How to tune in to a successful selfie
Many years ago, only the most important photographs were taken. memorial human. A wedding, an anniversary, the birth of a child, and sometimes a long-awaited meeting with a loved one - photos of such events were carefully stored in a family photo album, reviewed, proudly demonstrated to children and grandchildren.
However, over time, many things became more accessible. Photos included. Today, even a student with the help of a smartphone purchased by parents can make hundreds of different photos. Some of these pictures he will share later on the Internet.
Selfies are especially popular when people take pictures of themselves. Such photos appear on the Internet especially often. But if the fascination with the creation of “biscuits” for young people is justified, then the addiction of adults and those who have held to regularly posting selfies on their pages in social networks, psychologists consider a bad sign.
The essence of selfie "Why at all" selfie? To escape from your own insecurity? Or for narcissism? You can understand young girls, but why do 45-year-old aunts publish their photos every day with incomprehensible quotes about life, about love?
“In discussing self-portraits, one can distinguish both the positive and the negative side. If we talk about teenagers, selfies help them identify themselves faster, suggest what kind of a young person is seen by others. Such photos allow you to look at yourself from the outside, explains psychologist Ekaterina Kryukova.
And here are the adults. selfie This may indicate difficulties. And the older the person, the stranger it seems to be the tendency to take pictures of themselves to share these photos with others. The reasons can be different: dependence on gadgets, problems with self-esteem, loneliness in real life.
Selfie cravings in adults can also indicate dissatisfaction with real life, a period of crisis. For example, an older woman can take selfies to prove to herself that she is still beautiful and attractive.
The craving for cool self-portraits can sometimes go beyond common sense. Sometimes people put themselves in danger for the sake of a good photo, for example, climbing on the roof of a tall building or climbing into the epicenter of a fire. Such photos can not leave indifferent: you either admire or condemn.
Egor does not leave indifferent selfies of older women, and this causes some concern. After all, 32 years is the age when regular selfies should also be stopped. Perhaps subconsciously, a man feels a connection with those older women whose photos so often catch his eye. It often annoys us in other people that we do not want to see in ourselves.
Therefore, if something is constantly annoying, it is better to analyze it, to reflect on your feelings. Selfies mad? You may need attention and support, or you may be going through a difficult time. We need to understand the problem to solve it.
Of course, everyone has the right to be photographed as much as he wants. And sometimes such a self-portrait is the only opportunity to make a beautiful photo, capture a moment that you want to save. But sharing ordinary photos with the world every day is an unhealthy hobby.
However, over time, many things became more accessible. Photos included. Today, even a student with the help of a smartphone purchased by parents can make hundreds of different photos. Some of these pictures he will share later on the Internet.
Selfies are especially popular when people take pictures of themselves. Such photos appear on the Internet especially often. But if the fascination with the creation of “biscuits” for young people is justified, then the addiction of adults and those who have held to regularly posting selfies on their pages in social networks, psychologists consider a bad sign.

The essence of selfie "Why at all" selfie? To escape from your own insecurity? Or for narcissism? You can understand young girls, but why do 45-year-old aunts publish their photos every day with incomprehensible quotes about life, about love?

“In discussing self-portraits, one can distinguish both the positive and the negative side. If we talk about teenagers, selfies help them identify themselves faster, suggest what kind of a young person is seen by others. Such photos allow you to look at yourself from the outside, explains psychologist Ekaterina Kryukova.
And here are the adults. selfie This may indicate difficulties. And the older the person, the stranger it seems to be the tendency to take pictures of themselves to share these photos with others. The reasons can be different: dependence on gadgets, problems with self-esteem, loneliness in real life.
Selfie cravings in adults can also indicate dissatisfaction with real life, a period of crisis. For example, an older woman can take selfies to prove to herself that she is still beautiful and attractive.

The craving for cool self-portraits can sometimes go beyond common sense. Sometimes people put themselves in danger for the sake of a good photo, for example, climbing on the roof of a tall building or climbing into the epicenter of a fire. Such photos can not leave indifferent: you either admire or condemn.

Egor does not leave indifferent selfies of older women, and this causes some concern. After all, 32 years is the age when regular selfies should also be stopped. Perhaps subconsciously, a man feels a connection with those older women whose photos so often catch his eye. It often annoys us in other people that we do not want to see in ourselves.

Therefore, if something is constantly annoying, it is better to analyze it, to reflect on your feelings. Selfies mad? You may need attention and support, or you may be going through a difficult time. We need to understand the problem to solve it.

Of course, everyone has the right to be photographed as much as he wants. And sometimes such a self-portrait is the only opportunity to make a beautiful photo, capture a moment that you want to save. But sharing ordinary photos with the world every day is an unhealthy hobby.