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Cannes Lions 2007: Ready, Set ...

< Not far off the Cannes Lions 2007. In light of this impending event AdMarket I met with the official representative of the festival in Russia, Vladimir Evstafiev, who told us about the festival, about themselves and about the presence of Russia in Cannes in 2007.

Vladimir Alexandrovich, you since 1994 Cannes Lions official representative in Russia. How did this happen?

It happened quite by accident. I drove to Cannes Zhechkov Vladimir Anatolievich, Head of Premier SV. Then Premier SV was one of the largest agencies in the country. It was a very rich compared to my "Maxim". So he took me as a poor relation, as an interpreter. And when we got there (Grymov then worked in the Premier SV and brought a huge amount of work), when the "zhyuriystvo" when "otzhyurili" television advertising and found that none of the roller Grymov not included even in the shortlist, I began to buzz. Or rather, not I began to buzz and I in English sounded loud and everywhere those thoughts that are expressed Grymov that it condemned, it is unfair, "zhyuriystvo" that all a foregone conclusion ... And in general, I'm there Buzilov so long and so loud that, in the end, the host of the festival ran Hetchuel Roger and said, "It buzish you here?" I almost took the collar and said, 'Come on! No one never showed, but that's going to show you now. Especially from Russia you the first time. Here's a look yourself. "And he brought me right in the" holy of holies "of the festival, directly into the room where they are" zhyuryat. " And he showed (there is no one "zhyuril" there simply was instrument), and said, and explained that included something like this all happens.

(To learn how the "zhyuriystvo", see below in the sub-theme "Educational program»). em>

«The administration intervenes only in fact to ensure that the work of the jury, and that they" nazhyuryat "- that is their sovereign right».

Zhyuriystvo absolutely objective. Members of the jury can not be bribed. So I wonder if Buzilov. I do the same Hetchuel said: "You must understand, as soon as once someone will detect, God forbid, what I am made and rigged some video unfairly, I Festival collapses, people will not believe me, will not come . The administration intervenes only in fact to ensure that the work of the jury, and they nazhyuryat - that is their sovereign right. It monitors only those (and there were such cases) that did not pass the advertising, which they called "ghost" that has not been ordered by a real customer, and was made specially for the festival. So, while he was showing me all this, yet all told, is around to convince, and I asked him, something I showed him likable. And he - the sole owner of the festival. And representatives appointed by the host of the festival. So he simply says: "If you want, you can be my representative." Moreover, because the cunning Hetchuel appoint representatives for a reason, and assigns, as a rule, the owners or the principal functionaries of large media holdings. In order that this man had great access to the media and through the media could promote the festival in their own country. And all he had to me a categorical rule does not designate any of the advertising business. I was the only and first. And most of this was not.

Then he sold the festival, and there is now very different home, but I stayed there the oldest representative, for so long no one. But, nevertheless, they are yet satisfied with what I do. They understand how difficult it is - to entice the Russians to this festival, when it is very serious competition of Portoroz. Portoroz largely blinded to Cannes, but only with the expectation of the countries of eastern Europe, much cheaper and much more interested in is in Russian visitors and participants. Therefore, if in Cannes Russians - quite ordinary members, and they are, in general, no one is watching (as well as Brazilians, Americans, Britons - 'Well, come and it's great), then still in Portoroz Our emit significantly.

«Since this year has included a new category - Integrated Campaign Lions, and in future will design category».

Now Cannes Film Festival has grown to the extent absolutely incredible. If before - well, still, say, 10 years ago - we said that the festival is brought to 1% of the advertising that is done in the world, then now - 20 thousand works, if you look across all categories. And we can say that it is almost 5% of what has been done in the world. That is, it is a very solid representation. Well, the number of representatives also increased markedly, and the categories are now 9. Since this year has included a new category - Integrated Campaign Lions, and in future will design category. Russia this year was given for the first time in the history of the two members of the jury . Em> the past, we were given one, and then there was a period when we did not give. When we had a default and people have practically ceased to send work and travel, it was explained to me: "Well, you know, from Brazil, for example, sent 5,000 works, and from you and 50 no. Look, I need to make room for the jury, but you wait. " But this year the situation a little bit better. Last year, we were given a place on the jury in the category of Media. It worked a year ago Svetlana Shupe of Publicis, and it worked so well that this year we also gave members of the jury in the Media, and we invited Masha Kolosov (Mediaedge), and the first time we gave the Sales Promotion. And go from Sales Promotion Sergey Trofimenko (CG 'Passat »).

In addition, as always, are the young creators. Now the competition for young artists expanded, but for some reason in Russia there is no serious response. Now there are young creators who draw poster, and there are young creators who paint a banner for the internet advertising. But something from the Internet Advertising sluggish, and there is no response from the people. Do not want. Although for me it is surprising, because Artemy Lebedev received the prize in the category of Cyber ​​advertising. This year, the jury MIAF long to work for the competition to select young artists, because they believe that they are all bad. In the end, reluctantly, they were nevertheless selected the winners, and they turned out to Alexey Kazakov (Instinct) and Dennis Alekseev (BBDO Moscow). Plus from Russia will go even one person (the student) in Roger Hetchuela Academy (Institute for Peace Now, sums up the competition).

«Russia this year was given for the first time in the history of the two members of the jury».

What makes the festival: the fact that we do not know enough about the world's best campaigns. Before we did reach some echoes. And you can read books, rummage on the Internet - still do not get that amount of knowledge that get in Cannes. After all, look - Cannes, in the first place - it is a beautiful city and it's beach. And there, by the way, is now held and football championships on the beach - we were the first who invented it - we do a lot of that first made at the festival. Maybe for it I still have and keep as a representative. We were the first to come up with a national party. And now the festival - a celebration of the evening: every night, and sometimes during the day, any delegation holds its national party. And there are days when they were pieces of 10 passes. But first all the same we were. And so we were the first organized football matches on the beach. And now it has become part of the main festival program. The funny thing is - that the Russians do not want to participate there. Last year, they had to drive almost by force. So no one and not driven. Instead came the honest fellow brothers from Byelorussia, from Ukraine, the Baltic countries even participate with us to organize a team from the CIS. But even this did not happen. Anyway, we were not enough people. Though earlier when he went Wernick when went this energetic part of Russian advertisers, we caused or Brazilians or Argentines to football, and it has been very emotional.

«If we do not bring up advertisers, our advertising will remain the same bleak and boring, as it is now».

That is, it's still a holiday. This party is the beach, this is football and anything you want ... and luxurious restaurants. But the main thing - you have the opportunity of intensive communication if, especially, you can easily say in English, then you are dealing with anyone - advertisers is generally very sociable people, and you can go on the street to Jacques Séguéla, and may with you say for hours (if you have an interesting topic of conversation). But not only him - and beverage, and Haggerty, and to whom you want - they just go as you are - on the promenade, the Palace, drink a coffee in a bar or something else. Additionally, you sit back and watch all the best. And here you are at the time of these discussions, views, during the discussions (and they could not help there - because you constantly see something permanently with someone communicate and say something about - just about the festival and say) you get a charge of knowledge. A plus to this do not forget - there are both now 40 seminars held again the most leading company or person of the advertising industry. And today more than half of the seminar is to be creative, and done for employees of advertising agencies and half - is aimed at advertisers. Very profitable was invited to advertisers to educate them - sometimes advertiser can completely hack to death the best idea, so if we do not bring up advertisers, our advertising will remain the same bleak and boring, as it is now a . < / em> and advertisers willing to go to the festival?

Many go with pleasure. And, you know, go, those who achieve success. Ride the very Wimm-Bill-Dann, Beeline go ... those who are really fighting for quality advertising.

But when evaluated rollers in Cannes, before a jury is not brief, and it turns out that the movie - it's a little individual work (as a short film), and compliance with the brief is not valued. And they say that there are rollers "festival", and there - "for consumers».

This is not true. It has been proved, we conducted extensive research as creative advertising sells better or worse in comparison with a "concrete." And clearly it has been shown (in the figures, on the deep research and marketing, directly sociological) that the more creative advertising, the better it sells. And estimated at Cannes is not just a movie, and even estimated the novelty of the idea and brightness. That is, the idea is so unusual that it inadvertently touches. After the roller started selling, he still must first properly handle you. And it contributes to the cool idea. For a more academic, serious, in-depth analysis in accordance with the brief, and there are special competitions - in the Integrated Campaign Lions all starts with the brief. There participant must provide a brief, which he received.

As for Russia's presence at the festival, I can say that the amount of work and we again began to ponemnozhechku "creep." For example, we had an incredible failure in 2000-2001. Total sent 20 works. And in 2006 we had a record - 63 works.

In 2007 it is planned?

«You know, like before were - you could be winning a lot, but if you were the star of the hero, it somehow always on the jacket ».

I dont know yet. It does not depend on me - it depends on what the Russians want to show off to the world community. You know, like before were - you could have a lot of awards, but if there was a star of the hero, it somehow always on the jacket. This is exactly the same with the Cannes «lion». Em> You can have a huge Portorož number of "sticks", but if you have a Cannes "Lion", then you always say this, that I was once in a lifetime "Lion" in Cannes. That's a lot. It's very cool, and so is always worth a try. But more important, of course, travel. Because when you drove or rode your client with you (especially), of course, it gives you a huge eyeballs to work - a huge momentum. You can not imagine how people light up, seeing all the work, they want to come back home and probably start doing something sverhklassnoe. And after all the big times of our advertising, they are all been in Cannes, and more than once - the same Jaroslav Chevazhevsky Ivan Chimburov and many other. All the most of our stars of advertising creativity - their success - it's not a coincidence, because enough of Cannes - it really stand out among similar . Em> I would like to ask one more thing about what - if you get kakuyu- or support from the state, whether the advertising industry, our country and helps you improve our image in the festival Cannes Lions?

«Cannes Get enough - it really stand out amongst their own kind».

Our country, unfortunately, does almost nothing to support our advertising community. Who all do private firms, private investors and, at best, a public organization of cancer. However, the ice was broken. As far as I know, this year the Moscow government plans a huge international forum on advertising in September and already in this forum began to actively prepare for and if I am not mistaken, this year the head of advertising for the first time go to Cannes to see how it is all It happens. Well, at least interested in - that's good. They are smart people, of course, know how to lead, but also to know how to do it at others - it is also useful. Educational program, or zhyuriystve firsthand

Now that the competition has grown to a large number of impossible - to send more than 10,000 jobs (only TV spots), we have all the jury divided into 3 parts. Work is also divided into 3 parts, and each part of the jury looks at his third (and the selected by a random sample). Each is worth the small screen on which broadcast this video with sound (sound or subtitles in English - it is a prerequisite). And it is worth priborchik such as the TV remote. First line - is 1, 2, 3, the second line - 4, 5, and 6, respectively 7, 8, 9 - it points. You are viewing the video and have very quickly (you are given about 30 seconds), press one of the buttons - how many points you give. But then it turns out like this - if you press one of the lower buttons (7, 8, 9) - this means that the already known movie goes into a good basket (will he shortlisted or not - but it will be marked in some way ). If you press 1, 2, 3 - then you ruin it - it means, from your point of view. no one should not even be considered. If you do not specify any way or that way, then press 4, 5 and 6. All of this you have to make very quickly. After this, the next movie. Here you can lie next book with all of the rollers, etc. - No one is hiding, whose video is from a country where - in half of the cases quickly and easily figure out, guess - on who the client

«That is, the work of the jury - the real work - no beach to you, you are no Cannes - you have a black room, the TV and buttons».

or what style of (for example, Japanese or Asian videos clips you always different from the Latin American, etc.). You no one is limited, but you have to is just no time, because after 30 seconds you have to watch next. And so - until then, until you are not otsmotren several days from morning till night. At 7 am, the members of the jury itself Hetchuel went, knocked on the door, waking with a 9-they were in the palace, and began to work, and a half hours - coffee break, after another half an hour - lunch, then again in half an hour - coffee break and Then they were released. Plus all the discussion, debate ... And so it went for several days. That is, the work of the jury - the real work - no beach to you, you are no Cannes - you have a black room, the TV and the buttons . Em> Next machine measures the all digits and selects 100-200 rollers, who scored more than all points - these videos are the finalists (automatically, without discussion). (Every year, this figure is a little different - as a rule, is not necessarily 150 - and can be, for example, 120 or 180 - at about this range of rolls stands out: it has a significantly higher score than the others.) And then If your country has a roller some very specifics of the national colored (one that is well understood in the country, but it is not clear for foreigners), you will, in principle, have a right to the so-called wild card (and they sometimes use). That is, when it is the jury room light is going out of this short-list to determine the winners, the winners, to any member of the jury is given the right to show this video and explain all colleagues of what national identity than it is so captivating at home, it is not clear to others .

via admarket.ru/interactive/interview/2007/04/04/interview_90.html