10 changes for the better that will happen if you leave the social networks

Social media can be a great tool to keep in touch with people, make new friends and socialize. Unfortunately, not all use them that way. Many of us go to the social network as a job: Fasting is something for the likes endlessly browsing upgrade tape and obsession to want to know just about everything that's going on in the world. Maybe it's time to take a break?
Blogger Joe Hindi believes that positive changes will begin as soon as you stop spending in social networks most of the time. Website has translated an article about what they will be.
Your brain will cease to be mertvym- I use the term "brain dead" in a figurative sense. When you are buried in the monitor for checking the updates on Facebook, you do not pay attention to the world around. You may need to feed the cat or take a walk with the dog, but you do not do it before you send all the messages. You can go somewhere else, but still spend time in your smartphone. When this happens, you do not even feel that left the house. If you tear eyes away from the screen, you'll see that a lot of things happening around. Then the cat will eat, and friends are happy with the possibility of finally talk to you live.
You will be able to perform more rabotyKak blogger, I am often on the Internet (read "always"), and my worst enemy - social networks. It is worth a moment to go to Facebook as a minute turns into a quarter of an hour, and after a moment I realize that has lost about 30 minutes Thanks to smartphones and high-speed Internet, you can check the social network anywhere, including at work. When you walk out of your accounts, then, to escape the boredom, you have to do something else - for example, deal with their direct job responsibilities. One has only to close social networks and increase productivity immediately.
You will be able to focus on other veschahSotsseti time-consuming. You can spend hours just scrolling updates. However, this time can be used to better advantage, for example, to stay with family or strengthen relationships with loved ones, chat with friends or finally get on the treadmill and get in shape. Your possibilities are endless - because you will spend time on what they themselves want to do.
You can find out who your real druzyaNalichie fast Internet makes it easier to friendship. You spend a matter of seconds to ensure that layknut someone posts in social networks or comment on photos. Sometimes someone else's account to your post looks like a sincere interest, but once you leave Facebook, many will disappear. The only people you really expensive, you want to see next to each other and take care of you. Leaving social network, you will find them quickly enough.
You will find that the "Like" has smyslaZhurnalist Huffington Post Audra Rundle says that "husky" in social networks no longer show that you really like this post. This is a mandatory action that demonstrates that you have seen the entry and acknowledge its existence. However, most of us do not even think about it. Taking a step to the side, you can see how useless the button "I like" and how few people really care about the things that they like really.
You can complete nachatoeOpredelyayuschey characteristic of social networks is that you can never finish its work there. You can always see something else, write something else to add something else. This sense of incompleteness emotionally and psychologically pressure on the user. The problem can be easily solved by doing something outside social networks. You can finish reading the book. You can domyt dishes. Almost any task in the real world you can bring to its logical conclusion - and it is very important for the human sense of consistency, accomplishment. Do not deprive yourself of these emotions. Close Facebook and finish something.
You better start thinking about sebeOdno recent study demonstrated that significantly reduce self-esteem social network users. No laykaet your status, and you think that others think you are an idiot. The representatives of the opposite sex do not comment on your photos, and you start to think that you are ugly. You are constantly surrounded by people more successful and happier than you, with a strong relationship and a successful career. Is not that the reason for all the time to feel depressed? So why do you keep putting yourself in that position? The best way to stop it - take a break in social networks.
You better start thinking about what you estReporter Belinda Goldsmith Reuters published an article about the results of a study conducted in Germany. It showed that the majority of people actually envy what they see others in social networks. This may be a post about the new phone, car, home, or on the last vacation. There are those who are jealous of the good relations - whether it's friendship, romantic connections or family ties. Social networks - the perfect place to show off, as well as to read what others have, but what we do not have. And I repeat my question - why do you always put yourself in that position?
You will understand that they were just part of the audience who view ads in sotssetyahMy no doubt that social networks are people who legitimately care about you. But we also have no doubt that every user is only part of a huge database that social networks operate their own purposes. Your main task there - viewing ads, a waste of money for playing and refining the site. What happens to you in reality, it does not have a social network for any value. Would you maintain a relationship with a man who behaves? So, to keep you in the social networks?
The problem is that over the past few years, we have forgotten the purpose for which created social media. They do not help to find people to chat, keep in touch. They have become a trap. Updating the status and Laika became for us the same as for the cigarette smoker. This relationship and a job that does not give you anything. I'm not saying you have to leave the social network for all - it would be too. One can simply reduce them in our lives. You have nothing to lose by not coming to your page 30 times a day. I promise.
via www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/when-you-stop-checking-facebook-constantly-these-10-things-will-happen.html