Behavior in life situations. Who are you, the supplicant, the offended or the warrior?
There are two extremes of behavior in life situations: to go with the flow, like a weak-willed paper boat, or row against the flow, stubbornly insisting on your own.
If a person simply does not act, does not show initiative, does not strive anywhere, just exists, then life rules him. In this case, a person becomes a puppet of pendulums, and they dispose of his fate at their discretion. In this way, he refuses to choose his destiny. His choice is that it is predetermined: what to be is not to pass. Agreeing with such an attitude, a person claims that you will not escape fate. And he's right, because there's a space for him. After such a choice, a person can only helplessly complain about fate and rely on higher forces.
Having left his fate in the hands of others, a person goes through life in two ways. Moving along the first path, he can resign himself and ask alms for his life, addressing his requests either to pendulums or to some higher forces. Pendulums force the Supplicant to work, and he spends his whole life beating his back, getting a modest livelihood. The petitioner naively appeals to the higher forces, but they do not care about him.
The petitioner absolves himself of responsibility for his fate, saying, “to all the will of God.” And if so, just ask well, and God is merciful, will give. “Mountains and valleys! Rivers and seas! Oh, sky! Oh, earth! I bow to your power! I am filled with faith and awe. I believe you will help me buy my morning paper! What, too exaggerated? Not at all, because for the powerful higher powers, the morning newspaper and the palace are all possible. So he asked bad! Well, keep asking.
There's a joke. The man lies on the couch and prays, “Lord, help me get rich.” You can do anything! I believe in your power! I hope for your mercy! And the Lord, with an annoyance: “Man, at least buy a lottery ticket!” This is a convenient position: to remove responsibility and at the same time flounder in their inner importance. What's she wearing? Man has imagined himself to be so important that he believes that God, with all his power and mercy, will take care of his welfare. God has already given man too much freedom of choice, and he, because of his infantile nature, does not want to accept this gift and is never satisfied.
Infantilism finds its justification in the fact that a lot of obstacles are built on the way to the goal. There's always something in the way. And it is hindered by the equilibrium forces and pendulums that arise as a result of the excessive potentials of importance created by him. It's like that kid's game. "Gusi-gushi!" "Ha-ga-ga!" "Do you want to eat?" "Yes, yes!" "Well, fly!" - We can't! The grey wolf under the mountain won’t let us go home! .
If a person is not satisfied with the role of the petitioner, he can choose the second way: to accept the role of the offended, that is, to express discontent and demand what he allegedly owes. The offended cause even greater harm to fate by his claims. For example, let’s give another allegory. A person comes to an art gallery, there he does not like the exhibition, and he considers himself entitled to express discontent.
He begins to stomp his feet, threaten, demand, or even destroy everything around him. Naturally, punishment follows. The person is even more offended and continues to actively resent: “How! They had to come out of their skin to please me. It does not occur to him that he is only a guest in this world. From the point of view of Transurfing, both paths look completely ridiculous. Transurfing offers a whole new path: don’t ask or demand, but go and take.
What's new? This is what a man does when he has made a different choice: my destiny is in my hands. He begins to fight the world for a place under the sun. Taking a tough position, a person is at war with pendulums, is involved in competition, works with his elbows. All of life is a struggle for existence. The man chose to fight, and this option in space also exists.
The petitioner creates the potential of his guilt and voluntarily puts himself in the hands of manipulators. He who asks presupposes that he is responsible for asking and waiting, perhaps they will. The offended person creates the potential of discontent, turns equilibrium forces against himself and actively spoils his fate.
The warrior who chooses to fight takes a more productive position, but his life is difficult and takes a lot of energy. No matter how much a person resists, he only wraps himself more firmly in the web. It seems to him that he is fighting for his fate, but in fact only wasting energy. Sometimes a man wins. But at what cost! The victory is put on public display, and everyone is once again convinced that laurels are not easy at all. This is how public opinion is created and strengthened: to achieve something, one must work hard or fight bravely.
Public opinion is actually shaped by pendulums. Importance potentials serve as pendulum feeders. The goal is hard to reach: external importance. It can only be achieved by a person who has outstanding qualities - intrinsic importance. On the way to the goal, a person will be stripped like sticky. He may be allowed to reach the final. And he will be very pleased, not realizing that he spent energy not so much on the goal as on the collection of pendulums.
So we get about the following picture. A man must pass to his goal through a crowd of beggars. They're all talking, blocking the way, grabbing hands. A person tries to justify, apologize, give money, push, fight. Finally, it is very difficult to reach its goal. The energy spent on the actual achievement of the goal is only a small part and goes only to rearrange the legs. The rest of the energy was spent fighting annoying beggars.
By breaking the chains of pendulums, one gains freedom. The beggars will leave him alone and switch to others. As you remember, to get rid of pendulums, you need to give up internal and external importance. If you do this, the obstacles to your goal will simply disappear. That's when you can not ask, not demand and not fight, but just go and take.
Now the question arises: how to understand the phrase “go and take” and what to do? The rest of the book is devoted to answering this question soon. We have outlined a general strategy for choosing our destiny. The roles of the supplicant, the offended and the warrior do not suit us. What role do you think Transurfing plays in the game of life? This is your homework.
In the meantime, let’s consider the tactics of behavior in life situations. The supplicant and the offended are unwittingly floating with the flow of life. The warrior, on the contrary, tries to fight the ethyl current. Of course, there are no pure types of such people. Everyone takes on a role to a greater or lesser degree from time to time. Performing such roles, a person acts extremely inefficiently. But if you can neither fight nor go with the flow, what remains?
It has been shown above how reason dictates its will authoritarianly based on common sense. Many people are very sober reasoning and at the same time can not cope with their problems. Reason cannot guarantee a reliable solution. It seems to the mind that he thinks soberly, but in fact he is just going through pendulums. There can be no freedom of movement as long as one acts as a supplicant, offended, or warrior. Even a Warrior has no more freedom of will than a paper boat.
How does a warrior move through life? Pendulums provoke him to fight, and he rows against the flow, not realizing that it is easier and more profitable to use him. The mind is captured by pendulums, but the Warrior is determined and, making strong-willed decisions, beats his hands with all his might on the water where you can make calm and smooth movements.
And now imagine that you do not resist the current and do not bring into it unnecessary swirls, but do not swim like a paper boat. You deliberately move in accordance with it, notice the encountered shoals, interference, dangerous areas and only smooth movements keep the chosen direction. You're holding the cord.
Is it possible to view life as a movement? Why can’t you swim or resist it? On the one hand, information lies in the space of options stationary, in the form of a matrix. But at the same time, the structure of information is organized in chains of cause and effect. Causal relationships give rise to the flow of options. That's what we're talking about.
The main reason why one should not actively resist it is that it is useless or harmful to waste a lot of energy. But can we rely on the flow of options? After all, it can bring not only into a calm lagoon, but also go into a waterfall. It is in order to avoid trouble, you must smoothly adjust your movement. Of course, first you need to choose the right direction of this flow. The direction is determined by the chosen goal and the way to achieve it. After the direction is chosen, you should rely as much as possible on the flow and avoid sudden movements.
Each approximately represents the general direction of its course. For example, now I am studying, then I will find a job, start a family, move up the ranks, build my house and so on. Many people make mistakes and regret looking back. But you can't fix anything, it's done. The current has gone far away from the desired goal. A sane mind does not save. He said, “If I knew where I was going to fall, I’d make a straw.”
Everyone wants to know what awaits them there, around the corner. Not everyone is serious about fortune tellers and astrologers, but many are interested, if only out of curiosity. An optimistic astrological forecast or prediction sparks a spark of hope. Undesired forecasts can be avoided. The Transurfing model does not contradict astrology. Forecasts have a real basis - the space of options.
Astrology doesn’t just exist because people are curious about the future. If the hit percentage was too low, no one would rely on ephemeral predictions. However, the existence of the flow of options really allows, based on certain patterns, to look into the unrealized sectors of space. Another thing is that astrological calculations, of course, cannot guarantee one hundred percent accuracy, as in the case of clairvoyance.
Everyone decides for themselves how much to rely on predictions and astroprognoses. We will respectfully leave this topic aside and see what can be useful from knowing that there is a flow of options. The main question is how much one can surrender to the current, if the main direction is chosen correctly, and why one should give it at all.
The mind is constantly under pressure of artificially created importance, so it cannot make effective decisions. Internal and external importance is, in fact, the main source of problems. The action of equilibrium forces manifests itself in the form of rapids and whirlpools on the way downstream. If you lose importance, the current will move to a calmer channel. The question of whether to surrender to this current is also a matter of importance. External importance causes the mind to look for complex solutions to simple problems. Intrinsic importance convinces the mind that it thinks soundly and makes the only right decision.
If importance is discarded, the mind will breathe freely, because it will be freed from the influence of pendulums and the pressure of artificially created problems. He will be able to make more objective and appropriate decisions. But the beauty is that a mind freed from importance will not need a powerful intellect. Of course, solving everyday problems will require logical thinking, knowledge, and analytical apparatus. But for all this will be spent much less energy. The existence of a flux of options is a sumptuous gift to the mind that it hardly enjoys.
The flow of options already contains solutions to all problems. Most problems are artificially created by the mind itself. The restless mind constantly experiences the tremors of pendulums and undertakes to solve all problems, trying to keep the situation under control. His volitional decisions are in most cases senseless hand-slapping on water. Almost all problems, especially small ones, are solved by themselves, if you do not interfere with the flow of options.
Powerful intelligence is useless if the solution already exists in space. If you do not climb into the wilds and do not interfere with the flow of options, the decision will come by itself, and the most optimal. Optimality is already embedded in the structure of the information field. The fact is that cause-and-effect relationships give rise to individual flows over the course of options. These flows are the most optimal ways of movement of cause and effect. There is everything in the options space, but the best and least energy-intensive options are more likely to be implemented. Nature doesn't waste energy. People walk on their feet, not on their ears. All processes tend to follow the path of least energy consumption. Therefore, the flow of options is organized along the path of minimal resistance. This is where the best solutions lie. The mind captured by the pendulums acts in their interest and is constantly knocked out of the streams. In other words, the mind climbs into the wilds, that is, it looks for complex solutions to simple problems.
All these arguments may seem too abstract. But you can see for yourself how real the flow is. This is a truly magnificent gift for the mind. In any problem, the keys to its solution are encrypted. The first key is to follow the path of least resistance. People tend to look for complex solutions because they perceive problems as obstacles, and obstacles are known to be overcome with effort. It is necessary to develop the habit of choosing the simplest solution to the problem.
We all have to learn something new or do familiar things. Question: How do you do both in the most effective way? The answer is so simple that its validity is hard to believe: according to the principle of flow, everything should be done as it is done in the easiest and simplest way.
The best options for any action are organized into streams. These flows are composed of chains of optimal causal relationships. When you decide to take the next step in your action, you choose the next link in the chain. It remains to determine which link is the flow element. What does a person do in such cases? He makes the logical decision which, from the point of view of common sense and ordinary experience, is the most correct.
The mind makes a volitional decision. He thinks he can calculate and explain everything. However, this is not the case, and you can confirm for yourself how many times you caught up late and remembered that you could have done it differently. It is not a matter of distraction or insufficient sharpness of mind. The mind may not always choose the best option just because the flow chains do not always coincide with its logical constructs.
No matter how hard you try, you rarely manage to choose the best course of action using only logical conclusions. The mind is usually under pressure from stress, worries, depression, or increased activity. In other words, the mind is constantly pulling pendulums. Therefore, he always acts aggressively and forces a frontal attack on the outside world.
In order to choose the next flow chain, you just need to get rid of the threads of pendulums and just obediently follow this flow. That is, it is necessary to take a position of balance and not create excessive potential. In order not to create excessive potential, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of importance.
When you are in balance with the world around you, just follow the flow. You will see many signs that will guide you. Let go of the situation, become not a participant, but an outside observer. Not a slave or a master, but simply a performer. Instruct your Caretaker to constantly tug at you when your mind tries to make a “reasonable” volitional decision. Rent yourself as a contractor, and watch yourself from the outside. Everything is much easier than it seems. Give in to that simplicity. The waterfall is driven by reason, not the flow of options.
For example, you need to find the right thing in the store. But we don't know where to get it. Reason suggests the most reasonable, but difficult option. You drive around half the city, but eventually find the right thing near your home. If the importance of the problem were lower, the mind would not seek a complex solution.
Another example. You have a list of things to do. What to choose first and what then? Don't think. If order is not essential, just do as you do. Move with the flow, untie your mind from the influence of pendulums. It is not about turning into a weak-willed paper boat on the waves, but about not banging your hands on the water, while it is enough to make smooth, light and simple movements for you.
I will not go on to list examples. You will make for yourself a lot of useful and amazing discoveries, if at least for one day you try to move with the flow. Whenever you need to find a solution, ask yourself: what is the easiest way to find a solution? Choose the easiest way to search.
Whenever someone or something distracts or knocks you off track, don’t be in a hurry to actively confront or evade. Try renting yourself out and see what happens next. Whenever you need to do something, ask yourself: How can you do it the easiest way? Let it be done as it is made easier. Whenever you are offered something or prove your point of view, do not rush to refuse and argue. Maybe your mind doesn’t understand its benefits and doesn’t see an alternative. Activate the Caretaker. Watch first and then act. Go down to the auditorium, take your time to establish control and let the game develop as much as possible on your own, under your supervision. Don't beat your hands on the water. Do not interfere with your life to move with the flow, and you will see how much easier it has become.
Author: Vadim Zeland
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consciousness, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.transerfing.org.ua/prostranstvo_variantov/Prostranstvo_variantov__Prositel__Obizhennyy_i_Voitel.html
If a person simply does not act, does not show initiative, does not strive anywhere, just exists, then life rules him. In this case, a person becomes a puppet of pendulums, and they dispose of his fate at their discretion. In this way, he refuses to choose his destiny. His choice is that it is predetermined: what to be is not to pass. Agreeing with such an attitude, a person claims that you will not escape fate. And he's right, because there's a space for him. After such a choice, a person can only helplessly complain about fate and rely on higher forces.
Having left his fate in the hands of others, a person goes through life in two ways. Moving along the first path, he can resign himself and ask alms for his life, addressing his requests either to pendulums or to some higher forces. Pendulums force the Supplicant to work, and he spends his whole life beating his back, getting a modest livelihood. The petitioner naively appeals to the higher forces, but they do not care about him.

The petitioner absolves himself of responsibility for his fate, saying, “to all the will of God.” And if so, just ask well, and God is merciful, will give. “Mountains and valleys! Rivers and seas! Oh, sky! Oh, earth! I bow to your power! I am filled with faith and awe. I believe you will help me buy my morning paper! What, too exaggerated? Not at all, because for the powerful higher powers, the morning newspaper and the palace are all possible. So he asked bad! Well, keep asking.
There's a joke. The man lies on the couch and prays, “Lord, help me get rich.” You can do anything! I believe in your power! I hope for your mercy! And the Lord, with an annoyance: “Man, at least buy a lottery ticket!” This is a convenient position: to remove responsibility and at the same time flounder in their inner importance. What's she wearing? Man has imagined himself to be so important that he believes that God, with all his power and mercy, will take care of his welfare. God has already given man too much freedom of choice, and he, because of his infantile nature, does not want to accept this gift and is never satisfied.
Infantilism finds its justification in the fact that a lot of obstacles are built on the way to the goal. There's always something in the way. And it is hindered by the equilibrium forces and pendulums that arise as a result of the excessive potentials of importance created by him. It's like that kid's game. "Gusi-gushi!" "Ha-ga-ga!" "Do you want to eat?" "Yes, yes!" "Well, fly!" - We can't! The grey wolf under the mountain won’t let us go home! .
If a person is not satisfied with the role of the petitioner, he can choose the second way: to accept the role of the offended, that is, to express discontent and demand what he allegedly owes. The offended cause even greater harm to fate by his claims. For example, let’s give another allegory. A person comes to an art gallery, there he does not like the exhibition, and he considers himself entitled to express discontent.
He begins to stomp his feet, threaten, demand, or even destroy everything around him. Naturally, punishment follows. The person is even more offended and continues to actively resent: “How! They had to come out of their skin to please me. It does not occur to him that he is only a guest in this world. From the point of view of Transurfing, both paths look completely ridiculous. Transurfing offers a whole new path: don’t ask or demand, but go and take.
What's new? This is what a man does when he has made a different choice: my destiny is in my hands. He begins to fight the world for a place under the sun. Taking a tough position, a person is at war with pendulums, is involved in competition, works with his elbows. All of life is a struggle for existence. The man chose to fight, and this option in space also exists.
The petitioner creates the potential of his guilt and voluntarily puts himself in the hands of manipulators. He who asks presupposes that he is responsible for asking and waiting, perhaps they will. The offended person creates the potential of discontent, turns equilibrium forces against himself and actively spoils his fate.
The warrior who chooses to fight takes a more productive position, but his life is difficult and takes a lot of energy. No matter how much a person resists, he only wraps himself more firmly in the web. It seems to him that he is fighting for his fate, but in fact only wasting energy. Sometimes a man wins. But at what cost! The victory is put on public display, and everyone is once again convinced that laurels are not easy at all. This is how public opinion is created and strengthened: to achieve something, one must work hard or fight bravely.
Public opinion is actually shaped by pendulums. Importance potentials serve as pendulum feeders. The goal is hard to reach: external importance. It can only be achieved by a person who has outstanding qualities - intrinsic importance. On the way to the goal, a person will be stripped like sticky. He may be allowed to reach the final. And he will be very pleased, not realizing that he spent energy not so much on the goal as on the collection of pendulums.
So we get about the following picture. A man must pass to his goal through a crowd of beggars. They're all talking, blocking the way, grabbing hands. A person tries to justify, apologize, give money, push, fight. Finally, it is very difficult to reach its goal. The energy spent on the actual achievement of the goal is only a small part and goes only to rearrange the legs. The rest of the energy was spent fighting annoying beggars.
By breaking the chains of pendulums, one gains freedom. The beggars will leave him alone and switch to others. As you remember, to get rid of pendulums, you need to give up internal and external importance. If you do this, the obstacles to your goal will simply disappear. That's when you can not ask, not demand and not fight, but just go and take.
Now the question arises: how to understand the phrase “go and take” and what to do? The rest of the book is devoted to answering this question soon. We have outlined a general strategy for choosing our destiny. The roles of the supplicant, the offended and the warrior do not suit us. What role do you think Transurfing plays in the game of life? This is your homework.
In the meantime, let’s consider the tactics of behavior in life situations. The supplicant and the offended are unwittingly floating with the flow of life. The warrior, on the contrary, tries to fight the ethyl current. Of course, there are no pure types of such people. Everyone takes on a role to a greater or lesser degree from time to time. Performing such roles, a person acts extremely inefficiently. But if you can neither fight nor go with the flow, what remains?
It has been shown above how reason dictates its will authoritarianly based on common sense. Many people are very sober reasoning and at the same time can not cope with their problems. Reason cannot guarantee a reliable solution. It seems to the mind that he thinks soberly, but in fact he is just going through pendulums. There can be no freedom of movement as long as one acts as a supplicant, offended, or warrior. Even a Warrior has no more freedom of will than a paper boat.
How does a warrior move through life? Pendulums provoke him to fight, and he rows against the flow, not realizing that it is easier and more profitable to use him. The mind is captured by pendulums, but the Warrior is determined and, making strong-willed decisions, beats his hands with all his might on the water where you can make calm and smooth movements.
And now imagine that you do not resist the current and do not bring into it unnecessary swirls, but do not swim like a paper boat. You deliberately move in accordance with it, notice the encountered shoals, interference, dangerous areas and only smooth movements keep the chosen direction. You're holding the cord.
Is it possible to view life as a movement? Why can’t you swim or resist it? On the one hand, information lies in the space of options stationary, in the form of a matrix. But at the same time, the structure of information is organized in chains of cause and effect. Causal relationships give rise to the flow of options. That's what we're talking about.
The main reason why one should not actively resist it is that it is useless or harmful to waste a lot of energy. But can we rely on the flow of options? After all, it can bring not only into a calm lagoon, but also go into a waterfall. It is in order to avoid trouble, you must smoothly adjust your movement. Of course, first you need to choose the right direction of this flow. The direction is determined by the chosen goal and the way to achieve it. After the direction is chosen, you should rely as much as possible on the flow and avoid sudden movements.
Each approximately represents the general direction of its course. For example, now I am studying, then I will find a job, start a family, move up the ranks, build my house and so on. Many people make mistakes and regret looking back. But you can't fix anything, it's done. The current has gone far away from the desired goal. A sane mind does not save. He said, “If I knew where I was going to fall, I’d make a straw.”
Everyone wants to know what awaits them there, around the corner. Not everyone is serious about fortune tellers and astrologers, but many are interested, if only out of curiosity. An optimistic astrological forecast or prediction sparks a spark of hope. Undesired forecasts can be avoided. The Transurfing model does not contradict astrology. Forecasts have a real basis - the space of options.
Astrology doesn’t just exist because people are curious about the future. If the hit percentage was too low, no one would rely on ephemeral predictions. However, the existence of the flow of options really allows, based on certain patterns, to look into the unrealized sectors of space. Another thing is that astrological calculations, of course, cannot guarantee one hundred percent accuracy, as in the case of clairvoyance.
Everyone decides for themselves how much to rely on predictions and astroprognoses. We will respectfully leave this topic aside and see what can be useful from knowing that there is a flow of options. The main question is how much one can surrender to the current, if the main direction is chosen correctly, and why one should give it at all.
The mind is constantly under pressure of artificially created importance, so it cannot make effective decisions. Internal and external importance is, in fact, the main source of problems. The action of equilibrium forces manifests itself in the form of rapids and whirlpools on the way downstream. If you lose importance, the current will move to a calmer channel. The question of whether to surrender to this current is also a matter of importance. External importance causes the mind to look for complex solutions to simple problems. Intrinsic importance convinces the mind that it thinks soundly and makes the only right decision.
If importance is discarded, the mind will breathe freely, because it will be freed from the influence of pendulums and the pressure of artificially created problems. He will be able to make more objective and appropriate decisions. But the beauty is that a mind freed from importance will not need a powerful intellect. Of course, solving everyday problems will require logical thinking, knowledge, and analytical apparatus. But for all this will be spent much less energy. The existence of a flux of options is a sumptuous gift to the mind that it hardly enjoys.
The flow of options already contains solutions to all problems. Most problems are artificially created by the mind itself. The restless mind constantly experiences the tremors of pendulums and undertakes to solve all problems, trying to keep the situation under control. His volitional decisions are in most cases senseless hand-slapping on water. Almost all problems, especially small ones, are solved by themselves, if you do not interfere with the flow of options.
Powerful intelligence is useless if the solution already exists in space. If you do not climb into the wilds and do not interfere with the flow of options, the decision will come by itself, and the most optimal. Optimality is already embedded in the structure of the information field. The fact is that cause-and-effect relationships give rise to individual flows over the course of options. These flows are the most optimal ways of movement of cause and effect. There is everything in the options space, but the best and least energy-intensive options are more likely to be implemented. Nature doesn't waste energy. People walk on their feet, not on their ears. All processes tend to follow the path of least energy consumption. Therefore, the flow of options is organized along the path of minimal resistance. This is where the best solutions lie. The mind captured by the pendulums acts in their interest and is constantly knocked out of the streams. In other words, the mind climbs into the wilds, that is, it looks for complex solutions to simple problems.
All these arguments may seem too abstract. But you can see for yourself how real the flow is. This is a truly magnificent gift for the mind. In any problem, the keys to its solution are encrypted. The first key is to follow the path of least resistance. People tend to look for complex solutions because they perceive problems as obstacles, and obstacles are known to be overcome with effort. It is necessary to develop the habit of choosing the simplest solution to the problem.
We all have to learn something new or do familiar things. Question: How do you do both in the most effective way? The answer is so simple that its validity is hard to believe: according to the principle of flow, everything should be done as it is done in the easiest and simplest way.
The best options for any action are organized into streams. These flows are composed of chains of optimal causal relationships. When you decide to take the next step in your action, you choose the next link in the chain. It remains to determine which link is the flow element. What does a person do in such cases? He makes the logical decision which, from the point of view of common sense and ordinary experience, is the most correct.
The mind makes a volitional decision. He thinks he can calculate and explain everything. However, this is not the case, and you can confirm for yourself how many times you caught up late and remembered that you could have done it differently. It is not a matter of distraction or insufficient sharpness of mind. The mind may not always choose the best option just because the flow chains do not always coincide with its logical constructs.
No matter how hard you try, you rarely manage to choose the best course of action using only logical conclusions. The mind is usually under pressure from stress, worries, depression, or increased activity. In other words, the mind is constantly pulling pendulums. Therefore, he always acts aggressively and forces a frontal attack on the outside world.
In order to choose the next flow chain, you just need to get rid of the threads of pendulums and just obediently follow this flow. That is, it is necessary to take a position of balance and not create excessive potential. In order not to create excessive potential, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of importance.
When you are in balance with the world around you, just follow the flow. You will see many signs that will guide you. Let go of the situation, become not a participant, but an outside observer. Not a slave or a master, but simply a performer. Instruct your Caretaker to constantly tug at you when your mind tries to make a “reasonable” volitional decision. Rent yourself as a contractor, and watch yourself from the outside. Everything is much easier than it seems. Give in to that simplicity. The waterfall is driven by reason, not the flow of options.
For example, you need to find the right thing in the store. But we don't know where to get it. Reason suggests the most reasonable, but difficult option. You drive around half the city, but eventually find the right thing near your home. If the importance of the problem were lower, the mind would not seek a complex solution.
Another example. You have a list of things to do. What to choose first and what then? Don't think. If order is not essential, just do as you do. Move with the flow, untie your mind from the influence of pendulums. It is not about turning into a weak-willed paper boat on the waves, but about not banging your hands on the water, while it is enough to make smooth, light and simple movements for you.
I will not go on to list examples. You will make for yourself a lot of useful and amazing discoveries, if at least for one day you try to move with the flow. Whenever you need to find a solution, ask yourself: what is the easiest way to find a solution? Choose the easiest way to search.
Whenever someone or something distracts or knocks you off track, don’t be in a hurry to actively confront or evade. Try renting yourself out and see what happens next. Whenever you need to do something, ask yourself: How can you do it the easiest way? Let it be done as it is made easier. Whenever you are offered something or prove your point of view, do not rush to refuse and argue. Maybe your mind doesn’t understand its benefits and doesn’t see an alternative. Activate the Caretaker. Watch first and then act. Go down to the auditorium, take your time to establish control and let the game develop as much as possible on your own, under your supervision. Don't beat your hands on the water. Do not interfere with your life to move with the flow, and you will see how much easier it has become.
Author: Vadim Zeland
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consciousness, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.transerfing.org.ua/prostranstvo_variantov/Prostranstvo_variantov__Prositel__Obizhennyy_i_Voitel.html