A guide to psychology. Class 1. Hello, Human World: A Basic Introduction to Psychology
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Description: This article introduces the reader to the basic concepts of psychology, important for understanding the inner world of a person. The author explains why psychology is relevant in everyday life and suggests looking at yourself and others from a new perspective.

Psychology is the science that investigates how we think, feel and act.
Since ancient times, humanity has sought to understand the depth of its mind: to understand what underlies our motives.
What mechanisms trigger emotions and shape behavior, and how the world and social environment affect our personality.
For some people, psychology is associated with consultations with a psychotherapist, for others - with fascinating scientific experiments.
For others, with philosophical reflections on the meaning of life. However, basic knowledge in this field is useful to everyone.
We are all part of a complex network of human relationships.
In the modern world, we face various challenges: information overload, stress at work.
interpersonal conflicts. Understanding psychology It helps you better navigate these situations.
This is a kind of “key” that opens the door to a deep study of one’s own personality and relationships with other people.
Moreover, psychology provides tools that allow you to improve the quality of life, learn how to constructively express your emotions.
Be more confident in social interactions.
In this edition, we will lay the foundation, getting acquainted with the most general concepts.
We will examine how psychology differs from adjacent sciences - philosophy, biology, sociology - and why in modern times.
It holds such an important place in the lives of millions of people.
So, "Hello, man's world!" is your first step to learning amazing science.
It teaches us to look at ourselves and others with deep understanding and mutual respect.
Main part
What is psychology and what does it do?
Psychology (from the Greek words "psyche" - soul, "logos" - knowledge) studies the inner world of a person:
His consciousness, his perception, thinkingThe relationship between inner experiences and real behavior.
In fact, psychology is trying to answer the questions:
- Why do people make certain decisions?
- How do emotions affect our health and relationships?
- What is the basis of different personality types?
- How does social environment and culture shape a person’s worldview?
Psychology is closely related to other sciences. For example, biology studies how the features of the nervous system and the brain affect
behavior. Sociology is concerned with the study of the structures of society, but it is primarily concerned with the collective.
Psychology refers to the individual experience of each person.
Philosophy - the progenitor of many scientific trends - considers the fundamental questions of existence.
Some of them are directly related to how we think and perceive the world.
Psychology is a science at the intersection of different disciplines. She tries to give a holistic view of the person:
a biological, social and spiritual being. It is this combination that makes it so fascinating:
It helps us to see how the invisible processes in our heads affect very specific actions and decisions in real life.

A brief history of the development of psychology
Although the concept "psychology" In its modern form, it has been established relatively recently.
Interest in the structure of the human psyche existed in ancient times. Philosophers of Ancient Greece (Plato, Aristotle)
They thought about the nature of the soul and consciousness. In the Middle Ages, religious ideas about the spiritual essence of man dominated.
It was only during the Renaissance and Enlightenment that more “applied” ideas about how personality works began to emerge.
In the late XIX - early XX century psychology began to acquire the status of an independent science. Founders, such as
Wilhelm Wundt and William James laid down the principles of the experimental study of the psyche.
Later, Sigmund Freud put forward the theory of psychoanalysis, focusing on the subconscious processes and
emotional conflicts hidden from the person. Gradually, different directions developed: behaviorism,
Humanistic psychology, cognitive psychology and many others.
Each of these fields has brought something special to science. For example, behaviorists (John Watson, B. F. Skinner)
They focused on observing and investigating behavior, trying to rid psychology of elusive subjective factors.
Humanists (Karl Rogers, Abraham Maslow) emphasized the importance of free will and self-realization.
Cognitive psychology (Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner, etc.) was engaged in the study of internal mental processes - perception, memory, memory.
logic and decision-making.
Today, psychology is a multifaceted field covering scientific research, clinical practice, educational programs.
Business consulting and even neuromarketing. But all these branches have one goal in common:
Understand the inner world of a person and help him decide mission.
Why does modern man know the basics of psychology?
If you’re wondering why it’s worth taking the time to study this science, here are a few reasons:
- Improving self-understanding. By understanding your own feelings and motivations, you can consciously manage your reactions and develop as a person.
- Effective communication. Knowing the basics of interpersonal interaction, you will learn to better understand other people and find a common language even in conflict situations.
- Stress management. Psychology offers tools that help cope with everyday stress, anxiety, and fatigue.
- Motivation and achievement of goals. The study of patterns of behavior allows you to set realistic goals and find motivation to achieve them.
- Understanding social processes. The psychology of groups and mass phenomena explains how social moods are formed and why people unite under common ideas.
Instead of “going with the flow”, we begin to notice and analyze our actions, perceive the people around us.
Not only in terms of their expectations, but also in terms of their internal motivations.
This understanding is a kind of path to harmony in personal relationships and personal growth.

Myths and reality
Psychology is surrounded by many myths. For example, some people believe that psychologists “read minds.”
And that's why they're afraid to turn to them. Or they think that psychology is a theory with no practical use.
But the reality is that psychological research relies on the scientific method, data analysis, experimentation.
statistics and much more. Yes, psychology can really help a person understand himself more deeply, but it's not magic.
a the result of painstaking work with scientific methods and empirical observations.
Another popular myth is that it is enough to read one book on self-development to cope with any life difficulties.
In fact, psychological help, when it comes to serious problems,
It often requires time, professional support and the willingness of the person to change.
Online tips or motivational videos are not enough to make a real difference. deep installation
Or to eradicate chronic fears.
We have just taken an excursion into the world of psychology, highlighting its essence, historical roots and significance in modern society.
In order for your "friendship" with this science to be productive, it is important to maintain curiosity and
Readiness for introspection. Psychology offers a vast field of knowledge: from the subtleties of interpersonal communication
To the complex mental processes that unfold within each of us.
In future editions, we will continue to explore the diversity of human nature.
We'll talk about it. emotion. relationship. social relations and important aspects of mental health.
Our goal is to give you the keys to a deeper understanding of yourself and others, to help in building harmonious connections and in mastering.
Knowing psychology doesn’t make you a manipulator or a telepath.
But it can teach you to notice previously unseen details, to explain your behavior for scientific reasons.
And to treat other people with great compassion.
If you are open to new ideas and practices, psychology will become your reliable assistant in many life situations.
The science that studies human behavior, consciousness, emotions and thought processes.
The process of processing information and the formation of ideas, hypotheses, reasoning in human consciousness.
Subconscious processes
Mental and emotional reactions that occur without conscious control or without the person’s explicit attention.
A direction in psychology focused on the observation and analysis of objectively recorded behavior.
Humanistic psychology
An approach that emphasizes free will, creativity and self-realization of the individual.
Cognitive psychology
The field that studies cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking, decision-making.
A Psychology Guide for a Beginner Investigator
A guide to psychology. Issue 2. The Power of Emotions: How to Recognize and Understand Your Feelings