese, Germans and Austrians.
The cost of participation will be known at the time of the opening of applications for Mobius Awards 2010.
Slio Students
In this competition this year, you can manage, if only very quick. Online application forms on the festival website stop working on February 26.
Students are accepted on a separate competition in eight categories: Billboard, Design, Innovative Media, Interactive, Poster, Print, Television / Cinema / Digital and Integrated Campaign. Each application is $ 150.
Works submitted for the competition must be made in the period from 1 January 2009 to 28 February 2010, and certainly at the time of training.
One Show College Competition
Applications for One Show College Competition ends - oops! - Today. But you should not be upset especially because getting there, despite the seeming simplicity and openness is not so simple. Firstly, with works by students only accredited One Club program. In Russia, there are hardly. Secondly, whether you are a student at least three times, but working in the agency as art director or copywriter to participate in College Competition you can not.
Although they are widely rewarded with the soul - in 2009 on the site of the festival five pages of winners of the student competition.
Works are accepted made by the brief, provided in advance. This year, students brifovali profit organization Million Trees and producer of youth hours Nooka.
If you have something to add, say - add.
via # image823605
And most importantly, a successful performance at the "yangah" and "students" - in fact a pledge of successful job search results. Because you're not just the applicant, and the applicant with diplomas of international festivals. There is a difference, and substantial.
Until recently, Russia's young creators are not particularly eager to participate in such competitions. And the enthusiasm was not ("still can not win"), and an outlook on this subject was not to say that the general. Young Lions, which is impossible to get, and the more impossible to win - that is, in fact, all that is known on this topic not long ago, and our Junior Yangi.
After an unexpected and pleasant winning Ganin Paul and Evgeny Danilov at Eurobest 2009 after a beautiful work of Olga Pavlova at Golden Drum everything must change.
We can participate and can win Tesha their self-esteem and increasing their value as professionals.
Website attended to compiling a list of the most interesting international competitions among students and young creators.
D & AD Student Awards 2010

One of the most famous student awards in the advertising world. It features a huge, compared to other competitions, the number of nominations and selected the brief for each of them. The task of the students of the institution includes registration on the website, download the brief, the work on it and sending the work to the deadline, which this year falls on the 19th of March. In principle, a month - a decent time. In general, D & AD annually provides students with about 2, 5 months to work on the brief.
As a reward for the excellent work the students are given the traditional black and yellow pencils are the same as in "adult» D & AD Awards, certificates, training and cash prizes. This is in addition to the honor and respect, of course.
Internships this year are assumed to RKCR / Y & R, McCann London, Nokia, and on Channel 4 in nomination Integrated, Poster / Outdoor Interactive Design and TV Promo. Almost all the other categories are also contemplated internships, workshops, awards and other bonuses.
Overall, the competition is made on 24 areas from conventional advertising to the grocery and book design.
Young Guns

Applications for YoungGuns 2010 can be submitted from June 2010.
Since then, the system has become more complex and, at the same time and simplified. Not so long ago on the site of the contest had his own social network, where all its members pour their work, ideas, plans, discuss and so on. And so to participate in the YoungGuns 2010 will be sufficient to create, enter basic details, fill work notice checkbox to participate and pay the application.
This, according to the organizers will save a lot of money on print jobs and sending them to the Organizing Committee. "You can spend them for a party or an even greater number of applications».
The winners were announced in November.
In addition, there is and student competition. If the actual participation in the Young Guns Advertising and Young Guns Digital need to be under the age of 30 years, to participate in the Young Guns Student need to be still a student.
The main award - the three-month paid internship at one of the agency network Leo Burnett Worldwide. For example, the winner of the 2008, he worked at Leo Burnett Madrid.
The cost of the application - $ 20.
Cannes Lions Young Lions

Cannes Lions 2010 will be held at the same location from 20 to 26 June. However, this year we expect a lot of innovations, one of which will affect the Young Lions.
In addition to Young Creatives competition will now be more competition Young Marketers. And besides, back "home" the minimum age for competing in craftsmanship create creative genius for a day or two. Last year, it was raised to 30 years, and in this - again returned to "up to 28 years." Only young professionals markets considered young up to 30 years.
To get to the contest is not easy - you need to start to beat all contenders in his country, and before that to find out who, when and where he spent the preliminary competition. Second, it seems more difficult. Earlier on Yangov Cannes winners left in the Young Creators MIAF, but given Fail to Creators in 2009 (creators suddenly developed a logo), we can not say that it would be fair. In any case, it is necessary to communicate with the Russian representation of the Cannes Film Festival and refining. Besides, much in advance.
Nominations in the Young Creatives four - Film (its creation is given 48 hours), Cyber, Media, and Print (24 hours).
Young Marketers are selected as well as the creators. And their task will include the development of an ideal brief for 24 hours.
Register for the whole week for Yangov stands at 999 euros in 2010, for four days - 575 euros. Students of educational institutions are buying a complete record for 540 euros.
Eurobest Young Creatives

It won this competition in 2009, Paul and Evgeny Danilov Ganin, finally opened by Russian victories Yangov at international festivals.
Eurobest Young Creatives system is the same as in the Cannes Lions, which is not surprising when you consider the fact that the organizing committee of the Cannes Lions is the organizing committee Eurobest and several other festivals.
No work is not necessary to send - you need to create approximately 2 months prior to the actual competition, come and 48 hours to create a work that will win a severe jury. The cost of registration in 2009 amounted to 227.5 euros. Were there any discounts for the participants of Young Creatives - not specified.
Golden Drum Piran Posters Award

This competition is difficult to attribute to the student or "yangam" because there are no restrictions on age and education indispensable for an advertising specialty at the university. Just applying for visiting, working on the brief, you win and get 5000 euros from the Municipality of Piran, a satellite town of Portoroz. At the Golden Drum 2009 the very small not enough our freelancer Olga Pavlova to the first place. Although, in our opinion, the competition she did not have. The competition kopirayterskom I Feel Slovenia second place also went to our.
Applications for participation in 2009 submitted before 31 August.
Young Director Award

Another Yangov competitions, which in the past year, "lit up" our. Maxim Buchenkov, one of two people who embody a whole mfive creative group, was shortlisted in the category of web films with roller «Russian National Fun».
The contest is divided into two sections - the European rollers and non-European. In each of the five nominations: Broadcast, Film School, Test Commercials, Web Films and Branded Short Films.
The deadline this year is scheduled for April 15, the rollers have to "surrender" to the site of the competition. It is interesting to limit youth: Yangov determined not by year of birth, and the number of the captured clips. Serve the competition only the first four roll in the life of the newly appointed director. And they have to be removed later in May 2009.
Application is payable at a rate of 38 euros, unless it awards the applicant Film School. In this nomination participated for free.
That year, the competition was attended by over 300 young filmmakers.
ADC Awards Student

Art Directors Club holds this year's student competition in cooperation with Nissan. Until March 5, you need to familiarize yourself with the brief to advertising for Nissan Cube, do the work and send it to the organizing committee of the ADC Awards. They are waiting for work in three directions 13 categories (advertising, design and interactive) students studying advertising, graphic design, photography, illustration and new media.
Judge will guide the work Nissan North America and creatives from TBWA \ Chiat \ Day. Winner among all students will get $ 3,500, other winners for 2500.
The cost of the application is $ 35.
ADC is actively emphasizes that students should not be ashamed of, and taken all his clients and paid work can and should be sent to the main competition at all pleasing to the nomination.
New York Festivals Students

In the student competition in the New York Festivals this year will not get there. Deadline for submitting the work is finished there at the same time Russia's withdrawal from the gala bend - January 11.
Festival with a very confusing system, an abundance podkonkursov, nominations and a completely different time of announcement of winners and awarding delinked student contest recently. Before that befalls advertisements academic way to participate in NYF only on general grounds. Now, having paid $ 100 for a single application, or $ 200 for the campaign, students can compete in the Creative, media and design together. Without complications NYF never complete, so the application can be supplied as much as 25 wide variety of nominations.
Finalists will be announced in mid-March, and April 4 winners.
What will the winners of the awards in addition to, not reported.
ANDY Awards Students

Terms of admission to the student competition ANDY ended earlier than NYF - January 8. The prize of five thousand dollars for training last named chairman ANDY Awards Glenn Smith received only one creative steam, which affects the presence of the jury the necessary qualities for success and demostriruet their excellent work with an extraordinary spirit.
ANDY Students chance to get Russian students are very few - since 1995, since the beginning of the history of this award, it is only twice to leave the States. In the past year, and in 2005 it got the students of Miami Ad School Europe.
Judges work Yangov the same jury that determines the winners in all categories of this prestigious award.
The cost of the application - $ 40 for a single job, and 50 - for the campaign.
Mobius Student Award

Winners of the American Mobius Awards traditionally announced after about a month after the New Year. A deadline for submission of applications is traditionally limited to 1 October each year.
Students submit applications in the same category as the "adult" creatives, but suing a separate competition. Despite the "American" Festival, winning was not only theirs. Among the 13 winners, the students recently completed Mobius Americans, South Koreans, Chinese, Germans and Austrians.
The cost of participation will be known at the time of the opening of applications for Mobius Awards 2010.
Slio Students

In this competition this year, you can manage, if only very quick. Online application forms on the festival website stop working on February 26.
Students are accepted on a separate competition in eight categories: Billboard, Design, Innovative Media, Interactive, Poster, Print, Television / Cinema / Digital and Integrated Campaign. Each application is $ 150.
Works submitted for the competition must be made in the period from 1 January 2009 to 28 February 2010, and certainly at the time of training.
One Show College Competition

Applications for One Show College Competition ends - oops! - Today. But you should not be upset especially because getting there, despite the seeming simplicity and openness is not so simple. Firstly, with works by students only accredited One Club program. In Russia, there are hardly. Secondly, whether you are a student at least three times, but working in the agency as art director or copywriter to participate in College Competition you can not.
Although they are widely rewarded with the soul - in 2009 on the site of the festival five pages of winners of the student competition.
Works are accepted made by the brief, provided in advance. This year, students brifovali profit organization Million Trees and producer of youth hours Nooka.
If you have something to add, say - add.
via # image823605