Science Owl Rigpa: Five elements and Three vital beginnings
Translated from the Tibetan "owl rigpa" – literally "science of the restoration." Or in short "sorig". This name is used in the ancient text "chzhud-Shi". Or, in other words, in the "Four Tantras" (four books), as it is now called the main surviving text on Tibetan medicine. In Indian and Chinese medical science this term is not found. There is speculation that this designation of the ancient system of knowledge, which through the times has brought us to the Tibetan tradition.
Tibetan medicine is not working as the West. The effect of Western medicine, as you know, it can be instant. The Tibetans certainly know how to make medications that help immediately, but if the meds are very strong (to them since they are fast-acting medicines), they can help one on, but to harm another. For this reason, Tibetan medicine have a softer impact in order to avoid harm to the patient's body, and only benefit. For this reason, Tibetan medicines are made from many components – from three to more than eighty components in one product.
These drugs have a special quality that, despite a slow effect, only heal the ailment, without causing imbalance or damage to other parts of the body. And if taking drugs to combine a proper diet and lifestyle, the disease will be more effective and faster results.
Some say that Tibetan medicine can cure any disease, but it is not so. There are certain diseases which in the later stages of their development become incurable. Tibetan medicine recognizes it, of course. There are also diseases that can be treated with Western methods and Vice versa there is disease, to cope with which is easier by means of traditional Tibetan Sciences.
It is best in curing the diseases to learn to share the ways of Western and Tibetan medicine, depending on the characteristics of the case. This will give the best result in the affected individuals.
One of the main differences between Western and Tibetan method is the nature of the impact of medicines: Tibetan act mildly, to obtain the result required long-term use. All the medicines are composed of natural substances and in fact, not being artificially manufactured chemical substance, identical with the nature of the human body. Most of the multi-component compositions, in addition to the main, herbs balance the activity of the drugs, removing the possibility of side effects. Tibetan medicine, unlike Western, are paying more attention not so much to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and eradicate the causes: after all, if you remove the root of the disease, the symptoms will disappear by themselves.
So, returning to our main theme, namely, to understanding what kind of food suits us and what is harmful, you must first learn how Owl Rigpa explains what is in the human body.
Our body, like the body of any living creature and all material, be it plant, animal or any other living organisms, consists of five elements: SPACE, WIND, FIRE, WATER and EARTH. We are surrounded by different physical phenomena, they can have different properties: to be warm, cold, hot, liquid, solid, etc. It depends on in what proportions they are the percentage of primary elements, of which the prevails. But the there are five. If these five elements don't come together, nothing material can be formed.
What images help us to understand what are these five elements? Try to understand.
SPACE is something that everyone produces, is the potential for the emergence of all, "space is always pregnant." This is the sphere within which anything takes place, this is something that is limited to its borders. There has been a border defined the limits – and we are talking about the origin of the element SPACE. Appears SPACE – appears. Field for the emergence of something. Sphere. Place.
And the first inside Space there is a WIND. It is similar to the first idea that emerged in the universe. There is a point goal, which directs all movement of masses of space, and this activity, this driving force, this kind of electric current - just the WIND.
So, there is a SPACE inside the Movement originated in the Church. While the SPACE is still empty, the WIND becomes more active, stronger, resistance, and obstacles on the way there, and the wind accelerates to the hurricane. The quality of his vibration goes as the vibration of the Fire. (Remember how to produce a spark of fire by active friction of the motion).
Together, SPACE and WIND give rise to the third element – FIRE.
Here the FIRE is already warm, it is energy, it is a characteristic of strength. Wind as a guide activity, like a black line on a plane white sheet of paper. And fire as a power, like Energy, red-orange, burning leaf, it fills the space a new quality – Heat or heat.
The WIND is thin and neutral like the idea, just directional movement. It can move in all directions. FIRE – hot, melting all around. Quality – ease, and it tends upward. And now, in the space determined the up direction.
Fire flaring up, melts all around and appears in space as a Flow, connecting all – it appears the primary element WATER. WATER is born as opposite in direction, to the FIRE, it drains, it is heavier and denser, tends downward. The WATER is down, FIRE is up, because WATER is heavy. Due to its internal gravity, light Wind is displaced to the outside and begins to dry along with the FIRE, movement slowing down, the WIND getting smaller inside of her, the WIND outside knocked the water into a ball, compacting the mass.
And WATER in its fluidity takes on stop – its quality of heaviness builds up, it thickens, and it turns out more dense component is the fifth element EARTH.
Now we have images of birth 5 elements – Space, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth, combinations of which represent the entire animate and inanimate matter on our planet.
Why do we need this to understand? The fact that each of the five elements has its own set of characteristics. These properties and qualities explain the relationship of natural phenomena in their entirety. And we, in fact, they do not even need to study, they are familiar to us from his experiences from early childhood. Simply focus – fire, hot, burn, the water is cool, earth is heavy, cold, if not heated by the sun. In the foregoing, nothing original, but it is attention to the nature of the nature of things gives us the ability to control their life force.
Remember, to begin with, the qualitative characteristics of the important elements.
Wind – lightness, mobility, roughness (roughness), cool (fresh), delicacy (finesse), toughness (firmness), dry
Fire – heat, sharpness, oiliness, lightness, stench (giving the odor), moisture (as opposed to dry).
Land and Water it is possible to integrate a common set of qualities, and because they are responsible for the created form all the world around us.
Earth-Water – heaviness, coldness, oiliness, dullness, softness, smoothness, stability or the stability and stickiness or tackiness.
We will try again to turn on your intuition and through the characteristics to recognize in ourselves and around ourselves the five elements. Words translated from the Tibetan cannot immediately fully explain us the concept, which is referring to our Teacher, but in the process of reading the book, all will be clear. In the future throughout the lecture, the Teacher always operates on these terms.
When we consider the human as part of nature, simplifying, we are talking about the three Vital Sources – the WIND, FIRE and EARTH-WATER, implying that everything is within Space and Space within the whole. AND THE WATER-LAND. as a material it's always kind of the Slurry or Dough, or Stone, depending on the quantitative proportions of land and water, this material is the mass from which something was made.
Why is based on three Vital Principles or, as the Tibetans "root causes" and not just 5 elements? Because we consist of 3 levels (the quality of purity of elements):
— the first level, the subtle level of thought, our consciousness,
— the second level of energy or "speech",
— the third level, the gross level of the physical body or manifest shape, which, because of ignorance, we identify ourselves and.
And it is this manifest form – our body (Earth-Water) we come to treat to the doctor. At the same time, forgetting that all three levels or three Life Began, together, create a living creature. Who has thoughts, activity, movement (Wind) energy, the power of the senses, the power of belief, desires (Fire). And to cure a Person need to manage all three Life Principles. Including, therefore, the faith of the patient (a compound of Wind and Fire) in your doctor, increases the effects of medication.
And science Rigpa Owl, considering the relationship and weave of life started three diagnoses, prescribes medication and treatments, assisting not only at the level of the physical body (Ground level), but also at the level of Fire and Wind – energy and psyche.
In Tibetan, WIND, FIRE, WATER-EARTH will be lung, Tripa, bad-Kan is that earlier it was translated into Russian language as Wind, Bile and phlegm respectively, and the origin of Life was translated as "Dosha", although the word in Sanskrit, the correct term in Tibetan is "NEPA". For practicing Owl Rigpa, these words have developed a completely different concept than the usual ears of the reader the meaning of these words. Because the book focuses on a wide range of readers, unacquainted with the peculiarities of the Tibetan approach, we have taken the liberty, with the blessing of the teachers to put into practice simple values corresponding to a semantic understanding of the nature of the phenomena under consideration.
Our teacher explains further...
How in the body can present Fire, Wind? Land and Water? Here we have in mind that we are the purest, the most subtle particles of the five elements. When emerging life of man, it arises from the connection of the white element of the father and of the red element** mother. These two components of the mom and dad must contain five elements: fire, water, earth, wind and space.
To better understand the logic of this process, refer to the example of baking bread. As the Foundation of reproduction stands the land: in the case of bread, for this purpose, we need flour, – this is what you may receive in General any form or substance. When baking bread in order to give him a certainty on the level of form, we add in the flour water. By analogy and in the human body the element of earth water is added. The water binds the flour, but just mixed with water a lump of dough, is not strong enough. It must stir, work with hands, add movement. In the human body, that job belongs to the element Wind. The combination of Earth, Water and Wind gives strength to each formation... But in order for the bread was ready, the needed fire, as the body needs heat.
All is the subtlest of the elements and of matter, invisible to the eye that should not be taken literally, if in the body there is a fire in the hearth. But, if we do not have at least one of these components, the body can not be formed, the child will not be born.
If any of those elements in abundance or lack, respectively, the child will be born with the advantage of the characteristics of WIND, FIRE or EARTH-WATER. But if the preponderance of one of the Life Started will be very significant, the child will be born sick. And disease characteristics will correspond to WIND, FIRE or EARTH-WATER, what was in excess. If something is too much, something too small to be – and should be a harmonious balance. A slight disharmony is easily restored.
And when we go beyond its balance – there is an IMBALANCE, it manifests in our body as ILLNESS.
Similarly as with bread, if too much flour the bread will be dry, a lot of fire – burning, wrong wind – the movement of the mixing, the bread will turn out lumpy and loose.
If the father element and the red element of the mother three vital elements are in balance, equilibrium, the child will be born completely healthy. When the child has grown, has found a permanent form of an adult, we can talk about the balance of three Life Began in his body. You can define the individual norm is the predominance of one of the three vital aspects or two together, or a harmonious combination of all three.
So man can be with advantage:
nature Wind
nature Fire
nature Water Earth
nature Wind – Fire
nature Water-Earth – Fire
nature-Wind – Water-Earth
nature-Wind – Water-Earth – Fire
Still, it is important to say that in all tissues of our body elements are in different proportions, what element is more the element belongs... In particular, bone, muscle, skin and other hard components of the body belong to the element earth. Blood, lymph and body fluid belong to the water element. Breath, the ability of flexion and extension of limbs, the ability to speak and move as a whole, belongs to the element wind. The blood itself refers to the Ground — Water, and its motion is due to the Wind. Fire maintains vital body heat and provides the digestion of food. The primary element Space is present in our hollow organs, but he, at the same time, and the space in which the body is where it can expand and grow. If there is no space, for example, in the stone hit the seed, but the plant will not grow, because there is no place to grow. The primary element SPACE is not so easy to detect, but without it anywhere, and it's in everything.
From the book: Geshe Rinchen Tenzin "Science of health" published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/pervoelementn-i-zhiznennyu-nachala/

Tibetan medicine is not working as the West. The effect of Western medicine, as you know, it can be instant. The Tibetans certainly know how to make medications that help immediately, but if the meds are very strong (to them since they are fast-acting medicines), they can help one on, but to harm another. For this reason, Tibetan medicine have a softer impact in order to avoid harm to the patient's body, and only benefit. For this reason, Tibetan medicines are made from many components – from three to more than eighty components in one product.
These drugs have a special quality that, despite a slow effect, only heal the ailment, without causing imbalance or damage to other parts of the body. And if taking drugs to combine a proper diet and lifestyle, the disease will be more effective and faster results.
Some say that Tibetan medicine can cure any disease, but it is not so. There are certain diseases which in the later stages of their development become incurable. Tibetan medicine recognizes it, of course. There are also diseases that can be treated with Western methods and Vice versa there is disease, to cope with which is easier by means of traditional Tibetan Sciences.
It is best in curing the diseases to learn to share the ways of Western and Tibetan medicine, depending on the characteristics of the case. This will give the best result in the affected individuals.
One of the main differences between Western and Tibetan method is the nature of the impact of medicines: Tibetan act mildly, to obtain the result required long-term use. All the medicines are composed of natural substances and in fact, not being artificially manufactured chemical substance, identical with the nature of the human body. Most of the multi-component compositions, in addition to the main, herbs balance the activity of the drugs, removing the possibility of side effects. Tibetan medicine, unlike Western, are paying more attention not so much to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and eradicate the causes: after all, if you remove the root of the disease, the symptoms will disappear by themselves.
So, returning to our main theme, namely, to understanding what kind of food suits us and what is harmful, you must first learn how Owl Rigpa explains what is in the human body.
Our body, like the body of any living creature and all material, be it plant, animal or any other living organisms, consists of five elements: SPACE, WIND, FIRE, WATER and EARTH. We are surrounded by different physical phenomena, they can have different properties: to be warm, cold, hot, liquid, solid, etc. It depends on in what proportions they are the percentage of primary elements, of which the prevails. But the there are five. If these five elements don't come together, nothing material can be formed.
What images help us to understand what are these five elements? Try to understand.
SPACE is something that everyone produces, is the potential for the emergence of all, "space is always pregnant." This is the sphere within which anything takes place, this is something that is limited to its borders. There has been a border defined the limits – and we are talking about the origin of the element SPACE. Appears SPACE – appears. Field for the emergence of something. Sphere. Place.
And the first inside Space there is a WIND. It is similar to the first idea that emerged in the universe. There is a point goal, which directs all movement of masses of space, and this activity, this driving force, this kind of electric current - just the WIND.
So, there is a SPACE inside the Movement originated in the Church. While the SPACE is still empty, the WIND becomes more active, stronger, resistance, and obstacles on the way there, and the wind accelerates to the hurricane. The quality of his vibration goes as the vibration of the Fire. (Remember how to produce a spark of fire by active friction of the motion).
Together, SPACE and WIND give rise to the third element – FIRE.
Here the FIRE is already warm, it is energy, it is a characteristic of strength. Wind as a guide activity, like a black line on a plane white sheet of paper. And fire as a power, like Energy, red-orange, burning leaf, it fills the space a new quality – Heat or heat.
The WIND is thin and neutral like the idea, just directional movement. It can move in all directions. FIRE – hot, melting all around. Quality – ease, and it tends upward. And now, in the space determined the up direction.
Fire flaring up, melts all around and appears in space as a Flow, connecting all – it appears the primary element WATER. WATER is born as opposite in direction, to the FIRE, it drains, it is heavier and denser, tends downward. The WATER is down, FIRE is up, because WATER is heavy. Due to its internal gravity, light Wind is displaced to the outside and begins to dry along with the FIRE, movement slowing down, the WIND getting smaller inside of her, the WIND outside knocked the water into a ball, compacting the mass.
And WATER in its fluidity takes on stop – its quality of heaviness builds up, it thickens, and it turns out more dense component is the fifth element EARTH.
Now we have images of birth 5 elements – Space, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth, combinations of which represent the entire animate and inanimate matter on our planet.
Why do we need this to understand? The fact that each of the five elements has its own set of characteristics. These properties and qualities explain the relationship of natural phenomena in their entirety. And we, in fact, they do not even need to study, they are familiar to us from his experiences from early childhood. Simply focus – fire, hot, burn, the water is cool, earth is heavy, cold, if not heated by the sun. In the foregoing, nothing original, but it is attention to the nature of the nature of things gives us the ability to control their life force.
Remember, to begin with, the qualitative characteristics of the important elements.
Wind – lightness, mobility, roughness (roughness), cool (fresh), delicacy (finesse), toughness (firmness), dry
Fire – heat, sharpness, oiliness, lightness, stench (giving the odor), moisture (as opposed to dry).
Land and Water it is possible to integrate a common set of qualities, and because they are responsible for the created form all the world around us.
Earth-Water – heaviness, coldness, oiliness, dullness, softness, smoothness, stability or the stability and stickiness or tackiness.
We will try again to turn on your intuition and through the characteristics to recognize in ourselves and around ourselves the five elements. Words translated from the Tibetan cannot immediately fully explain us the concept, which is referring to our Teacher, but in the process of reading the book, all will be clear. In the future throughout the lecture, the Teacher always operates on these terms.
When we consider the human as part of nature, simplifying, we are talking about the three Vital Sources – the WIND, FIRE and EARTH-WATER, implying that everything is within Space and Space within the whole. AND THE WATER-LAND. as a material it's always kind of the Slurry or Dough, or Stone, depending on the quantitative proportions of land and water, this material is the mass from which something was made.
Why is based on three Vital Principles or, as the Tibetans "root causes" and not just 5 elements? Because we consist of 3 levels (the quality of purity of elements):
— the first level, the subtle level of thought, our consciousness,
— the second level of energy or "speech",
— the third level, the gross level of the physical body or manifest shape, which, because of ignorance, we identify ourselves and.
And it is this manifest form – our body (Earth-Water) we come to treat to the doctor. At the same time, forgetting that all three levels or three Life Began, together, create a living creature. Who has thoughts, activity, movement (Wind) energy, the power of the senses, the power of belief, desires (Fire). And to cure a Person need to manage all three Life Principles. Including, therefore, the faith of the patient (a compound of Wind and Fire) in your doctor, increases the effects of medication.
And science Rigpa Owl, considering the relationship and weave of life started three diagnoses, prescribes medication and treatments, assisting not only at the level of the physical body (Ground level), but also at the level of Fire and Wind – energy and psyche.
In Tibetan, WIND, FIRE, WATER-EARTH will be lung, Tripa, bad-Kan is that earlier it was translated into Russian language as Wind, Bile and phlegm respectively, and the origin of Life was translated as "Dosha", although the word in Sanskrit, the correct term in Tibetan is "NEPA". For practicing Owl Rigpa, these words have developed a completely different concept than the usual ears of the reader the meaning of these words. Because the book focuses on a wide range of readers, unacquainted with the peculiarities of the Tibetan approach, we have taken the liberty, with the blessing of the teachers to put into practice simple values corresponding to a semantic understanding of the nature of the phenomena under consideration.
Our teacher explains further...
How in the body can present Fire, Wind? Land and Water? Here we have in mind that we are the purest, the most subtle particles of the five elements. When emerging life of man, it arises from the connection of the white element of the father and of the red element** mother. These two components of the mom and dad must contain five elements: fire, water, earth, wind and space.
To better understand the logic of this process, refer to the example of baking bread. As the Foundation of reproduction stands the land: in the case of bread, for this purpose, we need flour, – this is what you may receive in General any form or substance. When baking bread in order to give him a certainty on the level of form, we add in the flour water. By analogy and in the human body the element of earth water is added. The water binds the flour, but just mixed with water a lump of dough, is not strong enough. It must stir, work with hands, add movement. In the human body, that job belongs to the element Wind. The combination of Earth, Water and Wind gives strength to each formation... But in order for the bread was ready, the needed fire, as the body needs heat.
All is the subtlest of the elements and of matter, invisible to the eye that should not be taken literally, if in the body there is a fire in the hearth. But, if we do not have at least one of these components, the body can not be formed, the child will not be born.
If any of those elements in abundance or lack, respectively, the child will be born with the advantage of the characteristics of WIND, FIRE or EARTH-WATER. But if the preponderance of one of the Life Started will be very significant, the child will be born sick. And disease characteristics will correspond to WIND, FIRE or EARTH-WATER, what was in excess. If something is too much, something too small to be – and should be a harmonious balance. A slight disharmony is easily restored.
And when we go beyond its balance – there is an IMBALANCE, it manifests in our body as ILLNESS.
Similarly as with bread, if too much flour the bread will be dry, a lot of fire – burning, wrong wind – the movement of the mixing, the bread will turn out lumpy and loose.
If the father element and the red element of the mother three vital elements are in balance, equilibrium, the child will be born completely healthy. When the child has grown, has found a permanent form of an adult, we can talk about the balance of three Life Began in his body. You can define the individual norm is the predominance of one of the three vital aspects or two together, or a harmonious combination of all three.
So man can be with advantage:
nature Wind
nature Fire
nature Water Earth
nature Wind – Fire
nature Water-Earth – Fire
nature-Wind – Water-Earth
nature-Wind – Water-Earth – Fire
Still, it is important to say that in all tissues of our body elements are in different proportions, what element is more the element belongs... In particular, bone, muscle, skin and other hard components of the body belong to the element earth. Blood, lymph and body fluid belong to the water element. Breath, the ability of flexion and extension of limbs, the ability to speak and move as a whole, belongs to the element wind. The blood itself refers to the Ground — Water, and its motion is due to the Wind. Fire maintains vital body heat and provides the digestion of food. The primary element Space is present in our hollow organs, but he, at the same time, and the space in which the body is where it can expand and grow. If there is no space, for example, in the stone hit the seed, but the plant will not grow, because there is no place to grow. The primary element SPACE is not so easy to detect, but without it anywhere, and it's in everything.
From the book: Geshe Rinchen Tenzin "Science of health" published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ustinova.info/pervoelementn-i-zhiznennyu-nachala/