130 free online courses from top universities
How did a great learning without spending deneg.Segodnya thanks to the Internet we can develop hundreds of free programs and subjects. In this collection Website gathered the best new courses, which are about to begin or has just started. Have time to enroll!
Art Design: creation of artifacts in society (8 weeks, starting April 20, University of Pennsylvania). The collective study of Shakespeare (4 weeks, starting April 26, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Theatre and Globalization (6 weeks, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich). Contemporary American Poetry (10 weeks starting September 12, the University of Pennsylvania). Roman architecture (12 weeks, is already under way, Yale University). Introduction to the oratory (already in progress, University of Washington). The art and its study: learning strategies museum business (already goes, the Museum of Modern Art). Arts & activities: interactive strategies for doing art (already in progress, the Museum of Modern Art). The logic of language and information 2 (8 weeks, starting April 14, the University of Melbourne). Shoes for the Cinderella: the design of useful things (starting April 20, the Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Russian ). Draw a theatrical character (June 1, a member of the Artists Union of Russia, Russian ).
Music and cinema World String Quartet (already in progress, the Curtis Institute of Music). Introduction to the production of musical works (6 weeks, starting April 21, the Berklee College of Music). The development of your understanding of music (6 weeks, starting April 21, the Berklee College of Music). Pesnetvorchestvo (6 weeks, starting April 21, the Berklee College of Music). Operating sonatas Beethoven's piano (already in progress, the Curtis Institute of Music). The entertainment industry: superheroes (8 weeks, starting September 28, the National University of Singapore). The camera never lies (6 weeks June 22, University of London). Marriage and Movies: History (5 weeks starting May 18, Wesleyan University). The Basics of Music Theory (5 weeks of August, University of Edinburgh ).
Philology Language and Culture of South East Asia (27 April FEFU, Russian ). The practical methods of teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (10 weeks, the National Institute Russian Language. Pushkin, Russian ). The modern Russian literary language (14 weeks TSPU, Russian ). li > Lexicology of the Russian language (TSPU, Russian ).
Business and Management Introduction to Operations Management (4 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Pennsylvania). Introduction to Marketing (4 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Pennsylvania). Introduction to Financial Accounting (4 weeks, starting May 4, University of Pennsylvania). Project management: the basics of success (already in progress, University of California, Irvine). Fundamentals of Management (already in progress, University of California, Irvine). Effective problem solving and decision making (already underway,
University of California, Irvine). Finance for those who are not expert in the field of finance (already in progress, University of California, Irvine). The Art of negotiations (already in progress, University of California Irvine). Highly effective business writing it (already in progress, University of California, Irvine). Communication in the workplace of the XXI century (already in progress, University of California, Irvine). li > The Basics of entrepreneurship: thought and action (already in progress, University of California, Irvine). Introduction to Operations Management (4 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Pennsylvania). Introduction to Corporate Finance (4 weeks, starting July 6, the University of Pennsylvania). Social Entrepreneurship (6 weeks, starting April 21, the Copenhagen Business School). The Basics of Planning and Management project (4 weeks, starting April 20, University of Virginia). Innovation in the field of entrepreneurship: from concept to implementation on the market (4 weeks, starting April 20 Maryland College). Analyzing the global trends in business and society (7 weeks, starting May 4, University of Pennsylvania). Marketing in a digital world (4 weeks on April 20, University of Illinois). Women Guide: enthusiasm for positive change (5 weeks starting May 15, Case Western Reserve University). Achieving Greatness: smart growth in the private sector (already in progress, University of Virginia). Introduction to the Theory of Communication (already in progress, University of Amsterdam). The successful negotiation: the necessary strategies and skills (already in progress, University of Michigan). The power of macroeconomics: the economic principles in real the world (already in progress, University of California, Irvine). The new model of business in society (already in progress, University of Virginia). The role of global capital markets (4 weeks, starting June 29 University of Melbourne). Introduction to finance (15 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Michigan).
Chemistry Statistical Thermodynamics: from molecules to machines (6 weeks, starting April 20, Carnegie Mellon University). Organic solar cells: Theory and Practice (already in progress, the Danish Technical University). < / Higher chemistry (already in progress, University of Kentucky). Getting Started in cryoelectron microscopy (already underway, California Institute of Technology) Chemicals and Health (already underway , Johns Hopkins University). Nanotechnology and nanosensors (already under way, Israel Institute of Technology). Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computing (already in progress, the École Normale Supérieure). li >
Legal The successful negotiation: the necessary strategies and skills (already in progress, University of Michigan). Rethinking International Tax Law (6 weeks, starting on 27 April, the University of Leiden). The tasks of the state policy in the XXI century (already in progress, University of Virginia). Ownership and commitment: introduction to law and economics (already underway, Wesleyan University). Changing the world order (6 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Leiden).
Medicine Bug fix in the provision of health services (already in progress, University of Florida). Career 911: your future profession in medicine and health care (6 weeks, April 13, Northwestern University) . Introduction to human physiology (already underway, Duke University). Introduction to the World health (already in progress, University of Copenhagen). Diabetes - Global call (already in progress, University of Copenhagen). Vaccines (already in progress, University of Pennsylvania). The ethical and social issues of genomics and precision medicine (7 weeks, starting April 27, University of California in San Francisco). The readiness of health workers to natural disasters and catastrophes (6 weeks starting May 11, Johns Hopkins University). Bacterial and chronic infection (6 weeks May 13 University of Copenhagen). The myths and realities of individualized medicine: the revolution in genetics (8 weeks, May 11, National Institute of Australia). Co-operation and exchange of information in the field of public health: interprofessional practice (5 weeks, May 11, the University of California in San Francisco). Computational Neurobiology (8 weeks, starting May 1, University of Washington). Sleep: neuroscience, medicine and society (9 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Michigan). The examination of the intestine: study the intestinal flora (already in progress, University of Colorado at Boulder). Introduction to dentistry (7 weeks , starting on 1 June, the University of Pennsylvania). Methods of teaching medical students (8 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Michigan) Clinical child and youth psychology (6 weeks, on May 18, , University of Edinburgh). The first psychological care (6 weeks, May 18, Johns Hopkins University). Baby food and cooking (already underway, Stanford University). The disease Ebola virus: a progressive epidemic (6 weeks, starting March 31, Emory University). The main physiological indicators (already in progress, University of Pennsylvania). Understanding the brain: neuroscience in everyday life (already in progress, University of Chicago). Nudge-it: an understanding of obesity (4 weeks, 5 October, University of Edinburgh).
Physics and Chemistry How things work (already in progress, University of Virginia). Astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life (already in progress, University of Edinburgh). dreams of others Lands (already underway, Princeton University). Statistical Thermodynamics: from molecules to machines (6 weeks, starting April 20, Carnegie Mellon University). The emergence of the universe, the solar system, Earth and life (12 weeks, starting April 28, University of Copenhagen). Organic solar cells: Theory and Practice (already in progress, the Danish Technical University). Astrotehnologii: science and technology challenges the basis of astronomical discoveries (6 weeks starting May 18, the University of Edinburgh). We study quantum physics (already in progress, University of Maryland) Higher chemistry (already underway, University of Kentucky). Chemistry (already in progress, University of Kentucky). Chemicals and Health (already underway, Johns Hopkins University).
Biology and Life Sciences Astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life (already in progress, University of Edinburgh). Search for hidden messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I) (already in progress, University of California). The complex analysis in systems biology (4 weeks, starting April 20, School of Medicine Icahn on Mount Sinai). Bacterial and chronic infection (6 weeks starting May 13, the University of Copenhagen). < / Sleep: neuroscience, medicine and society (already in progress, University of Michigan). Evolution: Teacher Training Course (4 weeks, August 3, the American Museum of Natural History). The behavior of animals (8 weeks, starting June 1, the University of Melbourne). Introduction to the genetics of human behavior (already in progress, University of Minnesota). Understanding the brain: neuroscience in everyday life (already in progress, University of Chicago).
Science Dynamic Earth: Teacher Training Course (4 weeks, starting May 4, the American Museum of Natural History). What is fraught with increase in global temperature by 4 ° C (4 weeks, starting 20 in April, the World Bank). Introduction to the concept of sustainable development (already underway, Columbia University). GeoDesign: Change Your World (5 weeks, starting July 8, University of Pennsylvania) . Policy on climate change and health care (4 weeks, starting on November 9 University of Wisconsin-Madison). Our Earth: the climate, the history and course of development (5 weeks, starting June 8, the University of Manchester). Power and Ground (4 weeks, June 21, the University of Wisconsin-Madison).
Computer technology Programming for all (Python) (10 weeks, June 1, the University of Michigan). Computer training (already underway, Stanford University). The Basics processing digital video and image (already underway, Northwestern University). The analysis of processes: data processing and analysis in action (already in progress, the Technical University of Eindhoven). Universal's Program (already underway, Stanford University). The development of artificial intelligence technology (already in progress, University of Edinburgh). Principles of reactive programming (already underway, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). li > Introduction to Programming with MATLAB (already underway, Vanderbilt University). Development of products processing (4 weeks, 4 May, Johns Hopkins University). Malware and their economic motives (6 weeks, April 27, University of London). Data Visualization (4 weeks, July 20, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Applications for the Cloud ( 4 weeks, August 24, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). The architecture of web applications (already in progress, the University of New Mexico). hardware protection (already underway, Maryland University in College Park). Cybersecurity and 10 of its scope (already in progress, University System of Georgia). Cryptography (6 weeks April 20, Stanford University). < / Cloud network (4 weeks, 26 October, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
The majority of the courses are taught in English. If you have a problem with it - it does not matter. You can pull up the knowledge of the language by reading our articles in English. You can also refer to the list of free online courses in Russian. Good luck!
See also:
11 free resources for education
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