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The Change Of Life Began

During the year there is a change of activity Life Began growth and accumulation, the peak of activity or manifestation, and the period of extinction.About the change of life started during the day and calendar year.

During the year, in the space around us, there is a change in the activity of Life Began. They in turn accumulate, you then are at the peak of its manifestation and after gradually depleted. These changes are associated with the course of the planets around the Sun. When the Sun is high above the horizon and its rays fall perpendicular to the ground, the number of the element of Fire reaches us, of course, more than with a low sun above the horizon when the rays glide over the surface. During the day at noon, the fire power is manifested to its maximum. The wind becomes the strongest before sunrise and before sunset, when you need the greatest strength of the movement, the activity to "turn night to day" or "turning day into night."

About the time of day.In 24 hours, has light and dark time of the day. Night, for example, can be longer or shorter. Regardless of its length you can divide it into 3 equal parts. The last time period of these three parts, which falls on the pre-dawn time, this time raising the Wind. Often people have trouble sleeping at this time, cough, (Wind is associated with the breath and increases activity). Similarly, the daytime in this way is divided into 3 parts. The last part of the day is too windy. Thus, it becomes clear in what time of day to take foods to prevent diseases of the Wind. For this reason, in the evening we can recommend to eat the broth or the broth from the bones, which, as the medicine has the property to calm the wind.

The Tibetans it has become already a tradition, the evening eating noodles called thukpa which is boiled in meat broth. Such food should be taken for those who have the dominant nature of the Wind or is the disorder of the Wind, but not worth it for those who have 19 Educational Internet portal WWW.SOWA-RIGPA.RU

Fire or Water-Earth.

Recommendations at the time the medication is also linked to activity of a life beginning to "calm" the elements necessary at the peak of their activity, so the medicines prescribed against the heat of midday, against the wind before sunset, etc.

Consider the daily chart of the change of Life Began, you must in meal.

The peak activity of Fire between 13 and 14 hours, time from 10.30 to 16.30

Time of the Earth-Water – from 5 to 10 and 22 to 24

The Wind – from 16.30 to 22 and from 2.30 to 4.30 at dawn.

Time of Fire between 12.30 and 14.30 hours

Time of the Earth-Water – from 10 to 12 and 17 to 22.30

The Wind from 5 to 10 and from 14.30 to 17

In the course of the year.

With the changes of Life Started during the year more difficult. The scheme which used the Tibetans are calculated for geographic zones near the equator. In addition, they have no such changes in duration of light day during the year as we (in Tibet length of night and day are approximately equal and do not change during the year.) In Tibet in the summer when there is a lot of rain in the space of an excess of the element water. It is quite natural that in the schedule of changes in Life Began to have its own characteristics. Therefore, we have yet to specify a timetable for different areas of our country.

And yet there are 4 seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

If you take the time of year, in India and Tibet, the Wind rises more people in the summer, because summer rains are large and often the wind blows. So the Wind aktiviziruyutsya and inside the body. Clothing is usually light on people in this time, and it is often cool from the rain and wind. In Russia, this happens in autumn, there is you should not focus on India and Tibet. If we analyze features of the time of year the climate where we live, we will understand themselves when disease develops Wind to a greater extent.

In the spring the Wind accumulates in the body, and then to manifest summer in India and Tibet or in the autumn in Russia.

According to the observations of the disciples of Rinchen Tenzin in Moscow, one of the peaks of the manifestation of Wind – second half of may, when a noticeable increase in visits to doctors with diseases that have a psychosomatic nature.

Most likely this applies to all people, regardless of location of residence. In the spring of all that surrounds us, nature has not yet been updated, and the power of the surroundings is sufficiently weakened. The summer rains have carry a renewed nature. Therefore, especially in the spring you should stick to the frequent and fractional power. In the autumn, when often the wind blows, you should wear more warm clothes and eat more fatty foods, then the Wind will not so much increase in the body.

It is also important to consider in the fall when temperatures drop, we freeze until the temperature is consistently set below zero. Frost is already the pores on the skin of the body are closed, the internal heat will no longer come out and we will cease so much to freeze. During the cold winter due to lack of Fire element in the external surrounding space within us accumulates, the origin of Life Earth-Water, cool in their properties. Very early in the spring, needed the Wind to "turn winter into summer". Along with the melting snow, when increased solar activity, Earth-Water within us "melt and flow", in the form of sniffles and colds, together with microbes and viruses frozen in the winter months, that is, "poyavyatsya" or "we will find them". And at this time of the year will gradually accumulate, the origin of life, the Fire that manifest themselves in the form of heat disease later. And the Ground-Water after the peak of its activity will begin to dwindle.

And so throughout the year there is a change of activity Life Began growth and accumulation, the peak of activity or manifestation, and the period of extinction.

Why is it important to monitor this? Need for prevention in the period of accumulation to the peak of activity did not manifest the disease. During the activity of Wind – disease of the Wind, in the period of activity of Fire – heat illness, etc.

In the ancient calendars have been clearly marked seasonal activity of a primary element. They were designed by days with a guide on the days of the winter and summer solstice and spring and autumn equinoxes. For this calendar, our ancestors were guided what food to take, what behaviors to consider. Know how to correctly handle the balance in a Life Started and the whole way of life was built in collaboration okruzhayuschim the natural world to extract the maximum power and long life in a healthy body. Over time, the essence of ancient knowledge was lost and left in the ruins of the habits posts, and recommendations of the fragmentary in everyday life. That in essence is the highest understanding of the laws of interdependence between man and nature, was declared paganism. We still have to return this knowledge has value for all areas of human life.

The change in the activity of life started during the year (for Tibet).

From the book by Geshe Rinchen Tenzin "Science of health". published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.ustinova.info/izmenenie-zhiznennyh-nachal/