Subtleties of planting tulips in spring

Due to the unpretentiousness and variety of colors, sizes and shapes of tulips have earned great popularity among flower growers.

In our latitudes, the main spring flowers usually bloom for the May holidays, flashing bright lights against the background of black earth and only appearing greenery.

But what if in the autumn to plant tulips for some reason did not work? Planting tulips in the ground in spring It has its own characteristics, and we will try to describe them in detail.

Start with the fact that you need to immediately consider two options. The first option is to plant fully mature tulip bulbs. This will require additional effort, but to admire the buds will be this spring.

The second option is the traditional method of planting tubers, in which, without potting, tulips will please with flowers only for the next year.

Compared to the "winter" tulips, planted in the spring will bloom later not so abundantly, but this has a certain advantage. The flowerbed, composed of autumn and spring flowers, will remain blooming and lush longer.

  1. Landing times
    Planting bulbs in the spring is carried out as early as the climate allows. The best option is to plant onions in special containers and pots for distillation on frosty days and move to a permanent place of residence with the onset of heat.

    At the same time, you need to focus not on air temperature, but on soil temperature at a depth of 6-8 cm. The acceptable temperature is considered to be 7 degrees Celsius. At a lower temperature, the planting material can be destroyed.

  2. Selection of location and ground
    The red tulips inherited from the grandmother can grow in any part of the garden, even in thick shade or in constant dampness. But if the bulbs of modern varieties are bought in the store, then the place for their planting will have to be chosen more carefully.

    Like all bulbs, tulips do not like excessive dampness, so overwatered lowlands are not suitable for them. Tulips also do not like strong wind, so the landing site should be protected from it.

    The best type of soil for tulips is a cultured, humus-rich type of soup and loam with a neutral reaction. Heavy and clay soil before planting should be improved by the introduction of river sand with the addition of peat and manure.

    Onion flowers do not like acidic soils, so if the pH of the soil on your site is less than 5-6, you need to neutralize the acidity. To do this, you can use crushed eggshells or make lime.

  3. Onion treatment
    If you want to see the flowering of tulips in the first year after planting, choose bulbs with a diameter of more than 5 centimeters, without defects and damage.

    To avoid fungal diseases, etch the bulbs for half an hour in a weak (slightly pink) solution of permanganate.

  4. Landing.
    Before landing, the ground must be dug to a depth not less than on the bayonet of the shovel. The depth of the holes for landing should be at least 8 centimeters.

    The optimal distance between the holes is from 10 to 20 centimeters depending on the area of the earth and the size of the bulb. When planting, try not to damage the bulbs, just gently press them into the ground.

    Increasingly popular tulip-growing and baskets. There are a number of reasons. First, tulips growing in containers are much easier to dig out of the ground without damaging the bulbs with a shovel.

    Secondly, this method of planting helps to protect plants from rodents. Third, if your site is poor soil, the use of containers will simplify its improvement.

  5. Fertilization
    If last season the soil was not fertilized, then in the spring it is necessary to fertilize. The first feeding of tulips is performed using nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which stimulate the formation and rapid growth of leaves.

    Around the appeared small sprouts of tulips, careful loosening of the soil should be carried out. This will increase oxygen access to the root system and reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Tulips are quite unpretentious, so when following the above recommendations, they will develop normally and will surely please you with friendly flowering.


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