Lunar calendar: When to plant tulips and other bulbs in the fall
Autumn flower bulbs to buy and plant in fall and they bloom next spring. It: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, Imperial grouse, decorative bows, Muscari, crocuses, melkolukovichnye of a plant (Scylla, chionodoxa, Pushkini Scilla).
Off-season bulbs — lilies are planted in spring and autumn. When planting spring bulbs bloom out of season in the same year, a landing in the autumn of next week. To order and pay for bulbous plants: delivery by mail in advance, to the planting season you have already received the parcel. Find out auspicious days for buying and planting bulbous plants according to the Lunar planting calendar gardeners.
How to choose good bulbs
When you buy tulips, daffodils, lilies and other plants, please note the size of the bulbs, it depends on the quality of flowering. Inspect the bulbs. They should be tight, in any case, not faded, not have soft, rotten spots, musty odor. Please note on the bottom of the bulb — it should be dry and dense, is the key to health and vitality of plants. The bulbs are dwarf varieties and species of plants the bulbs are smaller, that's fine.
Hyacinth colouring covering scales of the bulbs, as a rule, resembles the color of the blossoms. In addition, pink purple, blue hyacinth bulbs are usually shirokolitsye, yellow and orange – uzkolinejnye, white and egg – shaped. The varieties of different colors of the bulbs needs to be a different color.
It is very risky to buy Lily bulbs after forcing. They are very light, because their scales have exhausted the supply of nutrients. The following year they bloom. If you are attracted to the price and you agree to skip two or three seasons of flowering, you can buy Lily after distillation.
How to treat the bulbs before planting
Pre-packaged bulbs will free the house from the packaging, immediately discard badly damaged. Before planting newly purchased bulbs will clean and treat infections. On sale often receives the bulb, the infected penicilline rot. The disease manifests itself in the form of gray-green spores on the surface scales of the bulb. If penicilline spot a small onion can be cured.
Often apparently healthy bulbs, if you remove the cover scales, we can detect the first signs of Fusarium: greyish sunken spots surrounded by a bright border. They should be removed to bring the infection to the garden.
The best days for the treatment of plants and seed material against diseases and pests according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener is 6, 10-12 August 1-5, 11, 12, 29, 30 Sep.
How and where in the garden to plant bulbs
The planting depth of the bulb can be calculated using the "rule of three": from the stems to the soil surface should be a distance equal to the height of the bulb, multiplied by 3. On heavy soils the depth of planting is better to reduce 20%.
During vegetation and flowering bulbs need sun, but when they are at rest, the lighting is not so important. Blooming in early spring melkolukovichnye can be planted among deciduous trees, which bloom around the time when the leaves of these flower dies.
Bulbous plants can not tolerate stagnant water, but usually demanding the presence of food and moisture during the growing season. The best choice for them — nutrient and water-holding capacity but well drained loamy soil. On sandy soil require more watering and intensive fertilizing.
Plants, bulbs which you need to dig in the summer (tulips, hyacinths, grouse), can be planted on beds with fast-growing annuals and biennials: the nasturtiums, fragrant tobacco, violas, forget-me-nots, daisies. They will zadekorirovat empty spaces in the flower garden.
At what time you need to plant autumn onion
First, in late August – early September, put melkolukovichnye: Scylla, Muscari, Pushkin, hionodoksy, crocuses.
Gradually go to planting daffodils in late August-early September, then around mid September plant Tulip bulbs. Planting hyacinths is better not to hurry. The most favorable moment - the second decade of October when temperature will be around 8°C.
Is it possible to plant bulbs, for example, in July–August? Yes, but they begin to take root when the soil temperature is around +10 ° C, and up to this date will lie in the ground, where they lie in wait for onion flies, wireworms, weeds and various diseases.
Is it possible to buy bulbs in late fall — and how to put them?
You can buy unsprouted bulbs for autumn sales. Many companies offer good discounts on so-called expired bulbs. In slightly frozen ground you can plant bulbs without prejudice for flowering the following year. When planting these bulbs need to cover for the winter. Cover bulbs should be dry and well ventilated.
To plant small bulbs in the cold earth, you must first place them in a pot with garden soil, using a drill or a crowbar in the frozen ground sufficient to make a recess to put the pot, bury the excavated soil, mulch the planting site with peat and cover with the top covering material (spunbond, lutrasilom).
If, during the landings in the later stages of the bulbs (corms) were covered with spruce branches (film, non-woven fabric, foliage, etc.) or a big layer of compost in the spring, before flowering, a layer of mulch need to shovel, and sealing material removed.
The best days to prepare plants for the winter and the installation of shelters on the Lunar calendar 2-5, 7, 8, 10-12, 14-18, 20, 22-26, 29 and 30 September and 1-5, 7, 19, 28, 29 Oct. These days are suitable for mulching of planting.
When buying lilies in autumn or spring?
The most favorable time for planting bulbs of lilies – beginning of September. Planted at this time, the bulbs are well rooted and well spend the winter. But in the fall it's hard to find good planting material. Mainly sold the bulbs remaining after the spring sale, and almost a year had lain in the fridge.
The main flow of planting material comes to us from the countries with longer growing season, where bulbs are dug in October-November. Therefore, the new harvest we get in the spring of refrigeration storage. In autumn the shelves are, as a rule, bulbs of a one-year storage, ready to start growth, and sometimes even bulbs with shoots. These lilies is better not to buy. So in the autumn we can buy bulbs only from local producers and imported in the spring.
Many people purchase Lily bulbs in winter, in January and February, when you start work the first of the exhibition. These bulbs need to put in the fridge and store in the package. If the sprouts become large and continue to grow, the bulbs must be planted in a container and keep them in a cool, bright place.
Is it possible to buy lilies from sprouts? In the spring you can buy lilies from sprouts. Autumn to buy lilies from sprouts is not worth it. When planting they will continue to grow and will die at the first freeze.
The best lunar days for the purchase of bulbs and planting material at Planting calendar for gardeners — 14, 15 and 16 September. On 14 and 15 October.
These days according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener in 2015, from buying plants should be abandoned: 1, 8, 9, 14, 29 August 4, 5, 13 and 28 September.
When to plant lilies is in spring or autumn?
It is better to purchase plant lilies in the fall. The deadline can vary, so the bulbs are at rest and not touched in growth. The optimum time of planting lilies – the end of August, September and even October. Do not plant lilies too late, as for rooting, they need time. In late planting the bulbs do not have time to build up sufficient root mass and worse winter.
In late planting of lilies to make a better shelter. Cut twigs of shrubs and arrange them over the onion's "tent". Cover with oak leaves (she perepravit and caking). Cover with the upturned vegetable crate, then a waterproof material (the ends of the box must be ventilated). Press cover heavy objects.
You can purchase and plant lilies in the spring. With spring planting bulbs to bloom in the same year. But with spring planting, you probably have the bulbs after cold storage, and when moving them in the heat they quickly go to growth. Therefore, the time for planting will be fairly limited.
You need to have time to plant the bulbs until the sprouts are still small. If they reached 10-15 cm, the bulbs need to be planted sideways to sprouts to lay in the groove near almost horizontally. They will gradually take a vertical position and the plant will bloom in the same year, although it may be weaker. With spring planting bulbs spend time on growing the root system to the detriment of growth and flowering, and sometimes just rot the following winter.
The optimal time for planting and transplanting lilies in regions with short summers (Moscow, Leningrad, Ural, Siberia) – mid – late August. In the southern areas, the planting dates are shifted by about a month later, in the North, on the contrary, early.
The optimal period for transplanting and planting lilies in Central Russia – August-September, in southern areas – October. In principle it is possible to plant later when the soil temperature is close to zero, but in this case you will have to cover the plants for the winter.
When to plant and transplant daffodils
Dig up daffodils need later tulips, as soon as the leaves are almost completely yellow (June-July), and to plant before the end of September. The optimum planting time daffodils – the second half of August, as most of the roots of daffodils growing in September. In the middle zone of Russia planted daffodils around 20 August to 1 September. If they are planted later, along with tulips, they will not have time to develop the root system and, therefore, they are worse than winter.
The bulbs of daffodils planted after dry storage (without roots), it is better to mulch fallen leaves (layer thickness not less than 10 cm), then this operation is not required, since daffodils in one place can grow for 5-7 years. The only exceptions are represenational daffodils that are mulched annually.
When to plant hyacinths
Hyacinth bulbs are planted in conditions of Central Russia (Moscow, Leningrad, Vologda, Kostroma and other regions) and the southern Urals in late September — early October. Like the tulips, too early planting hyacinths can start to rise and die in the winter, and for late — will not have time to take root before the soil freezing to a depth of planting.
However, plant hyacinths can be until the first half of November. But then the place should be warmed beforehand leaves or other material from those that are at hand, and to protect the film from rain and snow. And after landing again put insulation.
Plot of land for planting hyacinths experts advise to prepare in August, two months before planting, otherwise the natural soil settlement can cause breakage of the roots, which begin to develop in the fall. When planting in the hole, it is desirable to add well-rotted compost or peat, if it is not added in the pre-digging the soil.
With the onset of cold resistant planting hyacinths better shelter. You can use dry peat, humus, sawdust, dry leaves and twigs. In the spring, as soon as the soil begins to thaw, the cover must be carefully removed, as the shoots of hyacinths appear very early.
After the spring home forcing hyacinth bulbs can also be planted in the garden. But not in the spring and fall. After the leaves wither, the bulbs should be carefully removed from the pot, dried at room temperature, cleaned of old roots and the covering of scales. Store in peat, avoiding drying until the beginning of September at a temperature of about +25°C.
Best days for distillation plants according to the Lunar calendar gardener and farmer 2015: 1, 7, 19, 28 October, 1, 2, 15, 16, 30 Nov and 1, 12, 13, 27 and 28 December.
When to plant crocuses
Crocus – early spring flower, so most of the varieties of this plant should be planted in the ground before winter, that is, in autumn, in September-October. Planting crocuses on the lawn under fruit trees, near the water well where the soil freezes later, will allow you to plant the plants even in November. But if you want to get flowering crocuses next spring, you should order and buy the corms of Crocus in late summer.
There are autumn varieties of crocuses, they bloom in August-September. Their bulbs should be planted during the summer (July-August). These crocuses are more demanding and need careful care, weeding and watering. Therefore, they are less popular than early flowering. When planting Crocus bulbs, it is necessary to consider their svetonosnost: lack of light the buds were not disclosed.
Like sit crocuses after distillation
Potted Crocus plants that bloom in a pot indoors, after distillation can be re-planted in the garden. After flowering remove withered inflorescence, so the plant does not waste power trying to seed formation.
Gradually reduce watering, stimulating the outflow of nutrients into the follicle. When the leaves completely turn yellow, the bulb is removed, dried at room temperature, cleaned of old roots and the covering of scales.
The bulbs of crocuses after distillation can be planted in the ground in may after thawing of the soil. Blossom in this season, plants will not be unlikely that will give a full bloom next year.
When to plant melkolukovichnye
Melkolukovichnye of a plant (Crocus, kandykov, hionodoksy, Muscari, Scylla, pushkinia, Corydalis, Galanthus and others) it is possible not to dig in for a few years until they grow. When the plants begin to crowd each other, usually in June, when the leaves turn yellow, plants are dug, divided and transplanted to a new location.
In the second half — the end of August planted new planting material. Plants need time to root before the cold weather. On lighter soils the bulbs planted a little deeper, and a heavy slightly smaller from the standard recommended depth. Small onions — baby — better to bury less than older bulbs.
When to plant tulips
The optimum planting time Tulip bulbs in Central Russia (Moscow region, Leningrad region, regions) and regions with short summers (Ural, Siberia) is at the end of September – beginning of October, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is about +10°C, and the freezing of the soil plants have time to root formation (about 20-30 days).
Plants that failed to root well, will receive less power and lag in growth. Immediately prior to planting is recommended to maintain onions for 30-60 minutes in 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or special disinfectants (e.g., Maxim).
Prolonged warm autumn over mulch peat layer of 10 cm appeared the tops of the tulips, the plants were not injured by subsequent frosts.
When to plant tulips on the Lunar calendar
Tulips that don't require digging for 3-6 years: Kaufman, foster, Greig, species, and Darwinova hybrids, Triumph, Simple, Simple early and late. It is better to plant with drought-resistant species of perennials with shallow-rooted, for example, by blasting. In summer, the bulbs of these tulips is not desirable the ingress of moisture. Planting sedums live in the garden for 3-6 years, and when it comes time digging bulbs, courtines stonecrop is carefully removed with a shovel, and after harvesting the tulips once again return to the flower garden.
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When to plant Imperial fritillary
Usually the grouse are planted in the garden in September and October. Forced later planting bulbs requires mulching pick-up and shelter his oak leaves for the winter. The bulbs of Fritillaria no covering scales, so you need to treat them most carefully to prevent drying out and mechanical damage.published
Source: vk.com/home_garden?w=wall-44431169_420247
Off-season bulbs — lilies are planted in spring and autumn. When planting spring bulbs bloom out of season in the same year, a landing in the autumn of next week. To order and pay for bulbous plants: delivery by mail in advance, to the planting season you have already received the parcel. Find out auspicious days for buying and planting bulbous plants according to the Lunar planting calendar gardeners.

How to choose good bulbs
When you buy tulips, daffodils, lilies and other plants, please note the size of the bulbs, it depends on the quality of flowering. Inspect the bulbs. They should be tight, in any case, not faded, not have soft, rotten spots, musty odor. Please note on the bottom of the bulb — it should be dry and dense, is the key to health and vitality of plants. The bulbs are dwarf varieties and species of plants the bulbs are smaller, that's fine.
Hyacinth colouring covering scales of the bulbs, as a rule, resembles the color of the blossoms. In addition, pink purple, blue hyacinth bulbs are usually shirokolitsye, yellow and orange – uzkolinejnye, white and egg – shaped. The varieties of different colors of the bulbs needs to be a different color.
It is very risky to buy Lily bulbs after forcing. They are very light, because their scales have exhausted the supply of nutrients. The following year they bloom. If you are attracted to the price and you agree to skip two or three seasons of flowering, you can buy Lily after distillation.

How to treat the bulbs before planting
Pre-packaged bulbs will free the house from the packaging, immediately discard badly damaged. Before planting newly purchased bulbs will clean and treat infections. On sale often receives the bulb, the infected penicilline rot. The disease manifests itself in the form of gray-green spores on the surface scales of the bulb. If penicilline spot a small onion can be cured.
Often apparently healthy bulbs, if you remove the cover scales, we can detect the first signs of Fusarium: greyish sunken spots surrounded by a bright border. They should be removed to bring the infection to the garden.
The best days for the treatment of plants and seed material against diseases and pests according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener is 6, 10-12 August 1-5, 11, 12, 29, 30 Sep.
How and where in the garden to plant bulbs
The planting depth of the bulb can be calculated using the "rule of three": from the stems to the soil surface should be a distance equal to the height of the bulb, multiplied by 3. On heavy soils the depth of planting is better to reduce 20%.
During vegetation and flowering bulbs need sun, but when they are at rest, the lighting is not so important. Blooming in early spring melkolukovichnye can be planted among deciduous trees, which bloom around the time when the leaves of these flower dies.
Bulbous plants can not tolerate stagnant water, but usually demanding the presence of food and moisture during the growing season. The best choice for them — nutrient and water-holding capacity but well drained loamy soil. On sandy soil require more watering and intensive fertilizing.
Plants, bulbs which you need to dig in the summer (tulips, hyacinths, grouse), can be planted on beds with fast-growing annuals and biennials: the nasturtiums, fragrant tobacco, violas, forget-me-nots, daisies. They will zadekorirovat empty spaces in the flower garden.
At what time you need to plant autumn onion
First, in late August – early September, put melkolukovichnye: Scylla, Muscari, Pushkin, hionodoksy, crocuses.
Gradually go to planting daffodils in late August-early September, then around mid September plant Tulip bulbs. Planting hyacinths is better not to hurry. The most favorable moment - the second decade of October when temperature will be around 8°C.
Is it possible to plant bulbs, for example, in July–August? Yes, but they begin to take root when the soil temperature is around +10 ° C, and up to this date will lie in the ground, where they lie in wait for onion flies, wireworms, weeds and various diseases.

Is it possible to buy bulbs in late fall — and how to put them?
You can buy unsprouted bulbs for autumn sales. Many companies offer good discounts on so-called expired bulbs. In slightly frozen ground you can plant bulbs without prejudice for flowering the following year. When planting these bulbs need to cover for the winter. Cover bulbs should be dry and well ventilated.
To plant small bulbs in the cold earth, you must first place them in a pot with garden soil, using a drill or a crowbar in the frozen ground sufficient to make a recess to put the pot, bury the excavated soil, mulch the planting site with peat and cover with the top covering material (spunbond, lutrasilom).
If, during the landings in the later stages of the bulbs (corms) were covered with spruce branches (film, non-woven fabric, foliage, etc.) or a big layer of compost in the spring, before flowering, a layer of mulch need to shovel, and sealing material removed.
The best days to prepare plants for the winter and the installation of shelters on the Lunar calendar 2-5, 7, 8, 10-12, 14-18, 20, 22-26, 29 and 30 September and 1-5, 7, 19, 28, 29 Oct. These days are suitable for mulching of planting.
When buying lilies in autumn or spring?
The most favorable time for planting bulbs of lilies – beginning of September. Planted at this time, the bulbs are well rooted and well spend the winter. But in the fall it's hard to find good planting material. Mainly sold the bulbs remaining after the spring sale, and almost a year had lain in the fridge.
The main flow of planting material comes to us from the countries with longer growing season, where bulbs are dug in October-November. Therefore, the new harvest we get in the spring of refrigeration storage. In autumn the shelves are, as a rule, bulbs of a one-year storage, ready to start growth, and sometimes even bulbs with shoots. These lilies is better not to buy. So in the autumn we can buy bulbs only from local producers and imported in the spring.
Many people purchase Lily bulbs in winter, in January and February, when you start work the first of the exhibition. These bulbs need to put in the fridge and store in the package. If the sprouts become large and continue to grow, the bulbs must be planted in a container and keep them in a cool, bright place.
Is it possible to buy lilies from sprouts? In the spring you can buy lilies from sprouts. Autumn to buy lilies from sprouts is not worth it. When planting they will continue to grow and will die at the first freeze.
The best lunar days for the purchase of bulbs and planting material at Planting calendar for gardeners — 14, 15 and 16 September. On 14 and 15 October.
These days according to the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener in 2015, from buying plants should be abandoned: 1, 8, 9, 14, 29 August 4, 5, 13 and 28 September.
When to plant lilies is in spring or autumn?
It is better to purchase plant lilies in the fall. The deadline can vary, so the bulbs are at rest and not touched in growth. The optimum time of planting lilies – the end of August, September and even October. Do not plant lilies too late, as for rooting, they need time. In late planting the bulbs do not have time to build up sufficient root mass and worse winter.
In late planting of lilies to make a better shelter. Cut twigs of shrubs and arrange them over the onion's "tent". Cover with oak leaves (she perepravit and caking). Cover with the upturned vegetable crate, then a waterproof material (the ends of the box must be ventilated). Press cover heavy objects.

You can purchase and plant lilies in the spring. With spring planting bulbs to bloom in the same year. But with spring planting, you probably have the bulbs after cold storage, and when moving them in the heat they quickly go to growth. Therefore, the time for planting will be fairly limited.
You need to have time to plant the bulbs until the sprouts are still small. If they reached 10-15 cm, the bulbs need to be planted sideways to sprouts to lay in the groove near almost horizontally. They will gradually take a vertical position and the plant will bloom in the same year, although it may be weaker. With spring planting bulbs spend time on growing the root system to the detriment of growth and flowering, and sometimes just rot the following winter.
The optimal time for planting and transplanting lilies in regions with short summers (Moscow, Leningrad, Ural, Siberia) – mid – late August. In the southern areas, the planting dates are shifted by about a month later, in the North, on the contrary, early.
The optimal period for transplanting and planting lilies in Central Russia – August-September, in southern areas – October. In principle it is possible to plant later when the soil temperature is close to zero, but in this case you will have to cover the plants for the winter.
When to plant and transplant daffodils
Dig up daffodils need later tulips, as soon as the leaves are almost completely yellow (June-July), and to plant before the end of September. The optimum planting time daffodils – the second half of August, as most of the roots of daffodils growing in September. In the middle zone of Russia planted daffodils around 20 August to 1 September. If they are planted later, along with tulips, they will not have time to develop the root system and, therefore, they are worse than winter.
The bulbs of daffodils planted after dry storage (without roots), it is better to mulch fallen leaves (layer thickness not less than 10 cm), then this operation is not required, since daffodils in one place can grow for 5-7 years. The only exceptions are represenational daffodils that are mulched annually.

When to plant hyacinths
Hyacinth bulbs are planted in conditions of Central Russia (Moscow, Leningrad, Vologda, Kostroma and other regions) and the southern Urals in late September — early October. Like the tulips, too early planting hyacinths can start to rise and die in the winter, and for late — will not have time to take root before the soil freezing to a depth of planting.
However, plant hyacinths can be until the first half of November. But then the place should be warmed beforehand leaves or other material from those that are at hand, and to protect the film from rain and snow. And after landing again put insulation.
Plot of land for planting hyacinths experts advise to prepare in August, two months before planting, otherwise the natural soil settlement can cause breakage of the roots, which begin to develop in the fall. When planting in the hole, it is desirable to add well-rotted compost or peat, if it is not added in the pre-digging the soil.
With the onset of cold resistant planting hyacinths better shelter. You can use dry peat, humus, sawdust, dry leaves and twigs. In the spring, as soon as the soil begins to thaw, the cover must be carefully removed, as the shoots of hyacinths appear very early.
After the spring home forcing hyacinth bulbs can also be planted in the garden. But not in the spring and fall. After the leaves wither, the bulbs should be carefully removed from the pot, dried at room temperature, cleaned of old roots and the covering of scales. Store in peat, avoiding drying until the beginning of September at a temperature of about +25°C.
Best days for distillation plants according to the Lunar calendar gardener and farmer 2015: 1, 7, 19, 28 October, 1, 2, 15, 16, 30 Nov and 1, 12, 13, 27 and 28 December.
When to plant crocuses
Crocus – early spring flower, so most of the varieties of this plant should be planted in the ground before winter, that is, in autumn, in September-October. Planting crocuses on the lawn under fruit trees, near the water well where the soil freezes later, will allow you to plant the plants even in November. But if you want to get flowering crocuses next spring, you should order and buy the corms of Crocus in late summer.
There are autumn varieties of crocuses, they bloom in August-September. Their bulbs should be planted during the summer (July-August). These crocuses are more demanding and need careful care, weeding and watering. Therefore, they are less popular than early flowering. When planting Crocus bulbs, it is necessary to consider their svetonosnost: lack of light the buds were not disclosed.

Like sit crocuses after distillation
Potted Crocus plants that bloom in a pot indoors, after distillation can be re-planted in the garden. After flowering remove withered inflorescence, so the plant does not waste power trying to seed formation.
Gradually reduce watering, stimulating the outflow of nutrients into the follicle. When the leaves completely turn yellow, the bulb is removed, dried at room temperature, cleaned of old roots and the covering of scales.
The bulbs of crocuses after distillation can be planted in the ground in may after thawing of the soil. Blossom in this season, plants will not be unlikely that will give a full bloom next year.
When to plant melkolukovichnye
Melkolukovichnye of a plant (Crocus, kandykov, hionodoksy, Muscari, Scylla, pushkinia, Corydalis, Galanthus and others) it is possible not to dig in for a few years until they grow. When the plants begin to crowd each other, usually in June, when the leaves turn yellow, plants are dug, divided and transplanted to a new location.
In the second half — the end of August planted new planting material. Plants need time to root before the cold weather. On lighter soils the bulbs planted a little deeper, and a heavy slightly smaller from the standard recommended depth. Small onions — baby — better to bury less than older bulbs.
When to plant tulips
The optimum planting time Tulip bulbs in Central Russia (Moscow region, Leningrad region, regions) and regions with short summers (Ural, Siberia) is at the end of September – beginning of October, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is about +10°C, and the freezing of the soil plants have time to root formation (about 20-30 days).

Plants that failed to root well, will receive less power and lag in growth. Immediately prior to planting is recommended to maintain onions for 30-60 minutes in 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or special disinfectants (e.g., Maxim).
Prolonged warm autumn over mulch peat layer of 10 cm appeared the tops of the tulips, the plants were not injured by subsequent frosts.
When to plant tulips on the Lunar calendar
Tulips that don't require digging for 3-6 years: Kaufman, foster, Greig, species, and Darwinova hybrids, Triumph, Simple, Simple early and late. It is better to plant with drought-resistant species of perennials with shallow-rooted, for example, by blasting. In summer, the bulbs of these tulips is not desirable the ingress of moisture. Planting sedums live in the garden for 3-6 years, and when it comes time digging bulbs, courtines stonecrop is carefully removed with a shovel, and after harvesting the tulips once again return to the flower garden.
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When to plant Imperial fritillary
Usually the grouse are planted in the garden in September and October. Forced later planting bulbs requires mulching pick-up and shelter his oak leaves for the winter. The bulbs of Fritillaria no covering scales, so you need to treat them most carefully to prevent drying out and mechanical damage.published
Source: vk.com/home_garden?w=wall-44431169_420247
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