American University
The blogger writes:
There are letters and text, outline the ending.
In April 2009, in my mailbox a letter arrives, translation and summary of which is as follows:
Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame recommends that the selection committee to accept your application for admission to graduate school for a program of Applied Mathematics, and proposes to start training with the fall semester of the academic year 2009-2010. In the near future you will receive a letter from the admissions office to your specified email address. In addition to covering the cost of tuition, you also be accompanied by a scholarship for five years of study. We hope you will accept our invitation and will be satisfied with our program.
How did it happen, what kind of university, and why it happened, about this in a very short version of the whole post.
Notre Dame ranks 19th in the national ranking of the United States is the richest university library in the world (more than 3 million publications), publishes three newspapers, several magazines and has its own TV and radio studio. On campus there is a stadium for 80 000 people, which is completely filled every home game university football team. There she studied Kandaliza Rice.
Now it takes place for the third year of my studies.
This post is very important to me, I will be grateful to any distribution and Census. I very much hope that this experience might help someone in the future. Also, I want to change people's understanding that for admission to an American university needs money and connections. I want to see an example of modern youth and took him into service.
"I like everything, like me, millions," these words you want to put in place the entry.
The idea that you can learn to go to the United States appeared in the second year at college, when I was 19 years old and I studied at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, the yard was in 2007. At that time I did not have the slightest idea about how it is possible that you need to do, how the system works, and if I have a chance. The only thing I know is that people are leaving. All.
Evaluation of spent forces
The whole process took time from February 2007 to April 2009. Productive time is August 2008 - April 2009. Spent at this time efforts have the desired result. All that was before that, it was a simple exercise.
The total amount of money spent for two years for admission, namely, the payment date for the three TOEFL, two GRE, payment applications for admission, sending documents in twenty universities, came out at $ 3,500. That is about $ 110 (or 3300r.) Per month.
The initial and boundary conditions.
Knowledge of how to proceed: Zero, I knew absolutely nothing about what an American university, where any admission rules, and what to do.
Prerequisites for admission: No, outstanding mathematical abilities never showed. Before the second course of studying is not that good, just started getting a scholarship in the third year. America knew about as much as the current sophomore knows Russian university, that is, nothing. The idea of America, which develops a person who was born in Russia has nothing to do with this, the real America.
Interest: nemerenno. The only thing that attracted me to it was the keen interest to know America. It was very interesting that, as what is eaten, how it works and whether it is possible to go to an American university from scratch, with no money and pushing.
Answer: Probably. You need patience, perseverance and daily burning eyes.
Boundary conditions were quite a few. Limiting factors were everywhere. It was necessary to understand that the process is not simple and durable, and not to do, I would have lost a lot of time that could be spent on something else, for example, to obtain a second higher or would be engaged in finding a job, or opening the case, but anything for To lay some bedding to go on living in this country. In case of failure or stay in Russia I would be far behind, and except for experience, for this time, it would not have purchased.
Mistrust and fear were many. Coulda woulda, and if not will do, and if you will do, but kicked out, and if you do not manage, and then, as it is, and suddenly, as if it is. All these thoughts were surrounded all the way. Therefore, the boundary conditions I set for myself the summer of 2008. If I will do this time, I throw all attempts to try and start doing something in Russian. By this time, I would have not finished their studies at the institute and could catch up podnaverstat.
It is already possible to conclude that I failed to meet deadlines, but first things first.
Why I decided to enter
I was interested to see how these things work in America. Even I was wondering confirm or oprvergnut myths about America, which is so much surrounded by people from Russia. Even I was wondering do something "from" and "to" in the home. As a result, slowly and carefully, I began to search for information on how the process of admission.
Admission. Steps to success.
February-June 2007.
After a couple of weeks spent in Google, I began to understand how and what to look for, how and on what sites, and that Google need only angliyskom.Takzhe began to take shape a holistic picture of the order of receipt.
The list of documents is different for each university, but the bulk of the requirements are similar for all:
1. The international examination in English TOEFL, surrenders in Moscow.
2. International exams and GRE GRE Subject, astronomically remotely be compared with our EGE, we shall be in Moscow.
3. Extract the results of examinations and tests from the current place of study.
4. Three or four letters of recommendation
5. A letter from the student's description of why he wants to do it in this university (Statement of purpose).
6. List of publications Summary.
7. Payment Application ~ $ 70
Having all the elements in this list only ensures consideration of the application and nothing else.
Requirements for the results of all tests vary depending on the rating univeriteta. All exams are in English. All letters must be from real people, and together with polutorastranichnym Statement of purpose is also to be in English. In general, the first in what I was braced tongue. Without it, nothing to do.
The purpose
While I was interested in the subject, draws less steel targets. My main task was to enroll in the University of
the first American hundred. Rating universities in 2007 still hangs on my wall at home in Moscow, and the first dozen circled in black marker. It was on an abstract goal, based on nothing, because it should be without it is not clear what to do and what to strive for. Universities top ten demanded TOEFL with a score of 110/120. This result meant a few small mistakes throughout the four-hour exam. From morning till evening I was sitting with books and imitated its presence in the real exam. Here I began to understand the phrase "Better education - self».
TOEFL is stopyatidesyati dollar American English exam, with a record of two months, lasting four hours with a break for ten minutes in a room where the same people who give ten. He must pass all foreign students for admission to an American university. By TOEFL score determines the ability of coming to speak the language of the country in which he wants to learn. This requirement not only at the university level as at the level of the federal government - to call in a student should know the language.
So as TOEFL is the basis of revenues, which is the first item in all lists of requirements for foreign students of all American universities, I enrolled in the TOEFL courses at the center of BKC on Tverskaya. The reader might think that it is an advertisement, but I referred to this center from the back end. This is a terrible training center where, like everywhere else, take the money and not really teach (I paid 27,000 for two months). A group of ten people learn the language, especially the exam, it is unrealistic. The only advantage of these courses was to raise the level of spoken English.
In general, in the United States is a very important point is who you drove to the states. If the social level of a person is low, for example, a teacher at the school, the above certain level, he simply does not rise. Therefore, often for people leaving to the states does not require knowledge of the language, because it is known that these people will not rise high. For the people who allegedly claimed to enter into some kind of educated elite, knowledge of the language required. This of course, I learned, when he was in the states.
Immediately after the courses I went to take the TOEFL and successfully gaining his failed 73/120. The only section, the result of which was more or less suited to examining it Speaking, it was the result of two-month courses. With this rezultam no sense to apply a waste of money.
TOEFL and GRE exams are two facilities that are not necessarily dependent on anything, I began vigorously to prepare for them. The phrase "hard to prepare for it" is about two hours on the day of passing the practical test from books and discs.
The second examination is the GRE. It must describe bit because of my history of his surrender has played a crucial role. GRE is a test which give all students, without exception, Americans and foreigners, our exam brazenly tore the GRE, but the only thing that unites them is centralization.
There are two types of GRE is the usual and spetsilizirovanny GRE Subject. All top universities require both sabzhekt and shall be determined by the profile itself, but all the rules and exceptions to them are to be recognized separately.
Feature mathematical subtest was GRE that accounts for one hour and forty-five tasks. This is slightly more than one minute to the task. The fact that some applications require more time than one minute, and some seemingly complicated solutions do not require the need to grasp about a possible answer and select it from the list. Test just out to determine the level of human ingenuity in a stressful situation.
GRE courses I have not recorded, and bought a couple of books in the store England, then found some great sites with materials on the GRE, and began to pass the tests for a while. This was the preparation for the exam. Dull and boring passing the tests one after the other.
After a while I went to take the GRE. Unlike TOEFL, the results of which need to wait a couple of months, the result of the mathematical issued immediately. His first GRE with a large and a loud bang, I got 530/800 failed. This is a very low result for those who want to go to the technical specialty.
In contrast to the Russian universities, the period of submission of documents for admission to American universities can begin in October and finish in April. These are the deadlines. The average time for filing - October-December. In most cases, in January, the application will not be considered.
Arriving for this is not necessarily the university as well as optionally have a necessary degree at the time of Applications with. The fact that a student at the time the documents are no documents about the end of the university accounted for, sufficient to indicate in the application the planned date of graduation. Students are given the information that he is studying at the university, provides assessment.
The first results
It all started with superneudachnyh attempts, TOEFL 73/120 and GRE 530/800 it was very low results of which you can not tell anyone. To act in a more or less decent place with these results is impossible.
In view of these results, I realized that to get to the next, ie, 2008, or where it will be very difficult, so to speak, there was no chance and I decided to go back to take the TOEFL. This time I was prepared more seriously and deeply, read a lot of literature, listening to BBC, movies in the original, in the English Internet news and so on. It moved me the opportunity to take the TOEFL for a much better estimate.
The second time I took the test more confident, more prepared and deliberately, so the result was surprising. His second I passed the TOEFL worse than the first - 70/120. This result is so low, that I wanted to do UNDO and forget that I gave it all.
At first I had no idea what had happened. After a while, I concluded. BBC, movies, books in the original, all this teaches me English, and I need to take the TOEFL. Preparation for the test and learning the language are two different things. A good lesson.
However, before the deadlines had all menshevremeni was October 2007, and recorded on the new exam has not prospered. Having the current exam results, I still decided to go to a couple of universities, not raschityvaya a positive result. Here I would like to finish the job, in the sense that all you need to send to send and receive answers from them. Any. On its face, I had to prepare the documents from my current university. Namely letters and transfer estimates. From myself I had to write a Statement of purpose.
Statement of purpose
Statement of purpose is one and a half two pages about why you want to learn it from them. He writes as follows, a few days should be Googling statement of purpose for that discipline, which served the documents, all you need to read, sit down and rewrite their own way. Then about a month every day to look and correct inaccuracies.
I understand that screening takes place exactly on the designated list, that is what was written summaries and Steytment samostoyatelno- of little importance if the test results are low. Evaluated the results obtained from third parties - the tests, the publication of the recommendations. But all things being equal Statement can play a major role, for example in my case played.
Letters of recommendation
Ideally, letters of recommendation are made by professors with whom you once worked, who have studied and write why they should be a good student, and why they recommend it or not recommend. A letter of recommendation, according to the American scheme, is sent by the professor and the student does not see it. In real life it turned out that no one any letters I did not want to write. Recommendation letters were written directly on annliyskom language, and I went and asked the teachers to sign.
Translation estimates
This is a list of all items and all of the estimates obtained in this university at the time of admission, translated into English and certified by the Secretariat. Details about how to obtain the extract will be described below.
Summary and publication
Are of great importance when considering the documents. In fact, this is an indication of the presence of work experience. In the presence of publications can close your eyes to some not very good results in the tests. At the time of filing of the application I had one book published and with abstracts from the conference on which spoke my supervisor. There is an important fact, let it be published in the Murzilki but it should be, it's much easier task. Students with and without publication evaluated completely differently. Answers from universities
After submitting all the results I waited. In January 2008, I received two refusals from two universities where I gave the documents. Predictability and fairness.
The intermediate state
After two of failed TOEFL, GRE, and failed as a result of the two failures, I generally desperate to catch anything in this America. Why do I need it, I forgot it, and so on. Common excuses and excuses in this situation.
I'll tell you what a huge plus in this story, was that no one but the parents did not know what I'm doing at all, but about the process and the results known only to me. So when receiving any news in particular is not particularly rosy, I do not find themselves surrounded by "well-wishers" and advisors that played a major role in achieving the outcome of the result.
So, in fact, completely failed their attempt to do, I did not feel like a complete loser, on the contrary, I played in the notes "I tried." I have not felt The self suppressed, I was glad that roulette replayed from the beginning to the end, even if not dropped lucky number. After that, for a long time, I reshl leave this venture.
Sometimes I leafed through university rankings, I read some English books, listen to bbc but not seriously engaged. That was in 2008.
The feeling of incompleteness started me back at all times to these thoughts, and one day I thought I needed to finish. Suppose I'm not going anywhere, but I get an invitation, especially since already have a clear idea of how this system is available. Thus the aim to get a hundred changed the target to get somewhere.
In addition, in 2008 in Russia, the crisis began, a serious crisis, and my thoughts on how to get a good job in Russia or start something of their own, faded day by day.
The second approach (here the most interesting)
There are letters and text, outline the ending.
In April 2009, in my mailbox a letter arrives, translation and summary of which is as follows:
Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame recommends that the selection committee to accept your application for admission to graduate school for a program of Applied Mathematics, and proposes to start training with the fall semester of the academic year 2009-2010. In the near future you will receive a letter from the admissions office to your specified email address. In addition to covering the cost of tuition, you also be accompanied by a scholarship for five years of study. We hope you will accept our invitation and will be satisfied with our program.

How did it happen, what kind of university, and why it happened, about this in a very short version of the whole post.
Notre Dame ranks 19th in the national ranking of the United States is the richest university library in the world (more than 3 million publications), publishes three newspapers, several magazines and has its own TV and radio studio. On campus there is a stadium for 80 000 people, which is completely filled every home game university football team. There she studied Kandaliza Rice.
Now it takes place for the third year of my studies.
This post is very important to me, I will be grateful to any distribution and Census. I very much hope that this experience might help someone in the future. Also, I want to change people's understanding that for admission to an American university needs money and connections. I want to see an example of modern youth and took him into service.

"I like everything, like me, millions," these words you want to put in place the entry.
The idea that you can learn to go to the United States appeared in the second year at college, when I was 19 years old and I studied at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, the yard was in 2007. At that time I did not have the slightest idea about how it is possible that you need to do, how the system works, and if I have a chance. The only thing I know is that people are leaving. All.
Evaluation of spent forces
The whole process took time from February 2007 to April 2009. Productive time is August 2008 - April 2009. Spent at this time efforts have the desired result. All that was before that, it was a simple exercise.
The total amount of money spent for two years for admission, namely, the payment date for the three TOEFL, two GRE, payment applications for admission, sending documents in twenty universities, came out at $ 3,500. That is about $ 110 (or 3300r.) Per month.
The initial and boundary conditions.
Knowledge of how to proceed: Zero, I knew absolutely nothing about what an American university, where any admission rules, and what to do.
Prerequisites for admission: No, outstanding mathematical abilities never showed. Before the second course of studying is not that good, just started getting a scholarship in the third year. America knew about as much as the current sophomore knows Russian university, that is, nothing. The idea of America, which develops a person who was born in Russia has nothing to do with this, the real America.
Interest: nemerenno. The only thing that attracted me to it was the keen interest to know America. It was very interesting that, as what is eaten, how it works and whether it is possible to go to an American university from scratch, with no money and pushing.
Answer: Probably. You need patience, perseverance and daily burning eyes.
Boundary conditions were quite a few. Limiting factors were everywhere. It was necessary to understand that the process is not simple and durable, and not to do, I would have lost a lot of time that could be spent on something else, for example, to obtain a second higher or would be engaged in finding a job, or opening the case, but anything for To lay some bedding to go on living in this country. In case of failure or stay in Russia I would be far behind, and except for experience, for this time, it would not have purchased.
Mistrust and fear were many. Coulda woulda, and if not will do, and if you will do, but kicked out, and if you do not manage, and then, as it is, and suddenly, as if it is. All these thoughts were surrounded all the way. Therefore, the boundary conditions I set for myself the summer of 2008. If I will do this time, I throw all attempts to try and start doing something in Russian. By this time, I would have not finished their studies at the institute and could catch up podnaverstat.
It is already possible to conclude that I failed to meet deadlines, but first things first.
Why I decided to enter
I was interested to see how these things work in America. Even I was wondering confirm or oprvergnut myths about America, which is so much surrounded by people from Russia. Even I was wondering do something "from" and "to" in the home. As a result, slowly and carefully, I began to search for information on how the process of admission.
Admission. Steps to success.
February-June 2007.
After a couple of weeks spent in Google, I began to understand how and what to look for, how and on what sites, and that Google need only angliyskom.Takzhe began to take shape a holistic picture of the order of receipt.
The list of documents is different for each university, but the bulk of the requirements are similar for all:
1. The international examination in English TOEFL, surrenders in Moscow.
2. International exams and GRE GRE Subject, astronomically remotely be compared with our EGE, we shall be in Moscow.
3. Extract the results of examinations and tests from the current place of study.
4. Three or four letters of recommendation
5. A letter from the student's description of why he wants to do it in this university (Statement of purpose).
6. List of publications Summary.
7. Payment Application ~ $ 70
Having all the elements in this list only ensures consideration of the application and nothing else.
Requirements for the results of all tests vary depending on the rating univeriteta. All exams are in English. All letters must be from real people, and together with polutorastranichnym Statement of purpose is also to be in English. In general, the first in what I was braced tongue. Without it, nothing to do.
The purpose
While I was interested in the subject, draws less steel targets. My main task was to enroll in the University of
the first American hundred. Rating universities in 2007 still hangs on my wall at home in Moscow, and the first dozen circled in black marker. It was on an abstract goal, based on nothing, because it should be without it is not clear what to do and what to strive for. Universities top ten demanded TOEFL with a score of 110/120. This result meant a few small mistakes throughout the four-hour exam. From morning till evening I was sitting with books and imitated its presence in the real exam. Here I began to understand the phrase "Better education - self».
TOEFL is stopyatidesyati dollar American English exam, with a record of two months, lasting four hours with a break for ten minutes in a room where the same people who give ten. He must pass all foreign students for admission to an American university. By TOEFL score determines the ability of coming to speak the language of the country in which he wants to learn. This requirement not only at the university level as at the level of the federal government - to call in a student should know the language.
So as TOEFL is the basis of revenues, which is the first item in all lists of requirements for foreign students of all American universities, I enrolled in the TOEFL courses at the center of BKC on Tverskaya. The reader might think that it is an advertisement, but I referred to this center from the back end. This is a terrible training center where, like everywhere else, take the money and not really teach (I paid 27,000 for two months). A group of ten people learn the language, especially the exam, it is unrealistic. The only advantage of these courses was to raise the level of spoken English.
In general, in the United States is a very important point is who you drove to the states. If the social level of a person is low, for example, a teacher at the school, the above certain level, he simply does not rise. Therefore, often for people leaving to the states does not require knowledge of the language, because it is known that these people will not rise high. For the people who allegedly claimed to enter into some kind of educated elite, knowledge of the language required. This of course, I learned, when he was in the states.
Immediately after the courses I went to take the TOEFL and successfully gaining his failed 73/120. The only section, the result of which was more or less suited to examining it Speaking, it was the result of two-month courses. With this rezultam no sense to apply a waste of money.
TOEFL and GRE exams are two facilities that are not necessarily dependent on anything, I began vigorously to prepare for them. The phrase "hard to prepare for it" is about two hours on the day of passing the practical test from books and discs.
The second examination is the GRE. It must describe bit because of my history of his surrender has played a crucial role. GRE is a test which give all students, without exception, Americans and foreigners, our exam brazenly tore the GRE, but the only thing that unites them is centralization.
There are two types of GRE is the usual and spetsilizirovanny GRE Subject. All top universities require both sabzhekt and shall be determined by the profile itself, but all the rules and exceptions to them are to be recognized separately.
Feature mathematical subtest was GRE that accounts for one hour and forty-five tasks. This is slightly more than one minute to the task. The fact that some applications require more time than one minute, and some seemingly complicated solutions do not require the need to grasp about a possible answer and select it from the list. Test just out to determine the level of human ingenuity in a stressful situation.
GRE courses I have not recorded, and bought a couple of books in the store England, then found some great sites with materials on the GRE, and began to pass the tests for a while. This was the preparation for the exam. Dull and boring passing the tests one after the other.
After a while I went to take the GRE. Unlike TOEFL, the results of which need to wait a couple of months, the result of the mathematical issued immediately. His first GRE with a large and a loud bang, I got 530/800 failed. This is a very low result for those who want to go to the technical specialty.
In contrast to the Russian universities, the period of submission of documents for admission to American universities can begin in October and finish in April. These are the deadlines. The average time for filing - October-December. In most cases, in January, the application will not be considered.
Arriving for this is not necessarily the university as well as optionally have a necessary degree at the time of Applications with. The fact that a student at the time the documents are no documents about the end of the university accounted for, sufficient to indicate in the application the planned date of graduation. Students are given the information that he is studying at the university, provides assessment.
The first results
It all started with superneudachnyh attempts, TOEFL 73/120 and GRE 530/800 it was very low results of which you can not tell anyone. To act in a more or less decent place with these results is impossible.
In view of these results, I realized that to get to the next, ie, 2008, or where it will be very difficult, so to speak, there was no chance and I decided to go back to take the TOEFL. This time I was prepared more seriously and deeply, read a lot of literature, listening to BBC, movies in the original, in the English Internet news and so on. It moved me the opportunity to take the TOEFL for a much better estimate.
The second time I took the test more confident, more prepared and deliberately, so the result was surprising. His second I passed the TOEFL worse than the first - 70/120. This result is so low, that I wanted to do UNDO and forget that I gave it all.
At first I had no idea what had happened. After a while, I concluded. BBC, movies, books in the original, all this teaches me English, and I need to take the TOEFL. Preparation for the test and learning the language are two different things. A good lesson.
However, before the deadlines had all menshevremeni was October 2007, and recorded on the new exam has not prospered. Having the current exam results, I still decided to go to a couple of universities, not raschityvaya a positive result. Here I would like to finish the job, in the sense that all you need to send to send and receive answers from them. Any. On its face, I had to prepare the documents from my current university. Namely letters and transfer estimates. From myself I had to write a Statement of purpose.
Statement of purpose
Statement of purpose is one and a half two pages about why you want to learn it from them. He writes as follows, a few days should be Googling statement of purpose for that discipline, which served the documents, all you need to read, sit down and rewrite their own way. Then about a month every day to look and correct inaccuracies.
I understand that screening takes place exactly on the designated list, that is what was written summaries and Steytment samostoyatelno- of little importance if the test results are low. Evaluated the results obtained from third parties - the tests, the publication of the recommendations. But all things being equal Statement can play a major role, for example in my case played.
Letters of recommendation
Ideally, letters of recommendation are made by professors with whom you once worked, who have studied and write why they should be a good student, and why they recommend it or not recommend. A letter of recommendation, according to the American scheme, is sent by the professor and the student does not see it. In real life it turned out that no one any letters I did not want to write. Recommendation letters were written directly on annliyskom language, and I went and asked the teachers to sign.
Translation estimates
This is a list of all items and all of the estimates obtained in this university at the time of admission, translated into English and certified by the Secretariat. Details about how to obtain the extract will be described below.
Summary and publication
Are of great importance when considering the documents. In fact, this is an indication of the presence of work experience. In the presence of publications can close your eyes to some not very good results in the tests. At the time of filing of the application I had one book published and with abstracts from the conference on which spoke my supervisor. There is an important fact, let it be published in the Murzilki but it should be, it's much easier task. Students with and without publication evaluated completely differently. Answers from universities
After submitting all the results I waited. In January 2008, I received two refusals from two universities where I gave the documents. Predictability and fairness.

The intermediate state
After two of failed TOEFL, GRE, and failed as a result of the two failures, I generally desperate to catch anything in this America. Why do I need it, I forgot it, and so on. Common excuses and excuses in this situation.
I'll tell you what a huge plus in this story, was that no one but the parents did not know what I'm doing at all, but about the process and the results known only to me. So when receiving any news in particular is not particularly rosy, I do not find themselves surrounded by "well-wishers" and advisors that played a major role in achieving the outcome of the result.
So, in fact, completely failed their attempt to do, I did not feel like a complete loser, on the contrary, I played in the notes "I tried." I have not felt The self suppressed, I was glad that roulette replayed from the beginning to the end, even if not dropped lucky number. After that, for a long time, I reshl leave this venture.
Sometimes I leafed through university rankings, I read some English books, listen to bbc but not seriously engaged. That was in 2008.
The feeling of incompleteness started me back at all times to these thoughts, and one day I thought I needed to finish. Suppose I'm not going anywhere, but I get an invitation, especially since already have a clear idea of how this system is available. Thus the aim to get a hundred changed the target to get somewhere.
In addition, in 2008 in Russia, the crisis began, a serious crisis, and my thoughts on how to get a good job in Russia or start something of their own, faded day by day.
The second approach (here the most interesting)