Psychiatrists acknowledged dependence on social networks disease.
Doctors have found that psychological dependence on the Internet more than on hard drugs and hard liquor.
Scientists argue that the reliance on the Internet and social networking is a chronic disease that requires long-term complex treatment, according to "ITAR-TASS».
According to head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics "National Research Center on Addiction" Health Ministry Alexander Kibitova mechanism depending on the social networks similar to the mechanism based spirits and potent drugs, it differs only in that it has the character of non-chemical.
Genetic markers characteristic of reliance on the Internet and social networks, 80% coincide with characteristic markers for dependent spirits and potent drugs.
For non-chemical dependencies, besides depending on the Internet and social networks, and also includes gambling and compulsive shopping. They cause intense interest to scientists, but it is much more difficult to learn, because there is no opportunity to carry out experiments on laboratory animals.
- It is difficult to imagine a mouse having persistent dependence on social networks, - said Alexander KIBIT.
In addition, groups of subjects difficult to form because people with non-chemical addictions, as a rule, come to the attention of psychologists, not doctors.
Chief Narcologist Leningrad region Yevgeny Krupitsky compared depending on the Internet and social networks with diseases such as hypertension or diabetes. The doctor said that treatment of them is a "long way to go, and sometimes life-long," and must be combined individually chosen methods of pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and rehabilitation.
Deputy Chief Physician City narcological hospital Petersburg Viktor Grigoryev told Metro, despite the fact that according to non-chemical flow easier physically, psychological dependence if they develop more severe than on hard drugs.
Are treated depending on the Internet and social networks seriously, as opposed to dependence on psychoactive substances, medical methods of treatment for them there.
- With such suffering dependencies usually work therapists and psychologists. It is necessary to carry out the correction of family relationships, relationships to others and to himself - told the doctor.

Scientists argue that the reliance on the Internet and social networking is a chronic disease that requires long-term complex treatment, according to "ITAR-TASS».
According to head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics "National Research Center on Addiction" Health Ministry Alexander Kibitova mechanism depending on the social networks similar to the mechanism based spirits and potent drugs, it differs only in that it has the character of non-chemical.
Genetic markers characteristic of reliance on the Internet and social networks, 80% coincide with characteristic markers for dependent spirits and potent drugs.
For non-chemical dependencies, besides depending on the Internet and social networks, and also includes gambling and compulsive shopping. They cause intense interest to scientists, but it is much more difficult to learn, because there is no opportunity to carry out experiments on laboratory animals.
- It is difficult to imagine a mouse having persistent dependence on social networks, - said Alexander KIBIT.
In addition, groups of subjects difficult to form because people with non-chemical addictions, as a rule, come to the attention of psychologists, not doctors.
Chief Narcologist Leningrad region Yevgeny Krupitsky compared depending on the Internet and social networks with diseases such as hypertension or diabetes. The doctor said that treatment of them is a "long way to go, and sometimes life-long," and must be combined individually chosen methods of pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and rehabilitation.
Deputy Chief Physician City narcological hospital Petersburg Viktor Grigoryev told Metro, despite the fact that according to non-chemical flow easier physically, psychological dependence if they develop more severe than on hard drugs.
Are treated depending on the Internet and social networks seriously, as opposed to dependence on psychoactive substances, medical methods of treatment for them there.
- With such suffering dependencies usually work therapists and psychologists. It is necessary to carry out the correction of family relationships, relationships to others and to himself - told the doctor.