The subtleties of growing tulips in Your garden
Every grower aims to have in your garden flowering plants itself early spring. One of these plants is a cinch. Tulips (family Liliaceae) is rightfully earned in our country popularity among professional florists and the General population.
Tulips are very diverse in form and structure of the flower, color and plant height. The flowers are Cup-shaped and liliatae, simple and double, plain and variegated, the size in length up to 13 cm in diameter up to 15 cm.
Tulip blooms in may and June, however, in recent years in the conditions of Central Russia has been a shift of flowering a few weeks earlier due to deviation in climatic conditions.
The Tulip short vegetation period. After flowering, the leaves wither, the bulbs enter a period of relative peace, but this peace is only apparent: in the maternal follicle during this time, a new flower.
The reproduction of a Tulip
Multiplies a subsidiary of Tulip bulbs produced in the axils of the scales of the parent bulb, and by seeds. After flowering and drying the leaves, about July, it is necessary to separate a subsidiary of the onion and dried for two days in the open air, protecting from rain and pritenyaya from the sun. Then the bulbs clear of the ground, roots and sorted.
Store Tulip bulbs the first three weeks at + 20°C. thereafter, the temperature was lowered to +15°C, and then to 9...12°C. Humidity is desirable in the range of 80%. These conditions are maintained in storage until planting bulbs in the open ground. At a higher temperature bulbs tulips late flowering.
When growing tulips bulbs need to dig every year. This is the key to increase the multiplication factor, the growth of the follicles and combating pests and diseases.
Planting tulips
The success of growing tulips depends on the correct choice of planting and training of the soil. For posting choose well-lighted, protected from cold winds place. The level of groundwater must not exceed 60 cm. If the water will rise higher, it will lead to waterlogging and death of follicles.
An important condition when selecting the location for planting of the Tulip is a good predecessor. Those are all flower and vegetable crops, except onion and vinegar, a viral disease which is transmitted to the tulips.
For planting Tulip choose level areas with light sandy loam, rich in humus soils, however, be aware that tulips do not tolerate acidic soils. They grow best in neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Taking this into account, when preparing the land for tulips in clay soils it is necessary to make river sand (2 buckets per 1 m2) and, if necessary, and lime (50 to 55 g per m2).
The Tulip bulbs are planted in the ground in autumn so that they are well rooted before the frost. For an average strip of Russia the most appropriate time is mid – late September – early October. Early-flowering tulips in one to two weeks planted early than late.
Before planting you should very carefully scrutinize the onion. The skin should be clean and the bulb is solid. If the bulbs are spots, it should be immediately destroyed. Healthy specimens for the prevention treated with a 0.2% sodium fundazol for 1 hour, dry and planted.
Planting Tulip bulbs at a distance of 10-15 cm in the row and between rows 30-40 cm, to a depth of 10-15 cm, However it should be remembered that the depth of planting and spacing in the row directly depend on the size of the bulb, the higher it is, the greater must be the area around her. After the first frost landing place of the bulbs covered with leaves, straw or humus layer 25-30 cm.
Tulips require large doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. In the spring as soon as sprouts appear, make fertilizer between rows at the depth of 10-12 cm after two weeks, fertilize with liquid mullein with the addition of 20 g of supephosphate and 25 g of potassium chloride in a bucket of solution. The third time the plants fertilize during flowering – a solution of mullein with the addition of 25 g of supephosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride in a bucket of solution.
Care for tulips
With good training earth care tulips insignificant. It is the systematic loosening the soil, weeding and watering. And watered the tulips before the yellowing of the aerial part, approximately two weeks after flowering. It was at this time there is a growth of new follicles. The faded flowers are bound tear.
Tulips are good for early flowering in the soil, they are excellent material for cutting, and also for winter forcing. For a bouquet tulips are cut with one or two leaves for better development of bulbs.
On some varieties of Tulip is observed pestrolistnaja. This phenomenon is called viral disease carried by sucking insects, as well as knives in the vase life of flowers. During flowering it is necessary to destroy plants with variegated flowers, in order not to infect other bulbs. Prevention must be periodically inspected landing and immediately remove, together with the land plants with deviations in development. This allows to avoid the development of infection, if any appears.
Tulip varieties
All varieties of tulips are divided into several groups according to the shape of flower and time of flowering.
Simple early bloom in early may for 15-30 days. Suitable for distillation. The best Tulip varieties in this group: Ibison Trezor (pink), (yellow), Cooler Cardinal (red).
Terry early bloom simultaneously with the simple early. Varieties of this group are also suitable for distillation. The best Tulip varieties: ELEKTRA (red), Murillo (white with a pink tinge).
Triumph – bloom in second half of may 10-20 days. Tulips in this group is high with large Cup-shaped flowers. Most varieties of Tulip main color combined with a bright edging. The best of them: Karratha (white) (Carmine red with a silvery border), Aviatorilor (pink-purple with a crimson hue).
Siderovska – tulips in this group bloom in late may – early June. Best grade – Dillenburg (orange terracotta).
Mendelian bloom in mid-may within 15-30 days. The best varieties of this group: ger grace (white-pink), white sale (white).
Terry late tulips – varieties with double flowers, which bloom in late may. The best of them are: nice (yellow with red feathery spots), mount Tecoma (white with blue tint), Symphony (black and purple).
Darwin – tulips in this group bloom in the third week of may for 15-20 days. This is a very diverse group in the number of varieties. Flowers of different colors and shapes – bowl-shaped, spherical and Cup-shaped. The best of them: Demeter (purple), Aristocrat (purplish-pink with crimson shading), the Queen of night (black and purple), Amsterdam (white), Carnivores (red), Holden Harvest (yellow).
Parrot tulips are intricately jagged flowers. Plants in this group bloom in late may. Best: Fantasy (pale pink), black Parrot (purple-black), Texas gold (yellow), Red champion (red).
Liliaceae – plants of this group by the shape of the flower is very similar to Lily. Tepals narrow, with sharp tips. Blooming in mid-may. The best varieties of this group are: Aladdin (red-orange with Golden edging), Arcadia (yellow), white Triumph (white), Marietta (pale pink).
The Darwin hybrids. Plants in this group bloom in early may. Flowers very showy, bright red. These tulips are suitable for forcing. Give beautiful srezochnyh material. The best varieties are: London (red), Artist (yellow-red), Oxford (red), Parade (red).
Tulips delight gardeners with a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. They decorate our garden since the snow melts and before the summer. These beautiful flowers we associate with spring and the new gardening season.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: urozhayna-gryadka.narod.ru/tulip.htm
Tulips are very diverse in form and structure of the flower, color and plant height. The flowers are Cup-shaped and liliatae, simple and double, plain and variegated, the size in length up to 13 cm in diameter up to 15 cm.
Tulip blooms in may and June, however, in recent years in the conditions of Central Russia has been a shift of flowering a few weeks earlier due to deviation in climatic conditions.
The Tulip short vegetation period. After flowering, the leaves wither, the bulbs enter a period of relative peace, but this peace is only apparent: in the maternal follicle during this time, a new flower.

The reproduction of a Tulip
Multiplies a subsidiary of Tulip bulbs produced in the axils of the scales of the parent bulb, and by seeds. After flowering and drying the leaves, about July, it is necessary to separate a subsidiary of the onion and dried for two days in the open air, protecting from rain and pritenyaya from the sun. Then the bulbs clear of the ground, roots and sorted.
Store Tulip bulbs the first three weeks at + 20°C. thereafter, the temperature was lowered to +15°C, and then to 9...12°C. Humidity is desirable in the range of 80%. These conditions are maintained in storage until planting bulbs in the open ground. At a higher temperature bulbs tulips late flowering.
When growing tulips bulbs need to dig every year. This is the key to increase the multiplication factor, the growth of the follicles and combating pests and diseases.
Planting tulips
The success of growing tulips depends on the correct choice of planting and training of the soil. For posting choose well-lighted, protected from cold winds place. The level of groundwater must not exceed 60 cm. If the water will rise higher, it will lead to waterlogging and death of follicles.
An important condition when selecting the location for planting of the Tulip is a good predecessor. Those are all flower and vegetable crops, except onion and vinegar, a viral disease which is transmitted to the tulips.
For planting Tulip choose level areas with light sandy loam, rich in humus soils, however, be aware that tulips do not tolerate acidic soils. They grow best in neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Taking this into account, when preparing the land for tulips in clay soils it is necessary to make river sand (2 buckets per 1 m2) and, if necessary, and lime (50 to 55 g per m2).
The Tulip bulbs are planted in the ground in autumn so that they are well rooted before the frost. For an average strip of Russia the most appropriate time is mid – late September – early October. Early-flowering tulips in one to two weeks planted early than late.
Before planting you should very carefully scrutinize the onion. The skin should be clean and the bulb is solid. If the bulbs are spots, it should be immediately destroyed. Healthy specimens for the prevention treated with a 0.2% sodium fundazol for 1 hour, dry and planted.
Planting Tulip bulbs at a distance of 10-15 cm in the row and between rows 30-40 cm, to a depth of 10-15 cm, However it should be remembered that the depth of planting and spacing in the row directly depend on the size of the bulb, the higher it is, the greater must be the area around her. After the first frost landing place of the bulbs covered with leaves, straw or humus layer 25-30 cm.
Tulips require large doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. In the spring as soon as sprouts appear, make fertilizer between rows at the depth of 10-12 cm after two weeks, fertilize with liquid mullein with the addition of 20 g of supephosphate and 25 g of potassium chloride in a bucket of solution. The third time the plants fertilize during flowering – a solution of mullein with the addition of 25 g of supephosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride in a bucket of solution.

Care for tulips
With good training earth care tulips insignificant. It is the systematic loosening the soil, weeding and watering. And watered the tulips before the yellowing of the aerial part, approximately two weeks after flowering. It was at this time there is a growth of new follicles. The faded flowers are bound tear.
Tulips are good for early flowering in the soil, they are excellent material for cutting, and also for winter forcing. For a bouquet tulips are cut with one or two leaves for better development of bulbs.
On some varieties of Tulip is observed pestrolistnaja. This phenomenon is called viral disease carried by sucking insects, as well as knives in the vase life of flowers. During flowering it is necessary to destroy plants with variegated flowers, in order not to infect other bulbs. Prevention must be periodically inspected landing and immediately remove, together with the land plants with deviations in development. This allows to avoid the development of infection, if any appears.

Tulip varieties
All varieties of tulips are divided into several groups according to the shape of flower and time of flowering.
Simple early bloom in early may for 15-30 days. Suitable for distillation. The best Tulip varieties in this group: Ibison Trezor (pink), (yellow), Cooler Cardinal (red).
Terry early bloom simultaneously with the simple early. Varieties of this group are also suitable for distillation. The best Tulip varieties: ELEKTRA (red), Murillo (white with a pink tinge).
Triumph – bloom in second half of may 10-20 days. Tulips in this group is high with large Cup-shaped flowers. Most varieties of Tulip main color combined with a bright edging. The best of them: Karratha (white) (Carmine red with a silvery border), Aviatorilor (pink-purple with a crimson hue).
Siderovska – tulips in this group bloom in late may – early June. Best grade – Dillenburg (orange terracotta).
Mendelian bloom in mid-may within 15-30 days. The best varieties of this group: ger grace (white-pink), white sale (white).
Terry late tulips – varieties with double flowers, which bloom in late may. The best of them are: nice (yellow with red feathery spots), mount Tecoma (white with blue tint), Symphony (black and purple).
Darwin – tulips in this group bloom in the third week of may for 15-20 days. This is a very diverse group in the number of varieties. Flowers of different colors and shapes – bowl-shaped, spherical and Cup-shaped. The best of them: Demeter (purple), Aristocrat (purplish-pink with crimson shading), the Queen of night (black and purple), Amsterdam (white), Carnivores (red), Holden Harvest (yellow).
Parrot tulips are intricately jagged flowers. Plants in this group bloom in late may. Best: Fantasy (pale pink), black Parrot (purple-black), Texas gold (yellow), Red champion (red).
Liliaceae – plants of this group by the shape of the flower is very similar to Lily. Tepals narrow, with sharp tips. Blooming in mid-may. The best varieties of this group are: Aladdin (red-orange with Golden edging), Arcadia (yellow), white Triumph (white), Marietta (pale pink).
The Darwin hybrids. Plants in this group bloom in early may. Flowers very showy, bright red. These tulips are suitable for forcing. Give beautiful srezochnyh material. The best varieties are: London (red), Artist (yellow-red), Oxford (red), Parade (red).

Tulips delight gardeners with a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. They decorate our garden since the snow melts and before the summer. These beautiful flowers we associate with spring and the new gardening season.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: urozhayna-gryadka.narod.ru/tulip.htm
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