100 online courses from the best universities of the world, you will have time to go this spring

So many things I want to understand, and so little free time. Great outlet — online courses. They can listen to once or twice a week when it is convenient, though on the way to work in traffic.
Of course, even after the steepest of the course of astronomy in the interests of Russia will not take you, but you will understand the structure of Galaxies and to distinguish the pulsar from the galaxy. We in the Website have collected the most interesting and useful courses, which start in late winter — early spring.
Painting, photography, animation
- How to understand the paintings of the XIX century, the University Arzamas, language: Russian, 8 lectures, course materials are already available.
- The alphabet of drawing, "Universarium", language: Russian, 43 lectures start soon, it is already possible to register for the course (its beginning will tell).
- To understand the art of photography, the Museum of modern art MoMA, Coursera, language: English, 6 weeks, starting February 20.
- Home multitude, "Universarium", language learning: Russian, 22 lectures start soon, it is already possible to register for the course.
- Introduction to art history, Higher school of Economics, open education, language learning: Russian, 12 weeks, starting February 20.
- Contemporary art and ideas, Museum of modern art MoMA, Coursera, language: English, 5 weeks, starting February 20.
- Roman art and archaeology, University of Arizona, Coursera, language: English, 6 weeks, starting February 20.
- How to read Russian literature, University Arzamas, language: Russian, 4 lectures, the course materials are already available.
- The world Bulgakov, University Arzamas, language: Russian, 5 lectures, the course materials are already available.
- Shakespeare and his world, Warwick University, Future Learn, language: English, 10 weeks, starting March 20.
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez: the Power, history and love, University of the Andes, Future Learn, language: English, 4 weeks, starting on February 27.
- The art of script writing. Creation of a pilot episode or TV show, University of Michigan, Coursera, language: English, 5 weeks, starting February 13.
- History of Russia, Saint-Petersburg state University, open education, language learning: Russian, 14 weeks, starting February 28.
- Russia in the epoch of revolutionary upheavals, the Russian economic University. Plekhanov, language learning: Russian, 4 modules, starting soon (it was announced).
- Big history: From the Big Bang to the present day, University of Amsterdam, Coursera, language: English, 4 weeks, starting on February 27.
- Archaeology. From excavations to laboratories and on, reading University, Future Learn, language: English, 2 weeks, starting March 6.
- The discovery of Homo florensis. The science of "the hobbit", University of Wollongong, Future Learn, language: English, 4 weeks, starting March 6.
- Introduction to classical music Yale University, Coursera, language: English, 9 weeks, starting February 27.
- The basics of music theory, University of Edinburgh, Coursera, language: English, 6 weeks, starting March 27.
- Playing the guitar. Introduction University of California, Berkeley, Coursera, language: English, 7 weeks, starting February 27.
- How to develop the ability to compose music University of California, Berkeley, Coursera, language: English, 6 weeks, course started February 6 — you can join.
- GMO: a technology of creation and application, Novosibirsk state University, Coursera, the language of teaching: Russian, starting February 27.
- The foundations of Virology, Novosibirsk state University, Coursera, the language of teaching: Russian, 7 weeks already possible to register.
- Structure and function of DNA, Boston University, "Postnauka", 10 lectures course language: Russian, course materials is available.
- Bacteria and chronic infection, University of Copenhagen, Coursera, the language of instruction: English, 6 weeks, course started February 6 — you can join.
- Emotional and cognitive abilities in dogs, Duke University, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, 8 weeks, starting February 13.
- The basics of veterinary medicine. Do you have the makings of a veterinarian? The University of Edinburgh, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, 5 weeks, course started February 6 — you can join.
- Body, far Eastern Federal University, "Universarium", language learning: Russian, 6 modules, starting soon, you can join.
- Child nutrition and cooking, Stanford University, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, 5 weeks registration begins February 13.
- Stanford course on nutrition and health, Stanford University, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, 5 weeks registration begins February 13.
- Food as medicine, Monash University, Future Learn, language: English, 3 weeks, starting March 13.
- Cook in Russian, the author is a chef and historian Pavel Syutkin, "Universarium", 32 lectures language of teaching: Russian, start soon, it is already possible to register for the course.
- The history of Royal food and feasting (you can try to cook the Royal recipes — from pies to chocolate Tudor Georgian), reading University, Future Learn, language learning: English, 5 weeks, starting April 24.
- Practice konfliktovaniya: Conflict is impossible to live peacefully, far Eastern Federal University, "Universarium", language learning: Russian, 32 lectures start soon, it is already possible to register for the course.
- Psychological first aid, John Hopkins University, Coursera, language: English, Russian subtitles, 5 weeks, it is already possible to access the course materials.
- Learning how to learn: Powerful mental techniques that will help you master difficult material, University of California, Coursera, language: English, Russian subtitles, 4 weeks, registration began on 6 February, it is already possible to access the course materials.
- Bilingual brain, the System of the University of Houston, Coursera, language: English, Russian subtitles, 8 weeks, it is already possible to access the course materials.
- Buddhism and modern psychology, Princeton University, Coursera, language: English, 6 weeks registration begins February 20.
- The lottery of birth. As the place of birth, parents and society determine our future life, Open University, Future Learn, language: English, 4 weeks, starting February 20.
- Beyond Silicon valley: entrepreneurship in transition economies, case Western University, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, Russian subtitles, start 27 Feb.
- How to inspire and motivate people, University of Michigan, Coursera, language: English, Russian subtitles, it is already possible to access the course materials.
- Gamification, University of Pennsylvania, language: English, Russian subtitles, start 27 Feb
- Successful negotiations: basic strategies and skills, University of Michigan, Coursera, language: English, Russian subtitles, start 13 Feb
- How to work smarter, not harder: time management to increase personal and professional productivity, University of California, Coursera, language: English, Russian subtitles, start 13 Feb.
- Grow to greatness: smart growth for private businesses, University of Virginia, Coursera, language: English, Russian subtitles, start of registration on February 13.
- Online-business. Planning for success, RMIT University, Future Learn, language: English, 4 weeks, starting February 20.
- Introduction to modern political science, Higher school of Economics, open education, a 10 weeks course language: Russian, starting March 20.
- Social psychology, Higher school of Economics, open education, 17 weeks course language: Russian, starting February 27.
- Diplomacy in the modern world, University of London, Coursera, language: English, 5 weeks, registration has already begun.
- Public policy challenges of the twenty-first century, University of Virginia, Coursera, course language: English 9 weeks, starting February 13.
- Classical theoretical sociology, University of Amsterdam, Coursera, language: English, 8 weeks, starting February 20.
- Paradoxes of war, Princeton University, Coursera, course language: English, 13 weeks, starting February 20.
- Corruption, University of Pennsylvania, Coursera, the language of the course: English, 4 weeks, starting on February 27.
- World legal history, Moscow state University, open education, language learning: Russian, 14 weeks, starting February 22.
- Law, Harvard University, edХ, language of course: English 12 weeks, it is already possible to register — about the beginning of the courses announced.
- Copyright in the world of creativity: history, culture, industry, international Confederation of societies of authors and composers (CISAC), Future Learn, language: English, 4 weeks, starting March 20.
- Economics, Higher school of Economics, open education, language courses: Russian, for 10 weeks, starting March 13.
- Financial markets and institutions, the Higher school of Economics, open education, language courses: Russian, for 12 weeks, starting on February 27.
- The language and tools of financial analysis, University of Melbourne, Sogea language course: English, 10 weeks, starting February 27.
- Behavioral Finance, Duke University, Sogea, language of course: English 3 weeks, starting on February 13.
- Marketing, Higher school of Economics, open education, language courses: Russian, for 11 weeks, starting February 27.
- PR: technology and practice course developed by order of the Pushkin Institute School of art and media Arina Sharapova, with the support of Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, course language: Russian, 72 hours, it is already possible to register.
- The language of contemporary advertising and the media, St. Petersburg state University, open education, language courses: Russian, for 10 weeks, starting April 1.
- Managing product and brand, IE business School, Sogea, language of course: English, 4 weeks, starting February 13.
- The role of social media in PR, national University of Singapore, Sogea, language of course: English, 4 weeks, the course started — it is possible to join.
- Build robots and other devices to the Arduino. From light to a 3D printer, the Moscow physical-technical Institute, Coursera, language: Russian, English subtitles, 6 weeks, registration has already begun and you can join.
- Introduction to robotics. Create your own robot from scratch, the University of Queensland, Future Learn, language: English, 3 weeks, starting February 20.
- Programming for everyone. Start with "Python", Coursera, language: English, 7 weeks the course has already begun and you can join.
- Object-oriented programming Java, Coursera, language: English, 6 weeks, the course has already begun and you can join.
- Linux, open courses Технопарка@Mail.Ru, language: Russian, 10 lectures, materials are available.
- Preparatory courses C, open courses Технопарка@Mail.Ru, language: Russian, 9 lectures, materials are available.
- Chemistry explains and changes the world, MSU M. V. Lomonosov, the "open education" course language: Russian, 14 weeks, starting February 22.
- The process of obtaining of nanoparticles and nanomaterials, national research technological University "Misa", "open education" course language: Russian, 16 weeks, registration opens February 14.
- Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Sogea, language of course: English 7 weeks, starting February 20.
- Higher chemistry, University of Kentucky, Sogea, course language: English 5 weeks, starting February 20.
- System ecology, Ural Federal University, open education, course language: Russian, 9 weeks, starting February 15.
- Protection of the environment. Recycling, nust "Misa", "open education" course language: Russian, 16 weeks, starting February 13.
- Introduction to the concept of social-environmental responsibility, Illinojsky University, Sogea, language of course: English, 8 weeks, starting February 27.
- Energy saving in the workplace and at home, the Moscow energy Institute, "Universarium", course language: Russian, 4 modules, starting soon.
- Global warming. Study and modeling of climate change, University of Chicago, Coursera, language: English, 12 weeks registration begins February 20.
- Modern combinatorics, Moscow physical-technical Institute, Coursera, language: Russian, English subtitles, 8 weeks, starting February 27.
- Graph theory, Moscow Institute of physics and technology, open education, language courses: Russian, for 12 weeks, starting February 12.
- Econometrics, Higher school of Economics, an "open education" course language: Russian, 15 weeks, 20 Feb.
- Mathematical thinking, Stanford University, Sogea, language of course: English 9 weeks, starting March 6.
- Cryptography, Stanford University, Sogea, language of course: English 7 weeks, starting February 20.
- Introduction to logic, Stanford University, Sogea, language of course: English 10 weeks, starting April 3.
- Philosophy, Higher school of Economics, an "open education" course language: Russian, 16 weeks, starting February 20.
- History of Russian philosophy, Moscow state University, "Postnauka", course language: Russian, 14 lectures, materials available for study.
- Philosophy, science and religion, University of Edinburgh, Sogea, language of course: English 3 weeks, starting February 20.
- The history of inventions and discoveries — the second story of mankind, national research nuclear University "MEPhI", the language of teaching: Russian, 3 weeks, starting on February 13.
- Foundations of astronomy, Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov, "open education", language learning: Russian, 14 weeks, starting February 22.
- Astrobiology and the search for extraterrestrial life, University of Edinburgh, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, 5 weeks, starting February 20.
- How things work. Introduction to physics on the example of the things around us, University of Virginia, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, Russian subtitles, start 13 Feb.
- From the Big Bang to dark matter, University of Tokyo, Coursera, the language of teaching: English, Russian subtitles, 4 weeks, registration has started — you can join.
- Moons (know about the moons of the Solar system), the Open University, Future Learn, language: English, 8 weeks, starting February 20.
- Slippers for Cinderella: the design of useful things, Moscow state University of design and technology, "Universarium", language: Russian, 15 lectures start soon, it is already possible to register for the course.
- Modern architecture, University of Bath, Future Learn, language: English, 3 weeks, starting on February 27.
- The basics of graphic design, California Institute of the arts, Coursera, language: English, 4 week course began on 6 February, you can join.
- The work of translation: Theory and practice, Cardiff University, Future Learn, language: English, 4 weeks, starting on February 27.
- IELTS preparation: Technology English language test, British Council, Future Learn, the language of instruction: English, 6 weeks, starting February 13.
- Exploring English: language and culture, British Council, Future Learn, language: English, 6 weeks, starting April 3.
- English for career, University of Pennsylvania, Sogea, course language: English 5 weeks, starting February 13.
- Chinese for beginners, Saint-Petersburg state University, open education, language courses: Russian, for 11 weeks, starting February 15.
See also
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