The most advanced customers Russia
Among advertisers yet accepted to justify the gray, boring or stupid campaign misunderstanding on the part of the client, its inertness, wooden, or even a full nevmenyaemostyu.Esli eliminate statistically insignificant really clinical cases, we have to say this (apologize in advance for hardness): it's all of infantilism. And fortunately, more and more advertisers are aware of it.
The site has decided to collect material in one of the most advanced Russian clients. Those who stand on the client side of the most interesting advertising campaigns launched in the past, for example, 5-7 years. Come to mind, "My family», iRu, IKEA and many others.
We start talking about those whom know for sure, we hope that you will join us.
Note .: The order alphabetical. i>
Samvel Avetisyan Managing partner marketing company "Archidea" ex-Tinkoff
Samvel Avetisyan known among professionals as a pioneer of the Russian brand management master, "the capture of consumer emotion," accomplice "of the phenomenal launch of the brand of the federal scale," "charismatic marketer" and "ideologue flamboyant advertising," rebelled Duma and the antitrust agency. As head of marketing departments of various companies he had a hand in the creation of brands "Technoshock", "Han", "King-Father", "Tekiza», Zooom, «Easy Life», «Bonanza», as well as the repositioning of "Daria" has become as a result of the first national brand in the market of frozen products. But it is considered the high point of the work on the creation of the brand "Tinkoff". The recent work - "Atlant-M»
Turul Arbash Anna Suspitsina Efes - «Ovip Locos»
Turul Arbash (aka Tugrul Ağırbaş - especially adaptation of Turkish names in Russian) was the director of marketing for «Efes», and later became CEO of JSC "Moscow Piovovarnya - Ephesus." But for us it is not important, but the fact that this person has given the green light to a campaign "Ovip Locos. In the name of good "beer" Sokol ».
It is also an important role in the development and adoption of this campaign played Suspitzin Anna, a former marketing manager Efes, which later became the CEO of "Native Speech", the agency that made "Ovip Locos" (now left the agency).
Nikita Volkov «Nikola»
Earlier, Director of Marketing of "Deca" and author of the brand "Nicolas».
Of course, Nikita Volkov read the novel by Victor Pelevin «Generation P", remembered slogan copywriter Tatar (Sprite - not to the stake Nikola), and from time to time thought that "Nicole" would be the perfect name kvass. However, the future father of "Nicole" and could not imagine that this brand so far no one has been used.
Andrei Grachev Ex-IKEA
Andrei Grachev, who worked at IKEA in 2000 and 2004 - it is all advertising of the brand in Russia in those years. It is not an exaggeration, largely due to decisions Grachev, which gave scope for agency work and competently guide the thinking creatives, the audience got a light, witty free advertising "Swedish furniture manufacturers»
And so it remembers, for example, Ludmila Bausheva, now the creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi Russia, the former creative director of BBDO and Instinct: «He said" yah "- and we were going to do more. Or approved - by the estimate, just do not even discussing. These people who are making decisions guided by something irrational, the industry is not ».
Since 2004, Andrew managed projects of IKEA in Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod, and then moved to Alfa Bank. What he was doing in June 2008, unfortunately, we do not know.
Here are some examples of IKEA advertising era Grachev: Mosquitoes, We apologize bride Kate, Shotgun. If we are not mistaken, that the slogan masterpiece "There is an idea - there are IKEA», invented by Andrew Amlinsky also been adopted thanks to Andrew.
Nikita Yakovlev, Advertising Manager, IKEA (2005+).
At IKEA you can also mention Pauline Pashkevich (pictured) and Olga Trukets, with their names connected to all the good IKEA campaign for the past 4 years.
Elena Kolmanovskaya Yandex
Elena Kolmanovskaya is marketing director and chief editor of Yandex since its inception. She - "man and the steamer" Russia's main search engine. This year, thanks to Elena Kolmanovskii and her team in Russia has passed a federal campaign "Yandex leaves no responses».
Arkady Kurin Nidan Juices
Arkady Kurin, director of marketing and advertising of "Nidan Juices", says this: "When I have to live and consumer Caprice, and the consumer of our young brand" Sokos ", but it is generally a nihilist. And in me I shall live woman, 25-45, with children, income average and below average, to buy "My Family».
This person is responsible for the original, interesting and as diverse campaigns of three brands of the company "Nidan».
"When you get COMCON research and see that 65% know the brand of" My Family "... It is easy to calculate that this huge number of people. As for the responsibility, I do think that what we are, our agency and director Jaroslav Chevazhevsky do with "My Family" - a cultural phenomenon ».
Getting started advertising juice Caprice.
Oleg Moskvin, Maxim Grishakov
Their names are associated the golden years of Wrigley. Oleg Moskvin still in Wrigley, but not in marketing and Maxim Grishakov is now director of the Russian Wrigley,
created some great campaigns for the brand Orbit - including the campaign for Orbit White «evil and cunning Raja", "Indian cinema", "Chen Sly", "Conchita", who managed to gather all the local awards.
From the latest projects, Oleg Moskvin is responsible for the advertising campaign "Vorontsov crunches", which was developed in cooperation with Leo Burnett Moscow.
Cyril Obuh
Ex-Mars and VimpelCom. Now - an independent marketing consultant. B>
He worked at Nestle and Mars, led the service of marketing communications "VimpelCom", played a major role in the re-branding of the network of "Beeline". When Obukhov - "Home for the bar» Nestle launched commercials Nuts with characters brain and stomach. Then there was "VimpelCom". "I came for a specific project - the repositioning of the brand" Beeline "," - explains Obukh. His team is using Advertisers BBDO Russia and Wolf Ollins changed the positioning of "Beeline": to replace the technical, alienated from the consumer style came "bee" coloring. "It was the work of a great brand with a huge budget and intensive marketing activity in the market».
As the site is a source on the market, namely Cyril Obukh decided to withdraw Mobile vampires - and it was the last clip shot under his "leadership." Then came the Kent and "shop" creative covered.
Among his clients as "the Fifth channel», Golden Telecom, News Outdoor Russia.
He graduated corporate career in December 2005. It works as an independent consultant in marketing and branding. He participated in projects in the field of financial investment, telecommunications, the media industry, the promotional industry, restaurant business, promoting film projects.
The most recent and well-known project of Cyril - Renins.kom
Elena Pasnyuk Marketing Director TKT (St. Petersburg, the brand "Your TV", "Your Internet»). B>
TCP - one of my favorite customers Petersburg RA "Heaven", they have been cooperating for more than five years, each year through a tender won, and still very satisfied with each other. TKT - strategic and creative solutions offered by the agency, and "Heaven" - flexible, innovative and unconventional approach to the client what little peculiar.
Elena Pasnyuk relations with "Heaven": with the agency "Sky" we met by accident, but this acquaintance grew into a long term relationship. We just announced a tender for the service in the creative "Your TV", and I was literally handed briefs participants, but accidentally saw a note about them in the "Business Petersburg". The agency had just opened. It said that the agency is part of Taivas Group, and the work of Natalia and Vlad. Neither the phone nor the website were not specified. But sometimes - something clicked and I found them to emergency, organized a meeting. And for creative ideas, and the ideas we have seen that the agency "Sky" are interested in this work, our brand has been spent a lot of time to make a really good and quality work. Plus we saw the desire and potential «.
Here are some of the works of the RA "Heaven" for TKT: 1, 2, 3, 4
Alex Sonck Ex-president of the company Merlion
Alex Sonck, founder, leader, decision-maker and edistvenny public shareholder of one of the largest Russian distributors of electronics, recently left the business to start from scratch.
There is reason to believe that we are bound to hear about new and bold endeavors Sonck. Suffice it to recall what has been done in the Russian advertising using Alexei Sonck: iRu «Friends», a series of Dell «The enemies of America", the campaign for the "Positronics».
Yasinovskaya Tatiana, Ludmila Maximova, Sergei Dochkin Andrew Lyubeznov Mcdonald's
Two HR-campaigns for McDonald's («to work in McDonald's, Appreciate your time" and "work as a team") - unusual for the Russian advertising. For the first time the brand has promoted not only their own products or services, but also the value of work on it.
Of course, speaking about the breakthrough campaigns, can not remember a campaign, "Alfa Bank", "We speak the language of the customer," Madhouse behalf crackers "Three crusts" on Instinct («I cheese and salmon") campaign Savage «Give me the shirt" "Vorontsovskie crackers" mafia series Tele2.
If you, dear readers, you know, who is behind the masterpieces of Russian advertising on the client side, do not be shy - share with us. This is only the beginning of the material, and we have great pleasure to extend it
via / prints / 2009/03/31/39982 /
The site has decided to collect material in one of the most advanced Russian clients. Those who stand on the client side of the most interesting advertising campaigns launched in the past, for example, 5-7 years. Come to mind, "My family», iRu, IKEA and many others.
We start talking about those whom know for sure, we hope that you will join us.
Note .: The order alphabetical. i>
Samvel Avetisyan Managing partner marketing company "Archidea" ex-Tinkoff

Samvel Avetisyan known among professionals as a pioneer of the Russian brand management master, "the capture of consumer emotion," accomplice "of the phenomenal launch of the brand of the federal scale," "charismatic marketer" and "ideologue flamboyant advertising," rebelled Duma and the antitrust agency. As head of marketing departments of various companies he had a hand in the creation of brands "Technoshock", "Han", "King-Father", "Tekiza», Zooom, «Easy Life», «Bonanza», as well as the repositioning of "Daria" has become as a result of the first national brand in the market of frozen products. But it is considered the high point of the work on the creation of the brand "Tinkoff". The recent work - "Atlant-M»
Turul Arbash Anna Suspitsina Efes - «Ovip Locos»

Turul Arbash (aka Tugrul Ağırbaş - especially adaptation of Turkish names in Russian) was the director of marketing for «Efes», and later became CEO of JSC "Moscow Piovovarnya - Ephesus." But for us it is not important, but the fact that this person has given the green light to a campaign "Ovip Locos. In the name of good "beer" Sokol ».

It is also an important role in the development and adoption of this campaign played Suspitzin Anna, a former marketing manager Efes, which later became the CEO of "Native Speech", the agency that made "Ovip Locos" (now left the agency).
Nikita Volkov «Nikola»

Earlier, Director of Marketing of "Deca" and author of the brand "Nicolas».
Of course, Nikita Volkov read the novel by Victor Pelevin «Generation P", remembered slogan copywriter Tatar (Sprite - not to the stake Nikola), and from time to time thought that "Nicole" would be the perfect name kvass. However, the future father of "Nicole" and could not imagine that this brand so far no one has been used.
Andrei Grachev Ex-IKEA

Andrei Grachev, who worked at IKEA in 2000 and 2004 - it is all advertising of the brand in Russia in those years. It is not an exaggeration, largely due to decisions Grachev, which gave scope for agency work and competently guide the thinking creatives, the audience got a light, witty free advertising "Swedish furniture manufacturers»
And so it remembers, for example, Ludmila Bausheva, now the creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi Russia, the former creative director of BBDO and Instinct: «He said" yah "- and we were going to do more. Or approved - by the estimate, just do not even discussing. These people who are making decisions guided by something irrational, the industry is not ».
Since 2004, Andrew managed projects of IKEA in Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod, and then moved to Alfa Bank. What he was doing in June 2008, unfortunately, we do not know.
Here are some examples of IKEA advertising era Grachev: Mosquitoes, We apologize bride Kate, Shotgun. If we are not mistaken, that the slogan masterpiece "There is an idea - there are IKEA», invented by Andrew Amlinsky also been adopted thanks to Andrew.

Nikita Yakovlev, Advertising Manager, IKEA (2005+).

At IKEA you can also mention Pauline Pashkevich (pictured) and Olga Trukets, with their names connected to all the good IKEA campaign for the past 4 years.
Elena Kolmanovskaya Yandex

Elena Kolmanovskaya is marketing director and chief editor of Yandex since its inception. She - "man and the steamer" Russia's main search engine. This year, thanks to Elena Kolmanovskii and her team in Russia has passed a federal campaign "Yandex leaves no responses».
Arkady Kurin Nidan Juices

Arkady Kurin, director of marketing and advertising of "Nidan Juices", says this: "When I have to live and consumer Caprice, and the consumer of our young brand" Sokos ", but it is generally a nihilist. And in me I shall live woman, 25-45, with children, income average and below average, to buy "My Family».
This person is responsible for the original, interesting and as diverse campaigns of three brands of the company "Nidan».
"When you get COMCON research and see that 65% know the brand of" My Family "... It is easy to calculate that this huge number of people. As for the responsibility, I do think that what we are, our agency and director Jaroslav Chevazhevsky do with "My Family" - a cultural phenomenon ».
Getting started advertising juice Caprice.
Oleg Moskvin, Maxim Grishakov
Their names are associated the golden years of Wrigley. Oleg Moskvin still in Wrigley, but not in marketing and Maxim Grishakov is now director of the Russian Wrigley,
created some great campaigns for the brand Orbit - including the campaign for Orbit White «evil and cunning Raja", "Indian cinema", "Chen Sly", "Conchita", who managed to gather all the local awards.
From the latest projects, Oleg Moskvin is responsible for the advertising campaign "Vorontsov crunches", which was developed in cooperation with Leo Burnett Moscow.
Cyril Obuh

Ex-Mars and VimpelCom. Now - an independent marketing consultant. B>
He worked at Nestle and Mars, led the service of marketing communications "VimpelCom", played a major role in the re-branding of the network of "Beeline". When Obukhov - "Home for the bar» Nestle launched commercials Nuts with characters brain and stomach. Then there was "VimpelCom". "I came for a specific project - the repositioning of the brand" Beeline "," - explains Obukh. His team is using Advertisers BBDO Russia and Wolf Ollins changed the positioning of "Beeline": to replace the technical, alienated from the consumer style came "bee" coloring. "It was the work of a great brand with a huge budget and intensive marketing activity in the market».
As the site is a source on the market, namely Cyril Obukh decided to withdraw Mobile vampires - and it was the last clip shot under his "leadership." Then came the Kent and "shop" creative covered.
Among his clients as "the Fifth channel», Golden Telecom, News Outdoor Russia.
He graduated corporate career in December 2005. It works as an independent consultant in marketing and branding. He participated in projects in the field of financial investment, telecommunications, the media industry, the promotional industry, restaurant business, promoting film projects.
The most recent and well-known project of Cyril - Renins.kom
Elena Pasnyuk Marketing Director TKT (St. Petersburg, the brand "Your TV", "Your Internet»). B>

TCP - one of my favorite customers Petersburg RA "Heaven", they have been cooperating for more than five years, each year through a tender won, and still very satisfied with each other. TKT - strategic and creative solutions offered by the agency, and "Heaven" - flexible, innovative and unconventional approach to the client what little peculiar.
Elena Pasnyuk relations with "Heaven": with the agency "Sky" we met by accident, but this acquaintance grew into a long term relationship. We just announced a tender for the service in the creative "Your TV", and I was literally handed briefs participants, but accidentally saw a note about them in the "Business Petersburg". The agency had just opened. It said that the agency is part of Taivas Group, and the work of Natalia and Vlad. Neither the phone nor the website were not specified. But sometimes - something clicked and I found them to emergency, organized a meeting. And for creative ideas, and the ideas we have seen that the agency "Sky" are interested in this work, our brand has been spent a lot of time to make a really good and quality work. Plus we saw the desire and potential «.
Here are some of the works of the RA "Heaven" for TKT: 1, 2, 3, 4
Alex Sonck Ex-president of the company Merlion

Alex Sonck, founder, leader, decision-maker and edistvenny public shareholder of one of the largest Russian distributors of electronics, recently left the business to start from scratch.
There is reason to believe that we are bound to hear about new and bold endeavors Sonck. Suffice it to recall what has been done in the Russian advertising using Alexei Sonck: iRu «Friends», a series of Dell «The enemies of America", the campaign for the "Positronics».
Yasinovskaya Tatiana, Ludmila Maximova, Sergei Dochkin Andrew Lyubeznov Mcdonald's
Two HR-campaigns for McDonald's («to work in McDonald's, Appreciate your time" and "work as a team") - unusual for the Russian advertising. For the first time the brand has promoted not only their own products or services, but also the value of work on it.
Of course, speaking about the breakthrough campaigns, can not remember a campaign, "Alfa Bank", "We speak the language of the customer," Madhouse behalf crackers "Three crusts" on Instinct («I cheese and salmon") campaign Savage «Give me the shirt" "Vorontsovskie crackers" mafia series Tele2.
If you, dear readers, you know, who is behind the masterpieces of Russian advertising on the client side, do not be shy - share with us. This is only the beginning of the material, and we have great pleasure to extend it
via / prints / 2009/03/31/39982 /
Prominent Russian type designers and calligraphers
With a modest knowledge in mathematics - at McDonald's